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#GAMERGATE: The Threadening [Read the OP] -- #StopGamerGate2014

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Neo Member
I feel like there's got to be something missing here, even though the "aggrieved" GG guy is allegedly the one who posted it. I don't see how anyone can read that and not think the GG guy is a total nutjob. Am I missing these accusations of rape? I swear, I read through it three times.


People think they are defending developers against SJW bullying in all this.

The developers who have engaged almost universally say they are not worried about being bullied by SJWs writing mean articles. They're much more afraid of being bullied by #gamergate.

This is the main point of disconnect that I see.
I feel like there's got to be something missing here, even though the "aggrieved" GG guy is allegedly the one who posted it. I don't see how anyone can read that and not think the GG guy is a total nutjob. Am I missing these accusations of rape? I swear, I read through it three times.

... 4chan did the same thing with those ridiculous chat logs about harassing Zoe Quinn. Logic is not the strong point for most of these people.


I feel like there's got to be something missing here, even though the "aggrieved" GG guy is allegedly the one who posted it. I don't see how anyone can read that and not think the GG guy is a total nutjob. Am I missing these accusations of rape? I swear, I read through it three times.

I didn't see it either

But I did see Leigh Alexander being called "like the Antichrist", so there's that.


People think they are defending developers against SJW bullying in all this.

The developers who have engaged almost universally say they are not worried about being bullied by SJWs writing mean articles. They're much more afraid of being bullied by #gamergate.

This is the main point of disconnect that I see.

Yeah, that's a huge part of it. Though, the ones that do realize this is true are the ones who are trying to boycott western games in favor of Japanese games because they think Japanese devs have no morality.


literally in the top comment thread:
Highjacking for visibility: https://archive.today/ZWPbK is an archive of /r/oppressed the subreddit /u/bubblesort (OP) created which talks about oppression and intersectionality while simultaneously purporting to be 'on the other side of SJW'

That's the extent of my sluething on this shill so far, enjoy~
I'm suspecting false flag. If this ends up making GG side looks bad, it's probably exactly the purpose.



I feel like there's got to be something missing here, even though the "aggrieved" GG guy is allegedly the one who posted it. I don't see how anyone can read that and not think the GG guy is a total nutjob. Am I missing these accusations of rape? I swear, I read through it three times.

Basically, they take any association of the movement with those who issued rape and death threats as an accusation of those things directed at themselves.

I haven't yet been able to figure out what kind of proportion are just unaware of the movement's origins, how many are in active denial, and how many are fully aware but continuing to mask it.


Yeah they get absolutely outraged if anyone says anything is bad about games or gaming, like they were personally affronted.


Surely GamerGate realizes that South Park has already made fun of the gamer stereotype in the past? And that they'll probably turn that up to 11?


I thought that the best way to respond to any perceived slight was in a proportional way. Our justice system works that way and works pretty well.
Errrr, no, our justice system is not actually very effective at changing behavior.

What IS effective at changing behavior is social pressure and the threat of ostracization, which comes about as a side-effect of the justice system, but the actual threat of being incarcerated doesn't actually have a noticeable effect on crime rates. Hence, the best way to deal with this behavior is for absolutely everyone to make it abundantly clear that such behavior is unacceptable. If someone acts that way, looks around, and realizes that no one is supporting them, they will have no choice but to adapt or be squashed under the pressure.

It should be noted that this is considerably less effective when the one performing the criminal behavior has a support system in the form of like-minded individuals, which is part of the reason why the justice system is ineffective at combating such behavior. Many such individuals live among others who espouse those very same views, which reinforces that behavior as being acceptable. It's a slow and ongoing battle to correct such behavior.
Is this what the #Gamergate hashtag is blowing up about now or is it something else?

I just don't think I've ever heard of, say, Roger Ebert, disclosing explicitly that he was friends with this actor or that one. It was, I'd say, assumed that part of his qualifications for the job was to be able to make such contacts. Financial relationships from which one stands to gain, however, should be disclosed.

One thing about the Patreon limitations that some websites are imposing: those sound like one way transactions (correct me if I'm wrong) and should probably be exempted from disclosure if the sole transaction is the journalist putting money into the developer's Patreon. My reasoning here is that it's no different from paying for a game or making an in-game purchase.

I'd be interested in clarification as to whether my understanding of the facts is right or wrong.
Oh who knows. It's such an unfocused mess sprawling its tentacles all over everywhere at various indiscriminate times.

