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Seven Dead, Several Hospitalized in Isla Vista Mass Shooting

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Yeah I am as well but does it make a difference? He is gone but there are tens of thousands like him. The next guy may not hate women, he may hate kids, he may hate minorities, the next guy may have a vendetta against puppies for all we know, whatever, but the same thing will happen.
No. This guy was more like columbine killer and less like Lanza. I can't read this psychos manifesto the parts I read are awful enough


Hating what you want is essentially the exact definition of Envy. It seems like it was his driving force into psycho land.
Oh yeah. Forgot Envy could turn people into monsters.
Even if it only played a small part in his spiral into darkness.
His logic tbh is ass backwards. He didn't want the comfort of a woman, he wanted power and control. He morphed his mind to believe that the world is bad and he's the supreme good. It's so much a trope that I wouldn't be surprised if he consumed himself with so much video games and anime and that's all he consumed as media.

He was an insecure twit who didn't trust in anyone that they were good. His manifesto points out certain people who he felt were nice to him for innocuous reasons, thus they automatically became friends. He never learned that's not how relationships work.

I hope this bullshit of yours has been resolved. I'm sorry to hear that you're going through some stuff also.
Yeah like others said, he has a warped view of people and life in its own.

I used to think horrible shit about guys because of past trauma which occured when the bullshit i mentioned earlier did, but I had enough sense to realize that no one is the same and to think lowly of every man is sick and unfair...and that realization helped shape my life in a healthier way.

And yeah the bullshit has been resolved for a long time now. Thank you.


I wonder how much the increasing frequency of these events from this young generation can be attributed to the shifting views on parenting. Specifically it seems that recently society has begun to shield youth from experiences of loss or rejection which has led to a greater sense of entitlement and lack of perspective. When the inevitable shock of young adulthood hits, this recent generation in general has delt with it poorly. Things like this are obviously an extreme outlier of that mentality subset but the number of outliers is steadily on the rise.


Reading the manifesto is kinda creepy, he eventually just decided that the reason he saw everything as sucking was that he something better than human, just screams to me like he needed some serious help, he just couldn't think straight anymore for whatever reason. That still doesn't excuse his actions, RIP all the victims.

the way you're framing sounds like Eric Harris


Oh yeah. Forgot Envy could turn people into monsters.

Yeah like others said, he has a warped view of people and life in its own.

I used to think horrible shit about guys because of past trauma which occured when the bullshit i mentioned earlier did, but I had enough sense to realize that no one is the same and to think lowly of every man is sick and unfair...and that realization helped shape my life in a healthier way.

you grew up and matured like a normal teenager?

This generation is going to see more and more of this garbage.


I wonder how much the increasing frequency of these events from this young generation can be attributed to the shifting views on parenting. Specifically it seems that recently society has begun to shield youth from experiences of loss or rejection which has led to a greater sense of entitlement and lack of perspective. When the inevitable shock of young adulthood hits, this recent generation in general has delt with it poorly. Things like this are obviously an extreme outlier of that mentality subset but the number of outliers is steadily on the rise.

We do coddle our children, but I doubt most forms of parenting really reach this point. Even his parents seemed compassionate to him. I mean, he was booted out of his dad's home; does a coddled kid really get booted?


I seriously don't know what to think. I certainly don't want to have armchair analysts and co-workers ask me if I heard about this rich fucker in the news, and what they would have done to him, and I don't want to hear a theme song after we get back from the break. I don't want to see Nancy Grace and Shepard Smith tell me who's coming up next with up to the minute news on the tragedy. I don't want to blame the NRA and politics and Obama.

I feel like the world needs more compassion.
The ULTIMATE "nice guy" ..... i can see in a very short span ot time idiots all over internet are going to look at him as some source of twisted inspiration.

sigh .....................

There was nothing "nice" about him. He can go fuck off.
I should see how 4chan and reddit is viewing this sicko.

I wonder how much the increasing frequency of these events from this young generation can be attributed to the shifting views on parenting. Specifically it seems that recently society has begun to shield youth from experiences of loss or rejection which has led to a greater sense of entitlement and lack of perspective. When the inevitable shock of young adulthood hits, this recent generation in general has delt with it poorly. Things like this are obviously an extreme outlier of that mentality subset but the number of outliers is steadily on the rise.

