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The 100 - Season 2 - The #groundpound is back, bitches. [renewed for S3]

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Remember that episode with the gorilla? I'd like to call it "Clarke and Lexa on a Date at the Zoo."

Just finished season two. This is probably the show that reminds me of the new Battlestar Galactica the most, and for more than just the obvious superficial similarities. There are shared cast members (Rekha Sharma is still evil, Kate Vernon is still scheming, Alessandro Juliani is *literally* still Gaeta...) and there is obvious visual inspiration - the inside of the Ark is clearly patterned after the look of the Galactica more than any other, less dirty space show. Oh, and they both begin after the end of most of humanity.

But there's nothing else I can quite think of on television at the moment that is so dedicated to putting its characters into brutal, unwinnable situations to test their ability to weigh decisions between the necessity of survival and the inevitable slide into moral turpitude that comes of living in such a cruel environment. Honestly, this is probably a harsher, more callous fictional world than even BSG had, and that was pretty damn grim at times. That John Murphy doesn't look like all that bad of a guy anymore for killing two unarmed, sick people barehanded in the first season is really saying something. It's impressive how they have managed to shatter any notions of ethical purity into a million pieces for nearly every character on the show.

That sounds kind of negative, but I actually really admire the fact that the show knows exactly what it's doing ("maybe there are no good guys") and basically never pulls its punches - - in any case, I was thoroughly invested by the time of the quality uptick mid-season-one. The show has only gotten better from there, and the second season was, frankly, fucking nuts, in a good way. I even bought into Jaha's whole, weird arc and boy did that ever pay off, as did so many other things large and small that I never expected.

Now if only they could stop that god damn CW thing where they end the episode with a montage set to some shitty pop song, excellent use of Exit Music (For a Film) in the season 1 finale aside.

But what about boobs? Can we get a clearer shot of the boobs in this picture?

What an embarrassing thread derail that was.


We have synopsis for S3:

For two seasons, the refugees of The 100 sent to Earth have been at war. First with themselves, then with the Grounders, and finally with Mount Weather. Many have lost their lives along the way. All have lost their innocence. They have learned the hard way that in the fight for survival, there are no heroes and no villains. There is only the living and the dead. But now the war is over. The battle against Mount Weather has been won. The prisoners have returned home to a world seemingly at peace, but can they find peace within themselves after what they had to do to escape? And is there more to life than just surviving? Unfortunately, their newfound sense of normalcy will be short-lived, and their lives will be changed forever, as threats both old and new test their loyalties, push them past their limits, and make them question what it truly means to be human.First, they fought to survive. Then, they fought for their friends. Now, they will fight for the human race.

from http://www.thewrap.com/cw-new-season-schedule-arrow-flash-legends-of-tomorrow/


I hope they are smart enough to clean out Mount Weather and live there. Be dumb to waste that and go live in a crashed spaceship.


Dang the wait till 2016 is going to be tough.

The 100 Writers Room
Good things come to those who wait, right? All we can say is... Get excited for 2016. #The100

Jason Rothenberg
Yes, the wait till mid season sucks, but extra time will make the show better. We wait that long for cable shows. #The100 is a cable show.

TV Guide
Pedowitz: #The100 will premiere midseason with 13 or 16 episodes "going pretty much nonstop" #TheCW #Upfronts2015

The CW hopes 'The 100' can have its 'Breaking Bad' moment
By holding "The 100" until midseason, Pedowitz says that he hopes such a critically acclaimed show will perhaps finally get the viewers to match its acclaim, a la "Breaking Bad," the AMC hit whose buzz built so much that it saw a jump in viewers between Seasons 3 and 4 and then a steady rise in viewers throughout its final season.

"It's a big Netflix favorite, and having the opportunity to catch up on years 1 and 2 as we begin year 3, maybe this show can get the real viewers it deserves, and maybe it'll have that 'Breaking Bad' moment," Pedowitz says.
I don't mind waiting - there's a lot on these days and it gives them more time. A straight run through a tightly plotted 13-16 episodes sounds good to me.


That's too long =(. Also, with that premise, I kinda hope that this is the final season. I mean what else could they possibly do? We already know they won't go out and explore other regions of the world.


Interesting move but yeah, I guess it gives more time for people to proselytize for it. Weird considering it aired mid-season, and then came back in the fall. S4 will be in the fall again, maybe? Place your bets!

secretly its to give the writers more time to write more elaborate mass murder scenarios for Clarke


Interesting move but yeah, I guess it gives more time for people to proselytize for it. Weird considering it aired mid-season, and then came back in the fall. S4 will be in the fall again, maybe? Place your bets!

secretly its to give the writers more time to write more elaborate mass murder scenarios for Clarke

Clarke sides with the AI and kills everyone. Season 4 sees her and Jaha wander around with massive PTSD.


