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Adult brony tries to abduct a 11 yr old girl at Brony Convention

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Never understood brony culture. There's no good reason as to why a grown adult should seriously enjoy a children's show for little girls.

What do you think of young girls enjoying professional wrestling


Every community/culture has it's demons, and of course people have the right to judge said demons. Those negatives shouldn't be the focal point of a community because most of the time, they are a minority.
Never understood brony culture. There's no good reason as to why a grown adult should seriously enjoy a children's show for little girls.

I alternate between ponies and Game of Thrones bse of the following:

MLP: How wonderful the world can be
GoT: How terrible the world can be

The contrast is interesting. Two opposing extremes of Idealism and Cynicism

What do you think of young girls enjoying professional wrestling

Probably does not care because double standards


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I must confess that I've got a generally low opinion of anyone with a Brony avatar. I can't help myself.

And nothing in this thread surprises me. I fully expect adult Bronies to act like this. Strange weird people.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Enjoying a charming show with some clean, witty comedy? Pedophile alert.


Obsessing over the little girl's show and basing your entire lifestyle around it, often including sexualization? Pedophile alert, yeah.
Kids should not be allowed in Brony conventions. It's like letting your kid go to Neverland Ranch. Not because I know for a fact that a bunch of pedophiles will be there, but because they are largely a group of maladjusted, troubled adult men that have a fixation on children's programming, and difficulty in controlling expressions of depravity and sexual interest in it. The things posted in this thread shouldn't be glimpsed or heard by a child, and there's zero chance of the hyperactive and impulsive groupies to not talk loudly about clopping.

Own the fact that Brony culture is a haven for misfits, but have the mental clarity to see that their common behavior makes an all ages MLP convention a disastrous idea.

I love it whenever you post in a thread. Very astute observation and feels like my IQ went up a couple of points. Are you a doctor by any chance?


I get what you mean. People put a pony sized cover over their regular fetishes which makes them easier to find for those who would be abhorred by it

As much as I hate to admit but this is becoming increasingly true
Official events by Hasbro and/or DHX attending should still be fine though

And you are perfectly clean without a single dirty/embarrassing secret?

Hentai is just porn with SENPAI!! instead of "I'm here to lay down some pipe!"
People used to draw porn of Mickey Mouse back in the 40's. Of course the internet has spilled EVERYTHING onto the mainstream making it easily hated

I mock hentai as much as MLP fetishists. From an outsiders perspective, the connotations with bestiality and pedophilia make sexual MLP fetishism particularly creepy. As Opiate points out I'm also biased. My brother in law took his two daughters to see a MLP movie. None of them were aware of bronies. As soon as he said, "We went to see My Little Pony" I immediately laughed and expected a tragic tale. The entire theater was packed with 'em, though, which was fine if confusing. But as they made boisterous gimp noises and such the entire time, the girls got upset and asked to go home. I am aware that many , many bronies are autistic though and I try and sympathize with their harmless fixation.


Don't anime cons usually have a gated hentai area or something so that mixed age groups don't have issues?

I suppose that would defeat the point of attracting pedophiles to your bronycon, though. Onward with the sex toys and child discounts.

At the very least you'd think Brony's, being adults, would be capable of understanding the concern from their fandom. It's not merely watching a TV show, it's making it a fairly big hobby of yours. And it is a children's TV show, and a particularly feminine TV show with characters that represent little girls in pony form (as I always understood my little pony to be at least, I grew up with it in the 80's.) And they are outwardly labeling their culture as being for adult males... into a TV show about little girls..

Whatever your intentions are for your fandom, dressing up, seeking out others who do, etc. be an adult about it and be aware of how it's likely to be concerning to people, and that there is pretty clear logic for that concern. And this IS something you are choosing to participate in; it's not your race, color, creed, sexuality, etc., don't act like it's some human rights issue to not be judged for it.

I was under the impression, before this thread, that Brony cons WERE adult oriented.. not for kids.. and did involve lots of the fetish aspect.

Is this one unique or do they all also advertise to children?



Obsessing over the little girl's show and basing your entire lifestyle around it, often including sexualization? Pedophile alert, yeah.

Doesn't the MLP creator say she's cool with Bronies? I can't help but think she is secretly weirded out but enjoys the extra cash flow they bring in.


"A dude tried abducting an 11 year old, but she told us not to report it and we trusted her judgement on that matter."

Pretty much. The people flaming those who asked (in hyperbolic ways) why they did not actually attempt to stop someone they had reasonable suspicion to be a child predator is bizarre to me. Using "rape culture" as an excuse for inaction is pathetic.

Are bronies and fedora wearers one and the same?

I imagine it's the venn diagram combination of those aspects which draw the most ire from others.
I wonder how many of those bronies of inappropriate fandom have a folder of illegal pornography a couple clicks away from their MLP bootlegs folder?

