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Toonami |Mar14| No Time for Sissy Pig

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but bulma!
I liek bulma



Unconfirmed Member
Tonight on Toonami, we kick things off with more of the space adventures of Space Dandy...in Space, Ichigo tries to protect Nozomi from Inaba, Team Kakashi gets a +1 as Temari tags along, CP9 ditches the masks and leaves Iceberg legit shook, Father Fujimoto tries to protect Rin from the minions of Satan, the final showdown begins as the kids team up to take on Asura, Kakashi lays a beating on Zabuza with his Sharingan, Section 9 is tasked with stopping the assassination of a Chinese foreign minister before it happens, Edward and Alphonse arrive in the city of Liore and uncover the deception of the city's religious leader, Jack's a dandy samurai...in Space, Satomi takes on Velshtein with the Rocket in tow, Ahsoka infiltrates the droid factory in order to destroy it from the inside, and last but certainly not least, it's the Inuyasha filler you've all been waiting for as Kagome returns to the modern world and finds herself smack in the middle of preparing for the culture festival as we say farewell to Inuyasha.

11:30 - Space Dandy - 9 - Plants Are Living Things, Too, Baby
12:00 - Bleach - 334 - The Depleting Spiritual Pressure! Ichigo, Death Struggle of the Soul!
12:30 - Naruto Shippuden - 9 - The Jinchuriki's Tears
1:00 - One Piece - 243 - CP9 Takes Off Their Masks! Their Shocking True Faces!
1:30 - Blue Exorcist - 2 - Gehenna Gate
2:00 - Soul Eater - 49 - Asura Wakes – To the End of the World?
2:30 - Naruto - 9 - Kakashi: Sharingan Warrior
3:00 - Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - 18 - LOST HERITAGE
3:30 - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - 3 - City of Heresy
4:00 - Samurai Jack - 5 - Jack in Space
4:30 - IGPX - 18 - Puzzled
5:00 - Star Wars: The Clone Wars - 28 - Weapons Factory
5:30 - Inuyasha - 127 - Don't Boil It! The Terrifying Dried-Up Demon


Since this thread is on a minor Pokémon kick though I must say that X/Y series has had one of the strongest starts to a series ever.

Pokémon is notorious for having awful first seasons of series. The first season is clearly the very best (like no one ever was) but early Johto, Hoenn, and Unova are awful. Sinnoh was ok season one. All of them end strong besides Johto.

Also this kick ass theme. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ0zRvNqDYk

Completely agree with you. I've been keeping up with it so far, and I'm liking it. Helps that Froakie is a total boss in it.

I'll never make the wall of shame. I usually miss a weekend or two a month due to exaustion, and I'm always turning it in at 2:30 AM.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I have to say, Toonami having six premieres every week is amazing compared to when the relaunch began. Feels good man.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Too Late for Help"


Is it really too late for help from the tedium? The kids meet with Moso in the morning. It seems that Komei confessed overnight. It was all a ploy to steal the seat of the Feudal Lord. When the cursed warrior disappeared it was a soldier pretending to be a ninja, using hydrochloric acid to melt his own flesh...into green ectoplasm. Yeah, something doesn't add up here Moso. He declares the case closed. Naruto bring up the other real Cursed Warrior but Neji shuts him down as Moso tells them MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.


Naruto isn't satisfied and fights with Neji. You said there were two of them, yadda, yadda. Neji is too old for this shit; So what there were two. The client said its over so its over and lets go home. Twenty brings up the confession but Naruto is a hard boiled noir detective and can't leave well enough alone. Neji is leader and won't let a rookie cop like Naruto go off on his own.


He then pulls a SWERVE and says he and Twenty will investigate! Twenty is shook! Neji thinks there is a ton of merit to what Naruto said (he was also the most suspicious person last night by far) and things rapped up a bit too easily. Naruto goes running off as Chishima approaches. He asks the orange jump suited ninja what is the rush and he proclaims he is going to solve the real mystery, uncover the truth behind truths. Chishima is confused and asks Neji and Twenty about it. Twenty waves it off as just Naruto being an idiot.


Chishima's reason for being here is a bundle! Neji won't accept any more money but it's not, it's bean jam stuffed wings!


Yep. Cut to Naruto being a gumshoe...well his sandals do look to be rubber. Sleuthing montage! Asking questions, going to the scene of the crime, sniffing around like Wolverine bub. He's nervous to be alone so he starts the summoning jutsu!


Oh shit it's both of them. The pale one sounds like Mr. Hankey and the other one as you recall sounds like Joey Wheeler! He wanted the boss but then reconsiders the trouble it would be. He asks them how their sense of smell is and Gamakichi gives out, they aren't dogs. He tells the other, Gamatatsu, that they are leaving. He senses something in a nearby tree though and keeps hopping trying to grab something as Naruto and the other toad give him crap.


