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Wii U Owners: If a Nintendo console released next year, would you consider it?


I definitively would, because I'm less and less in "touch" with games developped these days, especially on PS4/XBOne, so even if they're scarse, Nintendo games are more than ever the games I prefer.

That being said, I wonder what a new console could be. I can't see Nintendo going for an expensive solution, and they could ditch the "pad with a touchscreen" idea. That would mean no real BC, and worse, I really, really love the off-TV feature. :/
Yes. Though I would be enraged if their pulled a GC/Wii situation where Twilight Princess was pushed back and launched on the new system FIRST, because I am never a day 1 adopter.


King Snowflake
Honestly, after buying all 3 systems at launch this round I would not buy any future console without an extremely compelling game/library. With the way launches are done nowadays, this likely means no consoles until they mature.


They can't be ready to launch next year. That would be a rushed launch with so many issues. Even worse than Wii U's launch. I'd wait.


no price
no announced games
no power levels/info on innards

How is anyone supposed to make a decision. OP has done as poor a job at communicating the offer as Nintendo has with the WiiU. How appropriate.


Not in a million years. Nintendo fucked up the Wii and then followed that with the piece of shit that was Wii U. They continue to shun high tech and more importantly third parties. Even when the industry was moving casual games to phones and core gaming was growing for consoles and PCs Nintendo just refused to change.

It'd take some cosmological sized event for Nintendo to create a console of worth any more. And with that said, Nintendo won't care. If they can make profit they won't care if 'gamers' care for them or not.
Sadly yes. It would be nice if it was retrocompatible and I could trade in my WiiU for a nice discount or a couple ga-hahaha! Sorry I couldn't finish that with a straight face


Day 1, yes. I've had a WiiU since 2012 so another Nintendo console in 2016 (probably 2017 in EU) would be great, I'm ready for it and it's nice to know that there will likely be another 2-3 years until I have to save up to buy another Sony/MS console.
But it needs to be backwards-compatible atleast digitally so I don't lose all my Wii/WiiU VC purchases, I don't want to experience another generation of starting from scratch as with PS4/XB1.


No, I' would use this time to clear my backlog a bit, a year without new releases, except maybe one or two PC games, would not be a bad thing fro me.

Buy a console day-one is rarely a good idea anyway.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
For real though, I would jump on if I could be guaranteed full BC. That's what got me to jump from Wii to Wii U at launch in the first place. I could box my Wii up for good or sell it without really losing anything significant. (Other people might care about Gamecube controller ports, but I don't.)

So if I could move my digital Wii + Wii U content onto the next system and keep at least some of my controllers around, I wouldn't really have an issue throwing the old box out. If they can't do this, then I just don't see myself moving on for quite a while.


No. I would not make same mistake again. I was fooled by promises made by third party devs "we will support wii u, it's amazing machine" bla bla. And first year of consoles are terrible. Never again. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Clearing my backlog and patiently waiting how the situation unfolds and what games are comming out is what i'll do next gen.
I would not buy it immediately unless they played the Zelda trump card. With maybe 2 years left in this Nintendo generation, I'm starting to feel like Aonuma already has access to the earliest next gen platform and is wanting to bring Zelda over to both consoles. Probably not the case but I don't think it is unreasonable to assume that Nintendo's internal studios might be starting to develop software for the next console.


I'd wait until it hit the <&#8364;250 pricepoint (along with a pack in game) just as I have done for years and years now. By that time there's at least 8-10 games on it I'd really like to play so it's a win-win.

Last time I bought a console at/near launch it was gathering dust for most of it's first year. It's just a waste of money at that point.


Yes I would go in blind on a new Nintendo home console.

I wouldn't care about multiplats because their first party exclusive is all I buy and they will be there sooner or later.


No, Rather not see Nintendo as the new Sega

Also shame on you people who don't care if they rush stuff out. It's like you're begging for them to not have any faith in anything they do and to become a souless company aiming for profits only.
At that point may as well beg them to become another android cash-in box


I bought the Wii U at launch, and so I would have owned it for about 4 years at that point. Better still, I currently don't own any other consoles, so there would be room in my budget for a system in the next few years.

That aside, I would obviously have to see what the system is like, but odds are I'd get it at launch again. I don't consider buying the Wii U early a mistake, and whether it was a commercial success or not, I've had plenty of fun with it, so far, and suspect to have more before I get its successor.
It is crazy seeing all of the stuff that people say who do not actually own Wii U's. I think that ignorance actually lives and set up shop on the interweb and has now made a permanent home here.


Took me about 2 years before I finally thought the WiiU library was good enough and I bought a WiiU. Tho it doesn't really bother me if they decide to release some future games like Zelda, Starfox and FExSMT on NX instead (WiiU already has an amazing lineup to me, I'm satisfied), it'd need more than that to convince me to buy the new console.


I waited 8 months before I picked up a Wii U, and it was picked up almost entirely at that point due to it being €150.

Will I get the Nintendo NX homeconsole, sometime I guess, it however depends on how powerful it will be/is if I pick it up sooner rather then later.


