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Resistance 3 Announced?

fistfulofmetal said:
Out of all the thing that I could say here to the subject of "How to make R3 not suck like R2 did." There's one thing in particular I would like to emphasis.

Snow. I want. Fucking. Snow.

Unrelated, but if you like snow, definitely play Uncharted 2. I'd go as far as to say that for you, it might well be the gaming equivalent of Natalie Portman.

You will cum buckets. Guaranteed.


MrPliskin said:
You thought Resistance 2 was horrible, but dug Killzone 2? Wat?

Killzone 2 was a big bag of pretty, wrapped up with poor controls, a terrible and uninspired story, and some really embarrassing 'boss' encounters (just as Resistance 2 had). I certainly don't think it had anything over R2 as a game, barring visuals.

Edit: Oh great, Kittonwy is here to tell us what's right and what's wrong, and how HDR would have saved R2. *sauce*

God forbid I'm here to tell you what's right and what's wrong because I can actually tell good gameplay from bad.

Killzone 2 actually has much better controls than R2 when you compare shooting from the hip or even aiming down the sights, you might have trouble with it, but people routinely execute headshots with the standard rifle from afar, compared to the R2 carbine where you can basically go scope and it's still fucking useless more than ten feet away, the problem with R2 is other than the sniper rifle and the marksman all the other weapons are extremely short-ranged, the whole weapon range and accuracy in R2 was just completely fucked up. And unlike Killzone 2, in R2 sprint doesn't feel like sprint.

In terms of boss fights, even a Killzone 2 mini-boss like the heavy is more interesting than fighting the stupid swarm in R2.

I'm not sure why suggesting better visuals is a bad thing, unless you like your games to look like crap, HDR lighting is pretty standard nowadays.


Methinks a distinct lack of JStevenson means this is true.

Also... guessing Insomniac is none-too-pleased about this being the way their next game was revealed. Sony has really been letting them down lately: no marketing for R2, no marketing for RCF2, and now this.


Ravidrath said:
Methinks a distinct lack of JStevenson means this is true.

Also... guessing Insomniac is none-too-pleased about this being the way their next game was revealed. Sony has really been letting them down lately: no marketing for R2, no marketing for RCF2, and now this.


The R2 ARG (which wasn't very good, but was there none the less) and commercials for R2 around its launch. Yea. No marketing at all.


dalin80 said:
the myres community is the last one you would want to listen too, should be nuked from orbit, its the only way to be sure.

far too much of R:fom was lost, everything unique it had was cut in favour of a cod/halo clone and the end result was poor.

3rd times the charm.

Also a final boss slightly more involved then walking in a circle would be nice to see as well, seriously did anyone even bother to test that?


some graphical tweaks


everything else

A lot of the people who suggested changes to make the game play more like other games but they didn't understand simply mashing gameplay mechanics together doesn't necessarily work, everything from the gameplay style, level layouts, ironsights, hit point/bullet damage and recoil needed to be COMPLETELY REWORKED, and Insomniac didn't spend anywhere near enough time to fine-tune everything.

I don't even want the magnum in R2, if they want to take a look at what other developers are doing, look at the M6S in ODST and figure out why it works so well, not every weapon works well in ODST but the M6S is the best weapon in the game in terms of feel at least for the SP campaign. Standard rifle should be easy to figure out as so many games has gotten it right.


DigiMish said:

The R2 ARG (which wasn't very good, but was there none the less) and commercials for R2 around its launch. Yea. No marketing at all.

One giant building billboard near my apartment and an ARG is not a marketing campaign - billboards like that are all over Los Angeles and not particularly expensive, and the ARGs are pretty cheap.

For one of the bigger Sony exclusives last year, Sony had almost no marketing for it. I never saw any TV commericials for it, that's for sure.

Killzone 2 got MUCH more marketing, overall, which is probably why they didn't push R2 much - that was their "big" FPS for fiscal 2008, and so it got more attention and money.


Ravidrath said:
Methinks a distinct lack of JStevenson means this is true.

Also... guessing Insomniac is none-too-pleased about this being the way their next game was revealed. Sony has really been letting them down lately: no marketing for R2, no marketing for RCF2, and now this.

It's up to Insomniac to get the reveal right, and that will depend on the actual game content, no fancy marketing can substitute for game quality.


