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Star Citizen Alpha 2.0 | The 'Verse Awakens


Batteries the CRISIS!
Woooow, that bulleted list is hype. Sounds like it's all coming together. Hopefully building assets for other systems doesn't take as long as it has for Stanton.


Liam Cunningham & Mark Hamill


Oh shit, is that Paul Chuckle?

Man the screenshots in the album look incredible.



Looks like someone updated the screen shots, feels like very high orbit yet you can see the peaks of the mountains starting to form!


Planets and moons are revolving around suns, with naturally simulated day and night cycles.

I'll be honest, I thought this was never going to happen, like one of those things Roberts would like to do, but would be too technologically challenging to actually accomplish. Wow...


I'll be honest, I thought this was never going to happen, like one of those things Roberts would like to do, but would be too technologically challenging to actually accomplish. Wow...

If he gets all of these things done it could be a watershed moment for PC gaming. Very exciting.


Seek victory, not fairness
I'll be honest, I thought this was never going to happen, like one of those things Roberts would like to do, but would be too technologically challenging to actually accomplish. Wow...

Sweet. Looking forward to the time lapses of that in action.

Re: new thread - I'd say save it for the Gamescom thread. It'll have a bit more impact if there are videos and GIFs to go with the news.


Just found this more direct translation on the RSI forums.

Don Corleone via RSI Forums said:
No other crowd funding project is such a center of attention for euphoric fans and generous backers, as well as critical sceptics and doubters among gamers, press and media. With Star Citizen and Squadron 42 the now to 320 employees grown studios want to realize the science-fiction-dream of Chris Roberts under the banner of Cloud Imperium Games (CIG). Behind this stands a community of at the moment 1.4 Mio. supporting backers and their proud sum of 117 Mio. US-Dollars backing money. How the money is invested into the game, we looked upon for a day at the youngest studio of CIG with the name Foundry 42 in Frankfurt on the Main. Lead by development director Brian Chambers (Ryse: Son of Rome), accompanied by Chris Roberts (Wing Commander) and his brother Erin (Privateer), we learned news about the procedural planets technology, were allowed to play the most actual build and looked the designers of weapons, AI, levels and cutscenes over the shoulder. Parts of all this are planned to be playable for backers in new alpha versions until the end of the year.

Starting, Flying, Landing – Everything without loading times.
Our first station is the presentation with hands-on about the most recent version of the procedural techique in the game. Procedural means that predefined algorithms generate all celestial bodys in the game in real time. This process is repeatable any number of times and spares hardware ressources. In our demo we directly start in space. We sit in the cockpit of our fighter, ahead of us lies the moon sized planet Delamar in the Nyx-System. As predefined landing target the mining station Levski is selectable in the HUD. Then it is directly and seamlessly approachable. Out of space, into the orbit, atmosphere entry, landing approach – how this looks and feels, you can see on double page 16/17- The basic technology behind this was already shown at the end of 2015, but the graphical sophistication of the planets surface has been improved drastically. On the planet we leave the cockpit and move around in a realistical seaming 3D-enviroment. Topography and terrain look awesome and while overlooking the ocean we note the correct simulated curvature of the horizon. The technological base frame allows it to simulate all planned star system in the game, thus planets and moons draw their tracks around suns. This for example leads to the fact, that while circling a celestial body, one will be able to see the day and night sides. "Applied to the gameplay the procedural technologie is a big step forward for us", elucidates Chris Roberts to us during the presentation and explains further: "Now we can design missions in a way, that you can accept a job on a space station, which seamlessly leads you to the planets surface and back". The Singleplayer offspring Squadron 42 will also distinctively profit from this, promises Chris Roberts. Additionally the exploration aspect of the game can now be made more exciting. Somebody on the surface of a planet who looks up to a moon in the sky, can board his ship and actually go there. Other than with Genre-Collegue Elite:Dangerous all planets and moons in Star Citizen are supposed to have landing opportunities. For reasons of fairness it should be mentioned, that in the Roberts-Universe we talk about 100 Systems, while Frontier Developments outright simulates the whole milky way.

