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To Avoid Spoilers Get Out | Get Out Spoiler Thread

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Fantastic film. This movie was layers on top of layers. I was blown away.

Someone earlier said Jeremy was just a henchman, nothing more to think about. That's wrong. Jeremy represents the classic out-in-the-open racist. His helmet is like a stand-in for the Klan hood that allows his to conceal his identity and instill fear like when Klansmen raided and terrorized black neighborhoods. He's out in his white car (horse stand-in) assaulting and kidnapping black people like racists literally did in the past.

Opposite her racist conservative brother, Rose's entire agenda is being the fake ally, using black people to further her own selfish goals. She represents the coddling liberal who sympathizes with minority issues until it stops being convenient. As the movie progresses you can see her becoming less and less agreeable with Chris, being dismissive and whitesplaining his concerns. She finally "caved" in and started completely believing him, very conveniently but with a strong hint she was being disingenuous and only saying what he wanted to hear in order to shut him up. The next scene her full betrayal comes out and I wasn't even surprised. Out of everyone in the film, she's the most dangerous person.

Rose's web search for "top NCAA prospects" reminds me of white female celebrities like Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift dealing with the career crisis of being labeled manufactured frauds... by pandering to black culture and hanging out with black rappers and athletes.

Before the brain transplant reveal, the seemingly brainwashed black suburbians are representative of how blacks and other minorities are forced to confirm to white cultural norms, language, etc. Their interests, the way they talk, all of that. Every POC knows what this is like if they work in a white-collar professional environment for example.

The scene at the police station is a firm reminder that minorities often don't come to the aid of each other, as a community, as a network of professionals, extending opportunities and trusting each other, etc. At the end with the police car, I thought initially: the racist cop from the beginning? No, it's the detectives and his friend, all four coming together like the cavalry! Nope, just his lone goofy friend putting himself in certain danger. I wasn't as thrilled as other people in the audience as I think the rescue party turnout was pretty fucked up. It's in contrast to some Lovecraft stories where a team of scientists or an entire police force confronts and overcomes some fucked up otherworldly shit. This was just "white people are kidnapping black people in a remote suburb" and no one could be bothered to believe it or follow up.

That leads into the next fucked up part. Besides the cultural appropriation angle and the fit black body fetishism, it's telling that the cult only targets black people... because it's far less likely anyone will be concerned and start a full-blown search than when it's a white person who goes missing. They counted on getting away with this for that reason, and did so for seemingly decades. What left me disturbed is... where are all the other missing people? There are other little suburban towns where this is condoned, because like in the Twilight Zone classic "The Monsters are Due on Maple Street," this horror can happen in Anytown, USA.
Fantastic film. This movie was layers on top of layers. I was blown away.

Someone earlier said Jeremy was just a henchman, nothing more to think about. That's wrong. Jeremy represents the classic out-in-the-open racist. His helmet is like a stand-in for the Klan hood that allows his to conceal his identity and instill fear like when Klansmen raided and terrorized black neighborhoods. He's out in his white car (horse stand-in) assaulting and kidnapping black people like racists literally did in the past.

Opposite her racist conservative brother, Rose's entire agenda is being the fake ally, using black people to further her own selfish goals. She represents the coddling liberal who sympathizes with minority issues until it stops being convenient. As the movie progresses you can see her becoming less and less agreeable with Chris, being dismissive and whitesplaining his concerns. She finally "caved" in and started completely believing him, very conveniently but with a strong hint she was being disingenuous and only saying what be wanted to hear in order to shut him up. The next scene her full betrayal comes out and I wasn't even surprised. Out of everyone in the film, she's the most dangerous person.

Rose's web search for "top NCAA prospects" reminds me of white female celebrities like Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift dealing with the career crisis of being labeled manufactured frauds... by pandering to black culture and hanging out with black rappers and athletes.

Before the brain transplant reveal, the seemingly brainwashed black suburbians are representative of how blacks and other minorities are forced to confirm to white cultural norms, language, etc. Their interests, the way they talk, all of that. Every POC knows what this is like if they work in a white-collar professional environment for example.

