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Senate takes major step towards repealing Obamacare

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The irony is more people want the government to help ensure health coverage. Pew released this today.



This is why they tried so hard to stop Obamacare and why they face the cliff they're staring off of now that they've finally assumed control.


The thing that passed the senate extended the ACA until after the 2018 midterms or shuts it down as soon as possible?


The thing that passed the senate extended the ACA until after the 2018 midterms or shuts it down as soon as possible?
Basically defunding it. If there isn't federal money to support it, it essentially crumbles on itself. It passed the house also, will just need Trump's signature. The problem now for GOP is that they have no replacement plan, even if they did they don't have one that is filibuster proof and in the intervening period it takes a bill like that to pass, people, a lot of people will die. Anyone for example on chemo with Obamacare faces the real possibility of having that treatment stop or going bankrupt from it. This is the evil the GOP is. The are willing to let people die while they figure out how to get broad consensus, which is not even a thing that is guaranteed.


Basically defunding it. If there isn't federal money to support it, it essentially crumbles on itself. It passed the house also, will just need Trump's signature. The problem now for GOP is that they have no replacement plan, even if they did they don't have one that is filibuster proof and in the intervening period it takes a bill like that to pass, people, a lot of people will die. Anyone for example on chemo with Obamacare faces the real possibility of having that treatment stop or going bankrupt from it. This is the evil the GOP is. The are willing to let people die while they figure out how to get broad consensus, which is not even a thing that is guaranteed.

Immediate repeal.

Thanks, I was confused because of the news on republicans defecting an immediate repeal.


There seems to be some confusion. The Senate and House are passing a budget resolution which only requires 50 votes in the Senate in order to pass. Otherwise it would have failed. The budget resolution defunds aspects of the ACA, it doesn't change the law. The ACA is technically law still, but without funding would collapse. In order to pass a replacement and change laws they need 60 votes in the Senate.


I've got at least 12 concussions under my belt, a mean case of depression and bipolar disorder that needs medication, and a previously torn ACL.

There's no way I'm going to be able to afford healthcare when the ACA gets repealed.


Neo Member
Ugh. This shit is terrible. My only hope is that even if it gets repealed, maybe someday we can pass another comprehensive healthcare reform bill with single payer, and have it officially be titled "Obamacare".

That won't prevent me from being kicked off insurance for a pre-existing mental health issue, but at least in my old age I'll have a good laugh. If I last that long.


There seems to be some confusion. The Senate and House are passing a budget resolution which only requires 50 votes in the Senate in order to pass. Otherwise it would have failed. The budget resolution defunds aspects of the ACA, it doesn't change the law. The ACA is technically law still, but without funding would collapse. In order to pass a replacement and change laws they need 60 votes in the Senate.

Not confusion just a bunch of people jumping to conclusions.
All this just because he's black... fuckin' unbelievable. I mean I used to think like 5% maybe max 10% of America is racist. Turns out that's probably true, but like 40% more are OK with racists even if they aren't racist themselves. That's the part that really makes me sad =(
I have type 1 Diabetes, If I lost my job I am fucked.

thanks GOP

feels so horrible knowing I never supported or voted for any of these people.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
This is from an article in Time yesterday, does it still hold true?

" Currently, Republicans only have enough votes to repeal parts of Obamacare via budget reconciliation. That means they can only attack parts of the law that involve a cost to the government, by stripping away associated funding. If the GOP successfully does this, as they intend, the pre-existing conditions provision would not be touched, and would basically stay in effect—until they manage to pass a replacement plan."

I have type 1 Diabetes, If I lost my job I am fucked.

thanks GOP

feels so horrible knowing I never supported or voted for any of these people.

My wife does as well. Hang in there.


All this just because he's black... fuckin' unbelievable. I mean I used to think like 5% maybe max 10% of America is racist. Turns out that's probably true, but like 40% more are OK with racists even if they aren't racist themselves. That's the part that really makes me sad =(

The way I see it. 20% of America are textbook racists. 40% are prejudice or willing to enable the other 20%'s racist tendencies.


This is from an article in Time yesterday, does it still hold true?

" Currently, Republicans only have enough votes to repeal parts of Obamacare via budget reconciliation. That means they can only attack parts of the law that involve a cost to the government, by stripping away associated funding. If the GOP successfully does this, as they intend, the pre-existing conditions provision would not be touched, and would basically stay in effect—until they manage to pass a replacement plan."