Kittonwy said:
It's up to Insomniac to get the reveal right, and that will depend on the actual game content, no fancy marketing can substitute for game quality.

It's not up to Insomniac to reveal the game - Sony's the publisher, and marketing is basically their only duty, besides printing the discs. Insomniac can help by providing materials, spokesmen, etc., but they'd have to know about it first.

I'd honestly be surprised if Insomniac even knew this was happening - guessing they gave Sony the logo for general use, and Sony thought they'd product place the game with it. It's over a year away, too, so there probably isn't really anything that is showable right now, anyway - if Sony wants a bigger reveal, they have to wait until there are builds to take screens and videos from.

To the general marketing issue...

I haven't played R2, but everything I've heard indicates it would not generate positive word-of-mouth. Sony may have thought they could get away without marketing it, based on it being a sequel and Insomniac's good name.

That said, marketing people are generally incapable of perceiving quality, and good marketing plans have to be in place well before they can know how good the game itself is because they plan out the "slot" it will fill a year or more in advance.

While the game's actual quality could have negatively impacted sales, if Sony was behind it, it would not have impacted the marketing budget.
Ravidrath said:
One giant building billboard near my apartment and an ARG is not a marketing campaign - billboards like that are all over Los Angeles and not particularly expensive, and the ARGs are pretty cheap.

For one of the bigger Sony exclusives last year, Sony had almost no marketing for it. I never saw any TV commericials for it, that's for sure.

Killzone 2 got MUCH more marketing, overall, which is probably why they didn't push R2 much - that was their "big" FPS for fiscal 2008, and so it got more attention and money.

IMO, the ARG told a much more interesting story then R2 ever did.
Ravidrath said:
It's not up to Insomniac to reveal the game - Sony's the publisher, and marketing is basically their only duty, besides printing the discs. Insomniac can help by providing materials, spokesmen, etc., but they'd have to know about it first.

I'd honestly be surprised if Insomniac even knew this was happening - guessing they gave Sony the logo for general use, and Sony thought they'd product place the game with it. It's over a year away, too, so there probably isn't really anything that is showable right now, anyway - if Sony wants a bigger reveal, they have to wait until there are builds to take screens and videos from.

To the general marketing issue...

I haven't played R2, but everything I've heard indicates it would not generate positive word-of-mouth. Sony may have thought they could get away without marketing it, based on it being a sequel and Insomniac's good name.

That said, marketing people are generally incapable of perceiving quality, and good marketing plans have to be in place well before they can know how good the game itself is because they plan out the "slot" it will fill a year or more in advance.

While the game's actual quality could have negatively impacted sales, if Sony was behind it, it would not have impacted the marketing budget.
Resistance 2 is a god awful shitty game that should be fucking wiped from the collective gaming consciousness, if it sold 5 copies then it was 5 copies too many.


MickeyKnox said:
Resistance 2 is a god awful shitty game that should be fucking wiped from the collective gaming consciousness, if it sold 5 copies then it was 5 copies too many.

No way. You are being very exaggerated.

R2 is a great game. Evidently, it's not as good as R1. It has improved graphics and all this stuff, but all we know that his storytelling is a complete mess, the new life and weapon inventory sistem it's a shit...

But c'mon, it has a lot a good things instead, at least for me, it has a fantastic multiplayer (I think they made the game looking for that in first instance), there was great moments in the game...
The problem was the hurries to end it for christmas time and the game wasn't polished enough, that's all
Ravidrath said:
Also... guessing Insomniac is none-too-pleased about this being the way their next game was revealed. Sony has really been letting them down lately: no marketing for R2, no marketing for RCF2, and now this.

What marketing did Sony not do for R2?

First, It had an excellent P.R. campaign. R2 was a cover story on pretty much every mag and big website. The GamePro cover story issue alone was pretty crazy, "giant-sized gatefold cover poster!" full-bore P.R-rific. It was featured pretty large on the big G4, Spike, ect. gaming T.V. shows too.

Second, the ad campaign was all over the place in print and web, and there were TV ads too, including the crazy awesome "home movie" TV ad. Some of the ad campaign was really innovative too, like the four-page fake Dublin newspapers that had the headline "America Under Attack" that were wrapped around the actual newspapers, the viral video/ARGs featuring Katee Sackhoff from BSG. ect. ect.

