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GAF's Impression: Never played Yakuza before? Start with Yakuza 0

Now, I can talk about how great of a game Yakuza 0 is. How incredible of a story it has. How it has over a 100 unique side missions (with actual narratives behind each one). How it has one of the best, most content packed, sandbox environments out there...

But I'm already a fan and I might be biased. So instead of me telling you how good the game is, let's see how some of the newcomers to the series felt about Yakuza 0.

this fucking game...
Just finished it today and I loved every minute of it!
It was my first Yakuza and I'll definitely play some of the other games in the future.
I just finished this game last night. It was my first Yakuza game and I'm so happy I got introduced to this series. What a great story; the voice acting and presentation are superb. My only gripe would be that the lower budget held back the quality of side content presentation but the gameplay was great and oh my God at the amount of activities they packed into this game.

I was really digging Goro Majima in this, he carried himself so well. His character stole the show for me. I'm guessing his personality is very different in the other titles.
Just finished the game.
I feel like from chapter 11 on there was hardly time for side quests. Or maybe I was just so into the story that I focused on that. But the second half of the game rushed by.

Really enjoyed it. It was my first Yakuza experience.

I loved Majimas character development.

Great game!

Just finished the main story. 29 hours, 55 minutes with about 26 % completion. I explored quite a bit in the first 2/3 of the game but felt like the story drove me forward in the last act which I didn't mind at all.

Some general thoughts on the game, story and characters as a first time Yakuza player...

Game: It feels like a labour of love. The details, the writing, the characters, the subquests and humour all tie in together so well... and there's so much of it!

Story: Probably the best story I've played this gen, are all of the stories this good? I imagine this was an even bigger treat for long-time Yakuza fans but as someone who didn't know any characters going in besides Kiryu, it really delivered for me. Plenty of turns, great writing and excellent VA. It's sold me on Kiwami already.


Overall: Incredible game through and through. Great cast of characters, lovingly detailed world, loads of fun, meaningful side-mission stuff to do.

Thanks to all the Yakuza experts as well who have answered my questions in the thread.
Just finished the game, first real Yakuza after messing around with 4 a while back. Clocked in at around 55 hours and 27%. It got to a point where the story was too good to not just press through it. (As well as having this, RE7, Nioh, Nier, FF14 and about a billion other things to play soon)

Anyway, super enjoyed it and looking forward to Kiwami. They have a Yakuza fan for life now!

P.s finally a first post. Took the longest time to get verified ha!
The amount of content in this game is absolutely ridiculous, in a good way.

Thinking of canceling my Nioh preorder because I'll probably still playing this by the end of the month.

The side stuff is so much fun I actually have to force myself to continue the main story (which is excellent) every once in a while. Currently deep in the cabaret club management which is almost a full game in itself.

This is going in my GOTY list for sure. And what a great start for my first Yakuza game. I'll be getting Kiwami on day one now.
First yakuza game here, fucking love it
I'm at the end of chapter 6.
"Well, half an hour of Yakuza won't hurt".

*1,5h, two boss fights and three cutscenes later*

Literally just finished this game, credits are rolling as I type and I have to say... this game has blown me away.

The amount of content, the quality of said content, every side quest different and well written, the combat and various styles... THE PURE HYPE WHICH WAS THE FINAL BOSS BATTLES.

Goro Majima you have rocketed in to my my top 5 badass video game characters. I love that guy.

This is my first Yakuza game and I am gutted I missed out on all the other ones, what are my chances of remakes of every Yakuza game? Slim to none I imagine... but I need it.
As someone for whom Yakuza 0 is their first game, I definitely plan to buy Kiwami, and then 6. I'm not sure after playing 6 I'd then want to go back and play 2, 3, 4, and 5, especially if 6 already shows me the story recaps for the others.

In a perfect world, Sega would've had the 2 remake ready to go after Kiwami, but this is the problem with trying to both produce remakes and new games with stories that all tie together.
I really wasn't feeling this game for the first good section. I liked the characters and the story but the combat was not enjoyable at all for me. The whole opening Yakuza base section and the boss just felt like too much without having a good control of everything.

Once I got out to the open town and fought a dude who pulled a knife on a girl who sold him her panties and ran into Miss Tatsu, things became much much better.

Side note, let me marry Miss Tatsu. I don't care if it creates a time paradox.
My first Yakuza game. Fantastic!

Story is fun. Fighting is fun. All the characters are great.

I thought the English subtitles with Japanese voice acting would bother me, but I don't think it would be as good any other way.

and these dumb mini games I heard so much about and assumed I wouldn't like? Can't get enough of them. So much fun.

Thanks for another great recommendation GAF!
Guys I want to just immerse myself in Yakuza lore and history and read through every single game's story line... but what if the release remakes of all of them!!!??