Why no FBI sting set up?

This some wierd shit.


contribute something
Never understood brony culture. There's no good reason as to why a grown adult should seriously enjoy a children's show for little girls.

I'm not a fan of bronies, but you could say the same thing about adults who like Mario, or white people who listen to hiphop. It's not a bad thing for something to have fans outside the target demographic. The problem with the brony subculture is the toleration of so many outrageously perverse fan works.


I'm so glad that I grew up in a time when I could watch Ninja Turtles and not have fedora-wearing perverts breathing down my back trying to peddle their April rape art.


There has never been a time where I've seen a picture, a video, an article, or any type of media on the internet related to Bronies and thought, "Hmm this seems fine. All's quiet on the western front."



Obsessing over the little girl's show and basing your entire lifestyle around it, often including sexualization? Pedophile alert, yeah.[/QUOTE]

There's a clear difference between the vast majority of the fanbase and the fringe. Judging any fanbase by it's least desirable members is a foolish way to go about things, and could easily paint any group in a negative light.

That said, yeah, I'm sure there's plenty of pedos who like ponies. Also who like video games, pop music, and pepperoni pizza. Not sure what your point is, other than going for cheap laughs.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's not that there are paedos in a group, it's that there are paedos in a group that everyone suspects has a higher than average incidence of paedos*.

It's usually ill-advised to generalize a perceived sexual deviancy ("clopping") to other forms of deviancy (pedophilia, zoophilia), especially when the former is limited to fantasies while the latter are real. You make one assumption that the "cloppers" can't differentiate fantasy from reality, and that their fantasies are just a gateway to physical action. Jack Thompson loved to do this for video games as you'll recall. Another example:

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You make the other assumption that one sexual deviancy is like any other and that just by being sexually deviant in one manner, opens you up to the possibility of criminal sexual deviancy in another. This is close to the rhetoric hyperconservative/religious America uses against gays, which is a sexual deviancy in their eyes. It's a harmful mindset when they use it and it's harmful here as well.
What is "clopping?" Sounds like something I shouldn't have in my search history.

And is the show entertaining? I only hear disparaging things about bronies, but I assume there must be something about it that appeals to people


Brownies are all pussies confirmed. They were courteous to the pedophile because the 11 year old girl said she didn't want to do anything when they asked her. Lol wut??


I don't think enjoying a show for kids is the issue. Adventure Time fans clearly don't get demonized like this. It's the part where the culture kind of self-identifies with ponies what makes it a bit unsettling, as an outsider. I mean, they are called bronies after all. So I really don't know. I only know a brony in real life and he seems like a normal guy, mostly.


I don't understand how that's related at all.

Wrestling = largely young/adult male demographic, yet plenty of women enjoy it.
MLP = largely young/adult female demographic, yet plenty of women enjoy it.
Video Games = largely young/adult male demographic, yet plenty of women enjoy it.

This comment; "There's no good reason as to why a grown adult should seriously enjoy a children's show for little girls." Is stupid, because there's no good reason as to why a grown adult SHOULDN'T enjoy a children's show for little girls. it's all subjective.


It's a brony convention though, not a my little pony convention.

It's right in the name.

Good lord with the unnecessarily sarcastic replies, lol. This is a con named for ADULT fans of a children show, known to enjoy dressing up as the shows characters.. and at the very least with a subculture that includes wanting to fuck said child-like pony characters.

Gosh I'm such a nitwit thinking that's misguided.. call me fucking stupid and mock me!

Hey, not calling you a nitwit or anything.

I just have a difficult time seeing the allowance of kids there being a creepy or misguided setup.

Really, what would you think of a con for a children's show that is 'adult only'?


Kills Photobucket

Obsessing over the little girl's show and basing your entire lifestyle around it, often including sexualization? Pedophile alert, yeah.

Because watching the show and obsessing over a show are the same thing.

Obsessive fans in any fandom isn't a good thing. It's certainly unhealthy for the fan and it just ruins the image of the fandom as the obsessive are the ones people try to label as the face of the entire fandom.
I don't think enjoying a show for kids is the issue. Adventure Time fans clearly don't get demonized like this. It's the part where the culture kind of self-identifies with ponies what makes it a bit unsettling, as an outsider. I mean, they are called bronies after all. So I really don't know. I only know a brony in real life and he seems like a normal guy, mostly.
Yep. The issue is making it part of your identity.
Hey, not calling you a nitwit or anything.

I just have a difficult time seeing the allowance of kids there being a creepy or misguided setup.

Really, what would you think of a con for a children's show that is 'adult only'?
It would be creepy, because they are creepy.

