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GT.com Editor in Chief after private Milo demo: "Not legit" "Smoke and mirrors"

sykoex said:
Can someone explain to me why people like this act like Sony and Nintendo don't get their hides regularly nailed to the wall around here?

As well they should if they're deserving of it. I don't see what that has to do with this discussion.


Rocket Punch said:
Again, you're assuming that the regular joe knows as much as we do about games and technology in general. I am not saying I was deceaved, I'm saying it was a deliberate attempt at deception. Which it was, that much is obvious. We now know it was a PR stunt. The general public does not.
I actually think most regular Joes have the good sense to know that we are not at the point of building human AIs, least of all on a $199 game console. The point of the demo was to show the interactivity features of the Natal technology. I'm pretty sure that most people watching it understood that (though no doubt it could have been explained better than it was).


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
so the article/original post is completely wrong ...

yet fanboy's are too eager and don't actually read the interviews in subsequent posts so they end up just high fiving eachother, spouting off complete BS, while the people who try to point this out to them are called out? you have to be shitting me, the hive mind is unbelievable.

The best part is that people will be quoting this article as truth for the next five years, completely ignoring what's actually going on.

waits for ad hominem attacks...


Andrex said:


sykoex said:
Can someone explain to me why people like this act like Sony and Nintendo don't get their hides regularly nailed to the wall around here?

The point of the post that you quoted is that they SHOULD with even MORE frequency than they do now if, and when they are deserving. Like the man said, bullshit is bullshit.
Vast Inspiration said:
Was I shitting on something someone said exactly or was I talking about just how awkward and terrible their live demo was? Figure it out smart guy.

I don't really want to get into an arguement with you on this, but I'll say one more thing. The reason you came into this thread was to call out all the "bitter trolls" who can't wait to shit in MS and Peter M., and you're calling people dicks and transparent for coming into this thread to add their opinions into the matter and really add nothing to the thread itself other than act like everyones out to get Microsoft if they have a negative thing to say. Yet in every thread I see you post in thats related to Sony, you talk shit about them them, one look at your post history would make that clear. And if Sony ever messes anything up you'll probably be there laughing at them. So you say people act with a "holier than thou" attitude, yet you are coming here calling everyone idiots for stating their opinions. IMHO you are making a fool of yourself, not because you are defending your company of choice, but because you are calling others dicks when you're probably the biggest one in this thread.


sykoex said:
Can someone explain to me why people like this act like Sony and Nintendo don't get their hides regularly nailed to the wall around here?

I think that's his point, that Sony and Nintendo regularly do get their hides regularly nailed to the wall, but there's a contingent of people in this topic that don't think Microsoft should get the same treatment.


Truespeed said:
You do realize that if you subjected Milo to the incomprehensible junk you just spewed out he would Blue Screen, right?


Oh man, I'm depicting this right now.
GashPrex said:
so the article/original post is completely wrong ...

yet fanboy's are too eager and don't actually read the interviews in subsequent posts so they end up just high fiving eachother, spouting off complete BS, while the people who try to point this out to them are called out? you have to be shitting me, the hive mind is unbelievable.
You must be new here. Welcome to NeoGAF! :lol

In other news, console-exclusive gamers are extremely insecure.
GashPrex said:
so the article/original post is completely wrong ...

yet fanboy's are too eager and don't actually read the interviews in subsequent posts so they end up just high fiving eachother, spouting off complete BS, while the people who try to point this out to them are called out? you have to be shitting me, the hive mind is unbelievable.

The best part is that people will be quoting this article as truth for the next five years, completely ignoring what's actually going on.

waits for ad hominem attacks...
you must be Vast Inspirations internet soul mate.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
Cirekiller said:
you must be Vast Inspirations internet soul mate.

thanks for proving my point

as for being new here.... i've been here for ages(back before the great divide, hell i even met futami in real life at a bar once), but just because i've seen it a million times doesn't mean I can't point it out


Listen Molyneux defense corps,

haters aren't hating because we somehow believe Molyneux whipped up a Turing-proof AI tech demo in time to show off MS' waggle wannabe (please, he can't even get "best RPG evar" right)

haters hate because he spouts so much godamned bullshit out of his mouth he might as well be the bellagio fountains hooked up to a sewer mainline

