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Trump: Trans Soldiers now barred from the military entirely


How is it that everytime I come to this site, the people on it manage to set a new level of crazy?

Christ, I'm surprised some of you haven't started killing people you politically disagree with.

How is any of that "crazy"? People are rightfully calling out republican voters for what they are.
My main question is whether this can be taken to court, any policy now that seeks to exclude trans people from the military for medical reasons. Wouldn't Trump's policy have to include a justification why, for instance, it allows people with erectile dysfunction to receive care for it on the government's dime as someone pointed out above?


Wonderful rebuttal.

You have nothing worth rebutting. You are not presenting an argument on good terms. You come into a thread where the topic is about one of the most oppressed groups in the United States facing further discrimination, and talk down to people who are rightfully expressing frustration towards a bloc of voters who enable that suffering. You present a ridiculous hypothetical about us wanting to 'kill' people who politically disagree, not realizing the sheer irony of what you're saying.


Let's get back on topic. That includes not whining about how you feel about the comments in the thread, but rather addressing the topic. No one's interested in your metacommentary.

Also, shut up about the guy and his family. It was pages ago, plenty of people have already weighed in, and you're not adding anything new, just cluttering up the thread.
Ok...but they lost the vote? So why is the media focus important? What are you even saying?

Yeah. I mean if McConnell and Trump pulled off some magic today and actually passed something through crazy maneuvering I'd think maybe there was something there. But it's not like today was THE vote that sealed health care overhaul's fate. We are now four months in on Republicans floundering on this. The only thing right now to look out for is the thin repeal of Obamacare's mandate. That's the only thing still on the table at this point.


How is it that everytime I come to this site, the people on it manage to set a new level of crazy?

Christ, I'm surprised some of you haven't started killing people you politically disagree with.

God forbid anyone criticize people who voted for Trump and paved the way for all of this to happen. I thought you left this thread after you proved your own ignorance.


How is it that everytime I come to this site, the people on it manage to set a new level of crazy?

Christ, I'm surprised some of you haven't started killing people you politically disagree with.

When you treat minorities like sub humans for decades, sometimes centuries, don't be surprised that they get tired of your shit and start treating you like the monsters you really are. Enough if fucking enough, we've been extending the olive branch to Republicans for decades and they have taken it, chewed it up, and spat it right back at us. We have tried to be bipartisan and they continued to go further and further right. No more, I've had enough of this bullshit. People who vote these monsters in are enabling their shit behavior. They are no better and I refuse to disconnect them from their president's disgusting behavior. Own it, you enabled this filth in the White House.
Given human history, it's always troubling to see people not only generalizing a group of individuals, but also demonizing a group of individuals. Also, it's called a hyperbole, I used it to illustrate a point.
How is any of that "crazy"? People are rightfully calling out republican voters for what they are.
The person made it abundantly clear that his family wasn't "evil incarnate" and yet many jump on him (them?) and called their family every name in the book, just because they're republican.

That's absurd.


Given human history, it's always troubling to see people not only generalizing a group of individuals, but also demonizing a group of individuals. Also, it's called a hyperbole, I used it to illustrate a point.

The person made it abundantly clear that his family wasn't "evil incarnate" and yet many jump on him (them?) and called their family every name in the book, just because they're republican.

That's absurd.

Do you have anything to say about the topic at hand or do you enjoy tone policing?


I'm confused isn't there a law that prohibits hiring based on gender/race?

I'm not to familiar with laws and how they work but remember that being a thing


My main question is whether this can be taken to court, any policy now that seeks to exclude trans people from the military for medical reasons. Wouldn't Trump's policy have to include a justification why, for instance, it allows people with erectile dysfunction to receive care for it on the government's dime as someone pointed out above?

Yeah, its an equal protection (14th Amendment) issue. It will be challenged pretty soon, I'm sure.

Has Mattis commented on this yet? He seems to be fairly reasonable in his approach to most things.


Given human history, it's always troubling to see people not only generalizing a group of individuals, but also demonizing a group of individuals. Also, it's called a hyperbole, I used it to illustrate a point.