Not for a while.

Zelda Wii U (or should I say Zelda NX) at launch should do it wonders though, but not for me to jump in straight away.
Nope. Nintendo waited too long. They should have released a new system in early 2014 and apologized and refunded Wii U owners.

It'a going to be a long time before I buy Nintend's next system and I'll no longer be buying them at launch.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Nope. I would wait out a goooood while and see whether or not it would fail spectacularly as well first. Because if Nintendo were to completely abandon one failed console, I would expect them to do so again.

I bought a Wii U expecting nothing more than decent first party support. If Nintendo stopped delivering that after two years, then fuck it.


Nintendo may be the only console I buy next gen, so yes.

Wii U still has the best lineup IMO, but those are just my tastes.
I'b buy it but I don't think they'll do it. PS4 and Xbox one are here for a long time so I'm not seing them launching their new system next year. They may introduce the NX concept next year and release the portable system in 2017 followed by the console in 2018.

Next year is going to be last big effort from Nintendo regarding Wii U and except if there is a big change making Wii U having more presence in the market (which I doubt) they may delay a little their plans but I don't think for more than a year.

This said my Wii U already has so many games I enjoyed, I'm enjoying right now and future must haves are still coming this year and next year (Zelda U sadly has been delayed...) so Wii U had been a good investment. A new system next year is soon but it wouldn't make my Wii U purchase a bad decision... like I said in the beginning : new Nintendo system, I'm in !

Edit : and lol at some comments. Do these people even know what Nintendo is? Do they have a Wii U? Did they even played Wii U once?


Only thing I'd buy day 1 from Nintendo is a new handheld. I personally haven't enjoyed any of their home consoles since the GameCube.

Red Hood

I'd like to say no, since it hasn't even been three years since the Wii U launch, but I know I'm still going to buy it.

Joey Ravn

I will buy the next Nintendo console when I have the money. Nintendo is the only console manufacturer I can justify spending money on, to be honest.
Is there a Zela or Metroid at launch? Then yes.

Otherwise I'll wait on the console until I can get a good price like I did with the Wii U a year after its launch.


...hate me...
Nope. I would wait out a goooood while and see whether or not it would fail spectacularly as well first. Because if Nintendo were to completely abandon one failed console, I would expect them to do so again.

I bought a Wii U expecting nothing more than decent first party support. If Nintendo stopped delivering that after two years, then fuck it.
Wii U had decent first party support so far.

I think any company would eventually abandon a product that stalls so hard in the market it fails to provide the necessary revenue stream and puts the company at risk, should they not cut their losses and try again while they still have the health to do it. Actually, historically many companies did that and thanks to it they were able to see another day. It's not like this isn't a contingency plan.

And tbh if you only sold to a small fraction of the market, you shouldn't be worried that a fraction of those will feel wronged and won't buy your products anymore, even though that's not an ideal situation, if you want a success, that wouldn't be meaningful enough to be of any impact. Next Nintendo console needs to be of mass appeal, and if they succeed in creating one, most of that mass haven't bought a Nintendo console since the Wii, if ever.


Nope. Nintendo waited too long. They should have released a new system in early 2014 and apologized and refunded Wii U owners.

It'a going to be a long time before I buy Nintend's next system and I'll no longer be buying them at launch.

You do realize that wouldn't have been possible, right?


In the past, I would have said Day 1, no doubt. But if Wii U wound down in 2016, then that would make two straight consoles that weren't even supported for 5 years. That's not enough value for a $350+ box, I'm sorry.

So it would depend. If it hit that budget price and had 2-3 killer launch titles. Yeah, OK. But I'm not supporting Nintendo based upon promise anymore. Show me the games at launch and don't charge a premium for a budget console. Then we'll talk.
Good post. They fooled me twice already with wii and wii u. I'm not letting it happen again.
Next year? No way. I just got a Wii U. And still have way too many games I'm interested that I haven't touched.

But by 2017 or 2018 my answer would change to "probably".


I love my WiiU but I can't say no to bigger and better looking Nintendo games. And with Zelda as a launch title? It's a no-brainer.

They should have released a new system in early 2014 and apologized and refunded Wii U owners.

LOL. Are you for real?


I just hope that if a new Nintendo console mean a return in third party support that DOESN'T mean ports from PS4/XBO/PC. Wii U more than any console taught me that I want a console with 100% exclusives, at least from the retail side. If the eShop side is more open to grabbing "everything", that's fine, but the third party AAA multiplatform releases has become far too predictable and just doesn't offer any wow-moments for me. I want the fun games back, I want a huge change in the industry from the M/18 focus over to a T/12 focus, closer to the movie industry, to make it more welcoming for a larger audience. Hopefully Nintendo NX can take the neccessary steps to get us going in that direction.

If it's a console designed to make a statement and shift the idea of "AAA has to be M-rated" yet still be the one to get because of exclusives and amazing must-have titles in a wide selection of genres, it's long overdue and a day 1 purchase.
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