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Worst James Bond movie - pick one

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I would much rather watch Die Another Day than either Tomorrow Never Dies or The World is Not Enough. Hell, I'd rather watch it than Quantum of Solace.
TWINE is pretty boring. DAD at least has better pacing and more vibrant photography, but the goofy CGI scenes really hurt it.


Nose how to spell and rede to
The movie was full of actions scenes where it was difficult to know what was going on. It was quick cuts and an overly shaky cam. I think its a fair criticism. Skyfall certainly toned it down some in that respect.

Maybe I'm just stupid or ascribing too much to the film makers but I thought that fit though. It's overly shaky and quick cuts (again, they didn't bother me too badly but I'm using your terms) because it's supposed to be a crazy frenetic climax to the story set up by Casino Royale. Is it not fair (or wise lol) to ascribe that kind of intention to the filmmakers? Or do you think they just did a shitty job of it or overdid it.

I'd also be happy to defend Tomorrow Never Dies against anyone, not great but solid. Nothing like TWINE or DAD


I love Moonraker.

Diamonds are Forever is the worst. Then Die Another Day, then Skyfall.

I think Skyfall stings because people inexplicably like it, when all it was trying to do was shuffle the cast. Good theme though.


My vote goes to A View To a Kill.

I wish the movie franchise could have got their act together early on and Connery could have done all the Fleming books in order, and really stuck to the source material.


The worst bond film is Die another Day, but Tomorrow Never Dies is very close. I have no idea why the vast majority of individuals seems to have glassed over that one. Was the Rupert Murdoch clone too close to the truth?
man ya'll got to watch more older, shittier Bond movies if ya'll picking TND and Skyfall. I think I'd watch either of those over half of Moore's, or Diamonds are Forever, or YOLT


Die Another Die was horrible. From the terrible Madonna song to the terrible CGI, its just shit all around. Made Casino Royale that much better.

Moonraker was awful as well.

Adam Blue

Die Another Day seems like the obvious answer, but it still has Pierce Brosnan and is totally a Bond movie, even if fantastical. IMO, that makes it better than QoS...which I have no idea what that movie was. It didn't feel like Bond and even as a movie itself it wasn't anything interesting.

Because if right now I had to pick between the two to watch, it would be DaD.

Diamonds and View are up there though. I'd even watch DaD over those.


The worst bond film is Die another Day, but Tomorrow Never Dies is very close. I have no idea why the vast majority of individuals seems to have glassed over that one. Was the Rupert Murdoch clone too close to the truth?

No, but Jonathan Pryce is a riot as Carver, and the Vincent Schiavelli cameo was wonderful. I also appreciated the dynamic between Brosnan and Michelle Yeoh wasn't strictly romantic, as they played very well off of each other.


For me it's probably Moonraker. It's all so silly and campy and extreme. Like, a lot of Bond films are ridiculous, but this just goes so over the top.

Could you explain this choice a bit please?

Aimless plot. Terrible villain. The entire movie was filled with ridiculous plot holes and insulting leaps of logic which defied the notion of suspension of disbelief. The entire hacking bit was one of the worst things ever put to cinema. Ending scene was also terrible and dragged on forever.


Casino Royale. The one with Peter Sellers that is.

Since that probably doesn't count, easily Die Another Day. That surfing scene is burned into my brain.

So glad Casino Royale (the official one) rebooted this mess of a series.


The fencing scene in die another day was good though. Too bad 99% of the movie was garbage.

Skyfall is way overrated. The movie and the song


With all the horrible bond films, I can't imagine anyone saying this.

ok ok

anything with brosnan, dalton and daniels in it.

nemss said:
What? Dalton was great, probably the closest Bond to the Fleming novels. Your thinking George Lazenby.

george is right up there with sean and roger.


Die Another Day. What a terrible sendoff for Pierce Brosnan, almost disrespectful when compared to his great job in Goldeneye. In truth, I consider Everything or Nothing Pierce's last Bond role(and it's true).