I remember Giant Bomb saying they would not review...something. Bastion? Must've been Bastion. There are instances where it makes sense. Either because of the perception of impropriety that it could create, or because they feel they can't honestly review the thing in an impartial manner. Then there are instances like Adam Boyes and John Drake (and Kessler) starting to work for Sony, but that doesn't mean they should stop covering Sony stuff, because that's stupid.

Also, I checked one of GB's reviews of a Harmonix game, and it has a disclosure disclaimer. I'm of the opinion that it takes zero effort or anything at all to just slap one of those on there, so if there's a chance of a legitimate perception of iffiness (not "these guys talked on Twitter!" rubbish), just do it. There's no reason not to as far as I can think of.

Patreon is questionable when it's developers giving money to writers, not the other way around. Others have made the argument that writers giving money to creative people they like and believe in, is anti-corruption. But if sites want to make guidelines and rules about Patreon then, eh, their call.
They mention that Chris Remo is friends with Danielle. Chris Remo did not make Gone Home. Being friends with someone who was contracted to do the score for a game is hardly the height of integrity violation. They've also said repeatedly on the podcast that they believe it would be inappropriate for Danielle to review Firewatch, because then there actually is a conflict of interest.

What these disclosure cries always comes down to in these cases is that people don't trust others to act like adults or have any capacity to understand that people can be can be critical in a professional way about something regardless of a certain amount of familiarity with people tangentially involved. Although given what I've seen of the average Gamergater I shouldn't be surprised that they are literally unable to understand professional interactions.
Oh, I hadn't much considered his actual position and probably added more weight to this than I should have. My bad.
A screenshot of a reader letter for EGM issue # 157, i.e. in the late 90's. Does these comments ring any bells? Since this is over 14 years ago, it feels disheartening to see that the arguments are the same without much mainstream industry change.

That page got me for a moment... I started feeling extremely frustrated on the words "Hello Kitty", only to realize they were being sarcastic.

I like how Leigh talks about how people misunderstand her article and he responds with "No, let ME tell YOU what your article is about!"

While it is occasionally useful to explain people that the words they say may be perceived differently from how they intend them to, doing that requires an actual ability to hold a conversation (as opposed to whatever you want to call the events depicted in the screenshot).

This is apparently enough to claim Zoe is a horrid ruthless transphobic doxxer.
I like how self-proclaimed anti-SJW suddenly start to care about transgender issues when they need to attack someone.
I like how self-proclaimed anti-SJW suddenly start to care about transgender issues when they need to attack someone.

They've got a vested interest in showing the "SJW" "professional victim" people to be hypocrites. This is usually part of a twofold strategy:

1. They hope to turn "SJWs" against eachother and isolate them from their own group.

2. They want to point out the "SJW"s "do it too"/"are just as bad" to deflect criticism.

The issue of course, is that usually when you look up close at what they're complaining about it is obviously about isolated incidents that are quite often not about discrimination. (e.g. people calling GG a bunch of white dudes.)

Above all it's almost always individual cases they bring up soley to contrast themselves to SJW in the same way anti-sjw often speak up about male rape only to dismiss discussions of female rape cases.
They generally ignore or outright deny systemic discrimination (and consider talk of this to be discriminatory in itself) and instead focus on weird individual cases that are extremely vague.
I like how self-proclaimed anti-SJW suddenly start to care about transgender issues when they need to attack someone.

It does sound odd, but in discussion with antifeminists in secular movements I've often encountered such jujitsu methods. While the basis for such accusions is often unsound, it's good practice to question one's attitude and reconsider how one's own behaviour might appear to third parties.


Surely GamerGate realizes that South Park has already made fun of the gamer stereotype in the past? And that they'll probably turn that up to 11?

They already have Matt and Trey's death threats written up in notepad, ready to tweet at exactly 10:01 PM tomorrow.



can't wait for them to try to take the middle position even though it doesn't actually exist and isn't much better than the wrong position.

Surely GamerGate realizes that South Park has already made fun of the gamer stereotype in the past? And that they'll probably turn that up to 11?

They already have Matt and Trey's death threats written up in notepad, ready to tweet at exactly 10:01 PM tomorrow.

He's not talking about an upcoming episode. He's talking about the season premiere from last week, which he's somehow interpreting as a GamerGate allegory.
He's not talking about an upcoming episode. He's talking about the season premiere from last week, which he's somehow interpreting as a GamerGate allegory.

Oh that makes more sense.

Go Fund Yourself is Season 18 premiere.

The premise is a Kickstarter campaign named after the Washington Redskins. No ostensible connection to recent events on 4chan and Twitter.


Wait, really?

Dammit, and I was looking forward to an epic episode tomorrow.

