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Worst James Bond movie - pick one

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Die Another Day is pretty bad, but so are all the Pierce Brosnan ones aside from Goldeneye.


Maxis Redwood
I hate to say it here, but for me it's probably From Russia With Love. I just always found it dreadfully boring.


Some frankly bonkers opinions in here, not that I should be surprised after years on this board.

Anyone who genuinely thinks Casino Royale or Skyfall are the worst Bond movie are either clinically insane or haven't actually watched all the movies. That isn't to say they are perfect, but does tell me that they probably haven't watched most of the Moore movies for a start.

Some people have said Man With The Golden Gun. The theme song alone makes it impossible for it to be the worst film.

Some people have said OHMSS. Again, no. It has a god tier John Barry soundtrack and it's one of the few films which defined why Bond will never settle down with one woman, albeit that was then done even better in Casino Royale.

It's definitely not Live and Let Die either. That film is rescued by an amazing title song, the unbelievable hotness of a young Jane Seymour and I actually found parts of it genuinely scary as a kid.

And it's not a Dalton film, particularly License To Kill. Dalton suffered from being ahead of his time. Brutal, driven, cold. Reminds me in parts of early Connery, and Craig. A pretty close interpretation to the Bond of the books.

No, it has to be DAD. It has an awful soundtrack, the CG is some of the worst I've seen in a big budget movie, it tries to start with a serious tone (the torture of Bond) but has the invisible car and aforementioned terrible effects to snap you back out. It's just a shit movie. Even the title song is plain rank. Just about the only redeeming feature is just how stupendously hot a young Rosamund Pike is. In my opinion way hotter than Halle Berry.
Agreed with all this. DaD only has two good things - the blonde chick, and the intro and his escape straight afterward, but the Madonna song oh gawd.

Brosnan was fantastic, born to play the role, but stuck in steadily worsening movies. Kind of like Christopher Reeve in Superman.

Anyone dissing the Moore movies is missing the joke. That's why half of Austin Powers was redundant (until the second one when then characters became their own thing) - you can't parody Bond - Bond parodied Bond for 10 years. Some are still bad (MWTGG).

The Connery ones are pretty iffy too. Goldfinger, DAF, Thunderball and YOLT are pretty limp movies, full of shit action, terrible pacing and poor effects. Dr No and FRWL are good ones, but that's a pretty low hit rate.


Anything with Daniel Craig. I prefer my James Bond to be goofy, funny and over the top.

I was legitimately lost on why some of my friends and relatives thought Skyfall was too goofy. It's like they suddenly forgot films like Moonraker.
And I agree, it felt a bit too Jason Bourne at times. I hope the next film tones down on the coldness a touch.
Lol at all the Moore hate in here. He made ONE bad Bondmovie (and a LOT of averege too but he also Did good ones) and people think he is the worst? A view to kill sucks ass true. Moonraker is awesome in it dumbness.
Roger Moore as an actor just has this ability to be entertaining no *almost* no matter what Bond movie he is placed in (the exception being The Man With the Golden Gun, which managed to suffocate even Roger Moore's charisma and humor with a vortex of suck.)

I do want to say, after the initial shock of a lot of highly 80's visual imagery used in A View to a Kill, that movie actually got better on repeat watchings. Once you get over the hurdle of having your expectations shattered, it becomes easier to appreciate (though it is still very flawed, a whole half of the movie is unnecessary to the plot for example).


Skyfall was such a load of rubbish. They sully poor old Q's memory by turning him into the exact same 'typing fast can hack anything' character we've seen a thousand times before, trot out the same old villain-getting-captured-on-purpose story, spend the whole movie talking about how prime-of-his-life Daniel Craig is over the hill (then forget about it for the ending anyway), and that girl's death scene was so badly done it took me like half an hour to actually realise she'd been killed. Also, I'm pretty sure whoever wrote it had only really heard of comedy in textbooks, because there's some heinous shit in there. When M mouths off in the car and Bond thumbs the ejector seat switch with a significant glance, that's the joke. You don't need to have her say "OH ARE YOU GOING TO EJECT ME?" afterwards.

It's a testament to just how low the Bond series has previously sunk that Skyfall doesn't have a place on the list of worst ones, though. I was all set to say "the entire Roger Moore catalogue" until I came in here and was reminded of Die Another Day. That Madonna scene where they just talk about Pierce Brosnan's flabby old cock the whole time was dreadful. So, yeah, that one, followed by the entire Roger Moore catalogue. Worst Bond, worst movies. Bonus awfulness points for the slide-whistle sound effect when he barrel rolls that car over the river.


Gabriel Knight
Some of you need to really re-watch Diamonds are Forever .... It's only saving grace is the theme song

It's so campy and while the first half is not terrible .. the last scene on the oil rig is the worst scene in the entire Bond catalog ..worse than the wave surfing ..it seriously felt like a skit in SNL or something


Give me a break at the people saying Skyfall. In a world where Die Another Day and Quantum of Solace exist, that's not even close to being a correct answer.


The Living Daylights - one of the best Bond films and the best theme (come at me bros).

