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Star Citizen Alpha 2.0 | The 'Verse Awakens



How's the ship selling market these days? I have an extra Avenger LTI standalone ship I don't need, if anyone's interested.
Besides limited ships, LTI is practically worthless now, so anything sold is usually sold at cost. But ya, people still buy.


Besides limited ships, LTI is practically worthless now, so anything sold is usually sold at cost. But ya, people still buy.

Found the SC trading thread (or whatever it is called) on Reddit. Might as well put it up for sale there, if nobody here wants it. You just gift it to someone through the Hangar section on RSI's site, right?


Found the SC trading thread (or whatever it is called) on Reddit. Might as well put it up for sale there, if nobody here wants it. You just gift it to someone through the Hangar section on RSI's site, right?
Yep. Be sure to look at some of the reading material on the side though, scams still happen on that subreddit.


LTI is practically worthless now, so anything sold is usually sold at cost.
Which is probably the best thing CIG ever did. They conveniently sidestepped the whole promising that LTI would be limited by introducing tons of cheap LTI concepts combined with an upgrade system that allowed anything to become anything else (that was equal or more expensive). More or less killed that part of the grey market dead, and gave equal opportunity to new players to get on the LTI train for older ships.

I mean LTI isn't supposed to be something you need anyhow. They've claimed dozens of times that it's damn near inconsequential, but I'm for anything that levels the field for new vs old backers. Despite what some would like to believe, getting in earlier in the crowdfunding campaign doesn't make you special. I'm fine with ships being limited for universe balancing reasons, and for ships that were supposed to be rare from the get go, but all other sorts of timed limitations can go die in a fire.

Do I get a membership card? :)

They did sell them before for like $5 lol.
random pic said:


Which is probably the best thing CIG ever did. They conveniently sidestepped the whole promising that LTI would be limited by introducing tons of cheap LTI concepts combined with an upgrade system that allowed anything to become anything else (that was equal or more expensive). More or less killed that part of the grey market dead, and gave equal opportunity to new players to get on the LTI train for older ships.

I mean LTI isn't supposed to be something you need anyhow. They've claimed dozens of times that it's damn near inconsequential, but I'm for anything that levels the field for new vs old backers. Despite what some would like to believe, getting in earlier in the crowdfunding campaign doesn't make you special. I'm fine with ships being limited for universe balancing reasons, and for ships that were supposed to be rare from the get go, but all other sorts of timed limitations can go die in a fire.

They did sell them before for like $5 lol.
I'm still of the opinion that LTI should just be given to every ship bought before game launch. Insurance has got to be the most annoying aspect of the entire Star Citizen project, there's no real information out there. The bonus for backing early should be the lower cost and the milestone rewards, that should be enough for anyone.


Only 31$ and you'll get that special CS
tag. Thrilling!

I know you're not being serious, but I'd wager that particular tag went out to a wide range of spenders. While there's certainly a number of higher spenders that think they're special because they spent so much, there's just as many early backers who think they're special by virtue of being there before others.



[19:22] Q: Nyx still in the works? When will we see it?

A: Yes! The landing area and environment is done, but we’re in the process now of integrating it into the huge star system and how it works with planetary tech. You should see it around 2.7 and ArcCorp won’t be in 2.7, but it won’t be long for that so you won’t see loading screens anymore when visiting Nyx and ArcCorp in the future and we’ll continue to build upon that from that. We’re working on having all that come together by the end of this year.

So I guess this means they're planning for 3 more major updates for the PU for the rest of the year. If they're as big as 2.4 I think I'm fine with that.

I’m sure I’ll play it cause I’m a bit of a Battlefield fan but I think you guys will be seeing some stuff from us on the FPS stuff, not too distant future and I think you’ll like it cause there’s some stuff we haven’t shown or shared where we’d made some really nice breakthroughs in how our FPS sort of movement mechanics work and it’s playing really nice and smooth internally. Figure out a way to get you guys that to just be able to play that and have fun with it, so you never know that long rumoured dead thing may appear again. We’ll see.

I hope this is true. FPS is really important to my enjoyment of Star Citizen, so I really hope this becomes fun and fleshed out soon.

Edit: Sandi's Facebook - Internal Show and Tell


Apparently Turing's Stop is a shop they created specifically for Terra.


So I guess this means they're planning for 3 more major updates for the PU for the rest of the year. If they're as big as 2.4 I think I'm fine with that.

It reads more like 2.7 is the one with full Stanton System, but not all they'll do this year.


So procedural planets will be released this year and most likely be in 2.7 :)

Thats definite with full Stanton System, but i think they will add one procedural planet to existing build just for testing.

I'm really interested in FPS improvements.
What a pity that they wont tell when they will show Vertical Slice of SQ42 :) I hope on Gamescom, but its getting more and more unlikely ;/


I would say we got that with the release of 2.0, the landing in that demo was a lot like you had in freelancer you get to a point at the planet and you click the land button. I sure they could do something like that right now that would take you to the arccorp with some sort of guided landing sequence.

