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A Vita Renaissance: Is It Possible?


Junior Member
Boss★Moogle;158030689 said:
The issue with the 3DS and the Vita not selling as well as the PSP and DS did is simple to explain. For the Vita is doesn't have anywhere near as strong a library of commercial games as the PSP had. As for the 3DS, I think some people like myself are tired of Nintendo's handhelds being underpowered, gimmicky , made of cheap bulky plastic that makes it look like a child's toy and controls that feel cheap and inaccurate. I'm an adult I'd like a system that I'm not embarrassed to travel with. Don't think that aesthetics don't matter to people because Apple made a lot of its fortune with aesthetics. Also the fact that again it launched without an online account system that keeps track of all your digital purchases and makes for easy redownloading if need be is beyond insane in this day and age. Both systems have major shortcomings and to me that's why they haven't sold as well as their predecessors. The core gaming audience isn't shrinking it's just a very demanding bunch; they know what they want and they won't lay out cash if their expectations aren't met.

I can tell you right now that the original DS's massive sales were definitely propped up by many of the people who are now playing cell phone games. A decade ago a shitload of those people were buying DS's to play New Super Mario Bros., Mario Kart DS, Brain Age, and Nintendogs. People forget the DS had an affect and appeal similar to the Wii, just in handheld form. Don't forget Nintendo's Touch Generations line of games.

As for the 3DS, Nintendo just really bungled the launch, both in terms of price and software. It was able to salvage things though because Nintendo knows how to make the games people want to play on dedicated handhelds.

A lot of the PSP's strength was in Japan. For a while the PSP pretty much was the main force for core gaming in Japan because of Monster Hunter. A chunk of that market went towards mobile gaming which is taking over Japan, and all you've got left for the Vita is the super niche. Mobile in Japan also sucked away a lot of the third party support that used to go into the original DS and would have gone into the 3DS.

And I actually do think the growth of the core gamer market has at the least slowed down significantly if not stagnated in the last 10 years. It's definitely not growing at a significant rate. A huge amount of the people playing console games today are the same people who were playing them 10-15 years ago. A limited number of younger people are coming up to play console games. This goes double for dedicated handhelds.

I think Nintendo might be able to keep dedicated handhelds alive if it can keep up the same quality of games AND if any other Japanese developers are there to support it AND if it shares a software library with whatever its next console is. Grabbing western indies wouldn't hurt either.


Good post.

The fuck...


this place is right around the corner from my house.

This guy is a pioneer. He could easily be a generic cyberpunk background character from a Judge Dredd or Transmetropolitan comic.
Just look at the PS4 store, free real estate and nowhere on there can you find the PS Vita. Wtf Sony, not even the free PS+ games to entice anyone.

That is what gets me. Not the store per se, but the What's New section of the PS4 is a prime candidate for some Vita advertising. Sony has a captive audience of 20m+ PS4 owners. Assuming every Vita owner bought a PS4, that leaves 10m PS4 owners as a potential audience for the Vita. Imagine if Sony took one of the advertisement slots and, I dont know, advertised the Vita and maybe some new releases for it? Some of the items in What's New seem to be rich media so maybe rotate a few images for advertising the Vita. Hell one of them can play up the whole Remote Play thing if that is what Sony in the west wants to focus on.

Part of that push though I think requires a price drop to $150. The 2DS is around that price, the 3DS on Amazon right now is around that price, and the new 3DS on Amazon is around $200 (the current price of the Vita). Perhaps a new revision can get the prices that low. Further, the memory cards either need to go away and move to a standard format OR the memory cards need to have their prices cut by 1/3 or more. Maybe drop the 4 GB card completely and move all the other cards down a tier (ie the 8GB dropping down to the 4GB price of $20). That way total cost of ownership of the console drops.

Perhaps the advertising, even if its not a huge televised push, coupled with the price drop of the console and memory cards could push sales.

Then again, those new users would then be disappointed on the lack of support coming from Sony. Not only is Sony pulling features from the device, they are shutting down some games (Destiny of Spirits), taking exclusives away from the device (Tearaway and Gravity Rush 2 is heavily rumored to be another loss for the Vita), and hell, they sometimes forget games, that they published, even release (it took comments in the blog post for the store update for Sony to realize they forgot Oresheika).

