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Adult brony tries to abduct a 11 yr old girl at Brony Convention

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Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Identifying as a brony is making an overarching lifestyle decision, like walking around everywhere wearing a Naruto headband and ending all of your sentences with dattebayo. It is not equivalent to "liking pepperoni pizza." Cloppers also aren't fringe elements of the brony subculture whatsoever.

Yeah that's simply not true. You can "identify" as a brony (whatever that means), like the show, wear the occasional pony (and anime/gaming/whatever) shirt without completely losing all connections to humanity.
In fact, you can be a pretty normal guy, same as you can if you "identify" as a Comic fan, a Disney fan, a Trekkie, a Souls fan or a Retro gamer.

Not sure if I get what you meant with the last quoted sentence tho.


Identifying as a brony is making an overarching lifestyle decision, like walking around everywhere wearing a Naruto headband and ending all of your sentences with dattebayo. It is not equivalent to "liking pepperoni pizza." Cloppers also aren't fringe elements of the brony subculture whatsoever.

Choosing to have your life revolve around the fandom of a show intended for little girls that stars little girl ponies, obsessing over the little girl ponies and often fetishizing them, is creepy, full stop. It is just about the fully creepiest above-ground internet subculture there is, and that is reflected by its members.

And they specifically identify as being part of a group of men.

The gender divide between the content and the group is going to create a rather obvious connotation.

That's just completely ignoring that it is a children's TV show.

You'd think adults could just take these things into account, understand where most people's logic will take them, and avoid labeling themselves as such. None of it stops anyone from watching the show, but to create a culture surrounding it and then act upset when you are judged? Just silliness. It's a children's show... for little girls.. let the "fandom" be geared towards little girls, not adult males. Or don't, and get judged. It's what is going to happen, and it's to some extent quite logical to judge an adult male for it. At the very least, to be apprehensive about them.

Or hell.. don't label yourselves as only inclusive of males.. find some women to be in your culture, and get judged a little less.
Damn! I have been usurped as the king of hyperbole! Better inform my buddies who make awesome music and draw brilliant art inspired by the show to start wearing white triangle hoods

Depends on your definition of brony. I take it as an overall term for fans of the show. I'd call myself a brony. I'd also can myself a Trekkie, Brown coat, whatever Star Wars fans call themselves these days, etc.

And I would certainly call the "Cloppers" a fringe element and not the norm for even the more diehard fans who go to these conventions.

You are right. Cloppers are fringe. Regular fans are sick of them.

I am no brony, but I know literally everything about them, the fans, the fandom, the culture, the cons, and the show; I was there on 10/10/10 on /co/, been there since the very beginning, I adore this cartoon. I know how it all went down, how everything has gone done. I can safely say that this is fucking horrible, and even though cons label themselves as being PG-13 max when it comes to pony events most of the time, it easily can go past that. It's sickening to think that the target audience can no longer feel safe.

Case in point, my roomies and I decided to go to see the first motion picture, Equestria Girls, at the theatre because we liked what we saw from shaky cam footage and wanted to support DHX...


We arrived just as the movie began. The theatre was full. It was full of men, smelly men, aged 17-35, with maybe only a grand total of 7 of them not being what some people would refer to as unwashed neck beards. My 2 roomies and I sit there, trying to ignore the loud smell (yes, that wasn't a typo) and the stupid outbursts such as "MY LITTLE DASHIE IS NOW CANON" and "MAI WAIFU" through the film. When. The credits end, I grab my roomie's hand and she grabs the other one and we RUN. We can no longer take it. And you wanna know the worst part? The little girl and her mommy in front of us we're being harassed by neck beards trying to ask them questions. That poor little girl. After we leave, we went to eat to just get that out of our heads. I ran into a guy that was also there. He just wanted to support DHX and enjoy the cartoon with his girlfriend, nothing more. All 5 of us vowed to never again go where the bronies are.

I am not saying all bronies are "bad", but the clear majority from my own experiences takes it too far. How dare they harass the target audience at their own film? Sorry DHX, I'd support you more if I could. It s a fucking damn good cartoon about candy colored little goats. Why take it beyond this?

I sincerely apologize if it means anything. This is just sad and depressing
I mean the fandom did start off on 4Chan so we had to see it coming.
I think it started off cool but then these idiots took over or they were real life trolls


This is the worst part. These bronies as a whole have taken the show and twisted it so that it no longer fits in with the targeted demographic. I'm not saying that all bronies are cloppers or whatever they're called, but the fandom as a whole has made the entire concept creepy and uncomfortable for everyone else.
Exactly. Back in late 2010 and very early 2011, I bought playful ponies (standard size brushables) to customize and put on my desk, and I bought them just as I would buy anything else. Now? Even if I don't give a shit about what the cashier thinks, I wonder in the back of my mind if they think I'm one of "them". It's sad. And that's just me! Imagine how uncomfortable it can be for little children at a mcdonalds to get a pony, knowing that some neck beard might want to have play time with them.