I wonder if they fully under stood what procedural planets was going to do to the game, while it hasn't change it a lot gameplay wise it has totally changed the way zones are connected to the universe.

Also I wonder what ever happened to the circle like space station from that demo?


So by the end of 2016, we'll basically have this Persistent Universe demo from 2014: https://youtu.be/o-xvCg8CI9U

That's a pretty slow rate of progress, especially as it's only 1 of 100 systems.

Previous estimation for full playable solar system in PU, so SC Alpha, was Q1 2017 and that was without procedurally generated planets.
I think that this change in scope is worth any delay if they can get this working.
l hope they find some way of gathering a number of players for fps the current PTU is more focused on space combat (which is understandable)

They are probably just going to release the SM game mode as they are touching up gold horizon anyway for the PTU ^^ (the new outlaw station will be Gold Horizon essentially)


Dragonfly Q&A


Greetings Citizens,

Another Concept Sale, another Question & Answer session. Since last Friday, we’ve been collecting questions from the dedicated Q&A post here and today our designers working on the ship will answer 10 questions for the community. Tune back in this Friday to see the answers to 10 more questions.

Drake Interplanetary is fond of claiming that they build starships for the way you live; with the Dragonfly, they’ve gone an extra step and built a new way of life around the ship itself. Highly compact for easy storage anywhere and capable of traversing both space and ground, the 2947 Dragonfly changes the way we think about ships.

Special thanks to Matt Sherman for taking the time to answer these questions for us.

Question & Answer

How does the Dragonfly compare in speed to other ships?

Right now, we’re currently working off an SCM speed of 180 with a max cruise speed of 300. We want the acceleration to these speeds to be a bigger hallmark for the Dragonfly, so while it should overtake most freighters, it won’t be outrunning the fastest of the fast.

Will the Dragonfly be able to “fly” in a planetary atmosphere to some degree even though it can’t transition to space, or will it be landlocked to its ground mode while on a planet?

The Dragonfly would not be capable of atmospheric flight. When on a planet’s surface, it would just be operating in its ground mode.

Since the Dragonfly hovers above the ground, can it also hover over water and other terrestrial surfaces?

Yes, we’re definitely targeting the ground mode for the Dragonfly to be capable of all-terrain travel. You’ll still want to be mindful of where it’s flying, since while bodies of water should be fine, more hazardous substances could still cause environmental impacts to performance.

The Dragonfly will have a cargo capacity of 1 SCU. Would it be possible to increase this capacity by removing the second seat in order to add another cargo compartment?

The 1 SCU value is including the use of the second seat as an additional saddlebag. The cargo allowances would break up like this:
-2- 0.25 SCU containers mounted on the rear-sides of the Dragonfly.
-1- Optional 0.5 SCU container taking the rear-seat.​

Can the passenger also face forwards?

No, the rider would always be seated back to back with the pilot.

Can we change the two size 1 guns of the Dragonfly for a size 2 weapon?

No, the weapon mounts cannot be changed. You can still swap out the weapons, and the Dragonfly has built in ammo capacity if you’re running ballistic weapons.

Will the Dragonfly have a magnetic locking system allowing it the ability to latch onto any ship it wants and piggyback?

No, the Grav-Levs are not magnetic devices and would not allow the ship to piggyback to the outer hull of another ship.

Will we be able to operate them in the hangar when they are flight ready?

This is still being determined as we haven’t locked down if the Dragonfly will be operating off a ship-port from a hangar or the vehicle-ports. It’s not outside the realm of possibility, but it’s not something we can fully commit to happening at this time.

Could we have more information on which ships can and which ships can’t launch Dragonflies?

These will be listed as 3 main groups, Ships we will confirm the ability to deploy the Dragonfly from, ships we’ll confirm you cannot deploy one, and ships that are plausible/possible to deploy from, but that we cannot fully commit to the functionality at this time.

Ships you will be able to deploy at least 1 Dragonfly from:

-Caterpillar, Freelancer, Constellation, Starfarer, Retaliator (when Cargo modules installed), Idris-P/M.​
Ships you will not be able to deploy a Dragonfly from:

-Avenger, Reliant​
Ships whose capacity could fit, but ability to deploy a Dragonfly is still undetermined (NOTE: Any ship which has not started a full build-out will be listed here, even if they have existing snub or hangar capacity.):

-Cutlass, Carrack, Merchantman, Reclaimer, Orion, 890 Jump, Hull-C/D/E, Crucible, Javelin, Endeavor, Genesis.​

The ship mass is currently equal to the P-52 Merlin, weighing in at 6000 kg. Is this accurate?