The scene at the police station is a firm reminder that minorities often don't come to the aid of each other, as a community, as a network of professionals, extending opportunities and trusting each other, etc. At the end with the police car, I thought initially: the racist cop from the beginning? No, it's the detectives and his friend, all four coming together like the cavalry! Nope, just his lone goofy friend putting himself in certain danger. I wasn't as thrilled as other people in the audience as I think the rescue party turnout was pretty fucked up. It's in contrast to some Lovecraft stories where a team of scientists or an entire police force confronts and overcomes some fucked up otherworldly shit. This was just "white people are kidnapping black people in a remote suburb" and no one could be bothered to believe it or follow up.

That leads into the next fucked up part. Besides the cultural appropriation angle and the fit black body fetishism, it's telling that the cult only targets black people... because it's far less likely anyone will be concerned and start a full-blown search than when it's a white person who goes missing. They counted on getting away with this for that reason, and did so for seemingly decades. What left me disturbed is... where are all the other missing people? There are other little suburban towns where this is condoned, because like in the Twilight Zone classic "The Monsters are Due on Maple Street," this horror can happen in Anytown, USA.

OK, you I like a LOT.
milk and fruit loops, two things made to go together, and her mental machinery is so twisted and fucked up that she can't enjoy them both that way? She even has a bowl. The milk must stay pure and bland as shit. And that cereal is going to make her mouth dry as fuck. She's only hurting herself. Preventing herself from perfection because she's fucking wrong.

worse she was nibbling on a single loop like they were a big ass donut or something instead of just popping one at a time in her mouth


She dressed like some classic big game hunter when she went after Chris with the rifle. To her black people were trophies to earn.

there it is. that's the comparison I was looking for when she was wearing the jodhpurs and carrying a big Boer rifle like the Great White Hunter. That's the one they were going for.


so this whole taking over the bodies of black people thing started because the grandpa lost a race to that black guy in germany right

like some sick twisted version of if you cant beat em join em

Damn I didn't make this connection and the running at night thing. So this shit had been in the planning stages since the 1940s. I bet there's meant to be a network around the country or internationally.

That was the whole point of their auction.

Each person asked if he was good at something. The woman that felt his muscles was there for her dying husband, the golfer wanted to golf again as he was too old to do so and the blind guy had a passion for art/photography and wanted to see through Chris' eyes. The only way he would be able to do so would be through the brain stuff via Rose's dad, a neurosurgeon.

Everything in that party had dual meaning. The woman feeling up Chris was a statement about the (sometimes racist) interracial cuckold fetish that has become popular among white people IRL and in Internet porn in recent years.

Mega, out of curiosity, what would have been the ideal ending for you?

I didn't hate ending btw. I'm a big fan of Lovecraft (his racism was unfortunate but was a product of the times). In it, humanity is insignificant and powerless against greater forces we can't comprehend or see. But occasionally there was a story where man rallied against a cult on Earth or a monster summoned into our world. The Case of Charles Dexter Ward had a police raid against a necromancer and his underground lair of horrors. The Dunwich Horror had 3-4 professors defeating the spawn of a monstrous cosmic entity as a team. I thought that if not the black officers that it would at least be the TSA guy and a bunch of their friends coming in a convoy to help.


The Groundskeeper killed himself because the Grandpa in his Mind was coming back right?

Other than that, looking back, the movie very cleverly hid the key pieces to the 3rd act.


The Groundskeeper killed himself because the Grandpa in his Mind was coming back right?

Other than that, looking back, the movie very cleverly hid the key pieces to the 3rd act.
Or probably because seeing your body being used for years and seeing everything while unable to do anything would fuck your mind up


I got uncomfortable when everyone in my theater erupted in applause after a woman was shot point blank, but that was only very momentary.

Rose Armitage is one of the best cinematic villains. Of the last decade at least.

The Groundskeeper killed himself because the Grandpa in his Mind was coming back right?

This was obvious to me. I'd want to kill that motherfucker too, even if I took myself out with him.

I guess some people didn't catch on right away, because I heard some explanatory whispers all around after it happened.
Yeah, this was a masterpiece.

A few random thoughts on this incredibly layered, super smart film:

I loved the use of hypnosis here as hypnosis is not only a great tool to help move the plot along but a terrific metaphor for ways people, especially black people are controlled by white culture in America. Just because slavery is over doesn't mean that there aren't myriad ways the culture gaslights and tries to control the minds (and bodies) of black people.