Do I wait and experience it all fresh? Yakuza 0 being my first Yakuza game has awoken a fire inside me that I never knew existed. I am in love with the series already... why did I never play these games! Kiiirrryyyuuuu Maaajimaaaaa!!!

When is Kiwanis remake coming out in the UK!? Oh man, i'm an addict right now! I need more!
I'd like to echo most people's opinion here and just say how much I'm digging this first Yakuza experience. I'm real early so I can only imagine but the systems seem pretty simple and entertaining, something I can definitely appreciate given i don't have that much timeto play. It's rad!
Just finished. As my first real Yakuza experience (I only played about an hour or so of the original on PS2), I can see why people love it. This is a true video game, jam packed with so much to do, great action and a great story. Can't wait for Kiwami.

You might think that I've just cherry picked these impressions to make the game look good. That's fair. So, here is the OT. Just search "first Yakuza" and see the results for yourselves.


I probably would have finished by now, but 40 hours in and I just had to finish managing the cabaret club... Damn that was addictive.


Glad to see newcomers enjoying this so much. I have only played Yakuza 1-4 and loved all of them. I decided to skip Yakuza 0 this time to get Nioh but now I am second guessing that with all the love its getting haha. I might just make this the next game I play after beating Nioh since I don't plan on getting Mass Effect next month.
Feels good. Yakuza has always been a top quality game series, there's no reason for it to be as niche as it is outside of Japan. Hopefully the momentum of people getting into it keeps moving with the release of Kiwami and 6.
Definitely agree as a newcomer that this has gotten me into the Yakuza series. Finished this game and I'm still going back to it to do some side activities and such. The story kept me hooked from start to finish, the side activities made me laugh and touched my heart at times, the mini games were great distractions when I needed something besides the story (except the Cat Fighting one...) the characters were memorable, music was great and the presentation was good! Definitely made me want to get Kiwami Day One now. Might consider some of the others on PS3 as well if I can find them.


It's been my first Yakuza experience, and it was a great one. Played on hard from the start, although the game hasn't been at all difficult past the first boss. This usually translates to me getting very bored but I've been glued to this game.

Sidequests have been strangely compelling as well. I keep finding them, thinking I'd be in for a boring waste of time, and then end up in a genuinely memorable, hilarious or just heartwarming side story. They're so impressive I think I'm going to go back and play all of them when I have time.

The main story is a bit jarring how serious it is compared to the side content but it works. I'm near the end now and the buildup has been immense. Can't wait to finish it tonight.

I've always considered myself a big Sega fan ever since I was a little kid so the Sega-ness of the game is not lost on me. I love the soundtrack as well, I didn't even mind losing to the first boss so many times because the music was so damn good.

I gave up on the cabaret club and focused instead on real estate. I feel so fucking academic, guys.

The cabaret has been legitimately my favorite thing in the game. Too bad it doesn't make significant amounts of money outside of clearing its storyline. I just want to play a whole game about Majima managing his club, going on practice dates with the girls and beating up asshole rival club owners.


I've always believed that if I could convince acquaintances to try the Yakuza games they would adore them as much as I do. I'm delighted that so many people have jumped in with Yakuza 0 and are enjoying it so much.
Real talk, two of my posts are in the OP and I meant every single word of it.

This game deserves your time, and you deserve to be treated to its wacky and wonderful offerings.

A fantastic amount of content for the price.


I'll add my impression: Yakuza 0 is an outstanding game that has sold me on the entire franchise just ~4 hours in.

  • The humor is absolutely on point - this is seen mostly on the substories all of which are hilarious, well designed, fun and never overstay their welcome.
  • The "serious" plot is interesting and engaging as well.
  • Most characters are well developed and memorable and I can't wait to learn more about them.
  • Kiryu is easily one of the most likable characters I've ever seen in a video game.
  • The music is great.
  • The combat mechanics are satisfying and fun.
  • Kamurocho is an incredible place that, having been to Tokyo, instantly transports me there, despite the game taking place in the 80s.
  • The minigames are great. I could spend hours just dancing, singing karaoke, bowling, etc etc.
And I've barely scratched the surface; I'm at chapter 2 at the moment, but I can tell I'm gonna adore this game; I have a similar feeling to when I started with Persona 4, Xenoblade and other games I'd ultimately love.

Yakuza 0 is fantastic.


Early GOTY frontrunner for me, can't see it being dethroned anytime soon, not by Zelda, Red Dead 2, etc.


Currently slogging through Yakuza 5 and wondering if I should just say fuck it, drop it and move into 0 straight away.

Not to say 5 is a bad game by any means, and I love the opening chapter of Kiryu living his alternate life as a cab driver, but there are several reasons why as a game I'm just not having fun and wondering if it would be beneficial to skip ahead.