I think part of that has to do with the downward shift in the global economy and the easily available access to the internet and Web 2.0 introducing forums and communities that are well organized.

People with lots of time, no money, struggling, and easy access to forums can find damn near anyone to support an idea he/she manufactured in their head.


you grew up and matured like a normal teenager?

This generation is going to see more and more of this garbage.
Well the worst part is I was in my late teens. My first boyfriend sent me into a deep depression that triggered misandry. To this day I am ashamed of the way I felt, so disgusting and unfair and selfish, however these thoughts just stayed thoughts.

I feel awful for those girls that were murdered, it is so sick to think they died because some monster decided so.



This dude really chose such a location because of a film that had a teenager engaging in sex...?


Unconfirmed Member
the way you're framing sounds like Eric Harris

I think Harris was even more fucked up than this guy, he just wanted to fuck people up because I'd seem fun and make them both a part of history, this guy had really deep issues with women and society in general, but not to that extent.


It honestly doesn't sound that far off from some of the bullshit you see on r/Mensrights or r/TheRedPill
That is what's actually fucking scaring me, I've read and experienced plenty of people like this, nearly daily on the Internet.
Why the fuck are there people treating other people as objects and feel ENTITLED shit from them, holy shit it's mind boggling.

"The females of the human species have never wanted to mate with me"

his manifesto said:
I constantly talked to James with vehement rage about my envy and anger at such people. I told him about how I wished I could make them all suffer.
We had a lot of conversations about what we would do if we had all the power in the world, and I told him about all of the torturous acts of revenge I would carry out against all those who have insulted me or lived a better life than me.
I thought that James would relate to me, since he was also a virgin who had no girls in his life, but some of the things I said began to disturb him. One night, he told me, with a lot of distress, that enough was enough. He didn’t want to hear it anymore.
Damn, I wish this "James" guy would've talked to someone about it.


What? No. Envy is frustrated desire of what someone else has that you can't or don't have.

This... is just a defense mechanism gone awry. Desire so overwhelming that he attempted to distance himself from the unfulfilled, frustrated desire via hatred... but of course that's not really the opposite of desire - the opposite is apathy... which he clearly was not.

I am incorrect in my representation of Envy, but I still feel my explanation applies to his problem. It seems he had a ton of resentment and hatred for relationships with women. He was frustrated by not being able to find a relationship with a woman, began to resent those that did, and the woman that chose others over him for those relationships. It was complete hatred that fueled him, envy, jealousy. So, yea I was wrong on the actual definition of the term, but I still feel it applied to him.

It's these kind of complicated discussions that make it so difficult to diagnose and treat people with mental illnesses, and attempt to prevent any negative actions that may result due to the mental illness.
Check these "nice guys"

I was refering to people like them.

I understood what you were referring to. I'm well aware of the fedora and m'lady jokes that are all over the Internet.

These guys are mostly socially clueless though, not harmful. If anything, his actions will make the guys like that second guess their toxic thoughts.

The third photo looks like a joke of all things.


I understood what you were referring to. I'm well aware of the fedora and m'lady jokes that are all over the Internet.

These guys are mostly socially clueless though, not harmful. If anything, his actions will make the guys like that second guess their toxic thoughts.

The third photo looks like a joke of all things.

Fair enough. Then again, it really creeps me that people has this reasoning and this views. It's really unnerving.


This reads like the journal entries from Se7en.

I can't imagine how chilling it is for the people who are named directly in this bullshit.


The fact that he kept on writing "pleasurable" and "pleasure" in almost every sentence is actually making me want to throw up.
I'm going to have to stop reading about this because it's seriously depressing me. He did not get the help he needed (if it was at all possible to), and it's terrible that people that have suffered because of his actions. It's a web of destruction here.

After the shit he posted in his manifesto, I am not sure I'll ever be able to see stuff like this...


...as trolling ever again.

no kidding.
Does anyone know if posting stuff from 4chan and reddit is a bannable offense?

I want to link something but I'm not sure if it'll get me banned for not knowing.


Want to see some scary shit, check out /pol/ on 4chan. They're going nuts over this guy and gun rights and conspiracies.