I didn't even read any posts after this, because it's absolutely true. Everything or Nothing would have made such a better movie than Die Another Day, hands down. Goldeneye will always remain Brosnan's homage to James Bond (and fun fact, Goldeneye was the name of Ian Fleming's home in Jamaica).

Never Say Never Again was terrible, but as already stated, was not cannon and doesn't count. My personal feelings are The World is Not Enough would be the next worst Bond movie - all of the humor was forced and awkward, the plot was predictable, and whoever thought naming the Bond girl "Christmas Jones" was a good idea should be shot out of a DB5 via ejector seat.


What? Dalton was great, probably the closest Bond to the Fleming novels. Your thinking George Lazenby.

I do not understand the love and hate Lazenby received. He was in one film how can you compare him to other who were in three plus films.


No, but Jonathan Pryce is a riot as Carver, and the Vincent Schiavelli cameo was wonderful. I also appreciated the dynamic between Brosnan and Michelle Yeoh wasn't strictly romantic, as they played very well off of each other.

I also loved the opening action sequence and how much fun brosnan was having With the role the parking lot scene was a great example of that. I also loved the scene with him in his hotel room waiting for an assassin to show up. It was one those less glamorous bits of being a spy that the series had stopped showcasing.


I liked moonraker...
when I was 8, worst!

My personal favorite is the spy who loved me, its fun, and has just enough campiness for a roger moore james bond.
I hate to say it here, but for me it's probably From Russia With Love. I just always found it dreadfully boring.

I have to take exception to that sir - goodness me. Absolutely my favourite one.The Connery one that bugs the hell out of me is Thunderball - it's so slowwwwwww. Both Dalton's were really great (although TLD is a bit of a slow-burner to get going).

Die another Day is the poorest, mainly due to the reliance on crap CG and being too cheesy. The first half of the film really isn't all that bad though.

Tomorrow Never Dies is the ultimate example of one with a great first half. Until the point they leave Europe it is fantastic.


Nose how to spell and rede to
My personal feelings are The World is Not Enough would be the next worst Bond movie - all of the humor was forced and awkward, the plot was predictable, and whoever thought naming the Bond girl "Christmas Jones" was a good idea should be shot out of a DB5 via ejector seat.

Dat razor blade heli tho
People seem to be comparing them to the books a lot, are the books any good?

Personally I prefer them to the films. Yes, they're somewhat dated and very much a product of their time, but they're gripping and filled with an exceptional level of detail. That's not to say that Fleming always hit the mark himself, but these rare exceptions don't bring down the stories. The books being set in an appropriate period probably exacerbates my feelings about the films though.

I would recommend reading them, especially if you really hated some of the films (e.g. Moonraker and Diamonds are Forever).


I do not understand the love and hate Lazenby received. He was in one film how can you compare him to other who were in three plus films.

I just didn't care for him as Bond. I don't know why.

Now, had Dalton played Bond in Goldeneye as he was supposed to, that would have been interesting.


A few of the Roger Moore ones were pretty awful (Moonraker, Octopussy) but then I remembered Die Another Day. It is bar none the worst of them all.


If this thread proves nothing else, it's why I tell people to watch em all.

The ones people love and the ones people hate... always seem to just be everything


Skyfall, Casino Royale and QoS put me to sleep, guaranteed, 100% of the time. So I guess I'm not in a position to judge their quality since I've never seen the end of them.
I'm not a huge fan of any of the three Craig movies. They're all okay, but might as well just be whatever quasi bond-esque action movie. He just doesn't have that Bond charisma. To me the character needs a bit of suave, tongue in cheek goofiness, like all the rest of the Bonds (except Dalton). If it's just "look at what a stone cold badass this guy is"... well, there are a million other action movies that already have that covered.
Maybe I'm just stupid or ascribing too much to the film makers but I thought that fit though. It's overly shaky and quick cuts (again, they didn't bother me too badly but I'm using your terms) because it's supposed to be a crazy frenetic climax to the story set up by Casino Royale. Is it not fair (or wise lol) to ascribe that kind of intention to the filmmakers? Or do you think they just did a shitty job of it or overdid it.

