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Wii U Games 2013

Good point. Maybe "selling" is a poor word choice. I'm trying to say that Nintendo has all of these ports on their consoles, but they can't rely on those ports alone, especially not when we've seen that they are of a poorer quality than their originals.

I see no indication of Nintendo relying on ports for the Wii U. Nintendo consoles has always relied on the support of Nintendo studios to make sure the system shines. All of the games I had for the Wii were Nintendo developed/published games. For the Wii U I'm pretty sure 99% of them will be the same. Not because I only buy the console for Nintendo games, but because 3rd parties, IMO, really don't give Nintendo consoles a fair shake.

If better quality 3rd party games were released for the Wii, I definitely would have picked them up. I'd really like developers to give the game pad the love it deserves, but outside of a mini map, I'm not expecting them to do anything much with it at all.
I think this should count for this thread.

According to Konami's David Cox the only reason they aren't making a Wii U version of Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 is because they don't have enough people, apparently the first one only had 60 people on the team and the second one has a little bit more, they said if there was more people they would of made a Wii U version alongside the PC/PS3/360 versions.

It's a better reason than the Gamepad "reason"

Mm, isn't porting pretty easy though? I heard one guy handled the port of an Assassin's Creed game to another console, though my memory is fuzzy as to the details.
Since others have done it, might as well join in on the fun:

Never played a Monster Hunter game before (didn't even know about the series until it was announced for the Wii U), but I'm super hyped for the game though.

I've never played a Pikmin game before, but the game looks extremely interesting. Definitely has my attention

Probably my most anticipated game. Shit just looks so damn incredible

Never played WW, so definitely getting this

Playing though Xenoblade Chronicles right now (solid RPG, not as incredible as I thought it'd be) so I'll be there for the sequel

Haven't played a Yoshi game in forever, but this just looks really cool

The game looks cool, but I've never played any of the Lego games so I'll see how it reviews.

I'm also planning to get Zombi U and NSMB U when I get a Wii U end of the year. That's 6-7 solid games for me to enjoy this year. More than enough for me, not to mention what will be announced at e3.
why not count that one in particular, though? they've shown more of it than they have just most of their titles. putting it up there on level with the new Zelda title just seems ridiculous to me. we aren't even past screenshot-level on the old remake Zelda, yet we've got actual gameplay footage that looks near completion of X. Yoshi only has screenshots as well. 3D Mario and Mario Kart exist only in word-form.
I'm running with the idea that Nintendo in a panic decided to blow their load of game announcements early. It seems like a relatively ambitious project and I don't think that footage looked near completion. I think several of the titles will end up being 2014 titles. Yoshi Yarn also had video iirc.


sorry if this has already been asked, just got here, is there also a list of eshop games? Seems it is attracting a decent amount of indie/digital games for its more lax and cheaper entry.

I am fine with a system that has..

1. Nintendo Games
2. 3rd party collaborations with Nintendo
3. Good indie support.
4. The occasional big 3rd party release

Does anyone have a Wii U E-Shop list?
I guess not yet


Day 1


I'm loving the sense of humor and I've been starved for a sandbox game that is actually fun


Never got into Pikmin before but Nintendo Land has gotten me interested


Played it at the Wii U experience and loved it



On the fence


I'll bite if they fix the triforce quest.


I think I'm willing to start buying Capcom games again so I'll probably pick this up.


If Superman gets a decent costume I'll grab it. I'm just not feeling the new52/MoS stuff they will probably saddle him with.
Pikmin 3 is my only must-have now, but I might pick one up this year depending on what we see of the next Mario and Retro project. I still have no idea what the Wonderful 101 actually is but it looks pretty cool.

Wii U owners, do you know how the system picks the games shown on the WaraWara plaza? Does it give preference to the games you own, or are they the games that are currently most popular? It seems like WaraWara plaza would be a good tool for giving quality 3rd party games some publicity, but it looks like there's only like 10 slots and I could see those getting filled up by Nintendo games.
Jeez is this really all that's releasing this year? Including third party?
Wow that's a lot worse than I thought.

I'd really like to play pikmin and wonderful 101 though, platinum is making the latter right?


Jeez is this really all that's releasing this year? Including third party?
Wow that's a lot worse than I thought.

I'd really like to play pikmin and wonderful 101 though, platinum is making the latter right?

no thats like Q1 to Q2 third party and probably all of the disk-released first-party ones (outside of eShop)
Pikmin 3 is my only must-have now, but I might pick one up this year depending on what we see of the next Mario and Retro project. I still have no idea what the Wonderful 101 actually is but it looks pretty cool.