It is not that bad to wait until 2016, the show only premiered mid-season last year too. It gives them more time to get the finishing touches on the CGI work.
Disappointed TBH. :( The only positive I can spin is that hopefully the producers will use the extra time to improve the show. S2 was amazing so hopefully S3 will be just as great.
Unfortunately, their newfound sense of normalcy will be short-lived, and their lives will be changed forever, as threats both old and new test their loyalties, push them past their limits, and make them question what it truly means to be human.First, they fought to survive. Then, they fought for their friends. Now, they will fight for the human race.

Clarke coming face to face with A.L.I.E is going to epic as fuck.

Soul crushing we have to wait until 2016 though, but if it makes the show better (although the show was already pretty damn great by the finale) I'm all for waiting longer.


I've finally bitten the bullet and gave this show a chance. And Jesus fuck. Why didn't I watch it earlier? It's so damn good. Amazing cast of characters that actually change because of what they've been through. No deus ex machinas or lucky miracles. Everything they win has such an enormous costs. And the world building just gets more and more layered. Plus moral dilemas that actually are true dilemas with no right or wrong answer? Yes please. Give me more.

I like a lot of CW's shows. Arrow, Flash, iZombie...all awesome. But The 100 beats them all. Heck, it's easily one of the very best shows on the air right now.


returning for Season 3

When a fan in the audience asked a question about
whether or not there'd ever be a reconciliation between Lexa and Clarke, showrunner Jason Rothenberg answered, "I suppose there’s hope for reconciliation because Alycia Debnam-Carey is coming back to the show. And, yes, Clarke is pissed and there’ll be fireworks between them that we’ve never seen before. I think that it'll be interesting to see how they butt heads. Or not."

There will be a little bit of a time jump. "We are going to have our first time jump between seasons," Rothenberg said. "We pick up a couple of months after Clarke bailed on everyone and Season 3 will be and feel as different from Season 2 as Season 2 felt from Season 1."

Rothenberg then spoke about how Season 3 will get back into harder sci-fi with the new Jaha arc. "The A.L.I.E. story, the A.I. story really sets us up in a new more science fiction direction. You know, Season 1 had a very hard sci-fi aspect to it, being set out in space, and then everything got sort of grounded, literally, in Season 2. So I'm excited to get back to doing more sci-fi things on the show."

EW - Comic-Con 2015: The 100 to feature
time jump in season 3

tvline - The 100 @ Comic-Con



back in a big way in Season 3. More Grounder backstory. I'm there. I'm so, so there.

I'm actually really interested in seeing where they take Octavia, too. If she feels betrayed by both groups, what will that leave her with? Hmm.
I don't even highlight the spoilers to know who they are referring to.

So happy! I just hope it's
not a short lived return where she's killed off as leader so she can focus on Fear The Walking Dead.




just some images of the cast at comic con.
Clarke > Raven

also that long spoiler.
fireworks better be when lexa and clark make love beyond the kiss. i would be disappointed if they don't give fans what they want

and last spoiler
consume me with the darkness. that's what awesome about the show.


also that long spoiler.
fireworks better be when lexa and clark make love beyond the kiss. i would be disappointed if they don't give fans what they want

As much as I love hot women making out, I hope it feels organic and not just blatant fan service.
That stuff is one of the reasons I hate 90% of anime.


So I don't think there's been a full leak of the SDCC panel anywhere, but some lovely souls cobbled together a list of things that were said about season 3 there (or possibly in q+as.) Most of it is amounts to exceedingly vague breadcrumbs, but I spoilered all of the mildly spoilery stuff just in case.

-there will be a time jump between one month to three months after Clarke leaves Camp Jaha
-A.L.I.E. will take the show in a more sci-fi direction
-Clarke has gone a bit crazy, totally unlike her previous self
-Bellamy will take on Clarke’s role as a leader and will be looking after the 44 and doing a good job; but he doesn’t have faith in his abilities without Clarke
-Octavia will not be getting along with the Ark people
-Lincoln’s moral compass remains unchanged despite the scars on his body; he’ll continue to fight for the greater good
-the happiness in season 3 won’t last long, R.I.P.
-Clarke’s taking hard the backlash of killing all those people in the finale of season 2 and she has practically abandoned her people
-Raven will try pick herself up; she’s still grieving over Finn’s death; her leg might get worse
-Clarke may or may not bump into Jaha and Murphy
-Lexa will be back for season 3 but who knows for how long
-we’ll get to see more of the Grounders’ world including politics and spirituality
-Clarke is pissed at Lexa [EDITOR'S NOTE: there will be FIREWORKS the likes of which we've NEVER SEEN when they meet again, I promise I am not making this up these words were actually spoken]
-there’s a lot of chemistry between Clarke and Bellamy
-we’ll get more Monty this season
-Lincoln’s first scene in the new season will be some sort of a stunt
-all characters will have to deal with PTSD
-the show will begin with a tentative peace between Arkes and Grounders but that won’t last
-we’ll see more Grounders with mutations
-the show will continue being dark but the characters will find hope [ED. NOTE: and sex] in each other

Sounding good.
Nice to see Monty will get a bit more of the spotlight.
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