They did just about everything you can do for an FPS title that doesn't rhyme with "J-Lo." It had plenty of marketing support.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
I really don't want to get dragged into this but noway is R2 a "god awful shitty game that should be fucking wiped from the collective gaming consciousness", no fucking way, I'll admit it has problems, but the people comparing it to the likes Haze for example are just plain crazy seriously, objectively speaking at the very least it's a 'good' game, these reviews alone prove that - http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/ps3/resistance2?q=resistance 2.


Never forget...

I still feel cheated when it comes to Collectors Edition. The figurine was great, but besides that, the making of and a silly skin for the gun were terrible. Look at MGS4 for reference on how to do awesome Making Of.


RobertM said:
Never forget...

I still feel cheated when it comes to Collectors Edition. The figurine was great, but besides that, the making of and a silly skin for the gun were terrible. Look at MGS4 for reference on how to do awesome Making Of.

Don't remind me, when I saw that flat bitmap I went wtf and paused for a minutes in shock.

And I feel the same with the collector's edition, although I haven't seen the Making Of yet :)lol), oh at least I didn't have to put up with that awful Regular Edition cover.

A better cover for R2's regular (or even CE) should have been the raging infected Hale cover art that was used for the GameInformer cover.


Hydrargyrus said:
No way. You are being very exaggerated.

R2 is a great game. Evidently, it's not as good as R1. It has improved graphics and all this stuff, but all we know that his storytelling is a complete mess, the new life and weapon inventory sistem it's a shit...

But c'mon, it has a lot a good things instead, at least for me, it has a fantastic multiplayer (I think they made the game looking for that in first instance), there was great moments in the game...
The problem was the hurries to end it for christmas time and the game wasn't polished enough, that's all

MP was a mess in terms of level design with no real symmetry and landmarks, co-op was a really fresh idea but the AI was awful.


Kittonwy said:
MP was a mess in terms of level design with no real symmetry and landmarks, co-op was a really fresh idea but the AI was awful.
Also co-op was kind of pointless. All that leveling up and upgrading didn't equate to anything substantial but a trophy. If all the co-op stuff translated into MP, it would have been a different story.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Ravidrath said:
One giant building billboard near my apartment and an ARG is not a marketing campaign - billboards like that are all over Los Angeles and not particularly expensive, and the ARGs are pretty cheap.

For one of the bigger Sony exclusives last year, Sony had almost no marketing for it. I never saw any TV commericials for it, that's for sure.

Killzone 2 got MUCH more marketing, overall, which is probably why they didn't push R2 much - that was their "big" FPS for fiscal 2008, and so it got more attention and money.
You have got to be kidding me. If anything, Resistance 2 was over-marketed and KZ2 undermarketed in the US, especially given their respective quality. I must have seen R2 TV ad 10x more often than the KZ2 ad. R2 got buildings and ARG with one of the most popular TV actresses, KZ2 got... an interactive ad to download (made by the dev team themselves of course, and months after the game was out)

You must be the only person in the world to feel that way given how much opposite I've not only seen myself, but read from others as well. If the sales of R2 were sub-par (I have no idea...) Insomniac has no one to blame but themselves, and the bad word of mouth the game was getting pretty much since day one.
Ravidrath said:
Methinks a distinct lack of JStevenson means this is true.

Also... guessing Insomniac is none-too-pleased about this being the way their next game was revealed. Sony has really been letting them down lately: no marketing for R2, no marketing for RCF2, and now this.

I think it can be said both ways and Insomniac has let Sony down, R2 was subpar and there's a feeling of a little series fatigue with Ratchet, I think that franchise needs a good 3-5 year break.

I was thinking about it and I think it would be wise for Insomniac to approach Sony to become 1st party, much like ND did, I would think it would be beneficial to both parties.


Gold Member
Ravidrath said:
One giant building billboard near my apartment and an ARG is not a marketing campaign - billboards like that are all over Los Angeles and not particularly expensive, and the ARGs are pretty cheap.

For one of the bigger Sony exclusives last year, Sony had almost no marketing for it. I never saw any TV commericials for it, that's for sure.

Killzone 2 got MUCH more marketing, overall, which is probably why they didn't push R2 much - that was their "big" FPS for fiscal 2008, and so it got more attention and money.