The casting and performance of the brother was superb-- he was giving me Columbine shooter, Dylan Roof, alt-right sociopath. His opening line of "sup fam" was applause-worthy.

I adored the fruit loops & milk scene in part because it shows the banality of the Rose character and the manner in which she "shops" for her next victim-- a very gross and very funny moment of the brutish emptiness of late capitalism. And a great call back to her choosing pastries in the opening.

I went back and read some reviews after seeing and noticed that Peele referenced Stepford Wives. Throughout the movie, especially during the party scene, I was thinking of Rosemary's Baby-- another movie about everyone, including the hero's significant other, conspiring against them. I was amused to see, then, that the grandfather's character's name was Roman, a possible nod to Roman Polanski who made Rosemary's Baby.

Also, on the point of the grandfather's behavior, I took it as his enjoying the athleticism of the body that he was put into more than it was its true owner trying to run away.

This movie is a fucking delight-- a horrifying dramatization of white culture's queasy, predatory relationship with black people. Amazing.


Just saw it a second time. Not sure if anyone mentioned it but during the tour of the house when they enter the kitchen, it's mentioned that they like to keep a little piece of Grandma there, something along those lines. Grandma/the maid is standing there the entire time. Just something I missed the first time.
I went back and read some reviews after seeing and noticed that Peele referenced Stepford Wives. Throughout the movie, especially during the party scene, I was thinking of Rosemary's Baby-- another movie about everyone, including the hero's significant other, conspiring against them. I was amused to see, then, that the grandfather's character's name was Roman, a possible nod to Roman Polanski who made Rosemary's Baby.

Or Roman Castavet, the neighbor in Rosemary's Baby.


I love Rosemary's Baby. That sort of psychological horror needed to make a strong comeback and Get Out really did an outstanding job of doing that. Too many demonic ghost, jump scare horror movies in recent years (although I like those too).

I remember when Chris stopped choking the girl, I thought for a brief second his feelings got in the way and the two of them would pretend to the cop they were defending themselves against Grandma and Grandpa, walk away from the scene alive and stay together. I blame another movie from recent years for putting that fucked up thought into my mind. I won't say its title because it would spoil that movie.
I loved this film. The trailers didn't give away that much to me, also I could've sworn the bingo game was just a slave auction. The fact that they never really answer why the family only targets black people, gave me a chill. Also, this movie got it absolutely correct down to the smallest detail about what I've had to experience during my interracial dating experiences and from my wife's family. From the bicep groping to the talks about Obama and Tiger. My wife didn't believe that some older white people really acted like that when meeting black people, but some absolutely do.

I'll be owning this when it releases on blu ray.
I love Rosemary's Baby. That sort of psychological horror needed to make a strong comeback and Get Out really did an outstanding job of doing that. Too many demonic ghost, jump scare horror movies in recent years (although I like those too).

I remember when Chris stopped choking the girl, I thought for a brief second his feelings got in the way and the two of them would pretend to the cop they were defending themselves against Grandma and Grandpa, walk away from the scene alive and stay together. I blame another movie from recent years for putting that fucked up thought into my mind. I won't say its title because it would spoil that movie.

Jesus, that would've torpedoed the entire film.


I loved this film. The trailers didn't give away that much to me, also I could've sworn the bingo game was just a slave auction. The fact that they never really answer why the family only targets black people, gave me a chill. Also, this movie got it absolutely correct down to the smallest detail about what I've had to experience during my interracial dating experiences and from my wife's family. From the bicep groping to the talks about Obama and Tiger. My wife didn't believe that some older white people really acted like that when meeting black people, but some absolutely do.

I'll be owning this when it releases on blu ray.

I'd imagine it's the reason for why Black Lives Matter is a thing in the first place.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm avoiding reading the thread since I don't want to be spoiled, but I'm hoping someone who has seen the movie can let me know if there are jump scares in the movie? My wife is interested in seeing it, but she really hates jump scares. I'd just like to be prepared ahead of time so we can make a decision on going. Thanks!