It's not about the show dude. It's about the fans.
Not into that brony stuff, but if bronycon is like an anime convention then

1) kids price being cheaper is normal.
2) The target demographic is weird. There are different parts of the con that target different ages. For instance, there are a lot of 18+ panels (crude humor, relationship dating shows and etc) but at the same time there are family friendly events (AMV, cosplay contest, skits, kareoke and etc)

The past 4-5 years I've been going to AX and mostly for the game room though. Those fighting game sessions are really fun but the last year I went around and checked out the various other things. Fun event overall.

I imagine bronycon is like that in some ways (without the game room). So I have no issues with it even though its not my thing. This story? yeah not surprised if it happened and not because its bronycon. There are just a decent number of humans that are deplorable.


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There's a clear difference between the vast majority of the fanbase and the fringe. Judging any fanbase by it's least desirable members is a foolish way to go about things, and could easily paint any group in a negative light.

Total bollocks. You've got a show aimed at little girls hijacked by adults and sexualised.
Fucking creepy as fuck. There is no defending it.
Wrestling = largely young/adult male demographic, yet plenty of women enjoy it.
MLP = largely young/adult female demographic, yet plenty of women enjoy it.
Video Games = largely young/adult male demographic, yet plenty of women enjoy it.

This comment; "There's no good reason as to why a grown adult should seriously enjoy a children's show for little girls." Is stupid, because there's no good reason as to why a grown adult SHOULDN'T enjoy a children's show for little girls. it's all subjective.
i suppose the difference is the infantile nature i often see in the way the show is discussed and treated by the more 'vocal' proponents. stuff like the classic 'taught me about friendship' and so on. mix it with creepy clopping pics and body pillows and well


I don't think it's quite the same, because there isn't a visible portion of the Harley community that sexualise motorbikes. There's no Harley equivalent for 'clopping' that I'm aware of. There are Bronies that openly sexualise the cartoon ponies, and at that point all bets are off. It's not that there are paedos in a group, it's that there are paedos in a group that everyone suspects has a higher than average incidence of paedos*.

*Although zoophiles might be more accurate. Maybe paedozoophiles.

I agree to an extent, but you don't have to look deeply to see sexuality in a community like Harley lovers. It a community highly invested in machismo and a particular image of "manliness" that I personally find very creepy (although I also find bronies creepy. I'm just trying to disassociate my logic from my visceral reactions).


I alternate between ponies and Game of Thrones bse of the following:

MLP: How wonderful the world can be
GoT: How terrible the world can be

The contrast is interesting. Two opposing extremes of Idealism and Cynicism

Imagine for a second if anyone used Teletubbies instead of MLP in your example and tell me you wouldn't find it stupid.
The thing with bronies is that seemingly more than most other fandoms a large portion of them take it to the next level.

They have some weird tendency to draw incredible amounts of attention to themselves, they base they personas and lives around this show, they get tattoos and wants everyone to see them, they go on the internet and turn everything into some pony reference, they're just unusually visible more than the other fandoms who do this same type of stuff. All this is magnified by the subject matter being a show that is perceived to be aimed primarily at little girls

I guess it isn't like star wars and anime where there's lots of "normal" fans to offset the extreme ones, MLP is so niche that the extreme fans seem to speak for all of them.(and again the subject matter is in a different league)


I'm not a fan of bronies, but you could say the same thing about adults who like Mario, or white people who listen to hiphop.

Mario games are like (most) Disney movies, they're designed with both kids and adults in mind. MLP is designed with children, mainly little girls, in mind. Sure, there might be a few jokes in there to keep parents from going brain-dead, but the rest of the show is made for children to enjoy.

lol at the hiphop comment though.


I just have a difficult time seeing the allowance of kids there being a creepy or misguided setup.

Really, what would you think of a con for a children's show that is 'adult only'?

I'd think it would be less misguided than a con for adult fans of a children's show that also allows children.

As I said in my statements, if they'd demanded and made sure none of the fetish culture was there, I'd have perhaps a different opinion. Instead they just created a convention clearly designed for adult fans, well aware of the fetish subculture, and then also invited children to attend.

The characters of this show are stylized as little girls leading semi-adult little pony lives, learning the lessons of childhood as they go.

And they SPECIFICALLY label themselves as being adult MALES (Brony, right in the on name)... not just adults.. or all-inclusive.. this is "Adult Male My Little Pony Fan Con."

It's hard for me to fathom why this is so difficult to discuss really, or why so many people disagree.

"Adult Male Fans of Little Girl Pony Characters Show (discounts for children)"...
Well for starters, there are probably very few little girls trying to abduct wrestling fans from conventions. What an absurd comparison.
The thing is are we 100% sure that this thing is real, honestly I haven't see this incident reported on any other media and none of the other attendes (as far as I know) at that con mentioned it, I remember the stabbing incident at comicon, that got hunders of reports.



