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The South Carolina Primary & Nevada Caucuses |Feb 20, 23, 27| Continuing The Calm

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I hope MSNBC covers it, been my go-to as an international viewer for the last couple of ones.

edit - Or maybe it was CBSN, names are hard
Are the early results expected to favor Bernie or Hillary? I know in Iowa Hillary had a solid 7-8 point lead when results first started being reported, but Bernie caught up as the night went on.


Unconfirmed Member
Polls seem to suggest Trump 1st, Rubio 2nd, and Cruz 3rd in South Carolina. Rubio and Cruz is about tied in the averages, but Rubio's been having a last second surge in the polls, and that usually suggests he'll end up higher than where the polls ended at.


Hillary's got this

They have a four point platform!!


Are the early results expected to favor Bernie or Hillary? I know in Iowa Hillary had a solid 7-8 point lead when results first started being reported, but Bernie caught up as the night went on.
Favouring Hillary. Weirdly close though. Given the insane gaps a few months ago, pretty close.
Are the early results expected to favor Bernie or Hillary? I know in Iowa Hillary had a solid 7-8 point lead when results first started being reported, but Bernie caught up as the night went on.
Depends on what's reporting first. We'll get entrance polls first which tells us something but not much.

If conventional wisdom holds, Clinton should dominate Vegas. Bernie could do well in Reno and in rural areas.


My wife and I are about to drive up the road and cast our votes. I'm so glad that SC is early, then we can just sit back and watch the rest unfold, haha.


What a great OP. Though obviously Cruz's main attack is accompanied by the tagline "Debt Awaits You" once the GAO runs the budget projections based on his mammoth defence spending plans.


Those FFX comparisons are no joke.

Trump will win by a fair margin.

Hillary will win by a negligible amount.

In the end, Bernie will sacrifice himself and become Hillary's final aeon to defeat Sin and bring a temporary Calm. Trump will return in four years to wreak havoc.
I think Kasich surprises some people with about 15%. He'll probably take some of Bush's votes, he had a good few days going into the primary.


I can't remember the last time there was an event like Nevada where we had no real idea what was going to happen because the polling was so sparse. It's kind of exciting?


I can't remember the last time there was an event like Nevada where we had no real idea what was going to happen because the polling was so sparse. It's kind of exciting?

I think it is. I mean I'm not even going to bother watching SC because there's no excitement to be had there really. Not sure I'd feel much different if it was Bernie that was going to take it. The excitement is with the unknown.


Wow, CNN showing what looks like a huge line of Hillary supporters.

There were some Bernie supporters sprinkled in there, but my impression is that some of those women were together as part of a group, and they were all Hillary supporters. Could be wrong about that but it seemed like it.


Ugh, this is where we are about to go vote. I hope it's not like this soon...


Heavy turnout and long lines are the hallmarks so far at some of Anderson County's busiest voting precincts as residents wait to cast ballots in the South Carolina Republican primary.

Voters at McCants Middle School in Anderson were particularly disgruntled, with many saying they had waited in line up to an hour and 45 minutes to cast their ballots.

The voters said only one voting machine was working for a long period Saturday in the school's gymnasium.

Four voting machines were at the school on Saturday afternoon, but there were only three poll workers.

Dozens of voters were standing in a line that snaked around two walls of the gym.

"It is sort of ridiculous," said Daniel Edwards.

Kaye Smith also was upset, calling the ordeal her "worst voting experience ever."

Cheryl Smith blamed the wait on "total incompetence."

"It is discouraging for people who are voting for the first time," she said. "It also makes me wonder if our votes are going to be handled correctly."

Thomas Pounds had a message for Anderson County's elections director.

"You tell Katy Smith this is a total mess," he said.

Responding to questions from the Independent Mail, Smith said turnout at some precincts was larger than it had been in at least two previous presidential primaries. She also said she had trouble recruiting poll workers.
Trumps lead has been declining this week. Averaging out all the polls shows this trend:

Tuesday: Trump +17
Wednesday: Trump +16
Thursday: Trump +13.25
Friday: Trump +9.8

Based on this, and the fact that his decline is accelerating, i put this race very close. I'm giving it to Trump by +2, but i think there's a chance it could go either way as those last minute holdouts make up their minds
I fear for Hill's campaign if she loses NV.

Her staff's discipline/organization usually go up in flames the moment she finds herself in a tough spot. I don't want this to turn into a nasty race like 2008, so keep those long lines of old little ladies coming.


-Assuming Trump wins, will he be closer to 25 or 35? Or higher?. With 25-35, it continues the narrative that a majority of the party doesn't want him to be the nominee. With more than 35, he will have expanded his lead over his NH tally and it starts to look like he is consolidating support.

-I agree with everyone that the battle for second place will be super interesting. Rubio has really surged these last few days, but I still expect that Cruz's baked-in advantages will carry him. I could see either of them landing between 15-25, and the specifics of each of their results will set separate narratives. It's looking like Cruz, Trump, and Rubio will split about 70% of the vote, and it will be really interesting to see how the pie gets divided up.

-Just how low can Jeb go? Kasich has already indicated that he is going to go on no matter what and Carson is never going to drop out. But Jeb really has a hard time continuing to justify the support of this donors if he doesn't get a close 4th place. If/when Jeb drops out, his donors will be free to move to Rubio and that could really change the dynamic of this race if Rubio gets any version of second place.


I fear for Hill's campaign if she loses NV.

Her staff's discipline/organization usually go up in flames the moment she finds herself in a tough spot. I don't want this to turn into a nasty race like 2008, so keep those long lines of old little ladies coming.

One can only hope she loses Nevada if that's the case.
Trumps lead has been declining this week. Averaging out all the polls shows this trend:

Tuesday: Trump +17
Wednesday: Trump +16
Thursday: Trump +13.25
Friday: Trump +9.8

Based on this, and the fact that his decline is accelerating, i put this race very close. I'm giving it to Trump by +2, but i think there's a chance it could go either way as those last minute holdouts make up their minds

Hope Trump can pull it out by at least 8. Otherwise the media will have a field day.

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