Superb movie... always enjoyed it even if I never clicked with Dalton. The whole throwing explosive milk bottles really opened my eyes when I was younger into the whole 'anything can be something' mode.
even if i actually bought into the hate train for Skyfall, it's not even close to the worst Bond movie. it's not even the worst Craig movie; Quantum of Solace is worse for its incompetent action direction alone.

put me down for Die Another Day as the worst ever.


Nose how to spell and rede to
Agreed with all this. DaD only has two good things - the blonde chick, and the intro and his escape straight afterward, but the Madonna song oh gawd.

Brosnan was fantastic, born to play the role, but stuck in steadily worsening movies. Kind of like Christopher Reeve in Superman.

Anyone dissing the Moore movies is missing the joke. That's why half of Austin Powers was redundant (until the second one when then characters became their own thing) - you can't parody Bond - Bond parodied Bond for 10 years. Some are still bad (MWTGG).

The Connery ones are pretty iffy too. Goldfinger, DAF, Thunderball and YOLT are pretty limp movies, full of shit action, terrible pacing and poor effects. Dr No and FRWL are good ones, but that's a pretty low hit rate.

So which ones do you like lol. I understand disliking a few, or disliking one actor (Roger Moore *shakes fist*) but that's a grim take on the whole series.

I also am one of those people who really likes the Dalton ones lol
I feel like a lot of people ITT have never seen enough Bond movies to give an honest opinion. They likely saw DAD and QoS and thought, "Jeeze, all these Bond movies are shite."

Hence why so many ridiculous people are saying all of them are bad. That is in no way accurate.

Die Another Day is my vote. I was never a big fan of the Dalton Bond movies, but they weren't terrible.

Skyfall is amazing. Easily my favorite Bond movie. I can't understand how people think it's too convoluted or too long. It is a fantastic, fantastic film.


Roger Moore as an actor just has this ability to be entertaining no *almost* no matter what Bond movie he is placed in (the exception being The Man With the Golden Gun, which managed to suffocate even Roger Moore's charisma and humor with a vortex of suck.)

I do want to say, after the initial shock of a lot of highly 80's visual imagery used in A View to a Kill, that movie actually got better on repeat watchings. Once you get over the hurdle of having your expectations shattered, it becomes easier to appreciate (though it is still very flawed, a whole half of the movie is unnecessary to the plot for example).

A View to a Kill isn't the worst because of Duran Duran's great theme, John Barry turning in one of his best scores, and Walken as the main villain.
Die Another Day by far. I own this just to laugh at it. Pretty much all the Brosnan Bond films are bad except GoldenEye but it still has its moments.


Nose how to spell and rede to

Connery>Craig>Lazenby>Moore>Brosnan>Dalton. Come on.

What? How are we ranking them, by quality of movies or by Bond-ness? Brosnan oozes Bond but had a couple of horrible films. Either way though Morre is bottom.

Connery > Brosnan (reverse him and Craig/Dalton if we're talking movie quality) > Craig = Dalton > Moore > who the fuck is George Lazenby?


Going to have to agree with popular opinion and nominate die another day. The world is not enough while actually a descent James Bond film does have the worst Bond girl with Denise Richards. On a side note I am really glad that the Timothy Dalton films are getting some respect. I still remember in the early 2000s before DAD and Casino Royale everybody love to hate on them for being too dark.
Connery > Craig > Dalton > Brosnan > Moore > Lazenby

Connery is just the iconic Bond who started it all. The right mix of physicality, charm and ruthlessness. He is Bond.

Craig has been superb so far. He's shown a more human side of Bond and actual fear, not the invincibility of some of the other Bonds who don't ever seem to be aware of being in really dire situations. At the same time he can be utterly cold and unfeeling when he needs it.

Dalton was ahead of his time. Cold, ruthless, arrogant. Very close to the Bond of the books. Far less charming or humorous than Connery or Craig which counts against him.

I felt Brosnan was just a little too smooth at times. Not Moore level smarminess, but just a little too polished and very little of the rawness which bubbles under the surface of Bond. He was harmed by the fact that Goldeneye aside most of his Bond movies were average to poor.

Moore. Whether his fault or not, he will forever be tainted by the fact that the franchise fell into self parody under his watch and in View To A Kill he really looked his age. There was far too much nudge, nudge wink wink stuff and his Bond was incredibly slimy.

Lazenby. Difficult to judge as he was only in one Bond movie, which imo automatically puts him in last place as there simply isn't enough material to judge him on, fair or not. Maybe not last then but not even on the list.


Connery>dalton> the rest

Dalton so underrated and wish he got his third film Goldeneye before leaving.

Got Brosnan instead I rather we had Liam Neeson getting role


Nose how to spell and rede to
People seem to be comparing them to the books a lot, are the books any good? I figured it was just like Agathie Christie for dudes (easily digestible, maybe an interesting plot if you need a diversion but nor exactly something you would go out of your way for because it's so amazing)

Or maybe Tom Clancy for Brits back in the day


So which ones do you like lol. I understand disliking a few, or disliking one actor (Roger Moore *shakes fist*) but that's a grim take on the whole series.