I'm avoiding reading the thread since I don't want to be spoiled, but I'm hoping someone who has seen the movie can let me know if there are jump scares in the movie? My wife is interested in seeing it, but she really hates jump scares. I'd just like to be prepared ahead of time so we can make a decision on going. Thanks!

I mean I guess you could say there are maybe 2 jump scares.
This movie was fucking brilliant. Loved every moment of it. One thing that's puzzling me and my GF brought it up was, If Rose was trying to cover her/her families ass by keeping the ID of Chris from the cop just in cases a missing persons investigation opened up, why would she even bother calling them in the first place after hitting the deer? Shit even the Cop said, next time call animal control to her..
This movie was fucking brilliant. Loved every moment of it. One thing that's puzzling me and my GF brought it up was, If Rose was trying to cover her/her families ass by keeping the ID of Chris from the cop just in cases a missing persons investigation opened up, why would she even bother calling them in the first place after hitting the deer? Shit even the Cop said, next time call animal control to her..

Calling the police/animal control after hitting a deer is usually done to fill out an official report that you use when you file an insurance claim.

She may have been evil, but not fiscally irresponsible.
I'm avoiding reading the thread since I don't want to be spoiled, but I'm hoping someone who has seen the movie can let me know if there are jump scares in the movie? My wife is interested in seeing it, but she really hates jump scares. I'd just like to be prepared ahead of time so we can make a decision on going. Thanks!

There's two jump scares. If you saw the trailer they spoil one of them.


Just saw it a second time. Not sure if anyone mentioned it but during the tour of the house when they enter the kitchen, it's mentioned that they like to keep a little piece of Grandma there, something along those lines. Grandma/the maid is standing there the entire time. Just something I missed the first time.

Also liked the black mold in the basement comment.
Calling the police/animal control after hitting a deer is usually done to fill out an official report that you use when you file an insurance claim.

She may have been evil, but not fiscally irresponsible.
I guess keeping her premiums down on that Lincoln took priority over the countless federal life sentences her and her family faced if ever caught by the authorities 🤔


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
She dressed like some classic big game hunter when she went after Chris with the rifle. To her black people were trophies to earn.
Yup. It really drove home all the deer symbolism building throughout the rest of the movie.

I remember getting uncomfortable when the dad was ranting about how much he hated deer and wished them all dead, because it sounded like something a racist would say about any particular ethic group. Turns out, that actually was the case.

Man, I really gotta see this shit again.


I loved this film. The trailers didn't give away that much to me, also I could've sworn the bingo game was just a slave auction. The fact that they never really answer why the family only targets black people, gave me a chill. Also, this movie got it absolutely correct down to the smallest detail about what I've had to experience during my interracial dating experiences and from my wife's family. From the bicep groping to the talks about Obama and Tiger. My wife didn't believe that some older white people really acted like that when meeting black people, but some absolutely do.

I'll be owning this when it releases on blu ray.

They did...

Racist idea that blacks are uniquely physically gifted (athlete, street photographer with strong healthy eyes, musician).

Black people as servants being the perfect cover.

Sexual fetishism of young black bodies: old cougar with young black bf, implied interracial cuckolding with lady feeling up Chris's body while husband looks on.

Easy targets that no one will come looking for (police has proof of 6 months missing person turning up far away, evidently brainwashed, don't care).


When TSA came to get him: I felt relieved, I expected him to get shot by the police.

The main actor is a treat. I kept gushing about him. He's really likable.

OK I didn't catch that grandpa was a runner. I heard wrestling....
Where are the other boyfriend?
This man picked cotton to save his life

Being a huge fan of Peele's writing style, I laughed when he grabbed the cotton out of the arm rest. (pretty sure I was the only one laughing at that moment)

Acting like servants? That was the one bit I didn't get. If their transporting themselves into black people, they seem to barely be functional afterwards and need someone to look after them.

I get why they don't leave the home, after a single flash made that one dude freak. But, I sort of expected the process to be more complete.

They weren't really servants. They showed grandma serving tea and making desserts, and gramps mowing the lawn and chopping wood. Not like they showed them scrubbing floors.
I guess keeping her premiums down on that Lincoln took priority over the countless federal life sentences her and her family faced if ever caught by the authorities 🤔

Yeah, but as other people have noted: the police don't give a shit about black people missing and also it's showing that black people are seen as the "aggressors", never victims or potentional victims.
They did...