Wii U owners, do you know how the system picks the games shown on the WaraWara plaza? Does it give preference to the games you own, or are they the games that are currently most popular? It seems like WaraWara plaza would be a good tool for giving quality 3rd party games some publicity, but it looks like there's only like 10 slots and I could see those getting filled up by Nintendo games.
I think it goes by most popular communities. I think the Lol Uplay community lol, was in wara wara this past week.


This partial list will have be a happy wii u owner this year. Rayman delay sucks though. I could use a good game to play right about now.
Definite Day 1 (2013):
Lego City Undercover
Pikmin 3
The Wonderful 101
Wind Waker HD

Perhaps not Day 1 but at some point:
Game & Wario
Monster Hunter
Rayman Legends
Resident Evil: Revelations
Wii Party U
Yarn Yoshi

Definite Day 1 (when dated):
Bayonetta 2
Mario Kart
3D Mario
Zelda Wii U
Smash Bros.

Some great gaming ahead for the Wii U.

big youth

the game looks fantastic though? it also features some nice graphical tricks like depth of field blurring (whatever it's called)


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Great thread. The current drought may be quite annoying, but overall, the Wii U 2013 line up looks pretty good!
Lego is the only game I'll buy between now and May. That's pretty bad. Of course I'll buy Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3 and even Game & Wario when they finally come out but god damn this Wii U is dry right now.


Great OP. I'm hoping with Game & Wario getting a Japanese release next month that it'll hit the UK shortly after:)

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Great work OP! It's enough for me to either buy it at summer or end of the year. So the tradition of buying Nintendo consoles ~one year after launch will be unbroken. :)
When Super Mario U, Smash Bros, Zelda, and Mario Kart are out, we can talk.

That probably means a Wii U isn't in the cards for me until 2014.

I don't care about a single one of those games with a release date, or I'm getting it on another system.


El Capitan Todd
@Captain Smoker: very good OP. I can't wait to play various of those games. I still see Wii U's situation as bad as it is, in terms of sales success and consequent (?) third party support, but I think that, considering the strong as usual first party support and the stronger second party/partnership support we should see incoming, it will end up being a very fun and enterteining device also thanks to its (supposed) difference compared to the competitors (in terms of interface, kind of software and so on). I just hope that Nintendo can sustain it for years despite poor sales.


Man, the next couple of months are just dire. Very much like the post-launch drought 3DS had. Hopefully Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101 and Game & Wario get dated soon. And as long as those other first party games get released this year (3D Mario, MarioKart, Yoshi, WindWaker), I think the second half of the year will be very strong.


the game looks fucking gorgeous, though. it only looks bad from a "current gen, not next gen" perspective, but the game is releasing in a few months so if journalists try to destroy it for that..

I agree, the game is gorgeous overall and I can't really complain because it started as a Wii game, but textures, especially those from the ground still need a lot of work. It doesn't really look like Olimar and Pikmins are over mud/dirt/grass/moss. It looks instead like a pixelated and cheap wallpaper which imo is concerning since the game's premise is the ant point of view perspective

I did this in 5 minutes so don't judge the photoshop job lol
but I think you see my point.


the only weak spot from this game imo.


I never knew people really cared for Pikmin but still nice of them to go to another franchise instead of their recycled ones.
My Shopping list :p

Lego City Undercover
Pikmin 3
The Wonderful 101
Rayman Legends
Resident Evil: Revelations
Wii Party U
Yarn Yoshi
Game & Wario
Bayonetta 2
Mario Kart
3D Mario
Zelda Wii U

Wind Waker HD
Monster Hunter
Smash Bros

I know I have a lot of games to finish (PS3 games mainly before buying PS4) so I don't really need new ones but I just want to be in march already so I can play more on my Wii U.


The Birthday Skeleton
I am planning to buy:

Lego City Undercover
Need for Speed
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Pimkin 3
Rayman Legends (waiting for some Black Friday/Cyber Monday half price)
Disney Infinity
Zelda TWW
Project Cars
Monolith's X
Yoshi Game
Mario Kart
3D Mario

Zelda Wii U is to far now to consider it.

Maybe I will go also for Game&Wario and Bayonetta 2, depends on how they look.

As I often have friends coming over, I liked also what they showed from Wii U Party so that is on my list. An I will probably go also for rowing in Wii Fit U.

I think the line-up's appeal depends also on how much time do you spend gaming. For me these are more than enough as I have to split my time between work and social interactions. The only issue is from now until end of March, but I cover that with playing a lot of NBA 2k13.


Tragically bleak. Also, Scribblenauts needs to not be $60. No way I'm paying that much when the PC version can be had for as little as $7.50.


Junior Member
I don't get the "CoD just an annual update" bashing, but Nintendo is pumping out Mario games and spinoffs at a much faster rate.

