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Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare |OT| "Aaaaargh, zombie cougars!"


I'm thinking of going for the disk based one. Didn't dissappoint with Episodes either though that certainly had alot more singleplayer content.

Love the boxart though and I'm a sucker for adding more boxes to my collection :lol


Given how expensive the disc is, I think I might just rebuy RDR for the new content. If I can find it cheap.

Either way I need to play this.


I'd love to buy the disc version just for the boxart, but there's no way i'm waiting any longer for Undead Nightmare, so i'll just download the DLC, print out the boxart and stick it in an empty case to put it on my game shelf :lol


5 hours-ish campaign for 10 bucks. This is awesome. When I 100%ed red dead I knew I would be done for a while. I'm totally ready for more now.


Any news on if the Disc version will simply install the extra content onto the HDD? Was the GTA episodes disc like this?
I borrowed the game from a friend and finished it. I'm a bit sad now that the Undead disc release does not feature the main game as well.
Will wait for RDR: Complete Edition with RDR main game (old savegames supported), all mp addons and UN. I guess that will take a while though :/


The next 10 days will be really something...

October 20: Costume Quest
October 22: Fallout: New Vegas
October 26: Undead Nightmare
Wow, this looks amazing. More developers must recognise that they simply need to add zombies to make their game better.

However, i'm not liking the idea of the disc not including the original RDR - Take2 are tight cunts in this regard. They seem to be attending the ODST school of value, but I don't know if this will be anywhere near as fleshed out. At least it's not full price I guess..


Got rid of Read Dead after completing it, fucking lame!!! Why can't I just get the downloadable content for 10 bucks? Come on Rockstar, gonna have to pass.

Hey You

Zeitgeister said:
Zombie cougars... fffuuuuu. I really wouldn't want to run into that on a random stroll through the woods. :lol
Me either.

I'm hoping I'm not required to go into Tall Trees very much during the Story. Even right now I"m scared shitless of Bears and cougars.


Does anyone know if any of Undead Nightmare takes place in Mexico? I can't recall offhand if I've seen media to suggest we'll be fighting zombies on the other side of the border.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
Has Rockstar mentioned how big the dlc is? I only have room for either this or lair of the shadow broker and I'm leaning towards getting this next week and saving shadow broker for when I upgrade to a 360S.


New Video

The Graveyards

Hey You said:
Me either.

I'm hoping I'm not required to go into Tall Trees very much during the Story. Even right now I"m scared shitless of Bears and cougars.

You just know they'll be sending you in there probably on a night lashed with rain and lightning.


New Interview with Dan Houser

Rockstar Games' Red Dead Redemption married the company's peerless open-world game design with the Old West to spectacular results earlier this year. Since the game's release, Rockstar has released an assortment of downloadable content packs that have enhanced the game's competitive and cooperative multiplayer modes. The latest DLC, Undead Nightmare, is due for release on October 26 and promises a change of pace from what has come before. The upcoming content pack features an all-new single-player experience focused around main character John Marston's handling of a zombie plague that's wreaking havoc. We picked the brains of the VP of creative at Rockstar, Dan Houser, about the upcoming content pack to find out how you drop zombies in the Old West.

GameSpot: One of Red Dead Redemption's biggest strengths was its instantly relatable story of one man trying to reunite with his family. It's probably fair to say that a zombie outbreak doesn't carry that same real-world familiarity. Why the decision to move in a more fantastical direction with Undead Nightmare?

Dan Houser: Personally, I spend far too little time racing around the country on a horse killing former business associates, so I don't know how much of Marston's story I could relate to in that way. Finding something that people can relate to is vital in any "quest"-type story, whatever the setting. The challenge with red Dead Redemption, from a narrative standpoint was to take the myths and motifs of the Wild West and arrange them in a way that felt like they did resonate with a contemporary audience, while still being very much part of the Wild West tradition, and one of the key ways we did that was, as you say, through Marston's family.