I understand your point, but I believe the reason why Killzone 2 got such a better push was due to the controversy surrounding it. It had ALOT more to prove than Resistance, considering the game's reception.

By the way this early reveal really feels like surfergirl all over again.

But if Insomniac will want whats best for the game then they'll stick to what they're working on instead of drastically changing the games entire story due to a leak. If they react on the leak and go through a 2nd story direction again then they will probably do themselves a huge disfavour.

Insomniac should ignore this leak as if its never existed, continue working on the game instead of letting one measley billboard interfer with the work progress.

God I hope Insomniac wont make the same mistake as last time....


RobertM said:
Never forget...

I still feel cheated when it comes to Collectors Edition. The figurine was great, but besides that, the making of and a silly skin for the gun were terrible. Look at MGS4 for reference on how to do awesome Making Of.


What is that? A glitch?


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
lupinko said:
Yes, compare that awesome cover to the ones that both NA and EU got:

[img ]http://i36.tinypic.com/2z7h100.jpg[/img]
NA Standard

[img ]http://i34.tinypic.com/303jlgy.jpg[/img]
NA Collector's Edition / EU Standard

At least the Japanese one turned out decently:

[im g]http://i36.tinypic.com/n1sb3p.jpg[/img]
Are you serious? If anything NA's standard cover is better than that tacky magazine cover.

The collector's edition one sucks cunt. Upside-down? Really?

And the japanese one is the worst, and by no small margin.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
RobertM said:
Never forget...

I still feel cheated when it comes to Collectors Edition. The figurine was great, but besides that, the making of and a silly skin for the gun were terrible. Look at MGS4 for reference on how to do awesome Making Of.
R2 had so much more marketing than KZ2 it wasn't funny. Not sure what was Sony's idea for marketing was with these games but KZ2 got pretty much nothing but a single commercial couple days before release. R2 got all kinds of tie in products, magazine front page coverage, billboards, more than one commercial, etc.

I know R2 was a holiday release but with all the hype KZ2 got you expected a lot more effort to be put on that game instead.


Resistance 2 was heavily marketed. Maybe it wasn't marketed in a creative way, but it practically had saturation advertising. The issues with the game was not really Sony's fault. The game simply wasn't that good. They went in the wrong direction in many many ways with that game (64 player competitive was useless, enemies were bullet sponges, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc).


Clearly R2 needed more time in the cooker. But then again....U2 took only 18 months to make, and is ridiculously feature rich as well. Crazy differences in the level of polish if you ask me. Insomniac have a lot to live up to, hopefully they make it a 3 year cycle so they can really blow it out this time. Their disadvantage being they also have half their team working on R&C. But I still think R3 could be quite special. Engine needs a bit of a re-working though.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
grumble said:
Resistance 2 was heavily marketed. Maybe it wasn't marketed in a creative way, but it practically had saturation advertising. The issues with the game was not really Sony's fault. The game simply wasn't that good. They went in the wrong direction in many many ways with that game (64 player competitive was useless, enemies were bullet sponges, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc).
Fuck you, it was awesome. Best time I had playing online on my PS3 was 60 player matches and co-op in R2.

And who cares if the enemies are bullet sponges? Welcome to classic FPS gaming. That doesn't make the game any less fun, if its balanced right. In R2 it usually worked. Maybe people shouldn't go into all FPS games expecting it to play like Callzone 6: Brothers in Duty.


Nice way to find out about a new game :D

Now Insomniac, you feel screwed by reading this thread, so while you're at it, take note: please bring back the awesome from Resistance 1. R2 was a mess.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Co-Op was fun to a point, for me that RPG "level up" element was awesome to see.

The thing Insomniac needs to do seriously is please, whatever you do, take your time.

Think it out, try to see if it will work, and then move forward.

I <3 Insomniac alot, almost Fersis level...freaky o_O, but R2 fell like a huge rush job.

SP was ok, story moved along, but it felt like set pieces, just liek an action movie.
Like, Oh Hai, we in Colorado/Idaho, then Lousiana, and then Mexico.
We jumped from stage to stage, no flow to the game.

