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Shovel Knight |OT| The 8-bit adventures of Butt Butt Goes to Europe & Australia


Any word as to when the Mac OS X/Linux ports might be finished? Not port begging, just wondering if there's a timeframe or anything. Did play it a bit of it in Windows via VMWare Fusion and completely loved it :p


thanks for the info guys. think i may pick this up when i get paid friday. just bought grid autosport and ryse: son of rome today so i'm a little tapped out.


Any word as to when the Mac OS X/Linux ports might be finished? Not port begging, just wondering if there's a timeframe or anything. Did play it a bit of it in Windows via VMWare Fusion and completely loved it :p

Not sure, but they've shown pictures of them working on it.


Getting home from work tonight with a surprise early release of Shovel Knight was something special. Loving it so far..
Was pleasantly surprised to see this baby drop early. Checked humble. And it still has a 3ds key so I jumped on it and should be playing very soon. What a great day it is.
Okay, time for five minutes of #firstworldproblems whining.

When I pledged for this originally I picked Steam because I tend to pick Steam by default for everything I pledge on, and I tend to trust it more than whatever random console is on offer.

A couple weeks ago, they showed off the Street Pass functionality, which is super neat, and some friends at work all told me they'd be buying on 3DS, so I'd actually have a way to use it, so I decided to swap to 3DS.

Emailed Yacht Club -- two weeks ago -- and asked. The same day they wrote back, said it was too late to do anything on their side but that Humble could help me out if I just messaged them. Okay.

Wrote an email to Humble Support asking to swap. Heard nothing in response. Was a little impatient but didn't want to be a pain or overly pushy, but after seven days I was wondering what took so long. Wrote again. Two days pass. Got a single human response, asking me for my transaction ID, which I don't have since I never got the original email and had to use my key resender to claim the key page. Said I couldn't send that back but I did have my key page link, which I sent.

Waited another day, didn't hear anything. At this point I started bumping the ticket every day. Now today we get the surprise early release, Yacht Club say in their email that it is now officially too late to swap platforms no matter what, and I still haven't gotten a useful human response. Plus I can't trade my key page (since I already claimed it) or my key (since they just give you a redeem button now, and there's no gift box link like there is in normal Humble purchases.)


Kid Ska

I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Anybody who got it on multiple systems wanna hook me up with a 3DS code? I'll PayPal you $15 of course.

And to think I was content playing House of the Dead 4.

You should never be content playing 4 because it's not 3.

just kidding they're both great


I just spent about 90 minutes in. It's so good. I was so bored tonight, I nearly fell out of my chair when I got the email. IIt's so good! The graphics, the music, the tight controls, the challenging but fair gameplay, the humor.

It's SO GOOD!!


In going to pick this up on 3DS tonight. I'm going into it kind of blind but the Twitter buzz has my attention.
So, I remember that you can destroy checkpoints, but how do you actually do it?

I've been pogoing on this lantern for several minutes now and I'm not sure if things are happening.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
game is crazy tight. beat the first two bosses (plus the prologue level.)

they were a lot of fun, and you can feel the difficulty begin to ramp....


So, I remember that you can destroy checkpoints, but how do you actually do it?

I've been pogoing on this lantern for several minutes now and I'm not sure if things are happening.

I'm guessing the tutorial/first stage doesn't allow you to break them. I tired my hardest to blow those things up and they weren't budging. They even look different than the other stage glass bulbs (gold wing-like adornments surrounding the checkpoint-bulb).


Ha, I completely agree. Pogo feels super tight. Seriously, this destroys all recent efforts from Wayforward and I've only scratched the surface with this game. I LOVE the checkpoint system too. I already cleared a stage with having them all destroyed. Feels SO good!

I kind of feel it's a disservice to Wayforward to blame the feel of pogoing in Ducktales on them since they wanted the game to be faithful to the original and I think the physics and movement were pretty much kept in tact, for better or worse.
I kind of feel it's a disservice to Wayforward to blame the feel of pogoing in Ducktales on them since they wanted the game to be faithful to the original and I think the physics and movement were pretty much kept in tact, for better or worse.

Yeah I think the problem was the mechanics combined with the art-style change (huge) which didn't work at all.


First party Nintendo games typically come out at midnight eastern, but this isn't one of those.

Also, I'd Paypal/Amazon/Google/whatever someone $15 or whatever for a Wii U code.

Just sayin'.

eShop games typically say specifically when they are coming out at Midnight.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
This fox goat wants all yo yens all yo gold.



eShop games typically say specifically when they are coming out at Midnight.

Well yeah, but it's a trend with first party Nintendo games on the eShop for sure. It's something I'd expect even if there wasn't an indication for it.

But again, this isn't a first party Nintendo game. So I don't expect it.
Playing the Wii U version so far. I hate to be one of those guys and I try not to have knee jerk reactions like this, but...I think this is my GOTY. I'm in absolute love with everything I've seen/done so far in this game. I knew ex-Wayforward dudes had it in them, but shit, this game is legit as fuck. I think one could say that I may be in a honeymoon phase/moment with the game (especially due to the surprise release tonight), but I'm two stages in and it's probably the most raw, straight-up fun I've had with a game all year.

Time will tell, I suppose, but I'm feeling the same way.

Is there any reason to hang onto sheet music, or should I be selling it all to the bard?


Just played about two hours, the first few real stages. How amazingly cool to do a surprise release for backers a day early.

I predict many, many people will have huge smiles on their faces while playing this game.


Ok, just played a few minutes, I love everything about it so far, except for the difficulty. The game is waaaaaaaaay too easy. Does it get harder later on?


Ok, just played a few minutes, I love everything about it so far, except for the difficulty. The game is waaaaaaaaay too easy. Does it get harder later on?

The intro level's pretty easy on purpose since it's basically a tutorial. I probably died 5-6 times in the next couple stages (and I've seen videos of those levels so I knew most of what was coming).
Ugh, do I want the 3DS or U version?! I can't decide. I've never been a fan of the 3DS screen, but it's not like my TV would give much better visual quality for a game likes this. Decisions...
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