"sci-fi got nothing on dis"

shut the fuck up


hauton said:
haters hate because he spouts so much godamned bullshit out of his mouth he might as well be the bellagio fountains hooked up to a sewer mainline
I actually like Molyneux but -- Come on, of course it was all smoke and mirrors. AI in videogames has mostly been horrible to non-existent so far. How could anybody think Molyneux would be able to fix that in four months? :lol
Cirekiller said:
I don't really want to get into an arguement with you on this, but I'll say one more thing. The reason you came into this thread was to call out all the "bitter trolls" who can't wait to shit in MS and Peter M., and you're calling people dicks and transparent for coming into this thread to add their opinions into the matter and really add nothing to the thread itself other than act like everyones out to get Microsoft if they have a negative thing to say. Yet in every thread I see you post in thats related to Sony, you talk shit about them them, one look at your post history would make that clear. And if Sony ever messes anything up you'll probably be there laughing at them. So you say people act with a "holier than thou" attitude, yet you are coming here calling everyone idiots for stating their opinions. IMHO you are making a fool of yourself, not because you are defending your company of choice, but because you are calling others dicks when you're probably the biggest one in this thread.

I don't go around blatantly lying about Sony or going out of my way to shit on Sony. I don't pretend to talk about things I do not know anything about in Sony's offerings.

So you can say that there is some correlation between me hating Sony's Motion Controller segment and me defending Microsoft here. It makes you sound dumb and ignorant of why I'm actually annoyed, but you can go right ahead and do that.

The TOPIC is about Molyneux and his demo, and my rant focuses almost completely on how people are jumping up to hate on it and call Molyneux out when he didnt do anything disingenuous (relative to any other major corporation mouthpiece). There wasn't some conspiracy to fake the Milo demo. And Peter has been the first one to go right ahead and say that its all trickery.

You can talk about my post history yet you leave the parts out where I say that Sony did a fantastic job showing off their games. You can say that I'm some "bitter troll" for hating on the one thing I was extreme about, but pretty much everyone in their right mind could see how awful the presentation was when those 2 awkward guys came on stage with the motion controller. I was watching it live and reading gaf, and you could see a 100 posts echoing the same sentiments.

You tried to boil this down on fanboyism when its not. Yes I also call other people fanboys, but they're the ones making wild accusations and spewing ignorant shit around.

Cirekiller said:
you must be Vast Inspirations internet soul mate.

And you call me the biggest dick? Just keep your mouth shut, because its obvious you're butt hurt about being called out for your BS.


teiresias said:
I think that's his point, that Sony and Nintendo regularly do get their hides regularly nailed to the wall, but there's a contingent of people in this topic that don't think Microsoft should get the same treatment.


i think its a case of there are two types of ppl in the thread, those who want it to be one way or the other in all cases and those who are applying a double standard.


sex vacation in Guam
yeah what were people expecting exactly? I mean even Peter would admit some of the stuff is sci-fi only. Anyone that thinks we can make a game like Milo obviously knows nothing about how computers work... this milo spot was for the lay mainstream media journalist

last couple of pages are hilarious though.. these Peter M. apologist should have a reality tv show...


too bad this name's already taken :(
This has probably already been posted a bunch of times earlier in the thread, but I am too lazy to make sure:

Peter Molyneux: Milo can recognise the emotions on your face and the emotions in your voice. He can recognise certain words you say. You can have conversations with him, you can read stories to him. We're trying to bring all these things together. Some of them are tricks - I'll be absolutely honest with you - to make you believe Milo's real.

He can recognise what you're wearing. If he notices you've got dark bags under your eyes he will say, 'You look tired today.'

Eurogamer: Really?

Peter Molyneux: Absolutely, all of that works. We're combining all that together to make you really believe that he understands what you say.

Let's try an experiment. When a human voice says something funny, there's a different tone in the voice. Even though Milo's not trained to recognise your voice, if you say something funny to him, he should recognise it as something amusing. Try it now.


Lost all credibility.
ForbidenMaster said:
This has probably already been posted a bunch of times earlier in the thread, but I am too lazy to make sure:

Peter Molyneux: Milo can recognise the emotions on your face and the emotions in your voice. He can recognise certain words you say. You can have conversations with him, you can read stories to him. We're trying to bring all these things together. Some of them are tricks - I'll be absolutely honest with you - to make you believe Milo's real.

He can recognise what you're wearing. If he notices you've got dark bags under your eyes he will say, 'You look tired today.'