This much is true, but one leg can't exist without the other and many insurers probably will raise rates so ridiculously high you might as well save up and pray


It pains me to see it go, but fuck it I am more cynical. I hope this mess the GOP started destroys everything. Health care costs will rise and people will lose their insurance. I really pray that Democrats hold their line and refuse to pass anything that doesn't do better than the ACA. Let the GOP suffer in the mess they created.
The issue here is that Obamacare is staying albeit completely gutted. So as it becomes worse and worse and premiums skyrocket, it will be easier to justify "a full repeal" of it.
It pains me to see it go, but fuck it I am more cynical. I hope this mess the GOP started destroys everything. Health care costs will rise and people will lose their insurance. I really pray that Democrats hold their line and refuse to pass anything that doesn't do better than the ACA. Let the GOP suffer in the mess they created.

GOP will still put the blame on Democrats because they are more disciplined in messaging. The only hope we have is that Trump and the GOP at large become adversaries.
NoRéN;228302745 said:
Finally some good news!

Who cares about those millions needing healthcare coverage.

I'm so glad you will not have this inconvenience come tax time.

It seems like the repeal is going to happen. I just want to figure out if there would be any immediate reporting implications, as it makes up a significant part of my job over the next two months. I'm not hoping it goes away to make my life easier. Thank you for being happy for me, though.


The issue here is that Obamacare is staying albeit completely gutted. So as it becomes worse and worse and premiums skyrocket, it will be easier to justify "a full repeal" of it.

Yeah they can just hide behind it supposedly just getting worse instead of them gutting it.



The Autumn Wind
GOP will still put the blame on Democrats because they are more disciplined in messaging. The only hope we have is that Trump and the GOP at large become adversaries.
This is exactly what's going to happen. Republicans will defund the entire program, then blame Democrats when they vote against whatever shit plan the Republicans attempt to pass. Then no one will have healthcare just like the GOP wants, but it'll look like it's the Democrats' fault.
The problem here is that people think human lives matter more than corporate/shareholder profits. Think of how much less profit is made by insurance companies being forced to provide coverage to the already sick.

Fox Mulder

All this just because he's black... fuckin' unbelievable. I mean I used to think like 5% maybe max 10% of America is racist. Turns out that's probably true, but like 40% more are OK with racists even if they aren't racist themselves. That's the part that really makes me sad =(

there's plenty that hate obama because he's black. I'd still say most just oppose anything he did because he's not on their side of the politics fence. I blanket hate everything a republican president does too. I'd run mitch mcconnell over with a heavy car.

People are also selfish. Great that people benefited under the ACA, but I just refused to pay $300 a month for shit coverage that costs thousands to even use. I'm single and have been healthy my whole life and just paid the penalty.


Unconfirmed Member
What's going to happen? One month in the next few months my premium is going to go from $65 to $440?

The health committee has to come up with a repeal for them to vote on by January 27th. The repeal will likely phase stuff out over 1-2 years so it's not instantly repealed.

After that, yes, unless republicans come up with a comparable replacement.


Premiums went up right before election for many I know, and were doomed to scale up anyways to those "who can afford it." Thankfully after getting into the healthcare field for my wife and myself was $480/mo, and now it's $38/mo, which really helped before this debacle unfolds in it's entirety.

There is nothing wrong with national healthcare, just not the plan that was in place. Glad those worse off were able to get it cheap, but it really hit well off others pretty hard "just because."


I've been imagining this conversation all day:

Representative (R): I'm going to take away your health care.

Voter (R): Okay! Sounds good. *votes for Rep*

Representative (R): Thanks for the vote! I'm going to take away your health care now.

Voter (R): But... I need to that to live?

Representative (R): Yes, you're going to die. But I'd prefer if you hang on for two years so you can help my friends in the Senate get elected.

Voter (R): Oh yeah, sure.