MP on the competitve side just sucked ass. I'm sorry, but how can you seriously fuck up something so awesome like Objective based games from R1 add mroe stuff to them and make them shittier. Ugh... half the time in those games you just ran.. from 1 point to another point. (If it ain't broke, don't fix it)
The guns had no weight to them, no oomph!, R1 Cabine felt like a fucking rifle, in R2 it became a f'n pea shooter. Some guns were fixed for no apparent reason.
I know 60 players, 30 vs 30 looked good during pitch meeting and while brainstorming, also looked like a good selling/ bullet point, but it seriously hidered the whole gameplay.

10 vs 10 in a 40 player map is not what I call f'n fun, almost all the guns are close quarter combat, and then you spread the teams miles apart. (either 1 teams chases the other, or 1 team camps)

MP on the Co-Op side was awesome. Even after 500+ games, I still wanted to play it, it was addictive. The thing that made it boring was, after getting maxed in all 3 classes, getting all the weapon/equipment upgrades, now what?... there should have been DLC being pumped out every other month, 1-2 maps for co-op, + some new goodies for, $5-7

Kept the game freshed, and the community thriving.

Also, how come Insomniac never helps itself out with free money, MP Skins are fine and dandy, but most games have DLC ready with-in 1-2 months of game release to keep the community hungry and keep playing and paying.

I say take the lore of R1, and the good ideas of R2 (Co-Op), and make R3 almost what Hollywood is doing with every other fucking movie that is being pumped out, Reboot it.

Resistance 3volution or R3volution (cheesy I know, but serioulsy, play to the campy/gung-ho 1950's vibe that you had in R1)

R3 story should be more fleshed out, locations should be linked or intertwined to make sense, not jump from place to place.

Weapons should be updated, classics should feel like old R1 weapons, but with new twists to them. (Imagination, godddamit Insomniac, your Iamgination is the key to selling me the game, maybe to others also, I always wonder what will they think of next)

MP should be pruned out, Beta the shit out of it, fix glitches/bugs, see how you can try to create a new different atmosphere everytime a player want to battle competitvely.
(You told us, it would take a long time before you would see the same maps in R2, that you had different versions, but with-in 1-2 weeks, I had see most + played almost all of them)

MP Co-Op was amazing to me, you really did an amazing job there, but you should have built on it through R2, try new things, see what worked, what didn't, it could have been your testing area to flesh out a better Co-Op experience for R3, create a foundation, and then built upon it.

DLC, for R3, please have it ready to be consumed by the masses 2-3 months after game launch, it keeps it fresh, and people will buy (if its good), word of mouth does help

I seriously thought Resistance could be a whole god-damn franchise for Insomniac and Sony

Toys, Comics, Games, Movies..etc. (what top-notch games are doing now)
(You are doing them to a point, but not a point where they sell good)

I will buy R3 regardless, Insomniac does deserve that much out of me.
I fell in love with Ratchet & Clank, and this developer has earned my respect of making good games.
I just want them to be better, and if I could help out in anyway I would.
I'm willing to put in time and give idea and suggestions for free jstevenson, and you already is getting my monies for your games.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I agree with GraveRobberX, R2 was a rush job.
I hope that SCEA gives Insomniac more time

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
RockmanWhore said:
I couldn't agree more, R1 was just brown and brown and brown. I remember being blow away, the first time I saw a level cover with snow, it was blue! A new color :eek: But then again, the only color in those level was blue. I understand the complain about the color of R2, but they made the right choice. It was just a matter of polishing the visuals.

And it's the same thing for pretty much everything else in the game. I firmly believe that Insomniac is on the right track. The narrator was a cheap way to have cut-scenes ready for the PS3 launch, live action is much better, but once again it could have used more polished. For example would you trade Uncharted's awesome cut scenes for some power point presentation? Because that's why people are asking Insomniac to do with the Resistance franchise.

And I could go on like that with pretty much every change in the formula...
disagree on all fronts.

there was no point in R2 i felt like this was alternate 1950s. besides Chicago and somewhat Loiuisiana (San Fran scene was nice but the actual level was'nt it), did feel like an invasion at all, the cutscenes failed imo to drive home that point, the cutscenes looked great but they hardly drove the story or the plot, it works for Uncharted, so what Resistance is not Uncharted. The "colorfull" look of R2 did do anything for the good for the title at all, again did'nt look and feel like Chimeras are fuckin shit up; bright sun, blue sky, clean air, green lush vegetation...oh and some Chimera eggs..