1) I spent the last few months of last year getting through Yakuza 4, which I really loved. I took advantage of many mini games, unlocked all of the revelations and upgrades etc. 5, while definitely better looking visually, just feels like more of the same

2) It's ridiculously fucking easy. Random encounters are beyond plentiful and all you have to do is mash. The challenge factor is nonexistent, and it's mind numbing. Other than the mini games, most of which are the same shit I had in Y4, the best part of the game is the story.

3) Character switching again. Just like 4 but now with even one more addition, just as I start getting into the feel for one character then I have to switch all over again and start with a base, dull moveset.

Series experts, should I just head over to 0 or what? Also does 0 have a hard mode? If I can beat a horde of enemies without even looking at the screen I know there's something wrong.


I slept on the series until 0, too. I had Yakuza 2 sitting around for ages (still do) and spent fewer than 10 minutes on it because it became immediately clear that I was jumping into a continuous story in the second act. Because of this, I never gave it another chance.

Really glad I checked out 0, though. It's a real gem. Now I want to try the rest of the series, but I might wait until Kiwami comes around to get as fresh a start as possible.


Do we have any sales figures for it yet?

I get the impression it's their best selling game and I really hope it sold a lot.


Currently slogging through Yakuza 5 and wondering if I should just say fuck it, drop it and move into 0 straight away.

Not to say 5 is a bad game by any means, and I love the opening chapter of Kiryu living his alternate life as a cab driver, but there are several reasons why as a game I'm just not having fun and wondering if it would be beneficial to skip ahead.

1) I spent the last few months of last year getting through Yakuza 4, which I really loved. I took advantage of many mini games, unlocked all of the revelations and upgrades etc. 5, while definitely better looking visually, just feels like more of the same

2) It's ridiculously fucking easy. Random encounters are beyond plentiful and all you have to do is mash. The challenge factor is nonexistent, and it's mind numbing. Other than the mini games, most of which are the same shit I had in Y4, the best part of the game is the story.

3) Character switching again. Just like 4 but now with even one more addition, just as I start getting into the feel for one character then I have to switch all over again and start with a base, dull moveset.

Series experts, should I just head over to 0 or what? Also does 0 have a hard mode? If I can beat a horde of enemies without even looking at the screen I know there's something wrong.

As much as I am a fan of the Yakuza series I agree this has always been an issue. Through the later half of the game I always find myself trying to avoid those random encounters because I feel like they disrupt the flow of the game and are just tedious. I hope 0 improved on the combat because Yakuza 3 felt more of the same but 4 kind of alleviated it because of the additional characters.


I'll advice everyone who finished yakuza main story and venture most of its side quests + recreational activities to take a break.

Don't jump into the next Yakuza game immediately, you'll get burned out.

But yes, Yakuza 0 is a good entry point. If that doesn't sold you, then it's not for you.


Currently slogging through Yakuza 5 and wondering if I should just say fuck it, drop it and move into 0 straight away.

should I just head over to 0 or what?

IMO, Finish 5, take a break/play something else and then start 0. Because Yakuza gameplay can get tiring . You just came from 4 and now 5, that itself can lead to franchise fatigue. I just think you won't be able to fully appreciate 0.

As for OP, my take is if you have ps3, Start with 4 else 0. Y4 has 4 Different characters & so 4 Different play styles. It also has a fast pace main plot with a little bit of everything including prison breaks, romance ,cop drama and of course Kiryu himself.

Loving 0 but I think 4 is a better entry point.


You win a live chicken by bowling and defeat your enemies with the elusive martial art known as breakdancing

Go on...

I've had Yakuza 0 on my radar and was considering on getting it as a way to introduce myself to the series. Since the next South Park game got delayed, I guess I'll have some extra time next month.

Is this a series where it's going to be... expensive if I get into it and want to play every Yakuza game?


I slept on the series until 0, too. I had Yakuza 2 sitting around for ages (still do) and spent fewer than 10 minutes on it because it became immediately clear that I was jumping into a continuous story in the second act. Because of this, I never gave it another chance.

Really glad I checked out 0, though. It's a real gem. Now I want to try the rest of the series, but I might wait until Kiwami comes around to get as fresh a start as possible.

I'm so glad I bought this game. It's so different to any other game I've played. Story is great as well and tons of things to do. What I really like is the pacing: you really feel nice and relaxed. A warning to any new players: game des not save automatically, you have to do that in a phone booth. I had to redo my first 3 hours because of that :)


GAF definitely sold me on Yakuza 0, and I am so glad I got into the series. Not even 10 hours in, and I'm immensely enjoying myself.
the idol chapter almost made me quit the game. It was so boring.
I seriously just started taking the game as a compilation of 5 separate games and it helped me deal with it. If you treat it as one cohesive story then that's when it falls apart

And I actually found the idol gameplay fun but she certainly didn't need a whole (well, half) chapter dedicated to it.
Zero's somehow manages to have a somewhat cohesive and well-thought out story out of the abominations from 4 and 5.