The person made it abundantly clear that his family wasn't "evil incarnate" and yet many jump on him (them?) and called their family every name in the book, just because they're republican.

That's absurd.

Republicans prove how awful they are. Like literally every day. Maybe read this thread. Maybe read the thread about them taking away healthcare from the poor. It's not a generalization if it is proven time and time again, it's reality. The people that continue to vote for them, want this.


My main question is whether this can be taken to court, any policy now that seeks to exclude trans people from the military for medical reasons. Wouldn't Trump's policy have to include a justification why, for instance, it allows people with erectile dysfunction to receive care for it on the government's dime as someone pointed out above?

In the press conference today they kept mentioning "unit cohesion" as the main reason for banning trans soldiers. They wouldn't elaborate on what exactly was the issue, but I'd imagine whatever they end up coming up with will still let them get Viagra.

I really don't see this holding up though. They'll have to have some solid proof that the soldiers that are currently openly trans are somehow hurting our military.


For you.
How is it that everytime I come to this site, the people on it manage to set a new level of crazy?

Christ, I'm surprised some of you haven't started killing people you politically disagree with.

Yes because calling out pieces of shit as the pieces of shit they are is now akin to killing people, that sure makes a lot of sense.
Funnily enough, Trump supporters have no issues sending millions of Americans to their deaths.
I already tried talking about the topic at hand, and was raked over a bed of spikes for daring to be a moderate in regards to the issue.

"Moderate" my ass, your stance has zero of moderation to it.
Heh..I wish that folks that pop in with their rebuke of words said by a bunch of nobodies on a nobody forum would, at minimum, write twice the amount of paragraphs to denounce shit said by assholes that control our lives. It ain't gonna happen, but it'd be nice. Unless, they agree? 🤔


I'm confused isn't there a law that prohibits hiring based on gender/race?

I'm not to familiar with laws and how they work but remember that being a thing

The military in the US is different when it comes to hiring people. They have age limits, height limits, and a bunch of other medical tests that can disqualify you.

I doubt this will be reversed under his presidency.


The whole false argument of "liberals are gonna do something evil one day!" is such tired bs. We have republicans doing terrible things every day.


Heh..I wish that folks that pop in with their rebuke of words said by a bunch of nobodies on a nobody forum would, at minimum, write twice the amount of paragraphs to denounce shit said by assholes that control our lives. It ain't gonna happen, but it'd be nice..unless they agree. 🤔

It's funny how that works huh? You never see them calling out Republicans. Well, you might see a generic "that's awful" but they'll go on for pages shaming Democrats believe me.


This is despicable putting a monetary reason for cutting trans community from joining the military. Especially since I work with a LOT of ex-military who claim false bullshit disabilities and collect a paycheck from the govt/VA for stupid stuff like sleep apnea, snoring, and shit that can't be proven like back pain ( which usually is a symptom they brought on themselves being idiots, and lifting stuff on their own or pushing too hard at the gym).
Any of them that talk shit about transgenders being too expensive on the military need to come clean on what % of VA disability they get and what it's for.
How is it that everytime I come to this site, the people on it manage to set a new level of crazy?

Christ, I'm surprised some of you haven't started killing people you politically disagree with.

I don't know why you get so offended that they have extremely strong political feelings, when decisions like this heavily effect individual's lives.

People sound heated, but you'd hear probably equally as heated people on an NFL forum. Of all the topics to be steaming about, this seems like the least crazy one.


Some of them, sure. Definitely.

Here we go. I am going to open myself up to a firestorm of hate from the Rep haters here, but here we go.

I consider myself a left of center moderate, with libertarian leanings. I fucking despised Trump. But I didnt vote because I didnt like Hilary either, and I chose not to choose between the lesser of two evils. However, I live in Texas, so my vote was largely irrelevant. Texas was going for Trump.

Now for the shitty part....

99% of my family are republicans. Including my highly educated parents. They are not racist. They are not bigoted. My sister is a lesbian and they love her dearly. So before I say anything else, FUCK ANYONE that acuses my family of voting for Trump because of being racist or bigoted.