I also am one of those people who really likes the Dalton ones lol
Good/great Bond movies IMO:

Dr No
From Russia with Love
On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Live and Let Die
The Spy Who Loved Me
The Living Daylights
Licence to Kill
Casino Royale

Every actor has at least one good one, although OHMSS is good despite the actor.

I can also handle Tomorrow Never Dies, Quantum of Solace and the rest of the Roger Moore movies. I only actively dislike the rest of the Connery ones, the latter two Brosnans, and Skyfall (which isn't that bad a film, it's just a mediocre one which does some very frustrating things to the lore, and disrespected Judy Dench's character)


Nose how to spell and rede to
*nods* That's fair. I disagree with some but I see.

I have actually never admitted that I was underwhelmed by Skyfall too. The lore doesn't trouble me (Craig is a soft reboot anyway right?), but it didn't really do anything for me. It was fine, but ehh. Didn't grab me for some reason. I like QoS better but I should rewatch both before I can confirm that.

I do actually like QoS though. The direct sequel was awesome and it was just like an extended climax for the whole movie. Ain't nothing wrong with that. We can do that every once in a while.
Never Say Never Again

And after that Skyfall for me, I know lots of people would disagree with me but I just think it was a terrible james bond film crossed with home alone..............


Diamonds Are Forever was pretty stupid, and Die Another Day was pretty terrible, but Quantum of Solace was the worst to me. Awful, awful movie.


I'm a little amazed to hear so many people nominating Quantum when stuff like Die Another Day exists. Can anyone summarise what was so wrong with Quantum? It never stood out as particularly noteworthy to me, in either a positive or negative sense.
Quantum was awful. The story was terrible and it was nothing but shitty shaky cam. Shaky cam doesn't normally bother me too much but the action sequences left me disoriented and nauseous.


I will go for the one with Madonna and the white guy who is actually a korean guy. It felt like trash, real movie trash.


Nose how to spell and rede to
Quantum was awful. The story was terrible and it was nothing but shitty shaky cam. Shaky cam doesn't normally bother me too much but the action sequences left me disoriented and nauseous.

Ehh you could also say the story was streamlined to provide maximum action, which pairs well with the methodical Casino Royale. And is the shaky cam thing really a criticism? I know some people say the editing and or filming made the action unintelligible, but I mean Gravity made people disoriented and nauseous. By which I mean to say I don't know if it's a negative just that it made you succumb to some kind of motion sickness. Lol.

The unintelligible action thing I get, although it seemed fine to me. Anybody have specific examples so I can understand better?
Ehh you could also say the story was streamlined to provide maximum action, what pairs well with the methodical Casino Royale. And is the shaky cam thing really a criticism? I know some people say the editing and or filming made the action unintelligible, but I mean Gravity made people disoriented and nauseous.
The movie was full of actions scenes where it was difficult to know what was going on. It was quick cuts and an overly shaky cam. I think its a fair criticism. Skyfall certainly toned it down some in that respect.

Fox Mulder

Die Another Day is pretty bad, but so are all the Pierce Brosnan ones aside from Goldeneye.

die another day has some great set pieces, the story is just stupid and Halle Berry sucks.

I think a few of Moore's are god awful, but they're products of the time. Blaxploitation and Star Wars were popular.
You can pretty much take your pick from the Roger Moore bonds that aren't The Spy Who Loved Me. All the Brosnan movies besides Goldeneye were pretty bad too, but at least they had Judi Dench.


Moonraker is easily the worst Bond movie. Die Another Day isn't even the worst Brosnan movie, that goes to Tomorrow Never Dies. People saying Casino Royale or Skyfall are straight up crazy.

Connery > Brosnan > Craig > Dalton > Moore > Lazenby

Brosnan might be the best actor to play Bond IMO, but he got saddled with some of the weaker movies after Goldeneye.


I would much rather watch Die Another Day than either Tomorrow Never Dies or The World is Not Enough. Hell, I'd rather watch it than Quantum of Solace.


Even if everything else went just fine, Diamonds are Forever can't be forgiven due to completely botching the momentum coming out of the ending of On Her Majesty's Secret Service, especially with the third Blofeld swap resulting in the terminally dull Charles Grey taking over, which was also not helped by his character from You Only Live Twice still being so recent. Amazingly, even more goes wrong after the awesome theme song:

-Connery looks constantly annoyed at being in the film, due to a mix of his hatred for Cubby Broccoli and Harry Saltzman and wearing what appears a very uncomfortable toupee
-the film immediately forgets that Jill St. John's character is supposed to be a crafty, cunning jewel thief after her first scene, and turns her into a bumbling moron for the rest of the film
-the film is set almost entirely in the interiors of Las Vegas: one of the most photogenic cities in the entire world, and you stay inside
-TERRIBLE action sequences bereft of any imagination or prowess
-lethargic pacing that makes a Kubrick film feel more like a Roger Corman film

There's precious little to recommend. Even lazier films like A View to a Kill or conceptually bad ones like Die Another Day have a few things going on for them.
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