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Xbox Scorpio reveal on Thursday at 2pm UK / 6am Pacific by Eurogamer/DF

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Love how this worm comes back out of hiding now Microsoft has some new hardware ready. All those lies he told about XB1/PS4 multiplats back in the day to sway people on the fence, then he fled the forum when the truth came out.

Not sure why he was tolerated here when his only purpose was to market the xbox.

insulting people behind a monitor? Really?And for what purpose? Gaming system ?



I genuinely have no idea who's serious and who's joking in this thread lol.

The stuff about Digital Foundry being damaged by getting one of the biggest exclusives in years is just nuts.

Seems like a really smart move to give this to an independent (and recently critical) outlet. Digital Foundry are way too dull to buy into hype - if they say it's impressive that will carry a lot of weight (at least with those who are sane).

Personally I'm not a fan (of DF or Eurogamer) but it feels like Microsoft is very confident in what they are making, and are giving to DF and saying 'do your worst'.

Another example of why people in the game industry don't frequently post on this forum

Whilst I personally wouldn't go anywhere near as far as the poster your are quoting in regards to how personally it's been taken, Albert Penello did came onto GAF during the lead up to the XBOne launch and did almost nothing but lie and obfuscate. So it's not surprising he's burnt a few bridges.

Still, that was almost 4 years ago and he deserves another chance.
Don't know if this is true because I didn't see it myself. But on Reddit someone said that in that tweet from Jez he later on says he hasn't seen or knows anything about what is in the system. Then I really wonder what he meant though.



Another example of why people in the game industry don't frequently post on this forum

Besides the need to name call its not entirely wrong. He came when he was selling the xbox one. Left and is now back when it's time to market the next console? It is shady. And was also filled with lies and broken promises.


°Temp. member
I just hope it doesn't have a triple decker design like the ps4 pro. In fact, I hope it has an old-school flip up disc cover like the Saturn, OG Playstation, etc...
Although no xbox console has ever had this :(
Besides the nend to name call its not enatively wrong. He came when he was selling the xbox one. Left and is now back when it's time to market the next console? It is shady.

He was here talking about bitstream audio in the fall. I dont see what the problem is, he isn't hiding his employer, and isn't starting threads.
To those saying that this is a niche scoop as DF is only for enthusiasts, you guys know once this info goes out every major outlet will cover it.

And honestly anyone (XBOX or Sony fanboys) who believe these guys at DF are inherently biased are dead wrong. I mained an XBOX as my primary console for 15+ years and I never blamed them for the poor showings in face-offs this gen. I blamed Mattrick. The folks at DF are stand up people that try their best to present their info honestly with research/visual proof.


Can not wait. .. I also want them to have some sort of boost mode. I would like to play Just Cause 3 and finish it one day.


Anyone speculating on the name of the console yet? Since MS is insists that Scorpio is still an XB1, I'm going to go ahead and guess the name will be XBOX ONE ELITE. Comes packed with an Elite controller.


He was here talking about bitstream audio in the fall. I dont see what the problem is, he isn't hiding his employer, and isn't starting threads.

I'm on mobile but if you go back to the xbox one launch and see the things he was stating it would make more sense.

I'm not against companies coming and talking with the community. There is someone from respawn that does an awesome job. But his past lies were rather bad.

Anyway I'm rather excited to see what they can bring to the table. For me it's not hardware but the games. But am curious to know ow how it will all work together with the xbox one and if it just is their pro console.

Something would like to know is will it support yuv420 for people with 8 bit 4k panels lIke the ps4 pro.


°Temp. member
I'm thinking it will be more of a generation leap than just a mid-cycle upgrade. I bet they'll go with Xbox 4.
Trying to find that tweet from Jez where he says there are huge surprises and all the good stuff. But I can't find it at all on Twitter, I just can't seem to find my way on Twitter. Anyone have the tweet?


I seriously doubt I will ever buy an Xbox again but the hype here is insane and wish I could be part of it! Looking forward to the DF article.

...but seriously, people should calm down or the disappointment will be huge.


Felium Defensor
I seriously doubt I will ever buy an Xbox again but the hype here is insane and wish I could be part of it! Looking forward to the DF article.

...but seriously, people should calm down or the disappointment will be huge.
It's NeoGAF. This is literally what we do best. :)


Anyone speculating on the name of the console yet? Since MS is insists that Scorpio is still an XB1, I'm going to go ahead and guess the name will be XBOX ONE ELITE. Comes packed with an Elite controller.

No one has yet speculated on the name until now


I seriously doubt I will ever buy an Xbox again but the hype here is insane and wish I could be part of it! Looking forward to the DF article.

...but seriously, people should calm down or the disappointment will be huge.

Nothing stopping you from joining in! Half the people on Neogaf don't even playing video games


Lol I know we're having fun here, but I hope you guys aren't serious with some of these specs, it's not going to be $2000 machine packed into a $500 package, some of the stuff posted here is not feasible at the price MS want. Temper your expectations, it'll be more powerful then Pro but not a generation ahead like some are saying imo (gut feeling)
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