Fall of Man worked for the most part on these. Im not saying R3 should do cutscenes the Exact same way, but FoM's doc style gave you the feeling that you're looking back at a dark time, it felt like although the weapons look futuristic this is something that happend in the past. And levels like Thames, Manchester, and London were FAR more compelling visually than any thing in R2, it looked like the Chimera disrupted not just human life but the atmosphere, wheather, and architecture. I never understood this thing alot people have with "color for the sake of Color".


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
~Devil Trigger~ said:
disagree on all fronts.

there was no point in R2 i felt like this was alternate 1950s. besides Chicago and somewhat Loiuisiana (San Fran scene was nice but the actual level was'nt it), did feel like an invasion at all, the cutscenes failed imo to drive home that point, the cutscenes looked great but they hardly drove the story or the plot, it works for Uncharted, so what Resistance is not Uncharted. The "colorfull" look of R2 did do anything for the good for the title at all, again did'nt look and feel like Chimeras are fuckin shit up; bright sun, blue sky, clean air, green lush vegetation...oh and some Chimera eggs..

Fall of Man worked for the most part on these. Im not saying R3 should do cutscenes the Exact same way, but FoM's doc style gave you the feeling that you're looking back at a dark time, it felt like although the weapons look futuristic this is something that happend in the past. And levels like Thames, Manchester, and London were FAR more compelling visually than any thing in R2, it looked like the Chimera disrupted not just human life but the atmosphere, wheather, and architecture. I never understood this thing alot people have with "color for the sake of Color".
R1 had pretty much the ugliest color scheme in any game ever. It seriously, was all brown. And there was no style to it. It was just brown.

R2's graphics had just the right amount of pop, so far as the colors go, imo.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
BattleMonkey said:
Well the brown kinda fit the whole ww2 setting of the first game. Obviously the sequel had better setting for more color.
I don't know about that. I think Medal of Honor: Airborne and Brothers in Arms: HH had the best color schemes out of the WW2 games because they presented it accurately. The contrived brown-ness and mute-ness that was in R1 was uninspired and tacky to me.

edit: And I don't like the artistic idea that war should be presented as muted of color and brown, or black and white. It is cheap. An easy in. If it is there there needs to be a reason for it. There needs to be destruction and ash, or something.
BiA:HH had a good color scheme thanks to setting of Operation Market Garden where Holland had some beautiful locations, bu they also took advantage of creating lot of very nice looking night time settings. I was not impressed with Airborne though and it just seemed just as brown as as Resistance for the most part.

Bit problem obviously was complete lack of green which Europe is filled with, even the trees and grass in Resistance was brownish, though the setting did involve the Chimera changing the weather of the UK during the summer so that likely explained the browning of everything. Though that still is just a story excuse for brownness.


Sailor Stevenson
Ravidrath said:
Methinks a distinct lack of JStevenson means this is true.

Hey - I was at Disneyland this weekend and packing for Europe.

And Friday and Saturday were pretty much a wash while continuing to celebratw Nebraska's victory over Mizzou.

Anyways, gotta catch a flight to Paris now. Bye.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
jstevenson said:
Hey - I was at Disneyland this weekend and packing for Europe.

And Friday and Saturday were pretty much a wash while continuing to celebratw Nebraska's victory over Mizzou.

Anyways, gotta catch a flight to Paris now. Bye.
Confirmation, finally!


Incredibly Naive
BobsRevenge said:
R1 had pretty much the ugliest color scheme in any game ever. It seriously, was all brown. And there was no style to it. It was just brown.

R2's graphics had just the right amount of pop, so far as the colors go, imo.

While R1 wasn't perfect with colors, R2 was incredibly over the top. The over saturated orange, and the bright colors took away from the bleak tone the game went for.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
New York in R3? After that ending?!?

Or maybe it's going to be like a Planet of the Apes "You Maniacs! You blew it up!" scenario.

That'd be cool. :)


The first game definitely had more holy shit moments, the first swarm of crawlers I saw coming down the buildings then the street.
That Giant thing tunneling through the underground base.
So much was better in that game, more organic, now we have dinosaurs from ratchet with bloody guns in their mouth.... dumbest boss ever.
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