By Jove its a clue! That's how the first Cursed Warrior flew! Who turned out the lights as the younger toad goes to sleep! Naruto has no clue what it is and the older frog smacks some sense into him. It's a kite! The wind picks up and Gamatatsu is almost spirited away. Naruto puts the pieces together, the kite was used to fly the first Cursed Warrior. The next part is in the old temple itself. Gamakichi wants to move on but our boy Tatsu says it is nice and cool here...on a hot summers day in an unventilated old shrine. Another clue as the wind picks up from underneath and the frogs find comfort. A hidden trapdoor and a passage! Tatsu thinks it is a giant worm or mole and wonders how they should greet it. Kichi has no idea. Back to Chishima. He's going to snitch on Naruto to his boss when he spies Moso talking to a mystery man. Moso says there was some trouble but he found what he was looking for. Peeking in closer the person Moso is talking to...ISN'T THERE.


Aww shit, Ceiling ninjas. Once you got those you need an exterminator. Chishima gasps and they throw more special shurikens at him! He's gone though but he left a bunch of dirty prints. Moso sends his goons after them. Naruto's passage ends at a stone lantern in a wooded grove. Tatsu asks his brother where they are, Kichi doesn't know but Naruto recognizes it, it's the Feudal Lords palace. He hears a noise, some splashing as he peers through a crack in the bamboo fence...


Gamakichi likes the view and says it. Naruto tries to silence him but Tatsu has tripped a trapwire. GUARDS...WITH SPEARS. Naruto tells them good work on the patrol and tries to explain he was hired by Moso, investigating an official crime. They tie him up. Lord Sagi shows up. Naruto is thrilled to see him and asks him to vouch. Sagi no sells it, he's never seen him before. What a heel move JYB. Not worth sending to the magistrates just throw him in the dungeon.


Chishima is cut up and walking through the bamboo forests. The ninja soldiers are just toying with him, keep dinging him in the shoulder. He falls into the river and the Ninja disappear, not knowing how crafty Chishima is! Naruto is in the clink in a straight jacket. The toads show up to help and Naruto asks the toads to untie him. Naruto hears a splash though. Someone else is here to free him. It's GHOST TALPA! Naruto is shook! He walks toward Naruto with malice in his eyes and starts swinging his mighty spear at him, which he dodges like a ninja. If he had his hands this wouldn't be a fight. The toads are hanging from the ceiling. Naruto keeps dodging so that the spear grazes the jacket until he gets caught up against the wall by a bad spear thrust. Ghost Talpa pulls his sword out just as Naruto Hulk Hogan's out of the straight jacket. The mask is shattered.


It's Sagi! What the heck is going on! Why is he Ghost Talpa! "Only a ghost can accomplish true vengeance" His watch (Dont Forget. 3.Oct.11) was passed down from feudal lord to lord, father to son. The moment his father died though it stopped ticking. It thirsts for revengance just like Sagi, who can perish after he gets it. Sagi exclaims that Naruto has no idea what this loss feels like and Naruto starts cutting his classic Ninja Jesus friendship promo. He doesn't know about that but living for vengeance isn't living at all. Is revenge the job of a Feudal Lord. Komei is arrested, Moso can handle the clean up. Just go relax. Sagi doesn't want his help and besides, Naruto KNOWS TOO MUCH. The toads are shook. Trespassing on the feudal lands carries a DEATH SENTENCE.


Neji and Twenty are investigating the tombs of the feudal lords, specifically Sagi's father. Byakugan. What is that purple goo? Poison brah. Assassination! He also sees guards all along the outer walls, it's an ambush. A proclamation goes out to them. Naruto was arrested and sentenced to DEATH. They are ordered to leave or will be executed for the same crime. They are ninja though. The soldiers draw their bows as Neji and Tenten make a run for it. Twenty asks what they are going to do and they are heading for the palace when they stop in a set of trees. Someone is Behind them though.


Bowie-Sensei! Naruto is in big trouble says Tenten. Neji wants to mount a rescue mission. Kakashi says...NO, they'll only do their mission!

NEXT EPISODE: "The Death of Naruto"


I feel like I should be doing screen dumps for OP since Man God is doing then for Naruto.

I just don't got time or motivation for dat.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
naked girl bathing herself? Where's Jiraiya when you need him?

I have no idea what you are talking about...That is young lord Sagi!


Twenty and Neji agree he is a fine specimen. Not some mope who is obsessed with how watches go from father to
nearly identical slightly younger twin sister


I saw a booty and forgot what I was going to post...

Anyway, I'm watching Mulan until Space Dandy is on. Haven't seen the movie before.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
This is definitely the first time I've seen this arc dubbed and having JYB voice
someone who is almost clearly a girl
with his standard 16-18 year teenage boy voice is hilarious.


It was one of the movies that fell through the cracks during my life. Knowledge of it, but never had a chance to watch it.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Also an important side note to the DBZ discussion.

Videl with Pigtails destroys the field.

I cant deny that, fucking pigtails destroyed me, broke my heat when she cut it off and mostly didnt grow her hair back out again.
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