I can't even with this country anymore.


wtf Trump just told ABC News that he wants to keep pre-existing conditions and adults under 26 to be allowed to use their parents' plans. This is like something out of WWE.
Look, my mom is a diabetic with COPD (she's on oxygen). My dad had a heart attack (although he is now on Medicare). Without the ACA, my mom probably wouldn't be able to get insurance (no oxygen concentrator), and my dad probably wouldn't be able to get supplemental insurance. All of these conditions arose after the ACA. In March 1988 I was born premature at 30 weeks, after my mom spent more than 3 months on bedrest, in a birth with two dozen attending nurses, doctors, and specialists. I spent a few months in NICU, and by August, the insurance company was trying to deny further coverage for my apnea monitor because of the lack of any incidents since my birth (luckily my dad, an attorney, had the teeth to fight back).

It's not hyperbole when I say this is a matter of life and death. Republicans supporting repeal of the ACA are actively taking steps to jeopardize the lives of americans, including my family, and that under the old system, I, as an infant with a high risk of mortality, almost had a potentially life-saving device taken away. Tens of thousands of fatalities are prevented every year because of provisions in the ACA, and repealing the ACA will, in other words, directly cause tens of thousands of Americans to die.

It is becoming incredibly difficult to remain civil with conservatives in government, and I have already recognized and lamented the signs of radicalization in my own thought processes in response to their continuous assaults on our political and civil institutions and well being, and if they continue down this path, I fear for what actions may be taken by or towards institutions and people in general, myself included.

Your ideology is worthless if it brings pain and suffering to others.

I think it's time for Americans to take it to the streets. People protested when Trump got to be president, it's now when everyone should be out there. Someone has to organize large events to make this message clear, or else a lot of people will die. Activism is the only weapons against deplorable politicians unfortunately.


Cool glad to hear people are dying so some white dudes can get richer, here's to another 240 years

I bet most Trump supporters will blame Hillary for this, for some reason.


wtf Trump just told ABC News that he wants to keep pre-existing conditions and adults under 26 to be allowed to use their parents' plans. This is like something out of WWE.

TBH, I believe he said this a long while ago. And he's not against national coverage, just not the plan that obama enacted as it hit many middle class too hard iirc. Let's see what he does.


Look, my mom is a diabetic with COPD (she's on oxygen). My dad had a heart attack (although he is now on Medicare). Without the ACA, my mom probably wouldn't be able to get insurance (no oxygen concentrator), and my dad probably wouldn't be able to get supplemental insurance. All of these conditions arose after the ACA. In March 1988 I was born premature at 30 weeks, after my mom spent more than 3 months on bedrest, in a birth with two dozen attending nurses, doctors, and specialists. I spent a few months in NICU, and by August, the insurance company was trying to deny further coverage for my apnea monitor because of the lack of any incidents since my birth (luckily my dad, an attorney, had the teeth to fight back).

It's not hyperbole when I say this is a matter of life and death. Republicans supporting repeal of the ACA are actively taking steps to jeopardize the lives of americans, including my family, and that under the old system, I, as an infant with a high risk of mortality, almost had a potentially life-saving device taken away. Tens of thousands of fatalities are prevented every year because of provisions in the ACA, and repealing the ACA will, in other words, directly cause tens of thousands of Americans to die.

It is becoming incredibly difficult to remain civil with conservatives in government, and I have already recognized and lamented the signs of radicalization in my own thought processes in response to their continuous assaults on our political and civil institutions and well being, and if they continue down this path, I fear for what actions may be taken by or towards institutions and people in general, myself included.

Your ideology is worthless if it brings pain and suffering to others.

This must be quoted more than one time, the GOP and Republicans are evil people, health care is important for everyone and yet as you can see they want everyone to die instead since they have no back up plan they just want to put everyone out of healthcare because fuck you and that is fucking sad when i read story's like this.


TBH, I believe he said this a long while ago. And he's not against national coverage, just not the plan that obama enacted as it hit many middle class too hard iirc. Let's see what he does.

Which would never get through this congress so it's a moot point.


Which would never get through this congress so it's a moot point.

but at the same time, congress needs his signature to repeal, correct? if they send Trump a bill that eliminates pre-existing conditions and parent's plans, he'll likely veto?


but at the same time, congress needs his signature to repeal, correct? if they send Trump a bill that eliminates pre-existing conditions and parent's plans, he'll likely veto?

He can but at the end of the day those two provisions can't stand without the mandate. You'd destroy the entire system. You're not going to get national coverage out of this is my point. Either the ACA stays in tact with minor tweaks or it's repealed with nothing to replace it except maybe a few token clauses.
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