My family, INCLUDING MY LESBIAN SISTER, almost all voted for Trump. They did it because they were gullible, bought into his charade, his cavalcade of lies. My sister was going to vote Hilary until she heard the deplorables comment. That single statement swung her vote to a man she otherwise wouldnt have voted for.

I get so goddamn sick and tired of this us vs them shit and everyone inthese threads accusing ALL republicans of the despicable nature that is so obvious in Trump, and by turning a blind eye to his actions, the rest of the Reps in washington.

So yes, fuck republican politicians. Fuck any of the racist bigoted republicans who voted for Trump for those reasons. But I draw the line there.

And people are so caught up in supporting their goddamn team, that they refuse to accept this reality. They refuse to accept the fact that there are good, hard working, loving, non racist, non bigoted republicans out there like my family that voted for this incompentent, blubbering, bigoted orange toad simply because they were so short sighted and gullible that they believed the lies of his that they cherry picked and chose to focus on, blind to the rest of what was so obvious about him to me and most other neutrals/democrats.

Yes my statement of fuck both sides is probably taking this long-winded response too far in the other direction, and obfuscating the fact that the subject matter at hand is most definitely tied to the evils of the republican party. But I do hate both sides, insofar as I hate the fact that we have "sides" at all.

Yep, and human nature sucks. I did read your post. I think I agree with a lot of what you say. My feelings on the matter at hand are covered above. I will probably step back from this thread because I am sure my family is about to be shit on and I dont feel like getting banned defending them.

Your family is at least OK with racism or are racists. These are truth facts. There are plenty of educated racists in the South. LGBT people can also be solidly racist. There is no magic bullet against racism.
What does it mean to be a moderate on this issue? I'm confused as to what constitutes that stance.

My original stance was mostly based on the assumption that the belief that the military and by extension the taxpayer shouldn't pay for gender reassignment surgery, however, I was unaware of what the military already pays for, thus, for the time being I'm of the opinion that perhaps the military should pay for it because they already pay for so much. That said, I don't have the info one way or the other to know everything they pay for, so I can't say.

Similarly, my original original post in the thread, which garnered no attention, was this.

I can't claim to know the full effects of being a post-transitioned Transgender individual, or all of the issues that comes in regards to medical costs. I also can't claim to know anything about the military or what's needed to be a part of said military.

But...I have a especially hard time imaging that a trans solider would be such an issue, if under the Obama administration, this was almost allowed. I mean, Obama was a ok president, but I trust his judgement far more then I trust the orange stain in the white house.

I can certainly see why being trans would be a lot harder then being cis while in the military, but I also don't think the ban is right.
Meanwhile when they bigots come right out with it, they reveal themselves to be the real subhuman pieces of shit.

There's always the whole "fear of the other" thing going on. The "other" is everything bad with society, everything sinful, evil, obscene, violent that will destroy society and a peaceful existence. The Right/Conservatives have always preached this to their people to make the Left/Liberals out to be these "others". The result is that the Right/Conservatives regress to the point that they become EVERYTHING the "other" stands for, a living, breathing physical manifestation of everything bad and evil within society. They become the TRUE "other". "Deplorable" is candy-coating what these people TRULY are, the degradation of civilized society, the rot of humanity, and the death of compassion, understanding and rationale.


I already tried talking about the topic at hand, and was raked over a bed of spikes for daring to be a moderate in regards to the issue.

He's on vacation/personal time. I'll bet he's pretty pissed off that he wasn't consulted, you know being the sec def and all... It will be interesting to hear what he has to say...


How is it that everytime I come to this site, the people on it manage to set a new level of crazy?

Christ, I'm surprised some of you haven't started killing people you politically disagree with.

how bad do things have to get before the frustration is justified? I feel like we're well past that point.


someone's humanity isn't politics

Nah man, we need to have a calm debate about if transgender people are human or not. Both sides have fair points, I'm sure we can reach a middle ground.

Ugh, he's not exactly wrong. LGBT is not covered by the Civil Rights Act, and we're gonna suffer until we get ourselves in there. That said, the 14th amendment would aid us a bit while we are pushing to be amended in the act. Hope the Democrats push for that too if they get majority of congress again in the coming years.
Retired Gen. Elazar Stern was stupefied when a reporter from Israel Army Radio called Wednesday to ask for his reaction to President Trump's series of tweets about banning the service of transgender military personnel.

