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The Witcher 2 - April High Quality New Screens, Boxart and Sex pic


hide your water-based mammals
It's expensive or costs something no matter what. And in lots of cases it hurts the game more than it helps. I turn off DoF since it bothers me most of the time.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
LiquidMetal14 said:
It's expensive or costs something no matter what. And in lots of cases it hurts the game more than it helps. I turn off DoF since it bothers me most of the time.
Yeah I feel like a lot of games use it poorly and excessively.
cj_iwakura said:
Uh, am I the only one who liked Witcher 1's combat? It was simple, fluid, got things done with a quickness.
I really liked the combat in the first one.
zero margin said:
Jesus... almost that time. I need to finish the first quickly.
Ugh, yeah. Need to do this as well, even though I don't really want to. Just finished DA:O, now I have to rush through AC:Bro's Hood and then continue my saved game from August. And then there's Portal 2. Fuck.


Gold Member
LiquidMetal14 said:
It's expensive or costs something no matter what. And in lots of cases it hurts the game more than it helps. I turn off DoF since it bothers me most of the time.

I found the DoF effect in TW1 to be excellent, made for some incredibly gorgeous backdrops to the conversations. I generally like it to be on, unless they over do it.


Snuggler said:
There is a good chance you might feel the same way about Witcher 2, despite the pretty graphics. It's likely to fix many of the issues with the first game, but ultimately I don't think it's gonna change anyone's mind who didn't like the first game.

Eh, not so sure :). The team really focused on all of the issues media and players had with the first one... that's basically what determined the feature set for W2. So I'd actually say there's a good chance you'd like it... at least if you like RPGs in general. We're banking on the fact that the sequel should have broader appeal, without dumbing down the gameplay.


Gold Member
Pretty encouraging preview/impressions (french). Quick google translate link, scroll down a ton .

First mention of performance for very high setting:

The tested version was obviously not the final version and was still suffering from numerous crashes, but the second version I could test at end of stay was already much more stable. The computer was a standard PC with a processor i7 870, with 8 GB of memory and a Geforce GTX 560ti, resolution 1900x1080 (22 inches required). Tested in all resolutions (Low, medium, high and very high) the game has always remained very fluid. After intelligence, the game will not support DirectX 11 at its output, but did not really suffer

Much better than I expected! Final impressions:

The quality is well above the first Witcher

Good news, this will be a long final stretch! The forums mention there will be statements about the DRM soon, and if anything is going to be censored they will announce that as well soon (otherwise assume it all made it through).


Minsc said:
Good news, this will be a long final stretch! The forums mention there will be statements about the DRM soon, and if anything is going to be censored they will announce that as well soon (otherwise assume it all made it through).
I was the one that asked about that, and they've been saying this stuff for a while. "Info is coming soon" ect. I'm wondering if the devs even know what DRM is being implemented.


Kyaw said:
Here is a map comparison of Witcher 1 and 2 (found on GT forums):


And it was shamelessly stolen from this earlier post in the thread.



Not sure what that map is supposed to tell us. All it does is point out the city where the first game took place. It doesn't tell you how much of that map is actually area that you can explore and walk around in TW2.


Gold Member
Exuro said:
I was the one that asked about that, and they've been saying this stuff for a while. "Info is coming soon" ect. I'm wondering if the devs even know what DRM is being implemented.

Yea, you've brought a bunch of interesting stuff over from there, I just started skimming the forums recently for hopes of benchmark info.

Time is running out though! So even though they've been saying that for a while, I sorta believe them now cause the actual release is soon too. Someone there said it was up to Atari what DRM is used, and they're not involved in the selection for the DRM.

The big question for some people is whether the Steam version uses additional DRM, though I very much doubt it will and at worst nothing ridiculous. Someone more familiar with Atari's recent Steam releases could make a better guess though.


Slo said:
Not sure what that map is supposed to tell us. All it does is point out the city where the first game took place. It doesn't tell you how much of that map is actually area that you can explore and walk around in TW2.

Thats what I wonder too. TW1 did take place in that one small circle but TW2 could only take place in just a few more small circles spread out across that large area.
If they implement on foot/horse/whatever travel to every area, Ill be really impressed.

Minsc said:
Yea, you've brought a bunch of interesting stuff over from there, I just started skimming the forums recently for hopes of benchmark info.