Eurogamer: Really?

Peter Molyneux: Absolutely, all of that works. We're combining all that together to make you really believe that he understands what you say.

Let's try an experiment. When a human voice says something funny, there's a different tone in the voice. Even though Milo's not trained to recognise your voice, if you say something funny to him, he should recognise it as something amusing. Try it now.
I wonder if that really works. It sounds pretty cool.


Paco said:

It's Shane, one of the most shameless Sony fanbots in gaming journalism.

Molyneux explained exactly how it was accomplished, and there have been numerous hands-on impressions that sync with what was shown on the stage demo.

I think your a little confused about which Shane we are talking about here :lol


We should change this thread into a purely Peter Molyneux thread, that way we can sit back and laugh at his ridiculous interviews about love, dogs, and 10 pregnant wives.


PistolGrip said:
yeah what were people expecting exactly? I mean even Peter would admit some of the stuff is sci-fi only. Anyone that thinks we can make a game like Milo obviously knows nothing about how computers work... this milo spot was for the lay mainstream media journalist

last couple of pages are hilarious though.. these Peter M. apologist should have a reality tv show...


too bad this name's already taken :(

i thought you might edit it. you still score one for the sony team though man, good job!


Concept17 said:
We should change this thread into a purely Peter Molyneux thread, that way we can sit back and laugh at his ridiculous interviews about love, dogs, and 10 pregnant wives.

And those were just the interviews for the special about him on the Biography channel.


sykoex said:
I wonder if that really works. It sounds pretty cool.

i can't say if their stuff works or not, but the technology to do this has been around for a few years. i saw a tv show about it a year or two ago. there's even phone monitoring systems that monitor call centers and detect people's anger and will automatically transfer the customer to a supervisor.


You've got some detractors riled up, Vast Inspiration. I fear for you.

To everyone arguing; If someone writes out a pointed argument, even if it is angsty, and you respond with "Geez, get a life, internet argument lol", you're just being a douche. Making fun of someone for arguing about videogames on a videogame board is fucking retarded.
sykoex said:
I wonder if that really works. It sounds pretty cool.
Well here is the next part of the interview:

Eurogamer: Bloody hell. Er, OK. A Times New Roman walks into a bar. The barman says, 'We don't serve your type.'

Milo: [Giggles]

Eurogamer: Bloody hell.

Peter Molyneux: Now, he didn't really understand every word you said, but from the tone of your voice he guessed you were telling a joke.
So you could say, "Apple banana plastic. Batman robin cubes, 'skyscraper.'" and Milo would giggle. Its clearly smoke and mirrors, but its not like they arent being up front about it.


I was a bit confused by Milo.

What we do know is that Molypoo has been working on some fancy AI trickery and Dimitri for fucking years. As in, since 2001.

We know that as of two years ago they made some massive breakthroughs with it. The problem is, it's clear that the demo we got at E3 was used to show off Natal, and not the AI.

In fact, we still don't know what is so special about the AI, and no bloody journalist seriously asked him about it either.

It's a shame, because behind the smoke, mirrors and hype of Natal, there is probably some impressive AI there that wasn't demonstrated.


Dabanton said:
Xbox Project Natal : Sugar Ray Leonard, Eric Dickerson, and Willie Gault

Looks cool especially the Burnout part they are actually allowed to film the screen unlike when the journalists were doing it.
Umm yeh, except the Burnout footage is identical to the footage shown in this Xbox Project Natal : Zachary Levi and Josh Gomez clip too (54 secs in)
Why would they use the same clip in both videos if both times it worked fine?
ForbidenMaster said:
So you could say, "Apple banana plastic. Batman robin cubes, 'skyscraper.'" and Milo would giggle. Its clearly smoke and mirrors, but its not like they arent being up front about it.

Yeah, he's been honest about it the whole time. It's a just a video game, not Haley Joel Osment.


danwarb said:
Which is why I wouldn’t call it BS. It apparently does what it's meant to do.
If it was obviously scripted, wouldn't it be failing at what it's meant to do? I thought it was meant to convince you that it was real. (Even if it does use tricks.)

Or, if it's meant to be obviously scripted, what's the point?


Had he not done it excessively for Fable 2 and to avoid Nintendogs comparisons, I bet he would have used a dog instead of a boy because it had been much more realistic in terms of what it can actually do and what you expect from it. They're supposed to work exactly as Milo not being able to understand you except for a few trained commands and go by the tone of your voice, mood and gestures most of the time.
Burger said:
I think it's missing the point when not half of what was shown in that video was demoed to journalists.