Don't get me wrong, I can't stand nor do I play FPS' (mostly because I suck at them), but it seems hypocritical; also not saying the bashing happens here, just the internet in general.


3-D Mario games on a console

1996 Mario 64
2002 Mario Sunshine
2007 Mario Galaxy
2010 Mario Galaxy 2
2013 or 2014 - New 3D Mario

Doesn't look more often than COD to me.

I see that you mentioned spinoffs but a game like Luigi's Mansion or Wario Ware is totally different than a Mario game. The only similarities is that they have characters from the Mario Universe. They are totally different and unique games. The characters are just stuck in to help them sell better.


Today I checked hitman 4 with my cousin in his pc , wow this game really nice.

Why wii u still didn't get it yet?

Or it's very diffecult for them to get normal port and exslusive & multi game.

I hope soon we get hitman with tv-off & gamepad functions :(


I agree, the game is gorgeous overall and I can't really complain because it started as a Wii game, but textures, especially those from the ground still need a lot of work. It doesn't really look like Olimar and Pikmins are over mud/dirt/grass/moss. It looks instead like a pixelated and cheap wallpaper which imo is concerning since the game's premise is the ant point of view perspective

I did this in 5 minutes so don't judge the photoshop job lol
but I think you see my point.


the only weak spot from this game imo.

Nice work.

Nintendo should learn from you :)
I still can't comprehend why people are calling it a "bad lineup".

Like, what the fuck do they want?

A game library with breadth and depth? 3rd party support is also-ran-system bad, as in Jaguar/3DO/32X. We're looking at, what, less than 30 announced games? Several of which are ports of games already out on other systems?

I don't think people are bashing the (potential) quality of the games listed, just the small number of titles and potentially limited demographics appeal. I can and did argue that even the Wii was a console worth owning even if you could only have one. That's a hard case to make for the Wii U at this point.

Having said all that, I'm stoked for quite a lot of this lineup. But mostly, I just want Retro's game. Or hopefully, games.
Nice job!

That's the cavalcade Iwata has been anouncing. Now is really a gloomy period for Wii U but once the games will start to go out it will look more shiny. I really don't understand how people can make judgements right after a launch and a january february period. Should it still smell bad in november, yeah, that would be highly problematic. For now, it is still possible to fix the situation, provided the fact that it has to be accepted that it will never reach the sales figures of the wii.


I don't think people are bashing the (potential) quality of the games listed, just the small number of titles and potentially limited demographics appeal. I can and did argue that even the Wii was a console worth owning even if you could only have one.

Thing is, I can't recall a single year in the Wii's lifetime where there were as many hype-inducing or interesting games announced for that particular year. Not one.

Of course, my argument is somewhat hinging on the assumption that games like Mario Kart, X, Yoshi, etc. will get released before 2014.


Thing is, I can't recall a single year in the Wii's lifetime where there were as many hype-inducing or interesting games announced for that particular year. Not one.

Of course, my argument is somewhat hinging on the assumption that games like Mario Kart, X, Yoshi, etc. will get released before 2014.

2010 was Wii's best year. It saw the release of games such as Tatsunoko vs Capcom, No More Heroes 2, Xenoblade (for Japan only), Endless Ocean 2, Monster Hunter Tri, Red Steel 2,Super Mario Galaxy 2, Donkey Kong Country Returns, GoldenEye 007, Metroid: Other M, Trauma Team, Sin & Punishment 2, Sonic Colors, and Kirby's Epic Yarn. All of those were exclusives with the exception of GoldenEye, which was a timed exclusive for a year. Of course, some titles were disappointments like Other M and Epic Mickey. In addition, Nintendo managed to surprise us by delivering its best E3 conference as well.

In terms of first year software support, Nintendo's got a bunch of megatons being prepared for Wii U, like you said. Wii's first year was pretty dull until games like Metroid Prime 3 and Mario Galaxy rolled out in the second half of 2007.


Didnt Iwata say we were gettin 10 new unannounced Nintendo-Developed games before mid-year?
When are we gonna hear bout those???


Didnt Iwata say we were gettin 10 new unannounced Nintendo-Developed games before mid-year?
When are we gonna hear bout those???

For the 3DS there are 10 games coming up, I don't remember him specifically stating whether they were unannounced or not. That was mentioned in the investor briefing.
Good games coming. I'll wait. I purchased a wii at launch for the kids. No software appealed to me early on so I sold it. 3 years later I bought another for Xenoblade, Last Story, etc,. I'll wait for the goodies to come for the Wii U. I won't make the same mistake again.


There's actually not that many games coming out for this. It's beginning to look like another N64 situation with long periods between releases.

Did the PS3/360 have a similar drought of software in the first year of release?
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