Obsessing over the little girl's show and basing your entire lifestyle around it, often including sexualization? Pedophile alert, yeah.

So that pic keeps going around (I'm not anything close to a MLP fan or a Brony or anything) but that's a birthday party at a Build-a-Bear store. I know this because my daughters have had their birthday party at one on several occasions, and I'm pretty sure I've been in a pic like that, sans-pony. That is very likely a parent, and that could easily be a stuffed animal that he got for his son or daughter who couldn't be there. Context. Or just assume he's a pedo. Either way. IDK.


You really think Hasbro would let anyone involved with the show say anything damming about it? Grown men are the ones buying the merch here. Go to a Hot Topic and tell me how much of the apparel is for men as opposed to women.

So should a documentary about the Harry Potter fandom take time to talk about fanfics and art devoted to the giant squid in the lake that rapes everything?

How is this even remotely fucking similar?

One is a youth-young adult series where magic is real and a great evil must be stopped. Broadly aimed at anyone who may enjoy fantasy fiction, but with the focus on younger readers.

The other is a cartoon which has the number one goal of selling toys to young girls that has been hijacked by grown men who felt that there was no other community for them to belong in, so they formed a new one around this show. The vocal, alleged minority, within this brony community are focused on the sexual fetishism of these pony characters which all have young girl like qualities.

Totally the same, right!

The Brony doc presents MLP as something that was always for them and that bronies are all great people who just want friendship and rainbows, misunderstood by the prejudiced society and shunned not because of actual, real things but because ponies r for girlz and rational people are just those mean high school jocks all over again!! It's self-serving visual fellatio for bronies to show people as they screech that not all bronies are like the bad ones. Never once shining a light on this claimed sub-culture and saying "this isn't us" or "we obviously need to change the perception of bronies."

Their silence on the issue is pretty damming, probably because they wanna fuck some pony puss.
Hentai is just porn with SENPAI!! instead of "I'm here to lay down some pipe!"
People used to draw porn of Mickey Mouse back in the 40's. Of course the internet has spilled EVERYTHING onto the mainstream making it easily hated

hentai is just porn, what's there to hate?

I just imagined that hentai must have been under fire a lot from the drawings of characters that look disturbingly young, right?

Kids should not be allowed in Brony conventions. It's like letting your kid go to Neverland Ranch. Not because I know for a fact that a bunch of pedophiles will be there, but because they are largely a group of maladjusted, troubled adult men that have a fixation on children's programming, and difficulty in controlling expressions of depravity and sexual interest in it. The things posted in this thread shouldn't be glimpsed or heard by a child, and there's zero chance of the hyperactive and impulsive groupies to not talk loudly about clopping.

Own the fact that Brony culture is a haven for misfits, but have the mental clarity to see that their common behavior makes an all ages MLP convention a disastrous idea.

I don't enough about bronies and their culture, I simply see that the hate is real.

Look - I get as uncomfortable seeing an adult man with a Brony avatar as I do with seeing an adult man with a Frozen Eliza avatar. I don't think there is that big of a difference in having one or the other avatar. But that's avatar.
I am not implying that Disney fans are the same as Brony fans.

It just fucks with my brain because I watch Adventure Time and that's for children. For sure that show is for minors. It's on Cartoon Network!
I am just one of those guys that feel bad for the Bronies who just think its fun and hilarious in a cute way, like how I find cat videos on tumblr funny and hilarious. I feel bad for people who are now semi-pedos.

And look, I totally agree with what you are saying. The inter-relationship with men and small children on that level at a convention is weird, but it's also sad that we live in a culture where all adult men are potential sexual predators.
So that pic keeps going around (I'm not anything close to a MLP fan or a Brony or anything) but that's a birthday party at a build-a-bear store. I know this because my daughters have had their birthday party at one on several occasions, and I'm pretty sure I've been in a pic like that, sans-pony. That is very likely a parent, and that could easily be a stuffed animal that he got for his son or daughter who couldn't be there. Context. Or just assume he's a pedo. Either way. IDK.
Look at what the kids are holding and what is on the shelf.

Now look at what he is holding.

He brought that with him, presumably to find clothes for it.
Imagine for a second if anyone used Teletubbies instead of MLP in your example and tell me you wouldn't find it stupid.

Imagine for a second that maybe I wasn't being 100% serious

But to be honest, it's a show with the same qualities as Toy Story or Frozen but the problem is that the community has been overshadowed by a few deviants

Game of Thrones I mean, what a charming little show! [/joking]

Look at what the kids are holding and what is on the shelf.

Now look at what he is holding.

He brought that with him, presumably to find clothes for it.

He does seem a but too... happy you know. Like he' not quite there,
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