I'm not sure about other Vita owners, but I am not asking for Sony to put out Vita games that cost tens of millions to make (which I think is what they did at first, hence why they stopped making games when the Vita and titles didnt sell well enough). I know there is vast differences in size, but I mean there are a lot of Japanese developers putting out games for the Vita AND 3DS with costs less than $10m. Perhaps Sony could spend what they would on one game to produce a few at a time, thus hedging their bets and filling in the release calendar. Maybe do some qHD releases of Vita titles (I am surprised there hasnt been a Patapon Trilogy Vita release). Maybe figure out how to port Demon's Souls?

Sorry for the long ass rant. That advertising thing on the What's New Section of the PS4 seems like something so small to do and could have a potential positive upside in Vita sales. And yet, I doubt Sony even wants to try.


I was just thinking to get a used Vita with my next paycheck. Looking at the price, new Vita is equal with used 3DSXL in my place. Used one is cheaper than used 3DS... I'm still not sure what Vita games I want though.


Neo Member
What Sony needs to do is bundle it with PS4. A vita and PS4 and a game for each console (one free game for vita, free game for vita) will help it out I think. People will take notice and once they have a vita in their hands, they'll realize just how great of a handheld it truly is. More people need to get behind vita and Sony needs to put it in more hands. If not? Then vita just doesn't have a chance

Boss Mog

Just look at the PS4 store, free real estate and nowhere on there can you find the PS Vita. Wtf Sony, not even the free PS+ games to entice anyone.

I think the reason for that is because you can't actually download Vita games to the PS4 and then transfer between systems like you can with the PS3 which is pretty stupid. Hopefully they'll add that functionality in an upcoming PS4 firmware update.


If you go to BB, Target and Walmart stores, the Vita shelf is almost non-existant. I think the ship has sailed and the Vita is on its last legs in North America. If you don't mind digital, than yeah, Vita will still be released, but for us physical disc gamers, gotta start importing sooner than later.


I don't get the hate for Vita. I play it more than my 3DS. If you're a fan of Japanese games, the Vita is absolutely king.


Boss★Moogle;158068480 said:
I think the reason for that is because you can't actually download Vita games to the PS4 and then transfer between systems like you can with the PS3 which is pretty stupid. Hopefully they'll add that functionality in an upcoming PS4 firmware update.

You can't? If so that's some pretty basic functionality lacking on something that has it's second birthday coming up in about 8 months. I guess you could use that as a gauge on just how much Sony cares about the Vita though.


I love the Vita, but all I'm playing is PSP games and ports of console games, which I'm okay with, but I find it hard to recommend to others.
It has VERY few exclusives that make it worth owning.

To be honest, I think Sony is going to call it quits after this. No more portables from them.
To the ops question, no. There won't be one. But as long as these indie titles come out and are cross play I will continue to use my vita.
Bebpo made a good post in the Media Create thread a few months ago:

All joking aside, I mean it as in there are certain franchises that are not going to Nintendo systems as long as Sony is still in business.

A lot of these franchises can't afford to jump to PS4 and unless PS4 takes off it's not worth it. PS3 is dying.

Right now they're riding on Vita to survive. If Sony does not bring out a handheld successor they pretty much have to start releasing on Nintendo platforms or keep releasing on Vita.

And if developers keep releasing on Vita, and no successor handheld comes out, what's to keep the system from hanging around for another 10-20 years as the Nintendo alternative system in Japan? It's powerful enough to last 10-20 years tech-wise considering Japan's low tech effort in their games.

I'm not saying it'll keep the success it currently has, but that I could see it remaining a niche still selling system in Japan for another 10+ years at this rate as long as Sony never replaces it. Or maybe PS5 in 2019 will be a handheld/console hybrid to combat Nintendo's handheld/console hybrid in 2016/2017 and that'll be when Vita is replaced.

10-20 years is probably wishful thinking, but the premise is sound. I mean PSP is still charting some releases after all this time too. Actually i'd argue to some degree that if Vita never released, and PSP kept MH, it'd still be selling pretty well too. Considering the 3DS produces only marginally improved visuals over PSP, that's clearly not the draw over there. It took a while for Vita to supplant it cause of the install base MH had given back then.


The only thing I can take away from this handheld generation is that the Vita didn't succeed because it didn't say "Nintendo" on it. It makes sense. The legacy of Nintendo handhelds means that if some parent has a choice between getting their kid a Nintendo handheld or whatever the hell a "Vee-tah" is then it's not really a choice from their point of view now is it? Looking at the ill treatment the Vita gets at retail likely means that if someone comes in and asks for a handheld gaming system they're probably not even going to mention that there's an alternative to a phone or a tablet or a Nintendo.