I'm more terrifiyied when people post stuff like this in more mainstream venues like youtube, facebook, etc. In 4chan? I usually just roll my eyes.


A big question that sprung to mind during the manifesto is why the fuck would you ever tell your child that they were an accident.
pretty sure freedom of speech is still a law.

Freedom of speech doesn't apply to internet forums. You can get banned for breaking the rules. Freedom of speech only protects you from the government arresting you for something you said. It doesn't protect you from the consequences of saying things and other people responding to those things.


Does anyone know if posting stuff from 4chan and reddit is a bannable offense?

I want to link something but I'm not sure if it'll get me banned for not knowing.

not bannable as far as i know. maybe just quote them or something. i've seen Reddit links in Gaming side all the time.

pretty sure freedom of speech is still a law.

freedom of speech doesn't apply to internet forums. that's why there are rules and mods.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
Freedom of speech doesn't apply to internet forums. You can get banned for breaking the rules. Freedom of speech only protects you from the government arresting you for something you said. It doesn't protect you from the consequences of saying things and other people responding to those things.

Yeah, was just about to post this.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Does anyone know if posting stuff from 4chan and reddit is a bannable offense?

I want to link something but I'm not sure if it'll get me banned for not knowing.

Reddit and 4chan won't get you banned. But you might need to "self-censor" it.

But if you're linking a 4chan thread, those die after a set amount of time/hit the bump limit. So you're better off quoting/screenshotting the thing than linking.


Just watched some of this Elliot kid's youtube vids and read some of his posts.

These gorgeous women, with cascading blond hair and sexy shorts are just another object/experience he felt like he had to obtain to be accepted.
He's already got the BMW, Armani sunglasses and a vanilla latte from Starbucks. Why can't he obtain this other object with the same ease?

It's sad that there's millions of people out there that measure their worth like this. And scary as shit that someone would kill because they can't achieve/obtain it.

I'm gonna buy a cabin in Montana and make pottery.
Fuck this shit.


Just watched some of this Elliot kid's youtube vids and read some of his posts.

These gorgeous women, with cascading blond hair and sexy shorts are just another object/experience he felt like he had to obtain to be accepted.
He's already got the BMW, Armani sunglasses and a vanilla latte from Starbucks. Why can't he obtain this other object with the same ease?

It's sad that there's millions of people out there that measure they're worth like this. And scary as shit that someone would kill because they can't achieve/obtain it.

I'm gonna buy a cabin in Montana and make pottery.
Fuck this shit.

Just don't become the next Pottery Killer.


Poet Centuriate
Does anyone know if posting stuff from 4chan and reddit is a bannable offense?

I want to link something but I'm not sure if it'll get me banned for not knowing.

I'd advise against posting for 4chan simply because the nature of the site makes the link temporary at best.


I'd say this was never about sex.

He felt he was entitled to be wanted and loved by women just because he existed. That him existing alone should be enough for any woman he has the tiniest amount of desire for, should flock to him because he feels that everyday life is horrible. This is deep seeded relationship and socialization issues, not him simply getting laid.
I laughed, hard. I'm going to hell isn't?

I wouldn't hold it against you. The whole thing with the manifesto and the videos is so bizzare I can't blame someone for laughing at just how absurd it all is.

btw, I am not looking forward to the media circus that will surround this. People are already referring to him as "the virgin killer".


It might be hard to get through to some people, but I really believe what I was implying to be the honest answer for most people. I'm not absolutely sure it would have absolutely helped him (he might have some condition that might explain it better than my guesses), but if you can for a moment entertain desire and suffering. Many people suffer when they desire, no matter what it is that they want. In our culture, it's always about the next goodie, getting this, doing that, so on and so forth. However, if you really desire or imagine something and it turns to not be present to you, it is in that desire and want that creates your sorrows and frustrations.