Automatic-Algorithms with Handiworkbonus
The on 10. August 2016 releasing spacegame No Man's Sky also relies on procedural technology, but with completley atomaticaly generated planets and without storybased gameplay. Star Citizen will be different, because it is concepted as a real Online-RPG. There is already a detailed lore to the game, filled with factions and planet descriptions. So to prove this is realizable in the game accordingly and will be visible to the player, the developers show us in their editor tool how they breathe life into the algorithmic generated planetary surfaces, so they don't seem repetitive or even boring in the end. The designers always have control over the generated content. In this way it is possible to rework and adjust terrain-topography in the editor by hand. Predefined templates – so called ecosystems – contain for example trees, buildings, plants as well as animals, which can be painted on the terrain in the editor with one "brushstroke". Next transitions are modelled are modelled and faded over in Cry Engine, so the surface looks as if shaped from the same mould. So you then can while extensively exploring, discover hidden temples, wrecks, stations, mines and other game relevant things.

The next Steps
Now that we could make ourself a picture while testing the working technology at Foundry 42, we naturally wanted to know, when it will be playable live. Chris Roberts told us what the next steps to update the alpha builds for backers will look like.
First there will be an update to version 2.5 soon. This contains a new space station for the existing mini universe(see box on page 14). "The station is more targeted at players, that lets say want to move beyond the law", explains Roberts. The allusion refers to the pirate base named Grim Hex, which was shown recently by Cloud Imperium Games in their Online-Video-Show "Around the Verse" shortly. Grim Hex is the opposite to the already existing station Port Olisar in the playable Stanton-System. "With that we want to enable the gameplay between two fractions, to see, what the players will make of it", so Roberts.
After that follows 2.6, in which the developers want to introduce the First-Person-Shooter-Module Star Marine. Star Marine will be played outside of the persistant universe, like the a already existing module Arena Commander, in which one can test his piloting skills. It is specially designed for multiplayer shooter sessions, with separate levels. "We have invested very much time into the FPS-mechanics, which will be very noticeable if compared to the actual rudimentary systems in 2.4", says Roberts. The developer show us a corresponding gameplay segment, which leaves an excellent impression: Animation, controls and weapon feeling were thoroughly overhauled, so that for a shooter player it really feels good. The result: Seamless movements and clean gunplay – keep it up!
With version 2.7 CIG wants to implement procedural planet technology into the live universe. In the first step it will for the first time become possible to travel the complete Stanton System. At the moment version 2.4 contains only parts of it, in whcih which one can't land on planets or space ports. This will change fundamentally. "Version 2.7 is the next big step for us, which will contain much more playable content for our backers", remarks Roberts. Planets and Moons in the Stanton-System will be directly approachable and the players can land on them, like on the afore mentioned Outlaw-Base Grim Hex. With following patches more landing zones will find their way into the Stanton-System, like for example Hurston and Microtech, two important coporation locations in the Star Citizen Universe. The proclaimed target of CIG is, to make Stanton playable in its full extent before the end of 2016, with all stations and landing zones, which Roberts quantifys with 40 locations. Therin it shall also be possible, to play considerably more missions... end...


Sweet. Looking forward to the time lapses of that in action.

Re: new thread - I'd say save it for the Gamescom thread. It'll have a bit more impact if there are videos and GIFs to go with the news.

Hell, I'd say save it for when they actually get 2.7 with the features mentioned out. It'll just turn into a thread about how they'll never actually get it out otherwise. At least once it's out and playable people will only be able to complain about it being broken, instead of how it's all empty promises and scams.
Who am I kidding, there will still be people claiming that even then.

As to the actual content, it looks great. No surprise there though, as everything they show always looks great. (Can't wait for more Kratos vs SC heads comparisons.) Performance will be the real question. Not performance in a vacuum, but when loaded on a real server being hammered by real people. That said, I think I need to start working on my throttle again so I have a way to actually play this in the form I'd like to when it finally hits. Jank, low FPS, and all.
Hell, I'd say save it for when they actually get 2.7 with the features mentioned out. It'll just turn into a thread about how they'll never actually get it out otherwise. At least once it's out and playable people will only be able to complain about it being broken, instead of how it's all empty promises and scams.
Who am I kidding, there will still be people claiming that even then.

