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Worst James Bond movie - pick one

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It's by no means the worst Bond movie, but Live and Let Die had some pretty dumb stuff in it. The fight with Mr. Big, the final scene, and Tee Hee in general were bizarre even by Bond standards. Still a good movie overall, though.
Die Another Day really is head and shoulders above all the other stinkers in terms of downright awfulness. Such a shame that it effectively killed Brosnan's run, as he's pretty much my favourite Bond (well, other than Roger Moore, of course).


The entire Roger Moore era was a haze of ridiculousness. That said, I rather liked The Spy Who Loved Me. Most of his other movies were merely mediocre, rather than outright bad...there were definitely a couple stinkers though.
Die Another Day for just being bad, but also The World is not Enough and Quantum of Solace for being plain boring. I'd much rather watch A View to a Kill or Diamonds Are Forever over those three (and still enjoy them).

I think a lot depends on how old you were when you got into Bond. I grew up with Moore films (Spy being my first one at the cinema) and loved them. Dalton similarly; the character's seriousness matched mine as I grew up. Goldeneye was great (although a little too long), but the other Brosnan ones where horrible (except for Brosnan himself, who was excellent as Bond).
Yes, it was about space lasers (actually space bombs, but close enough). But what was Skyfall about? I really couldn't tell, i don't think they knew either.

I know I'm going to be sold a bunch of nonsense plot-wise in a Bond movie, and that's fine becuase that's what I came to purchase. But I couldn't even follow Skyfall's sales pitch.

It's about an ex-agent seeking revenge on M for leaving him to die when he was captured years earlier. It's stupid, but it's no stupider than any other Bond movie, and it's not particularly hard to follow.
Bond movies are usually over-the-top silly, but Die Another Day takes it to a very bad place. Watched some of it the other day, it really is bad. Plot, acting, coherency; all bad.


I thought Die Another Day is pretty good as mindless popcorn fun. Hating it could mean you take Bond films too seriously.


I don't like most of Moore's movies, but I hate that fucking space Bond stuff. It's Moonraker, right?

The movie that hurts me the most though is Die Another Day, because it destroyed 'old' Bond movies for a while with it's stupidity and camp. I hated Madonna's song so much when it came out but the movie was even worse.

I honestly don't remember anything about Diamonds are Forever.


Golden Eye



Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I agree with the OP. A few chunks of Die Another Day were actually pretty decent. Diamonds Are Forever was crap from start to finish.

scust @ everyone saying die another day

the Madonna song was fucking infectious and the redeeming quality of the film

What? It was the worst title song of all-time, but I love the accompanying visuals.


Man With The Golden Gun.

I agree with this. DAD is the obvious choice, but Golden Gun was a more grievous violation against the IP.

I think the only things that were consistent with the book were that it featured James Bond, the villian was called Scaramanga, and the fact that he had a golden gun. The whole plot, and not forgetting the AWFUL Nik-Nak, were created for the film, but god only knows why - the source material was pretty great as it was.
My three worst:

1. Die Another Day -- the worst in so many ways, including Madonna ruining everything she touches in the film, from the title song to her scenes in the film

2. Diamonds Are Forever

3. Moonraker


...Skyfall's writing is god tier compared to some of the other Bond entries...
It's good, but let's not go overboard here. Remember: Skyfall is the film that confirmed that James Bond's real name is actually... James Bond. Now, I don't claim to work in espionage, but I think a cover identity would be standard issue upon entering the "responsible for saving the world" tier of agents. In any case, there really is no contest: Die Another Day. Killed Bond so hard they had to completely change gears to get another one made.
Diamonds are Forever, when its not being boring its being the most misogynistic film in the series (quite an accomplishment, really), plus offensive gay characters. And Connery is quite clearly not giving a shit all the way through it, and it has his worst toupee in his entire run. Nothing about this film is good.

A View to a Kill wastes Christopher Walken as a Bond villain. Jeez, man, that's terrible. The film itself is pretty damn shitty as a bonus, just poorly made all around, for being Hollywood's biggest perennial action franchise A View to a Kill is shockingly inept at pretty much everything it tries. And of course, Moore was less convincing in the part by then as Connery's hairpiece circa Diamonds are Forever.

Its one of those two, I'm not sure which.
Skyfall. The bad guy was just a bad Joker ripoff, they made fun of using gadgets and the ending is just a bond version of Home Alone.
Diamonds are Forever. Boring, tacky and offensive. Terrible performances all around. It's the film I least want to watch ever again (and in fact I haven't). It's dreadful.

Having rewatched Die Another Day recently, I think it's actually okay up until the ice palace. It takes a total nosedive from that point onwards though.

Weirdly, Die Another Day is an adaptation of Fleming's Moonraker. I wish they'd do a proper adaptation of that novel one day, since it's my favourite of the books and I don't really want to settle for DAD.


Die Another Day as well for me. The worst part of the experience was that it was the first Bond film I'd ever seen at the cinema, so I was incredibly hyped-up for it. Pretty much killed a fifteen-year old boy's love for the franchise. :(


A lot of people speak derisively of Die Another Day when mentioning it within the same breath as what came after (Casino Royale). The deathly serious tone of the latter for some makes Brosnan's last come off even worse. But I don't see it this way. They make perfectly a contrasting duo of Bond experiences. Modern Bond at the peak of tacky excess, and post-modern (sorry) Bond at its most serious.

I'm inclined to agree somewhat, as I've used similar arguments to defend The World Is Not Enough as my Brosnan-Bond of preference (I like it better than DAD, which went a bit too far OTT for me -- and I say this realizing TWINE had a nuclear scientist named Christmas portrayed by Denise Richards).

I think ultimately people will look back on the Brosnan era as a throwback to the Moore days: not as 'good' as Connery, Craig or even Dalton, but a fun alternative interpretation anyway.


Diamonds are Forever is a fine choice for worst Bond film, my god what a mess. I really don't get why they didn't just go with the plot from the novel, that would've made for a solid Bond film.

The entire Roger Moore era was a haze of ridiculousness. That said, I rather liked The Spy Who Loved Me. Most of his other movies were merely mediocre, rather than outright bad...there were definitely a couple stinkers though.

I think For Your Eyes Only is actually pretty great as far as Moore films go, relatively light on the ridiculousness compared to the others which helps explain that.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Brosnan was born for that role. The writers really let him down. So sad.


you can't put a price on sparks
the home alone one (Skyfall)

other than that, i would say the one where Sean Connery is pretending to be Japanese. Die Another Day is just ridiculous.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
the home alone one (Skyfall)

Not this again. You could have at least pulled out some better comparisons, like A Nightmare On Elm Street or Straw Dogs.
The world is not Enough.

You think Die Another Day was bad ? Halle Berry at least can act, even if the script she was given was God awful but I can see her being a badass woman, but Denise Richards ? Not in a million years.

Not only Richards cannot act to save her life, she is quite possibly the worst bond girl ever.
Moore was charming in his own silly way.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
The Timothy Dalton one with the Mexican drug lord. It was just such an 80's American cop film, did not feel like a Bond film at all.
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