But....holy shit. GamerGate didn't remotely cross my mind during that first episode. That episode was fucking incredible and one of their best episodes, but I cannot comprehend how deluded you have to be to assume that ISIS + Kickstarter + Redskins + NFL in general has anything to do with GamerGate at all.


Wait, really?

Dammit, and I was looking forward to an epic episode tomorrow.

But....holy shit. GamerGate didn't remotely cross my mind during that first episode. That episode was fucking incredible and one of their best episodes, but I cannot comprehend how deluded you have to be to assume that ISIS + Kickstarter + Redskins + NFL in general has anything to do with GamerGate at all.

from an 8chan cache:

This is my analysis on a mature cartoon show.

Cartman and his friends (vidya "journalists"/Anita) wants to make a company to earn money without doing anything. They found out that the Redskins (gamers) logo is not copyrighted so they took it and made a kickstarter company (gaming journalism/FemFreq).

They got backed by idiots and praised them for moving a couch a bit and adding a carpet (Anita's background on her kickstarter vid was red and on FemFreq, the background is blue).

The Redskins, doesn't like what Cartman is doing with their logo but the crowd loved it (Calling games evil and misogynistic while they're praised as brave and powerful women). The Cartman's company are even supported by ISIS, making the redskins look bad (Gamers = ISIS,ISIS uses GTAV to recruit)

When the Redskins tried to make Cartman change their logo, it was another fuck you for the Redskins (Insults on gamers like calling them manchildren)

So the Redskins destroyed the kickstarter's server (implying we destroy things), but Cartman saw an opportunity out of this and his own "Kickstarter" with a new logo (made a donation site directly on a paypal account)

The Redskins, realizing that they're losing, removed themselves from being called "Redskins" (/v/ who doesn't care) except for the manager (/gg/)

People wanted the manager to stay down since he's hurting. He fought until the end and people took notice.

So the people decided to tell Cartman and his friends that they're going to tell their clients to boycott the company (boycott gaming websites and tell companies who placed ads on those sites).

Cartman decided that they have to go back to school (They should learn what journalism ethics means/get an actual job)

Moral of the story

Don't give up

Here's a serious question. I've frequently been surprised to see Gamergate framed as an issue of two "sides" rather than a movement (however decentralised, however riddled with contradiction and misconceptions) lashing out in many directions at once.

Does anybody see an opposition that is actively engaging Gamergate? If so, how can I distinguish these people from those who find the sight of an internet bullying campaign offensive?
Here's a serious question. I've frequently been surprised to see Gamergate framed as an issue of two "sides" rather than a movement (however decentralised, however riddled with contradiction and misconceptions) lashing out in many directions at once.

Does anybody see an opposition that is actively engaging Gamergate? If so, how can I distinguish these people from those who find the sight of an internet bullying campaign offensive?

In Gamergate's eyes: The opposition is a large group of well connected S.J.Ws and S.J.W. Journalists who all band together to force feminism upon gaming.

In reality: The opposition is essentially anyone who knows about GG and doesn't partake, this includes:

1. silent devs

2. silent journalists

3. people who find their arguments ridiculous

4. people who think GG is actively harmful

5. people who find the harassment so bad it poisons GG

6. a lot of feminists

7. any journalist/feminist they explicitly hate e.g. zoe, anita,alexander

8. any site/forum that has banned discussion of GG (this is why 4chan and parts of reddit are seen as "Sjw")


All of the above are declared a "side/ideology" by GGers, which makes policing the "opposition" difficult as Raph mentioned before, aside from a few vocal individual voices (neogaf, jenni goodchild, the people who got harassed by GG, etc) "anti-GG" has like 10 vaguely defined faces and no organization at all.


Here's a serious question. I've frequently been surprised to see Gamergate framed as an issue of two "sides" rather than a movement (however decentralised, however riddled with contradiction and misconceptions) lashing out in many directions at once.

Does anybody see an opposition that is actively engaging Gamergate? If so, how can I distinguish these people from those who find the sight of an internet bullying campaign offensive?

There are not two sides.

The idea was that the crazy feminists were ruining everything and saying hurtful things so we dun fucked'm up good. But extremes are bad, the truth is somewhere inbetween, right? maybe we should all be respectful of peoples views. The press also says extreme stuff, rightguys? again, the truth must be inbetween.

The sides kinda conformed to the narrative as it evolved, but it was a device for GG to claim some moral ground for the movement as they targeted groups. There has been no debate, but there has been an effort to shift the ideology away from... something.