As to the actual content, it looks great. No surprise there though, as everything they show always looks great. (Can't wait for more Kratos vs SC heads comparisons.) Performance will be the real question. Not performance in a vacuum, but when loaded on a real server being hammered by real people. That said, I think I need to start working on my throttle again so I have a way to actually play this in the form I'd like to when it finally hits. Jank, low FPS, and all.

Totally agree.

Making a thread when 2.7 comes out is the best bet, unless gamescom/ star citizen shows off actual substantial gameplay of the stuff, we've read and seen about here. Then maybe go for it, still it'll probably turn into another drive by post, it's a scam or its not going to come out filled "conversations". Lots of folks here dislike this project just on principle regard less of what it shows off, especially those that refuse to follow it or don't even bother to pay attention enough to be up to date on correct information but still proceed to spout nonsense.
Sounds like a bad idea.

Far as i know there is no mandate to have a thread. Its not a need.

I prefer the random driveby with inane and silly posts to be in a another thread we can ignore. We already have enough of the silliness in this thread. Hopefully it will keep their attention, so they can get it out their system.

Edit: tuxfool coming back with the big guns. wb!


I don't know, I think this is pretty thread worthy :p
Just make a new thread after that when there's new stuff at gamescom


Wow Star Marine info, almost feel like we traveled back to 12 month ago.

That being said their work on procedural generation and seamless planetary landing is still pretty impressive, even if it's till empty atm.


I prefer the random driveby with inane and silly posts to be in a another thread we can ignore. We already have enough of the silliness in this thread. Hopefully it will keep their attention, so they can get it out their system.

Edit: tuxfool coming back with the big guns. wb!
Most of them tend to ignore this thread though, so the news would fly under their radar if it was contained to only being here.

There's a new thread for every piece of information released about No Man's Sky. I'm sure a Gamescom thread should be fine.

Exactly, there's a thread for every NMS trailer. Even if it's just some guy talking.

It was less about whether it'd be technically fine, and more about whether we wanted to go through the same song and dance that ends up happening with every new SC news thread. Alas, even if one of the regulars here doesn't make the thread, somebody else most likely will - possibly with a negative spin. So we're probably going to go down that path no matter what.

I need safer interests. Between SC and VR, it seems like I'm constantly playing defense in general threads against the skeptics and haters lol. Not that every criticism is invalid by any stretch, but both topics seem to bring out a lot of people who are completely ignorant on the subject, yet insist on sharing their "insight" about SC/VR's shortcomings and failures. Then there's the people that want them to fail, just cuz.

Patrick S.

It's bad for everyone in Crusader. How's your performance in Free Flight or the Hangar?

I haven't actually tried in the last builds, I don't really remember.

I reinstalled it the other day and went to Olizar, and somehow I spawned without a body, and whenever I got into an airlock I died. This repeated for a few times. Also the graphics were flickering like mad, and whenever I managed to take of in my ship someone shot me down almost inmediately. Is the max speed of the Aurora from the starter pack really only 50 (whatever the speed units are called)? I don't seem to move faster than someone on a Vespa...


I haven't actually tried in the last builds, I don't really remember.

I reinstalled it the other day and went to Olizar, and somehow I spawned without a body, and whenever I got into an airlock I died. This repeated for a few times. Also the graphics were flickering like mad, and whenever I managed to take of in my ship someone shot me down almost inmediately. Is the max speed of the Aurora from the starter pack really only 50 (whatever the speed units are called)? I don't seem to move faster than someone on a Vespa...
Spawning without a body and graphical flicker are definitely bugs, being shot down at Olisar shouldn't happen as it's a no-fire zone. You need to put on your space suit before you enter the airlock. The speed has modes, you need to check your keybindings to see which button switches between them.

Patrick S.

Spawning without a body and graphical flicker are definitely bugs, being shot down at Olisar shouldn't happen as it's a no-fire zone. You need to put on your space suit before you enter the airlock. The speed has modes, you need to check your keybindings to see which button switches between them.

I was maybe thirty seconds away from the station and someone shot me down.

When I spawned without body I could open the locker on the left of your cabin where you get the spacesuit, but it didn't get equipped.

Thanks for the tip about the speed, let's see if I find what to press to go faster than 50 :)
how much of an FPS impact will trees have and at what resolution did they play in? im not too happy about the planet side performance.

