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The Order 1886 Gameplay Demo (E3 2014)

It honestly looks like the player's ability to control their friggin' movement is even more restricted than the average cinematic, visceral action shooter.

I'm pretty certain he dude had no control over his ability to run backwards away from the werewolf, and that does not impress me at all.

Protip: The people who dislike this probably dislike David Cage games.

The idea that such an observation negates the opinions of people unimpressed by The Order tickles me greatly.


Absolutely horrific demo. Why?... just why?

What happened to the astounding open areas filled with life that was depicted in the concept art?

Where is the gameplay? Just terrible, I'm sorry.


I love how utterly pointless that QTE was for how intrusive the button prompt is. That gameplay trailer looked less interactive than Walking Dead with even less consequence.


Looked absolutely dreadful. Essentially it played to the letter of how people like to make fun of it. Why even show up if you are going to show a grand total of 7 button presses

All of which were futile, because the game had a predetermined outcome.
like what was the point of even firing your gun considering how predetermined every single bit of that was

why even put a button prompt there

its like the player was an inconvenience so that were like "oh okkkk....I guess we can put in some interactive moments *kicks dust*"


I'd be in the dick
Gorgeous but boring demo. If you could explore more it would have been a lot better before the hybrid shows up. I want to see an actual fight with one.


at last, for christ's sake
The cinematic gameplay is fine imo. Not sure why this game is getting so much shit when so many on here are fine with David Cage's games.

people were expecting it to play a bit better than David Cage's games, I might presume

I'd totally watch a ITV show out of this, looks really good. David Morrissey as the lead


I wasn't super excited about this game before, but seeing the monster be so intelligent boosted my hype of the game considerably. I was expecting them to be the usual beastly kind that don't have too much intelligence, but they seemed to retain their human intelligence + they have all the advantages of a canine creature. Seemed like a really intimitating enemy, hopefully they can keep them that way throughout the game.
Really... THAT is what you want to show us? After all of the promising that we will see something new, you give us this shit?

I'm still looking forward to the game, but god damn. Why not actually show us something worth watching? :/


have to agree with everyone here that they showed shit when they could have showed us so much more. I don't understand why they chose to show us this.

I still think it will be an amazing SP experience though!


This game gave me the Resident Evil 4 vibe... Was it just me?

I hope there isn't much QTEs in the game.

Man, he's shooting lead onto a werewolf? FREAKIN' SILVER BULLETS MAN!


They really need to do a better job of showing this game off. Hearsay, gifs, and short clips will not be enough. Still looking forward to this.
Jesus. All that buildup for THIS? Goodness, it started so well, and then it decent into cutscenes, QTE (and not the dynamic one like they've touted), and cutscenes, and scripted event and CUTSCENES.

Man, this studio seems to only work well with existing franchises. Starting one exposes their one-trick pony gimmick when the reins are left for them to handle.

Need I mention Uncharted 4 is targeting 1080p/60fps? What's with the excuse of DAT filmic visuals now?


Just love it. People making snap judgements on an entire game they've never played based off a demo of one short section. Lovely dandy.

Correction. That's 3 gameplay reveals. All of which were diverse in content and none were particularly impressive aside from the visuals.
Just love it. People making snap judgements on an entire game they've never played based off a demo of one short section. Lovely dandy.

that's what gameplay demos are suppose to do.

Unless you could actually kill that werewolf creature in those 5 second gameplay sections, they literally showed nothing.
Just love it. People making snap judgements on an entire game they've never played based off a demo of one short section. Lovely dandy.
Are positive snap judgments OK? Curiously, they seem to be.

Personally, I'm still waiting for the gameplay. At some point we'll see some open ended and fully interactive gameplay, yes? Or is this truly a David Cage cinematic experience?

Because if it is just be upfront about it and don't leave people hanging. Because the dissonant clash of expectations does nobody any good.
I have to applaud Sony here.

They've been doing a total awful job showing this game...either that, or is truly an atrocious cinematic QTE shooter.


This demo disappointed me somewhat. Yeah it was atmospheric and moody but taking away controls from the player for 95% of that sequence was a bit much. RE has done similar encounters like that without having to turn it into a David Cage game.


I don't understand why you guys keep getting disappointed when the devs have said exactly what the game is? It's like going into a CoD thread and complainging that it's a dudebro shooter.

Because that was not a game. That was an interactive movie.

Just love it. People making snap judgements on an entire game they've never played based off a demo of one short section. Lovely dandy.

People are judging because that was their chance to show what they thought was the best of their game, and if that was the best, YIKES.


this game looked like a horrible mess, and it continues to look like a horrible mess. This is the pinnacle of "cinematic" gaming, a jarring mess of random gameplay and cutscene sections with no coherent system for its mechanics.


Tragic victim of fan death
This is not a game. Someone must've gone to the dictionary and laid out a very loose definition of the word because what I saw was a demo where people moved around and stuff happened. This is worse than that stupid gif of Dragon Age 2.
Didn't want to even comment on this with all the other news dropping, but man. That was worse than Max Payne 3 in terms of ripping control away from you, and it clearly doesn't play anywhere near as well. The hit detection (or, lack of)...just, ugh.

Yet another poor showing...
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