Racist idea that blacks are uniquely physically gifted (athlete, street photographer with strong healthy eyes, musician).

Black people as servants being the perfect cover.

Sexual fetishism of young black bodies: old cougar with young black bf, implied interracial cuckolding with lady feeling up Chris's body while husband looks on.

Easy targets that no one will come looking for (police has proof of 6 months missing person turning up far away, evidently brainwashed, don't care).

I ran out to the bathroom once, so I must have missed that part. I only caught the part with the blind guy at the end.


I didn't hate ending btw. I'm a big fan of Lovecraft (his racism was unfortunate but was a product of the times). In it, humanity is insignificant and powerless against greater forces we can't comprehend or see. But occasionally there was a story where man rallied against a cult on Earth or a monster summoned into our world. The Case of Charles Dexter Ward had a police raid against a necromancer and his underground lair of horrors. The Dunwich Horror had 3-4 professors defeating the spawn of a monstrous cosmic entity as a team. I thought that if not the black officers that it would at least be the TSA guy and a bunch of their friends coming in a convoy to help.

Big fan of Lovecraft here too but he was pretty racist even for his time, to the point where black people would make him physically sick. Apparently he got better in his old age though.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
MAN Chris went through some shit. Like some hella scarring, fucked for life PTSD shit.

I'm still trying to picture being imprisoned in your own body, not being able to do anything as someone else controls you. Damn.

And the hypnosis. Jesus. Yall know he's forever fucked by that, right? Chris is never going to have a teacup anywhere around him for the rest of his life...

The scene where Georgina is explaining the cellphone? Most tense moment in the movie. Betty Gabriel acted her as off in that scene.
MAN Chris went through some shit. Like some hella scarring, fucked for life PTSD shit.

I'm still trying to picture being imprisoned in your own body, not being able to do anything as someone else controls you. Damn.

And the hypnosis. Jesus. Yall know he's forever fucked by that, right? Chris is never going to have a teacup anywhere around him for the rest of his life...

The scene where Georgina is explaining the cellphone? Most tense moment in the movie. Betty Gabriel acted her as off in that scene.

How about having the girl you love turn like a switch into an emotionless being trying to kill you?

And the last words she says to you are she loves you?

I would be in therapy for decades.
I know some of these may have already been answered, but I wanted to respond as thoughts are fresh in my mind.
Also how weird must it be to see your grandma and grandpa in a body that you had fucked in the past.

I didn't even think about that, but that' just goes to show you how twisted that damn family was....
"Black is the new fad", everyone wants to be "black"
"How was the black experience for you"

I didn't even go back to think of how all that related until just now...

Something I just noticed -

When Chris is in the chair, how did he get the cotton in his ears? Both his arms and legs were tied down, while he dug into the leather. If he was able to get an arm free, wouldn't he have been able to free himself? Am I forgetting something?

If he was able to get an arm free, how did he re-fasten himself?

Right before the previous scene ended, he had noticed the cotton coming out of the chair, and he bent his dead down to right by his ear. then the scene changed. He didn't have to free anything, just be a little flexible

One thing I want to run by you guys. When the cop appeared in the beginning and asked for Chris ID, what if he was actually trying to save him or warn him or maybe just get his address just in case something happened because he(the cop) already had suspicion of Rose and her family abducting black people? Gives a new dynamic to the strained relationship between us and the police department in that sometimes they just might be of help and not just a nuisance or racially profiling someone

I thought about this too, and maybe the cop had an investigation going, and if he was able to run dude's license, he would have his name in the system when there was eventually a missing persons report filed. That could be all the circumstantial evidence he would need to investigate, and that could be exactly the reason why she was so persistent in the cop not running his license. it also had the double effect of showing her BF that she had his back and that he can trust her.
Instantly made her more attractive to me... which is why about halfway through this movie, i figured out the hidden message to black men (and women).

and what made this movie extra special for me tonight (I just got out of it about an hour ago) is that the audience in the theater was applauding, and engaged in the movie.

the final conflict after he gets free was met with about 4 instances of applause, and "that bitch" comments.
I think the first erupted applause was when he free'd himself and took out the brother.
the second I believe was when he slapped that cup and spoon off the table and took out the mother.
the third was when he used his phone to flash the gpa (who then shot the daughter, and then himself)
and the final one was after the cop car showed up, he put his hands up, and the door opens to reveal that it's "Airport Security"

so much fun for a horror/thriller. I want to go watch it again with a new crowd and see if it carries over.