The focusing on two characters really helps, and it is also assisted by the fact that the stories become entwined a bit earlier that usual.


I seriously just started taking the game as a compilation of 5 separate games and it helped me deal with it. If you treat it as one cohesive story then that's when it falls apart

And I actually found the idol gameplay fun but she certainly didn't need a whole (well, half) chapter dedicated to it.

yeah, i saw it as one game and it killed me. The late part of the game was great, but that chapter will always haunt me.


If you guys were to compare it to a more popular game, which would it be? I'm interested.

There's nothing really like it, but the closes popular modern game I can think of would be something like Sleeping Dogs, but even then they don't really have an awful lot in common, just a lot of fun mini-games, a lot of fighting and crazy over the top finishing moves.

Shenmue is an obvious one, but even then they are both very different.


Glad to see people enjoying Yakuza 0 so much. All of the Yakuza games (except maybe Dead Souls) are fantastic, but 0 especially is very good. SEGA also did a great job on the localization, as it's a significant step up in polish from what we got in 3/4/5.
One of the best posts on GAF. I appreciate your efforts, OP

Series experts, should I just head over to 0 or what? Also does 0 have a hard mode? If I can beat a horde of enemies without even looking at the screen I know there's something wrong.
You should just move on to Yakuza 0. Though, maybe wait a week or two before jumping into the game, in order to avoid Yakuza fatigue.

If you guys were to compare it to a more popular game, which would it be? I'm interested.
There really isn't anything like it. It's a truly unique game.


Yakuza 0 wasnt my first yakuza game, but its my favorite yakuza game. Honestly its one of the best games ive played in general.
I wish I could get into the series even though I've played several hours of each Yakuza 1-5. I'm just not that into stories or movies about yakuza/gangsters. I feel bad since Shenmue is one of my favorite games ever and this shares a few similarities. Maybe someday I'll snag this but I'd a fool to buy this now given my track record with the series. I might end up getting just for games and side activities.


If you guys were to compare it to a more popular game, which would it be? I'm interested.

Bully + Shenmue + The Warriors + RPG elements of Persona

Side quests as fun as Witcher 3.

Mini games so good they could've been sold separately.

Full arcade versions of Outrun, Hang On!, Space Harrier, Fantasy Zone.

Don't forget the amazing Cabaret Club activity. That game could be sold separately as a $20-$25 title.

Honestly I haven't even got to it yet, if it's as close to being addictive as the real estate activity I'll be happy
Bully + Shenmue + The Warriors + RPG elements of Persona

Side quests as fun as Witcher 3.

Mini games so good they could've been sold separately.

Full arcade versions of Outrun, Hang On!, Space Harrier, Fantasy Zone.

Don't forget the amazing Cabaret Club activity. That game could be sold separately as a $20-$25 title.

Honestly I haven't even got to it yet, if it's as close to being addictive as the real estate activity I'll be happy
Oh man, you are in for a treat. I liked real estate stuff and still was completely blown away by Cabaret Club and how fun it was.


I hadn't played a Yakuza since 1 which I just thought was "okay". Yakuza 0 is legit amazing, laughing the whole way through. The casino is going to be my downfall.
As much as I am a fan of the Yakuza series I agree this has always been an issue. Through the later half of the game I always find myself trying to avoid those random encounters because I feel like they disrupt the flow of the game and are just tedious. I hope 0 improved on the combat because Yakuza 3 felt more of the same but 4 kind of alleviated it because of the additional characters.

They do get tedious after a while, I guess, but there are a few things that help with this. One, I feel like running from fights is super easy. Two, later in 0 you gain a new ability that lets you bypass fights (as in physically--you throw cash around to distract people). That said, I still get into fights and rescue people from gangs because of that sweet sweet fight money, though now that I'm in the real estate biz that's less important now.

All the comments about 5 kind of scare me a little, though. I'm glad I decided to play 0 immediately instead of trying to do 5 first, but I'm worried that going back will feel more like a chore. I'll definitely give it a few months between games.

Honestly I haven't even got to it yet, if it's as close to being addictive as the real estate activity I'll be happy

This is me right now. I love the real estate stuff even more than the train-a-fighter management in Y4, so if Cabaret Club is supposed to be better...


Thanks for the shout out! Still going back to this game even after finishing it just to mess around with some mini games that I didn't get a chance to in my initial play through.

I recommended it to a friend who hadn't played a Yakuza game before and he thoroughly enjoyed it. He was going to give up after the slow start but I told him he just needs to get to Chapter 3 and everything he thought he knew about this game would be turned upside down.
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