GTX 980 was used with 100 fps on the planetary surface, so performance seems to be pretty good already, sorry, that was just editor performance - in-game performance was 45fps :)

Trees and Animals seemingly are planned (edit: doesn't seem to be in with 2.7, sorry) - they have them seemingly setup in pre-made templates they call eco-systems - these can be brushed over the planet surface, some magic blends the transitions to make it look naturally and consistent.
Have they mentioned what they are going to do about urban centers on colonized planets? I'd imagine having Arc-corp sized metropolises would be nigh impossible to integrate with procedural planets and fauna.


Have they mentioned what they are going to do about urban centers on colonized planets? I'd imagine having Arc-corp sized metropolises would be nigh impossible to integrate with procedural planets and fauna.
I seem to recall somewhere that they would make urban centers restricted airspace, requiring automated landings to get into the city. Which makes sense considering real world examples, pretty sure people aren't supposed to fly low-altitude in Manhattan.


I would make the thread about this, but dont know about legality of it really.
Those are scans in the end and general policy on GAF is no scans.

I wonder how CIG will handle this situation. Normally they would just release those materials to the public, but going by that GC is month away and probably PC Games is not the only magazine or press they showed it to, they probably do not want to screw all of them over.
Seems like the magazine should be published on Wednesday normally.
These screenshots and information are ABSURD. like wtf CIG? Why is it so good looking?!

edit: regarding a new thread... I would love to have one honestly because these screens and information are pretty great, but at the same time... we only have very high quality scans atm? It is honestly hard to tell though because these screens seem to be 100% native... are they from the online article that will accompany the piece in the magazine?


This screenshot has GI effects on the ship and the player character

edit3: the character models remind me of the quality of offline VG-CGI from the 2007-2010 era. Things like Blur's Halo Wars CGI for example.

edit4: scratch that, SQ42 looks better


Yoo, that's amazing. Paging Derek Smart.

Ohh.. So he already says it's a shill, it's fake information and completely wrong, because a German mag would never get the info. Do people still even bother with this guy?
I seem to recall somewhere that they would make urban centers restricted airspace, requiring automated landings to get into the city. Which makes sense considering real world examples, pretty sure people aren't supposed to fly low-altitude in Manhattan.

That seems like about the best compromise they could have made, the game is already too ambitious as it is, having entire cities that you could theoretically explore on foot would just be too much.


Yoo, that's amazing. Paging Derek Smart.

Ohh.. So he already says it's a shill, it's fake information and completely wrong, because a German mag would never get the info. Do people still even bother with this guy?

Its very impressive but when you really think about it the PG is just what they showed off last year in video form but in a more complete state. How can anyone say that's fake.


I'll be honest, I thought this was never going to happen, like one of those things Roberts would like to do, but would be too technologically challenging to actually accomplish. Wow...

Back in Elite II's time it was an absolute feat. These days it's merely tricky, although it involves a kind of math that's pretty different from the usual game math, which is why most game programmers wouldn't know where to start. Thankfully the necessary techniques were well developed during the last decade and these days this excellent book is the bible for any programmer who needs to do such a thing and contains almost everything you'd want to know for such a project.

How can anyone say that's fake.

To give some context, not to that specific claim, but to that kind of claim in general, this is what several gaming magazines, back in 1993, presented as a screenshot of the hi-res version of Bullfrog's Magic Carpet that they'd had the pleasure to play:


Magic Carpet's tech was revolutionary at the time, one of the very first textured terrain engines including destructibility, but in reality it didn't look like that, it looked like that. To the journalists it was a white lie: Sure they hadn't played it, a dev had shown it to them, but it's the same thing, right? If the dev says it really looks like that, it's ok. Claims that it didn't look at all like the normal res version were dismissed. But of course, no, it was a concept video made in 3D studio and everything the dev had spouted was either bullshit (which was a Bullfrog tradition even then) or misunderstood by the journalists. The lesson there was that second hand accounts by people invited to play in a controlled environment should be taken with a grain of salt.

Of course I'm not at all saying it's what going on here, especially since as said above this kind of tech is well within our grasp. But the proof's in the pudding and you can't hope the more vocal critics will be silenced until 2.7 is out.
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