Big fan of Lovecraft here too but he was pretty racist even for his time, to the point where black people would make him physically sick. Apparently he got better in his old age though.

It was early 1900s. I know it was bad but there were probably a lot of people running around that time with the same fucked up thoughts. I do recall reading he got better about racial attitudes later in life, although he didn't live to old age. He died in his mid 40s.
This man picked cotton to save his life


I'm fucking done.

I literally just did the same action as the gif after reading the first comment. damn.
I loved this film. The trailers didn't give away that much to me, also I could've sworn the bingo game was just a slave auction. The fact that they never really answer why the family only targets black people, gave me a chill. Also, this movie got it absolutely correct down to the smallest detail about what I've had to experience during my interracial dating experiences and from my wife's family. From the bicep groping to the talks about Obama and Tiger. My wife didn't believe that some older white people really acted like that when meeting black people, but some absolutely do.

I'll be owning this when it releases on blu ray.

They touched on it. The Dad said that he loves to experience other peoples cultures, and then it was said during the party that "Black was the new fad" implying in context that everyone wants to be Black, which is why I think they snatching Black bodies.


Instant classic. I don't do it often, but I would give this a perfect 10/10.

Blends horror and humor in a way I haven't seen done. And it feels so real and personal that it's hard not to be engrossed by it.

My audience was so into it you could hear a fucking pin drop. The feeling was palpable and intense. This is a movie where everyone started getting into it and it became one of those experiences that the cineplex was MADE for. You HAVE to see this movie with a crowd!

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
They touched on it. The Dad said that he loves to experience other peoples cultures, and then it was said during the party that "Black was the new fad" implying in context that everyone wants to be Black, which is why I think they snatching Black bodies.

Their ability to run. Their strength and stature. Their prowess in bed. Hell their hair! They want to be able to enjoy this. They'll pay top auction dollar to do so, too.

And I mean, c'mon. They're black. No one is going to miss a few black men missing.
Instant classic. I don't do it often, but I would give this a perfect 10/10.

Blends horror and humor in a way I haven't seen done. And it feels so real and personal that it's hard not to be engrossed by it.

My audience was so into it you could hear a fucking pin drop. The feeling was palpable and intense. This is a movie where everyone started getting into it and it became one of those experiences that the cineplex was MADE for. You HAVE to see this movie with a crowd!

In my theater, there was a loud, groaning " Oh goodness--NOOOOOO" when Chris stopped packing and walked towards the open door with the photos inside.

I laughed so hard.


Saw this today. So damn good.

Also, good read on the Fruit Loops and glass of milk (even though I eat fruit loops without milk lol)


I thought this was incredible. Not just clever and funny, but really well written and directed. The setups were nice and subtle and paid off well.

I did figure out what was going on in the scene where Georgina came to explain Chris why his phone was unplugged. Her not knowing the words he was using, rather than just not using them, made me think it was more than just hypnosis, and I immediately thought back to him catching her looking under her hair in the mirror. And of course the other two Black characters were probably wearing those hats for a reason. Then the auction and who won combined with the relationship between the guy from Atlanta and the older woman explained the why.

I didn't care, I was still glued to what was happening until the credits rolled because it was so engrossing and I really wasn't sure how it was going to end or if he was going to make it.

edit: Also, I saw this in the same theater where Key & Peele came out as surprise guests to introduce Keanu last year. I think only like 3 people after me made it into the screening and I had horrible seats in the front row, which of course weren't so bad when they came out and did like 10 minutes of bits for us like 5 ft away. That was great, but what would have been even better is if Jordan Peele had come out after the credits in this one to answer questions, because he made something amazing and I want to hear him talk about it.


I love how I expected the movie to be about black people being hypnotized into being servants. Instead, we got speculative fiction with its twisting being about appropriation. White people literally wanting to be Black and desiring what they see in Black people?

What a time to be alive.
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