In case you didnt find it, I asked about a benchmark a week or two ago. They didnt have any info to give.
Slo said:
Not sure what that map is supposed to tell us. All it does is point out the city where the first game took place. It doesn't tell you how much of that map is actually area that you can explore and walk around in TW2.

You gotta look closer. That area isn't just the city but also all the other areas encompassing Witcher 1


Gully State said:
You gotta look closer. That area isn't just the city but also all the other areas encompassing Witcher 1

I get that, but that doesn't mean anything about how much of that area will be explorable in the engine. I mean GTA5 could have a level in LA and a level in Amsterdam, so what would the map look like for that? The entire globe?
Stallion Free said:
I'm really pleased this game has pad support.

You and I both

I know it may be blasphemous around some parts, but honestly KB/Mouse is my LEAST preferred control method nowadays. Just uncomfortable for me.
Recently bought a Razer Nostromo keypad though and want to see how it is...

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
AgentOtaku said:
You and I both

I know it may be blasphemous around some parts, but honestly KB/Mouse is my LEAST preferred control method nowadays. Just uncomfortable for me.
Recently bought a Razer Nostromo keypad though and want to see how it is...
My stance is that it is idiotic to release a game on a platform that supports an insane number of inputs and not support at least a few of the most common ones so long as they make sense. Based on the gameplay here, there doesn't look like there will be any benefit to using MKB other than hotkeys (?). I like pad support because my hands tend to get tired of MKB or pad and I like the option to switch it up when I am gaming for an afternoon.


Exuro said:
If anyone cares, Geralt's current face from the latest images won't be changed to match the new box art. What we see of him in game right now will be the final model.

"@slimgrin: Geralt in-game remains the same."


Really doesn't make sense to me. Feels like a nineties thing to do, really. I mean, he's going to look mostly the same, but it's goofy having two different versions. Either line them up to each other, or use what you got in game and pretty it up. It's like they think the in game face will scare off potential customers. Feature wise, I mean.


Please dont hate for me asking this, but will I be able to play this game with my 360 pad on my PC? It looks to be a perfect game to use a pad.

My new rig is ready and willing to swallow this game whole...cant wait!

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Hawk269 said:
Please dont hate for me asking this, but will I be able to play this game with my 360 pad on my PC? It looks to be a perfect game to use a pad.

My new rig is ready and willing to swallow this game whole...cant wait!
It's pretty much 100% guaranteed. Hopefully the proper button prompts and rumble will be included.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Stallion Free said:
I'm really pleased this game has pad support.
Indeed, why shouldn't it?

I will be playing this game with my mouse, as I did in The Witcher, but more options are never a bad thing.

Anyway, anyone who doesn't own The Witcher needs to buy it off D2D right about now, no excuses!


Does Witcher 1 have pad support? If so, is it decent controlling it that way? I lost interest around the swamps and didn't come back to it. I kinda want to. I'd have to get that wireless gaming receiver for PC.
Hawk269 said:
Please dont hate for me asking this, but will I be able to play this game with my 360 pad on my PC? It looks to be a perfect game to use a pad.

My new rig is ready and willing to swallow this game whole...cant wait!

They already confirmed it in that 1 hr Q&A video about a month ago. In case anyone wants a source.

cackhyena said:
Does Witcher 1 have pad support? If so, is it decent controlling it that way? I lost interest around the swamps and didn't come back to it. I kinda want to. I'd have to get that wireless gaming receiver for PC.

Unfortunately no.
Slo said:
I get that, but that doesn't mean anything about how much of that area will be explorable in the engine. I mean GTA5 could have a level in LA and a level in Amsterdam, so what would the map look like for that? The entire globe?

Like I said in my original post of the comparison map, Im sure the game will not take place in the whole open world of those four kingdoms (if it does, it will be one of the greatest games ever, and who knows, Skyrim works like that), but even if it uses only spots from each kingdom (that is what probably will happen) the game will still be MUCH bigger, and more importantly it will be MUCH MORE varied.

You see, the first one was only Vizimia and surroundings (and the majority of the surroundings are swamps). If you have read the novels or read the Witcher wiki you will know that each kingdom has its own ecosystem with different types of terrain and diferent races living in them. This means its still a good comparison.

Exuro said:
Neogaf > Internet > Neogaf
I think im proud of this :lol


New media looks ridiculously gorgeous and is making the wait for this game very, very tough. I've got the game pre-ordered from GOG but am seriously considering also ponying up for the retail CE just to get some of the physical goodies as well.

Why must you be so amazing, The Witcher 2??