With Undead Nightmare, we have long wanted to find a way to make zombies interesting, and one of the ways that we thought we could do that was by putting zombies into an existing universe, so the player gets to see how characters they already know respond to the madness of a zombie outbreak. This is, we believe, more interesting than creating a world that people do not know and using it purely for zombies. So, the fantastical direction was something we wanted to impose on an existing nonfantastical world, and because of their shared American cinematic heritage, the beautiful landscape, and our love for the character set, we felt Red Dead was a perfect candidate for that. And, as this adventure comes together, we are really pleased with the results: zombies obviously add a new dimension to the world, and at the same time, the familiar world of Red Dead Redemption adds something from a narrative perspective to a zombie experience. It gives it context and depth it would otherwise lack.

GS: Compared to the frequently irreverent world of Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead felt a lot more straight-laced and consistently serious (though we did get some of that eccentricity with characters like Seth and Irish). Was that much of an influence on the decision to go a little more "out there" with this DLC? A creative change of pace, so to speak?

DH: That's an interesting question. We definitely take the tone of a game very seriously. For Red Dead, the goal was not particularly seriousness, but to make a Western that was not cheesy or camp, as Westerns have a habit of becoming cheesy or camp if played remotely for laughs. We wanted a game that had some humor in it, however, and I hope we managed that. Certainly, at the end of the game, we liked the characters and the mood of the world, and wanted to make more content for it. But I think as to why we chose to do a zombie game for Red Dead not GTA, the answer is a combination of factors--partly mechanical (we love the shooting mechanic and dead eye in Red Dead, and zombies lend themselves well to a world of dead eye headshots!), partly environmental (we wanted to see zombies running over the plains--it feels like a 1970s horror film), and partly narrative--for whatever ludicrous reason, it felt and still feels right using John Marston as a zombie hunter more than, say, Niko or CJ. Why that should be the case, it is hard to know, but it is. We wanted the gameworld to feel like a 1970s movie set in which by day people shot a serious revisionist Western, and by night some maniacs invaded the studio and filmed a somewhat insane horror movie using the same sets and cast.

GS: A lot of people are probably wondering how Undead Nightmare fits into the overall narrative of Red Dead Redemption. Should we read this as Red Dead canon, or more of an alternate reality or dream sequence scenario? Can you explain the reasoning behind that decision?

DH: The Undead Nightmare story takes place during the "home" period of the main game, while John is trying to rebuild his ranch but before the end of the game--a period that we imagined took several months. (If you've played the game to the end, please don't put spoilers in the comments.) You play Undead Nightmare as John, and it is an entirely stand-alone game that runs separately from Red Dead Redemption's main story and not part of any Red Dead Redemption canon, if such a thing exists. Red Dead Revolver is also its own universe, but the world of Red Dead Redemption was always meant to be a world in which the myths and realities of the American frontier collide. As for whether it's literally a nightmare or not--you are going to have to play the game and find out for yourself.

GS: What were the lessons you learned from The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony that you applied to this first proper single-player expansion of Red Dead?

DH: The underlying goal with both The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony was to make two games that felt very different from each other and from the main GTA4 experience--that changed the gameplay experience as much as possible, while providing different, intersecting narratives. We still believe in that approach; i.e. a story should be entirely separate, with overlap perhaps but not a direct continuation of a game's story, and the mechanics should be altered as much as possible to provide a new gameplay experience. We just used that same philosophy to do very different things this time (make a different genre of game within a world the player already knows), to turn a Western into a survival horror game. DLC and game expansions remain very much areas of experimentation for us, but we have enjoyed working both the interlinked urban narrative approach in GTA and the "change the world" approach for Red Dead.

GS: On the subject of those earlier expansions, why did you elect to stick with John Marston as the protagonist instead of shifting the focus to a previously minor character? Is that still something you're aiming to do with future Red Dead DLC?

DH: Without wishing to go into story spoiler territory here, because we loved John Marston as a character. And because, as I mentioned above, we felt a zombie plague was most interesting when imposed on a known world, a world and character set the player is already familiar with. At the moment, we are solely focused on Undead Nightmare.

GS: The world of zombie fiction spans a pretty wide gulf, from the humorous (Shaun of the Dead) to the legitimately scary (28 Days Later). Tell us about the type of tone and atmosphere you guys ultimately settled on with Undead Nightmare and how you arrived there.