”What?" Stern asked. ”Why?"

”It makes us strong that we don't waste time on questions like this," said Stern, the former commander of the Israel Defense Forces Manpower Command. "It's something to be proud of."

Speaking with The Times, Stern, now a member of Israel's parliament for the centrist Yesh Atid party, said that throughout his 34-year career in the army, ”in every post, at every level, always, I knew there were homosexual individuals serving with me. No transgendered people that I knew of, but maybe. We would never ask, honestly, and we're not supposed to know. The army's task is to support its soldiers no matter what their needs, not meddle about in their lives."

The Israel Defense Forces have knowingly included transgender soldiers since 1998. In 2014, the Israeli military said it had at least five transgender members and would support future such conscripts. As of last year, it was among 19 countries, including the United States, that allowed transgender people to serve in the military.

Israel's national healthcare plan provides stipends to citizens who are transitioning.

Stern said he believes politicians bring up military matters ”only because they feel there's a public for it. In many countries, you see politicians getting votes using superficial, simplistic messages."

”It's always more about who I hate than who I love," he added.



Everyone should know that the Trump administration's argument for why this ban is appropriate is that transgender people serving in the military has a negative impact on "combat readiness and unit cohesion." This is the exact same reasoning that was used to argue against allowing women and people of color to serve in the military in the past. It's bs. The military didn't collapse back then and it wouldn't now.


You do realize only 2,386 US service members had been killed in Afghanistan as of 2016, right? I don't think you actually understand how large of a number 15,000 is in military logistics. "Downsizing" generally happens to soldiers who have failed to advance for disciplinary or other problems, in outmoded occupational specialties who have failed retraining, or who otherwise are accounted-for as minimal losses.

Most of the transgender soldiers I've known have served in highly-trained and desirable MOS fields like satellite communications, medicine, legal, and finance. You can't just shelve 15,000 of them and expect it to have the same impact as mustering out 10,000 marginal soldiers, many of whom were probably looking at voluntary or forced separation anyway. That's not a reasonable equivocation in terms of manpower and logistics.

Even taking a lowball estimate of $1,000,000 a head to replace them, that's $15,000,000,000 off the top to replace them for a savings of likely less than $10,000,000 in terms of avoiding medical transitioning costs in military coverage. Then you also have to deal with the fact you have cut out a percentage of qualified applicants to the MOS fields, which means now you most likely have to incur costs--increasing signing bonuses to make up recruiting shortfalls, increasing training facilities and staffing to push through more soldiers through faster, or just lowering your standards across the board and taking on all the risks that entails--and again, you get very little out of it.

You're also almost certainly looking at paying continuing benefits for these 15,000 soldiers regardless, because while I'm sure it's a Republican wet dream to boot them out on a dishonorable discharge, it's only going to take one highly-decorated transgender soldier being mustered out on a completely undeserved dishonorable discharge for this to turn into political suicide.

I once had a AoR with over 200k people. Spare me the lesson, I guarantee I've held offices way above you.

15k is next to nothing. Again, the services boot around that amount of people out a year to begin with in downsizing.

You are mistaken on a few points. Firstly, the military routinely fluctuates on a growing/ shrinking pattern every few years. We have been in a shrink in the Obama years. When the military is ordered to downsize the Service Secretaries are given a free range in how they aim to meet the target. This could include stuff lime furloughs and forced retirements but it usually boils down to boards racking and stacking career files and booting those with the most marks. Even in the case that you got booted for a mark on your record, you would likely not get a dishonerable discharge. Its actually fairly hard to get a full dishonorable discharge so IDK why that even came up.

This isn't profound logistically. Split 15k between 4 branches and none of them would've been close to their annual reduction targets of previous years. This may hurt Trumps expansion goals but congress has given him a huge pot of money for that.

Its not profound fiscally. The military budget is bigger than it has been in years. 15k troops isn't a significant part in the slightest.
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