I'd also be happy to defend Tomorrow Never Dies against anyone, not great but solid. Nothing like TWINE or DAD
I'm sure it was the intentions of the film makers. I didn't like it obviously. I saw plenty of other people that felt the same way. We can disagree on this. I like the effect as it is done in the Bourne movies. It was poorly done in Quantum. Its my opinion obviously. They do it a lot in PG13 movies to make them more intense without having R rating amounts of violence. That's what they do in Bourne, Hunger Games, QOS, Skyfall etc. I thought QOS did it poorly and made the action scenes incomprehensible.


Nose how to spell and rede to
I'm sure it was the intentions of the film makers. I didn't like it obviously. I saw plenty of other people that felt the same way. We can disagree on this. I like the effect as it is done in the Bourne movies. It was poorly done in Quantum. Its my opinion obviously. They do it a lot in PG13 movies to make them more intense without having R rating amounts of violence. That's what they do in Bourne, Hunger Games, QOS, Skyfall etc. I thought QOS did it poorly and made the action scenes incomprehensible.

Word, I got ya. I'm sorry you didn't like it :( I know the general consensus seems to be negative lol
Schattenjäger;128238587 said:
Has to be Diamonds are Forever or Die Another Day
Just watched Diamonds are Forever again after not seeing it in a very long time... Wow is this movie bad... This is borderline parody ...
I never realized it was this bad

Diamonds are Forever, is that the one with the two weird assassin guys who end up
surviving and walking off into the sunset together?

That one's great, it's completely bonkers in the best way. Moonraker is the worst old Bond movie. Especially following Jaws's first appearance in... what was it, "For Your Eyes Only"? The one where he eats a damn shark? That was awesome.

Octopussy is pretty bad too, as far as old Bond movies go, but all the Pierce Brosnan ones are Double Plus Bad, except Goldeneye, of course. Die Another Day is the worst of his entries.
Good Bond movies have bad elements and bad Bond movies have good elements.

They are all bond movies. I can enjoy them all unless it's Man with a Golden Gun. It's the only one I actively avoid re watching.


Nose how to spell and rede to
Octopussy is pretty bad too, as far as old Bond movies go, but all the Pierce Brosnan ones are Double Plus Bad, except Goldeneye, of course. Die Another Day is the worst of his entries.

You misspelled double-plus ungood. Are you feeling ok today comrade?
Die another Day. Diamonds are Forever is pretty bad, but mostly due to its excruciatingly slow pace. The Man with the Golden Gun is another I dislike...Christopher Lee as Scaramanga is awesome, but it's difficult to see this being any more than a Goldfinger cash in, not to mention it's hard to buy the "ze plane, ze plane!" guy as a worthwhile villain. Also Moonraker is cheesy as hell but it has its late 70's "We're obviously ripping off Star Wars" charm.

Quantum of Solace is also a movie I'm not a fan of. Feels too much like an extended epilogue of Casino Royale. Fortunately they fucking killed it with Skyfall.


I really enjoyed the first half of Die Another Day...right up until the invisible car turns up.

I also really enjoyed You Only Live Twice, which doesn't seem very popular on here.

Found Diamonds are forever really boring and I can't even remember what Octopussy was about. Thunderball was also very slow and boring...

...but Moonraker has got to be the worse film in the whole series. The return of Jaws (who gets a girlfriend), the double-taking pidgeon in Venice, the not-so-special effects in space. I haven't seen this film in ages but I've always hated it. Is it as bad as I remember?


I find it hilarious that I really enjoyed Die Another Day and Quantum of Solace, perhaps 2 of the most hated bond movies ever.

I think they are great fun and the action is superb. But well, that's just me.


All of Roger Moore's are fucking awful. Even his "good" ones, The Spy Who Loved Me and For Your Eyes Only, are still pretty bad. I'd probably single out Moonraker or Octopussy as the worst of that bunch, but they're really all virtually unwatchable for me.

Every Bond has a couple stinkers on their resume (except Craig, whose three I all love unabashedly) but no one else put a complete streak of shit from beginning to end like Moore did. I don't really blame the guy, he didn't write or direct those things, but he was just terribly miscast for the part.
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