I hope what the effect ends up being is that the very complaints GG has been targetting are vetted by this 'movement' instead of harmed, and we stop accepting the warped thinking that started GG as part of the culture.



Lol Wales's first sentence to this loon:

Jimbo Dubs said:
I'd like to ask that this conversation be kept private, not because it is particularly secret in any way but because I need to write casually and simply than if I were writing for public consumption.

Wonder why he thought he had to "write simply". :p


The new episode of Milo's podcast is sponsored by a company that makes dragon dildos.

I was considering listening to one of those but then I read Milo's "beta male feminists desperate for sex" column and I almost vomited...

Is it in any way not just hateful bullshit and slurs?


I was considering listening to one of those but then I read Milo's "beta male feminists desperate for sex" column and I almost vomited...

Is it in any way not just hateful bullshit and slurs?

I haven't actually listened to it myself.

I just heard on Twitter that there were dragon dildos involved, so I skipped around until I found the ad (about eight minutes in if you're curious).
Thanks to Neoriceisgood and Vlade for the perspectives on opposition. Earlier I characterised Gamergate as essentially a reactionary movement. In that view, there is no single opposition; the movement is simply opposed to whatever it is that provokes anxiety in those who tend to prefer a stable status quo. I think events have conformed to that initial model. Gamergate has tended to alienate those groups it came into contact with, eventually sorting each new enemy group into the catch-all "SJW" category.

Ironically, in the early days the only enemy was a single independent game developer, and a common slogan was "Zoe Quinn against the entire internet." As the enemies list has grown, the narrative has switched to a brave though embattled selection of enlightened fighters against the multiple tentacles of the corrupt, cunning though curiously inept, worldwide SJW conspiracy. This one is going to collapse under the weight of its own absurdity.


Thanks to Neoriceisgood and Vlade for the perspectives on opposition. Earlier I characterised Gamergate as essentially a reactionary movement. In that view, there is no single opposition; the movement is simply opposed to whatever it is that provokes anxiety in those who tend to prefer a stable status quo. I think events have conformed to that initial model. Gamergate has tended to alienate those groups it came into contact with, eventually sorting each new enemy group into the catch-all "SJW" category.

Ironically, in the early days the only enemy was a single independent game developer, and a common slogan was "Zoe Quinn against the entire internet." As the enemies list has grown, the narrative has switched to a brave though embattled selection of enlightened fighters against the multiple tentacles of the corrupt, cunning though curiously inept, worldwide SJW conspiracy. This one is going to collapse under the weight of its own absurdity.

Sums it up well,

Thanks for the updates about the "tell me anything" guys. Gamergate is laughable at this point.

And this Milo character is totally taking advantage of them.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Ditto. Pass the popcorn.

Watching Derek Smart dodge that thread alone was worth it.


For the record, I like Derek Smart. I engaged in a conversation about one of his games, All Aspect Warfare and expected a toasting from reputation. Instead he was actually really engaging and polite. Yes he can, and does go off on one quite a lot but he is perfectly capable of reasonable behaviour.

Which is why he avoided that thread like the plague, of course!


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Edit: Posted a video I liked. Not a good debater myself and made mistake of just posting the link. My bad.


Anyone catch the Girls of Gamergate the other night? Found it really good, informative and fun to listen to. These are some great peeps.


2. Don't drop a link and say, "That's how I feel!" If you can't be bothered to put your opinions into your own words, don't post.

Especially when it's a 3-hour long video.

I'm only skimming through a few minutes, but a few highlights
-A self-identified MRA and anti-feminist who thinks "men shouldn't have to apologize for being male"
-An "egalitarian feminist" opposed to "SJWs" and "radical feminism"
-Women praising Eron and criticizing Zoe Quinn
-"I'M not bothered by how women are represented in games, so therefore it's not a problem!"

What new insights do you think are actually offered here?


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Especially when it's a 3-hour long video.

I'm only skimming through a few minutes, but a few highlights
-A self-identified MRA and anti-feminist who thinks "men shouldn't have to apologize for being male"
-An "egalitarian feminist" opposed to "SJWs" and "radical feminism"
-Women praising Eron and criticizing Zoe Quinn
-"I'M not bothered by how women are represented in games, so therefore it's not a problem!"

What new insights do you think are actually offered here?
Fair enough. I really don't want to get into the debate and I just stink terribly when it comes to debating anything. I liked the video and agreed with most of what was said. I was even hesitant to post anything here but I'd prefer not getting banned, especially considering I have a good track record as it is of keeping out of trouble so if need be I'll just go ahead and edit my post.
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