The problem with desire pertains to culture, and this is where I felt this man got lost in. Culture is all about desire, the need to fit in and belong. As such, social constructions are made and stereotypes are raised that if one does X, they're an adequate member of functioning society. If they do not, they are somehow inferior, a lacking uh oh. The problem we have with sexuality and desire in our culture is often perpetuated in the idea that one must have it, and if you don't you're some sort of fuck up. This is why people build up useless, unnecessary anxiety regarding sexual experiences, especially the first one, and why many who have engaged in sex say it's not even a big deal; they have seen through the overemphasis as largely ephemeral. The problem starts firstly with a societal overemphasis that it's not simply normal to desire sex, but that one must also have it. That must becomes a box for many to check, and like I was eluding to before, the fact it is an unchecked box can make people feel absolutely inferior, to be "lacking" somehow. This man is a perfect reference to this; he has material wealth and more experiences with the world and Hollywood than most people on GAF, yet because he never smanged someone, he was somehow the most emptiest person on the planet. He impoverished what things he may have ever had with the things he wanted.

I did not say that sex is a social construct, but the idea that he must have it, especially at his age, is indeed a social construct. It's a stereotype, an idea. And the truth is not everyone fits into that mold, which only gives credence that it's an idea and not an objective fact. The problem with culture is the images we use to account and reference things are often frequently used as ideas that everyone fits those molds, and if you are an outlier, you are somehow strange or out there. You can see this a lot with racial stereotypes. His perception of sex became a problem because he felt he had to have it, which grew into resentment and outright hatred for others who had it. His suffering became his torment because of his desire.

A solution for him (again, assuming it was all on his extreme desire and not anything else) is a solution you can offer for many; chill out on the desiring. Be content with whatever it is you have in your life as it is, and if you want more, sure, want. But don't let that want be a noose that you will hang yourself by if you lack it, which this man seemingly did. If you continue to project what you desire over whatever it is you have in the present moment, you are in for one hard fucking life, for you will never, ever be satisfied.

If I have been enigmatic, please feel to pry about it. I do sincerely believe most suffering people go through is entirely cognitive and entirely self-made, all rooted in desire for something to be different, or to have something, and there's perhaps a chance that this man killed over it. It sounds very buddhistic, very zen, but I think it is also incredibly realistic to see in others. Why do you get angry in traffic? Because you expect there to be none.

EDIT: I also don't think him actually getting sex, after all he thought and twisted it in his mind would have helped. It sure as shit would not have met his own expectations, and in turn probably escalate his feelings to what would have happened anyway. It takes a lot to then start twisting people, skin tone, and socioeconomic status over an experience.

Excuse the tardy response I was busy.

It might be an honest answer but it's unlikely to be a useful answer because sex and relationships permeate our society and are the foundations of almost every living creature.

Your assessment on how society overemphasizes certain things and how he devalued all the advantages he had just from coming from a wealthy family among other things (heck he couldn't have had various victims in his apartment if he didn't have any social capital) is well reasoned.

Skimming some of his rants it's clear he couldn't appreicate various advantages he had because inability to have sex and relationship and not seeing women as human beings.

Through that skimming I have to agree with your earlier assertion there are wider issues at hand.

For instance he makes a point about sex being evil and barbaric and he fully acknowledges that because he can't have it no one should have it. I'm sure people have made illogical leap of conclusions like this just like how too many people think they will win the lottery. The difference between him and everyone else is that these thoughts are fleeting but for whatever reason he retained and maintained such judgements even when he was proven wrong on certain things.

I believe at this point looking at influential factors like society or upbringing may have been secondary to a serious brain defect and one that has yet to be adequately accounted for by doctors.

As for your remaining points, I get where you are going with the idea of social constructs now.

There is a high chance I'm wrong about the brain damage. Regardless since he went as far as to kill people for his problems I think multiple approaches would have to be tried.

Regarding your point about sex not helping him I would have to point out there are actual health benefits to having sex including reducing stress and lowering blood pressure. (http://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/guide/sex-and-health?page=2) This shouldn't be surprising considering how sex involves releasing the same brain chemicals we release when using various drugs to reach ecstacy.

Interacting with another human being at such an intimate level can do a lot for your mental well being but that method usually isn't an option. In fact this is the same guy who declared his female therapist a prostitute because he was exchanging cash for time to talk with her *exasperated*. When you have some that divorced from reality his problems run deeper than just his failures to interact with women beyond friendship.

He had constructed for himself as some sort of ubermensch and reality told him no and he couldn't that.
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