I can make a video of a computer that acts human and will even pass the Turing test. I'll put it on youtube later and send you the link.
Obviously, the onus is on MS to make good on their claims and very public plans for the technology...and I fully believe they will make good on the claims of face recognition, voice & tonal recognition, and the ability to recognize images, colors, and motions. I still cannot believe how many people are just not seeing the forest for the trees here...and even more blown away by the number of people who apparently believe that Milo was supposed to be some dramatic advance in AI...it's about the effect on the user/player, and not exactly about the reality behind the scenes, as it happens in virtually all games, anyway.


Lost all credibility.
El-Suave said:
Had he not done it excessively for Fable 2 and to avoid Nintendogs comparisons, I bet he would have used a dog instead of a boy because it had been much more realistic in terms of what it can actually do and what you expect from it. They're supposed to work exactly as Milo not being able to understand you except for a few trained commands and go by the tone of your voice, mood and gestures most of the time.
Sounds like Eyepet. :)


Dabanton said:
Wow the savagery in this thread is off the chain. Motion wars are the in thing on Gaf it seems.

IMO its not savagery when the person presenting the demo stands up in front of hundreds of people and openly states that this is a game changing technology, blah blah blah. First, its Molyneux and he should fucking know better. Second, nothing about that demo required Natal - just a webcam. Thirdly it was little better than seaman with a pretty face.

I'm actually surprised the mainstream gaming media weren't harsher on him than they have been.
Did any one really think your can just say anything to the kid and he know what you talking about they can't do that with super computer never mind a little box in your home lol

so unless you say what it want you to say it pointless


ForbidenMaster said:
Its clearly smoke and mirrors, but its not like they arent being up front about it.
My ass.

Watch this again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPIbGnBQcJY

Maybe they're clarifying this stuff now, but that video - which was the first we saw of this project, and will be the only thing most people are aware of about the project for some time because most people don't read interviews and shit - is a blatant lie. That video isn't saying that he only understands your intonation and stuff. It's saying that this is some amazing new AI beyond what science fiction has imagined. It's saying that he can understand what you say (specifically note when he says, "You? Nervous?" and, "Thousands of people?").

You're kidding yourself if you think that wasn't the intention of this video.


KevinCow said:
My ass.

Watch this again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPIbGnBQcJY

Maybe they're clarifying this stuff now, but that video - which was the first we saw of this project, and will be the only thing most people are aware of about the project for some time because most people don't read interviews and shit - is a blatant lie. That video isn't saying that he only understands your intonation and stuff. It's saying that this is some amazing new AI beyond what science fiction has imagined. It's saying that he can understand what you say (specifically note when he says, "You? Nervous?" and, "Thousands of people?").

You're kidding yourself if you think that wasn't the intention of this video.

Were you actually expecting that during their E3 Press Event, Microsoft would intentionnaly showcase the limits of their "work in progress" technology a year and a half before its release just for the sake of 100% disclosure? That event was used to build hype, of course they showed Milo in the best possible light.

There was no lying either since Molyneux was upfront about it when interviewed. Until release we will see many hands-on by many different journalists and by the time its released, don't worry, there will have been critical articles on both videogames and mainstream media that will descibe the limits of both Milo and Natal as they will ship.


ForbidenMaster said:
So you could say, "Apple banana plastic. Batman robin cubes, 'skyscraper.'" and Milo would giggle. Its clearly smoke and mirrors, but its not like they arent being up front about it.

Exactly. Were all somewhat disillusioned with Molyneux and no doubt disappointed that the Milo thing is exactly as it was presented at the conference.

But at least they are being honest about it in subsequent conversations.

Whether or not there was actually a worth while reason in showing the Milo thing in the first place, Im not so sure.


Damn. And here I thought a videogame company created the most advanced behavioral AI in the world.

Now I believe in nothing!
Zabka said:
Damn. And here I thought a videogame company created the most advanced behavioral AI in the world.

Now I believe in nothing!

What the hell are you talking about? this is Microsoft, the number 1 software company in the world running approximately 80% of the world's PC applications.

Is there a more suitable company to come up with a working AI prototype?? The lengths that people go to dismiss such charade.
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