And yes, I've seen it happen.
This silent majority would rather make believe the stigma doesn't exist as the number of pony fuckers grow and continue on their clop parade.

When they do speak, it's never about how to keep those people away or improving the image of what a brony supposedly is, but only to remind us that not everyone is like that and talk about the vocal minority. Seems like you normal bronies that don't want to get a lil' rainbow glitter on yer dicks are the minority.

I am not a brony. Never seen the show.

I am just asking where you justify your they-are-all-pedophiles-stand. You might well be right, but I would be a tool if I decided to join the hate wagon without some more substantial proof.
What if there actually is a silent minority who is not into the creepy stuff?

After all I know people who think video games are for kids, and adults who play them are weird/losers/childish. I don't know many. A lot of people want you to join in their crusade, but how often do we have all the facts?
Again you might be right. I heard a howard stern episode where they where going ballistic on Bronies at a convention. Damn.. I just feel bad for these people. I really do.
Very creepy. I don't like that the alleged predator got off the hook but there's probably nothing they could have done anyway. Very irresponsible of the kid's parents to let her wander around a convention alone.
I alternate between ponies and Game of Thrones bse of the following:

MLP: How wonderful the world can be
GoT: How terrible the world can be

The contrast is interesting. Two opposing extremes of Idealism and Cynicism

Probably does not care because double standards

My 3 year old watches MLP. Of all of the kids shows he watches, it's not even one of the better or funnier ones. There are plenty of kids shows that are positive and clever. My girlfriend and I watch it with him. There's no apparent reason from the show alone why this is a thing with adults. It's like Chuck and Friends but with ponies instead of trucks.
I'd argue that Disney movies are aimed to all audiences. When I think "Disney" I think of family movies. When I think "My Little Pony" I think of pre-school girls. Even if it's a really good series for pre-school girls and has some degree of deeper stuff an adult can enjoy in there, it's still a show aimed at pre-school girls, and grown men creating a culture around is weird.

Again: How would you feel if it was Teletubbies or Blue's Clues instead?

Disney movies as a whole, I agree, but as for Frozen, I don't.

The princess fantasy, the pop-girl songs, the leads being female. The entire thing to be felt like a pre-teen girls film, and I felt weird watching it.

But I had seen the emperors new groove the day before, and I didnt felt weird about that. I found it hilarious!(im almost 30 yrs)
My point here: this is why I fucking hate “bronies.” Because grown-ass men are flooding into a space carved out for children—often little girls—and are making it unsafe for them.

I met a lot of non-awful people there, of course. [...]

But I also met a lot of skeevy dudebros. A lot of guys in fedoras loudly discussing sexual shit in a room with children. Guys who drew/sold/displayed really fucking inappropriate “fanart,” including gross bodypillows that had no purpose in a little kids’ toy convention. I met a guy who gushed with absolute glee about the pleasure he derives from “corrupting innocence.” I met a lot of people who wanted to take something sweet and nice for children and make it about THEM. A lot of guys who wanted to make it about their dicks. People who made it UNSAFE for the intended audience to even be in attendance.

So yeah. If you call yourself a brony, I’m prolly not gonna trust you. Because I’ve seen y’all in action, and I am not impressed. Frankly I’m infuriated. This is like a bunch of gross neckbeards swarming Disneyland and shoving kids out of the way so they can grope Cinderella, and finding nothing wrong with it because they think they’re entitled to it.

Sums up my all of my feelings and umbrella suspicions about this sub-group. Nobody on earth is surprised, either. It always seemed rather warped to me that grown-ass men (not teens, but 20s, 30s and 40 year olds) find interest and fascination with programming clearly aimed towards and designed to appeal to children. It's creepy as hell, and this is what I always envisioned a large cross-section of these man-children behaving like. Sexually and socially awkward types (perhaps with full-blown disorders), who -- even if they don't post a threat to children -- still have a bunch of issues they may need some professional help addressing.
My 3 year old watches MLP. Of all of the kids shows he watches, it's not even one of the better or funnier ones. There are plenty of kids shows that are positive and clever. My girlfriend and I watch it with him. There's no apparent reason from the show alone why this is a thing with adults. It's like Chuck and Friends but with ponies instead of trucks.

Name a few. I will add them to my Netflix queue
i guess i just don't see what there is to identify with from an adult perspective. i've watched a couple of episodes with my son, it's really nothing remarkable or unusual in terms of kid's tv fare. a lot of kid's shows are full of positive messages and life lessons, mlp is not an outlier at all in this regard.

it would be like a community of 20 something dudes wearing calilou or thomas the train engine gear all the time, buying calilou or thomas the tank engine dolls and figurines, and occasionally putting their dicks in percy's caboose and printing caliliou spread eagle on pillows.


This is the worst part. These bronies as a whole have taken the show and twisted it so that it no longer fits in with the targeted demographic. I'm not saying that all bronies are cloppers or whatever they're called, but the fandom as a whole has made the entire concept creepy and uncomfortable for everyone else.