Plane Escape Torment
Exuro said:
If anyone cares, Geralt's current face from the latest images won't be changed to match the new box art. What we see of him in game right now will be the final model.

"@slimgrin: Geralt in-game remains the same."


Wow this is so fucking stupid. What's the point of changing the cover when people were complaining that he looks too much of a pretty boy INGAME! C'mon RED you're better than that!
loganclaws said:
Wow this is so fucking stupid. What's the point of changing the cover when people were complaining that he looks too much of a pretty boy INGAME! C'mon RED you're better than that!
They said it's already the same face that's in the current game, but the cover has more detail.


erotic butter maelstrom
EvolveTom said:
Eh, not so sure :). The team really focused on all of the issues media and players had with the first one... that's basically what determined the feature set for W2. So I'd actually say there's a good chance you'd like it... at least if you like RPGs in general. We're banking on the fact that the sequel should have broader appeal, without dumbing down the gameplay.

Sounds like you know better than I do. :)

Honestly, I was just saying that to try and force people to play the first game. I love it so it's frustrating to see people write it off halfway through the first chapter, but I guess I'll just have to accept that people don't always like what I like.

Anyways, everyone should still take advantage of the D2D deal if they don't have it yet. It's worth the price of a sandwich at least.


Plane Escape Torment
Jay Shadow said:
They said it's already the same face that's in the current game, but the cover has more detail.

Well just look at any recent screenshots, Geralt still looks much younger and prettier than W1 or that newly revealed cover. It's like he went to Hollywood and got plastic surgery...


Jay Shadow said:
They said it's already the same face that's in the current game, but the cover has more detail.
Lets compare.

Not the best shot but the latest we've seen. Would be nice to get a more upclose shot like we've gotten before of the other versions, so this'll do for now.


Granpa Geralt!

He looks much younger in my opinion. I think one of the big differences is his hair is silver in game and not white like the cover. That along with the cover having a more "boney"/skinny looking face, not smooth and young like in-game, affects the differences. So I think there is a artistic difference in the two and it's not just adding more detail.

For kicks, here's bronze god geralt and TW1 geralt.


A little too much time spent on the beach.


Trusty old Geralt.


Needs to be on a diet Geralt


This is pretty much same as the final, just a bad shot I think, looks like a toad. Current version is a bit skinnier looking. He appears to have more detail but that may just be because of the lighting.

Really bad looking Geralt


I don't even know what this is. From E3 I think but so was bronze god Geralt.

In the end, the final Geralt that we're looking at imo best represents Geralt.
God, finally a developer that does sex scene right, Bioware can suck it with their "fade to black". Plus, Triss is supposed to be beautiful, all sorceress' in the Witcher were considered beautiful (and terrifying).


I don't see what the problem is, in the books it's clearly explained that the mutations they undergo slow down the ageing process a lot.
Snuggler said:
Sounds like you know better than I do. :)

Honestly, I was just saying that to try and force people to play the first game. I love it so it's frustrating to see people write it off halfway through the first chapter, but I guess I'll just have to accept that people don't always like what I like.

Anyways, everyone should still take advantage of the D2D deal if they don't have it yet. It's worth the price of a sandwich at least.

I understand where those people are coming from. The game is uneven in its pacing at times and the combat can really kill any momentum generated by the main narrative. I had two 3 month breaks with the game (one after the prologue and one at the beginning of Act II) and it really wasn't until last month that I actually just sat down and forced myself to play the game. It's definitely hard to get into if you have a short attention span.
Gully State said:
I understand where those people are coming from. The game is uneven in its pacing at times and the combat can really kill any momentum generated by the main narrative. I had two 3 month breaks with the game (one after the prologue and one at the beginning of Act II) and it really wasn't until last month that I actually just sat down and forced myself to play the game. It's definitely hard to get into if you have a short attention span.

Guilty as charged =/
Castor Krieg said:
God, finally a developer that does sex scene right, Bioware can suck it with their "fade to black". Plus, Triss is supposed to be beautiful, all sorceress' in the Witcher were considered beautiful (and terrifying).

In the books they explain that female sorceress change a lot their physical attributes to look better, its also explained its not for them too look better, but for getting what they want from others because of their beauty. They are in reality ugly and resented with humanity.

Geralt says, that looking closely, se can see that Jennefer has a small humpback from her ugly self. Triss is Jeneffer's friend, so its very possible Triss had the same process.
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