DH: It's difficult because zombies are inherently ridiculous, but they also have to be frightening or the game would be very boring, so we tried to find a tone that was legitimately terrifying at times and somewhat silly or self-aware at other times. Again, using the character set and landscape from Red Dead Redemption made both easier. Using known characters gives you a shorthand for both humor and fear as players already know about the characters and their relationships and helps us mine them for satire, social commentary, or pathos, while the American countryside and its landscape is as much part of horror iconography as it is for the Wild West.

GS: Red Dead was a terrific hit on all fronts, but the Internet wouldn't be the Internet without some criticism of the game. How much did postrelease feedback on Red Dead factor into the development of Undead Nightmare?

DH: Not that much in the case of this pack. We used the other DLC to put into the game things people felt were missing (like minigames into free roam, for example) or title updates to fix bugs and make smaller changes. As a result of fan feedback, we will be releasing a title update at the time of release that lets all players play multiplayer free roam without friendly fire, should they wish. But of all the various bits of feedback we saw online, I don't think we ever saw the phrase "what this game is missing is the super natural," and that is part of what attracted us--it simply was not what people expected, and we felt we could make something that was interesting for us and would be very fun for fans. An open-world zombie game that we could sell for 10 dollars, and that we felt really transformed and enhanced the single-player experience in an interesting way.

GS: Thanks for your time.



R* said:
New Undead Nightmare Screens & Details: Saving Towns from the Zombie Plague


Dealing with the zombie plague that's decimating the landscape and reawakening the hungry dead in next week's Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare means helping those that are still alive and fighting off zombies in many of the towns, outposts and settlements.

To help save these towns from the zombie hordes, you'll need to find survivors and assist them in eradicating the zombies, both by supplying them with much needed ammunition, which can be found in ammunition chests scattered around town, and by taking to the rooftops to assist first hand in wiping out the attacking mobs of undead.

A town's infection level is indicated by the number of circles displayed on the town defense meter. As you root out zombies and deliver ammunition to townsfolk the circles will begin to fill up. Once all the circles in the display are full, any remaining zombies in town will automatically be added to your map.

Once all the zombies in town have been hunted down and dealt with, the town will be considered "safe", and you can save your progress there as well as fast travel to other towns from that location. But beware, the undead threat is persistent - so towns will only remain safe for so long before coming under attack again. Additionally, if you ignore a town in peril for too long, survivors will slowly start dying.

Best of luck - and safe zombie huntin' come the 26th...

R* said:
12 New Achievements/Trophies in the Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare Pack


As you fight the deadly zombie plague across the frontier in Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare – you’ll be able to earn 12 new in-game accomplishments on both Xbox 360 (as Achievements) and PlayStation 3 (as Trophies) along the way. Revealed here today are five of them... You'll have to wait until game release to find out what the other seven secret hidden accomplishments are.

Fight off 8 unique players during your reign on top during Land Grab in Free Roam.

Attain Rank 5 in all Undead Challenges.

Make it to wave 15 in Undead Overrun Gametype in Multiplayer.

Have every territory saved at the same time during the Undead Nightmare.

Attain 100% Game Completion in Undead Nightmare.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Oh god, I just know that Bigfoot is going to scare the shit out of me in the game. I have an unnatural fear of it. Bleh, now I dread roaming around alone at night.


R* said:
Title Update 1.05 for Red Dead Redemption on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360

In preparation for the release of Undead Nightmare this week, a new automatic title update (version 1.05) for Red Dead Redemption has been deployed on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. You will be prompted to download the title update as soon as you sign into PlayStation Network or Xbox LIVE.

Noteworthy changes and fixes include:

- Friendly Free Roam now available for those that wish to play with player-vs-player killing disabled
- Markers in preparation for Land Grab in Free Roam, which will be available next week with the installation of Undead Nightmare DLC
- Fix for issues with Days Passed being reset
- Fix for co-op achievements not advancing after passing into legend
- Fix for players griefing by voting each other out of the game in Poker and Liar’s Dice
- Permanent clientside unlock for Redemption and Damnation characters (can use them on System Link without Internet connection)
- Poker and Grand Prix Leaderboards fixed to correct information displayed
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