Deviancy is not really a bad thing in my opinion.
Define normal for me. Child Marriages are still common in India like nothing was wrong, normal for those people but abnormal to western & educated folk

Sweet fucking skeleton shit.
One thing I gotta say. MLP fan creation can be very interesting. The Ace Attorney series on youtube, the ace attorney inspired game and the Fighting is magic shit.

All of it is really cool to see.

Suite Pee

Willing to learn
If anyone who didn't know anything about "Pokemon culture" searched it on Tumblr with safe search off, they'd probably think there was a large sexual component to that too.


Identifying as a brony is making an overarching lifestyle decision, like walking around everywhere wearing a Naruto headband and ending all of your sentences with dattebayo. It is not equivalent to "liking pepperoni pizza." Cloppers also aren't fringe elements of the brony subculture whatsoever.

Choosing to have your life revolve around the fandom of a show intended for little girls that stars little girl ponies, obsessing over the little girl ponies and often fetishizing them, is creepy, full stop. It is just about the fully creepiest above-ground internet subculture there is, and that is reflected by its members.

I consider it a lot like juggalo 'culture'. Once you've gotten to the point that you define your entire life in terms of some piece of popular culture, then you're heading down a wrong (and more than mildly creepy) path. At least juggalos aren't creating ICP porn, though (that I know of). ;)

As a former casual watcher of the show (my girlfriend and I watched most of the first season, mainly due to the Lauren Faust connection), I found over time that the ever present brony culture just made the whole thing creepier and creepier. We pretty much decided at the same time to stop - both of us were just getting too weirded out by the bronies and the whole sexualization of presumably 'underage' ponies (ignoring for a moment that the characters are, in fact, ponies, and probably shouldn't be the target of sexualization anyway).

It's probably time for the show to die off, though it's a shame that little girls would have to miss out on an otherwise decent show for their age group, ruined by the actions of a few horny neckbeards.
This shit is re-goddamn-ridiculous.

I hate to break it to you guys, but being a Brony isn't normal. It's not the equivalent to liking football, movies, or anime and enjoying it. It seems like the vast majority of these people personally identify and engulf their life around this show.

The vast majority of these guys are creepy social rejects who have hijacked a little kids show to the point where we are now. That's not fucking normal.

Liking the show doesn't make you a creep, it's perfectly normal to like shows that are aimed for kids. The people who write good kid shows always make it interesting for adults to watch, because half the time they are watching it with their kids.

However, identifying as being a Brony is lumping yourself with the majority of other Bronies, don't expect to not get strange looks and for other people to not make assumptions.

If you like the show say you like the show, but if you're identifying as a Brony that's your own problem.
yeah, ridiculous. It's like thinking KKK member = racist.

You're really crossing the line here.

I might be naive as hell, but saying there is just as much between Bronies and Pedophiles, and KKK members and racists. KKK is hate itself. The whole thing is hating. MLP is not about pedophiles or turning people into pedophiles.


The Amiga Brotherhood
The whole MLP thing is just baffling really. It's like the Internet started something ironically and then a load of people missed the irony and created a monster.

I'm half expecting Brony Pride marches to become a thing at some point.

The Adder

But is there then a silent majority of adult Brony fans who are not into the sexual shit? thats what I wanna know. How many of the adult male watchers see it for inside jokes and belly laughs and how many are seriously having a sexual engagement with it?

At the comic shop I go to there are at least 3 bronies. One is an artist who appreciates the show on that level, but anyone who knew he liked the show and looked at him would assume he was of the stereotypical creepy type.

One's looks basically the opposite of what you'd expect a brony to look like, barely mentions the show outside of an occasional joke except when other fans are around, but is clearly a huge fan of the show.

One is an autistic dude that kind of grabs on intensely to a bunch of fandoms.

So yeah, they exist.
Serious question, are these people autistic or mentally challenged?

Is there a direct correlation?

Or it could be some kind of joke to be funny.

My 5 year old daughter watches the show, I don't think she would even go to this kind of extent if she could.

Serious question. You think maybe this guy is a troll and doing this just for reactions?
Serious question, are these people autistic or mentally challenged?

Is there a direct correlation?

Or it could be some kind of joke to be funny.

My 5 year old daughter watches the show, I don't think she would even go to this kind of extent if she could.

I'm so glad that I didn't have social media/internet of today when I was going through my angst years.

I just missed it, so lucky.
I feel as though this is relevant to the discussion at hand. Some guy "married" Twilight Sparkle.

I'm not trying to make this a witch hunt by posting this, but I think it accurately highlights just how twisted and bizarre this fandom has become, and pinpoints exactly why it's frowned upon by society as a whole.
I feel as though this is relevant to the discussion at hand. Some guy "married" Twilight Sparkle.

I'm not trying to make this a witch hunt by posting this, but I think it accurately highlights just how twisted and bizarre this fandom has become, and pinpoints exactly why it's frowned upon by society as a whole.

I bet his parents are so proud.
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