No, that was older information from the initial concepts of the Dragonfly, with the current projected weight coming in around 1000kg. For reference on how much the Dragonfly shrank during concept, the image to the right shows an earlier version of the Dragonfly which was being worked on.

This larger version was easily 3 times the size of where the Dragonfly ended up, and was the original reference for the 6000kg weight. Sorry for any confusion that may have caused.
So subs are going to be able to ask questions about the character head / asset development to Sean Tracy and CR.

In such moments, I need a surrogate.

SC-GAF, who wants to be my vessel? :p


Batteries the CRISIS!
So subs are going to be able to ask questions about the character head / asset development to Sean Tracy and CR.

In such moments, I need a surrogate.

SC-GAF, who wants to be my vessel? :p

Hopefully one of them asks how Brexit might affect Star Citizen.


Hopefully one of them asks how Brexit might affect Star Citizen.

My question as well. Apparently it will take 2 years to leave the EU before they lose all the benefits, it's still really worrying since Foundry42-UK is basically the main studio working on SQ42, and the extra episodes may take longer than 2 years to make. I predict a major shift of resources 2 years from now towards Frankfurt, or a brand new studio in another EU country.

On another note, new Cat picture.



My question as well. Apparently it will take 2 years to leave the EU before they lose all the benefits, it's still really worrying since Foundry42-UK is basically the main studio working on SQ42, and the extra episodes may take longer than 2 years to make. I predict a major shift of resources 2 years from now towards Frankfurt, or a brand new studio in another EU country.

I dont exactly know how Brexit would affect Foundry 42 UK. I know they get tax reduction, but its related to some EU funding or just government projects?
Generally weaker pound will make UK studio cheaper for CIG.


I dont exactly know how Brexit would affect Foundry 42 UK. I know they get tax reduction, but its related to some EU funding or just government projects?
Generally weaker pound will make UK studio cheaper for CIG.

Apparently a lot of subsidies come from EU programs, so Foundry42-UK will lose all of that. And I don't think the pound being weaker will help much either, since prices and wages might get adjusted.


Apparently a lot of subsidies come from EU programs, so Foundry42-UK will lose all of that. And I don't think the pound being weaker will help much either, since prices and wages might get adjusted.

Tax relief is being administered by the British Film Institute and as a result it is a UK program, however the metric for qualification is based on EU guidelines on Cultural Content.


However, criteria changes due to the bureaucratic/economic issues could cause the program to be abandoned.


I remember when they closed down the loop hole that allowed movies to be made in the UK and pay a lot less tax (2005?), these tax breaks have aways been at the behest of the UK gov not the EU.

All in all I dont see much changing.


Here is what Erin had to say about the matter:

I think the main issue for us would be the uncertainty surrounding Brexit. At the moment we can take advantage of the UK game tax credit incentive, which may not survive or would have to change if we exited the European Union, but also a large number of our workforce are European Nationals, which once again would lead to uncertainty until a plan was in place. We source work and travel between the European Union a great deal (as well as send / buy equipment) and of course we have our Frankfurt Office and so leaving the Union would make it more complicated for us to do business. Then you get into the Macro issues of what it will do to the UK and World economies, especially in the short term. So when you add all the issues up, it feels like staying in the EU is by far the less risky option for CIG / Foundry 42.

What would be the point in releasing SM? The modules , iirc, were to give people a taste of what is to happen in the PU. The mini PU is out, It would make more sense for them to allocate resources to get it out of alpha state.
What would be the point in releasing SM? The modules , iirc, were to give people a taste of what is to happen in the PU. The mini PU is out, It would make more sense for them to allocate resources to get it out of alpha state.

Instant action fps sounds fun?

Something like that.
Instant action fps sounds fun?

Something like that.

My point is that someone or a team has to work on it. That means they are not working on something else related to PU or S42. Not sure why people would be happy about that but I guess people can get it, and then still complain about getting the finished product without realizing how the module and time it takes to release other features may be related.

EDIT: Not talking about you of course, just others who I have seen online, seemingly oblivious to cause and effect.
My point is that someone or a team has to work on it. That means they are not working on something else related to PU or S42. Not sure why people would be happy about that but I guess people can get it, and then still complain about getting the finished product without realizing how the module and time it takes to release other features may be related.

EDIT: Not talking about you of course, just others who I have seen online, seemingly oblivious to cause and effect.

I think they already have the level, the game rules, and menu UI to set it up (and the match making!)... but they had the FPS / FPS sim team in germany perfecting the animation work which enables it all (vaulting, prone, proper first person feeling). Hence why they can now re-enable /enable it again?

Just a hunch.


So subs are going to be able to ask questions about the character head / asset development to Sean Tracy and CR.

In such moments, I need a surrogate.

SC-GAF, who wants to be my vessel? :p

Ask about hair. We want to know about hair. What are they doing about it? Are we doomed to stock CE hair or ... ? I know they were impressed with what Epic were doing with UE4 / Paragon.
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