So where did the PSP market go? A lot of kids had PSPs and they've "grown up" and either don't play games anymore or don't play games on dedicated handhelds anymore. What other explanation is there? They got a 3DS? Not likely.

Nintendo hasn't even recaptured what made the DS special. The PSP was trying to cram these console-like experiences on a handheld with inadequate controls and hardware meanwhile the DS was getting games better suited for handhelds because it didn't have a choice. The hardware wasn't advanced enough and it only had a D-Pad. The 3DS is doing the same thing the PSP was doing now that it has its own pathetic excuse for an analogue stick. It wasn't good then and it isn't good now. I feel that these "indie" ports the Vita regularly get make for better handheld games than most 3DS titles even though the Vita has much better controls to accommodate faux console games.

The Vita has run whatever short course the current market had for it and is running on indie game fumes. Sony shouldn't even bother to make another handheld because it's a hopeless market for dedicated gaming systems not named Nintendo. At least not in the kind of volume of sales a Sony system would need to be considered a success.
Not a chance. Few, if any big developers even want to touch the thing these days. It still infuriates me knowing what the system could have become had it been given the software treatment it deserved. Nihilistic handling both Resistance and Call of Duty was a huge mistake, for example, and the canceled BioShock game was a heartbreaker as well. And where are the sequels to the exclusives that did so well, like Unit 13, Uncharted, Gravity Rush, and even Killzone? It's sad that we finally got a dual stick handheld with ridiculous power, yet so few games ever managed to harness its strengths.

I don't get the hate for Vita. I play it more than my 3DS. If you're a fan of Japanese games, the Vita is absolutely king.

And if you aren't, it has little to offer these days beyond indie games and ports.


well, the psp was dead from 2006 to 2008 until God Of War Chains of Olympus and Crisis Core were released. I like to call that the "reinassance" of the PSP. It is always possible, but it seems difficult right now


The Vita renaissance was like late 2013-2014, when games that were in development since early 2012 were finally coming out (and there were a decent amount of them). Those games that were greenlit before people saw how much of a misfire the system was. I doubt much else is being greenlit for it today or the past year.
It's dead. The memory cards are still expensive as crap, there are no third party alternatives, Sony quit making games for it, and those who may have bought it if piracy were widely available won't even do that now.

Monster Hunter is gone, Metal Gear isn't coming back, and all that's left are the niche Japanese games and indies it seems.
It's dead. The memory cards are still expensive as crap, there are no third party alternatives, Sony quit making games for it, and those who may have bought it if piracy were widely available won't even do that now.

Monster Hunter is gone, Metal Gear isn't coming back, and all that's left are the niche Japanese games and indies it seems.

I'm OK with niche and indies at this point. :)


I doubt much else is being greenlit for it today or the past year.

New games are announced for the system nearly every week in Japan. Many of these are exclusives. The system is very healthy in Japan and will not be going the way of the dodo any time soon.


Indies felt like such a cop-out. I didn't buy a 180€ device to play games I already played months ago on PC with added price and lessened resolution and frame rate. Thank God for Japan third-party, otherwise my Vita wouldn't have gotten much use. The biggest problem Sony made is that they expected Vita to sell with no killer apps available. No MH in Japan, no GTA or GT in west = failed handheld. They should've stuck closer to their PSP strategy of helping major third-parties make high-calibre games for it. But I guess they weren't up to the investment required. Even major brands like AC and CoD had Vita versions some people consider straight up shovelware.


The Vita renaissance was like late 2013-2014, when games that were in development since early 2012 were finally coming out (and there were a decent amount of them). Those games that were greenlit before people saw how much of a misfire the system was. I doubt much else is being greenlit for it today or the past year.

A misfire? I think you are creating quite a cognitive dissonance there. It's arguably the best PlayStation system in years. Compared to the PS4 it's definitely the PlayStation system that SCE did the best job with this generation. Like many I think you are making the mistake of equating lack of popularity with 'misfire' as a consumer product. Which is obviously not the same thing.

The Vita is dead man, when first party really drops support, it's over... last Vita game I bought that wasn't PS+ monthly games... Tearaway, it's just not coming back, Sony doesn't understand mobile games or the consumers, and consumers don't want a product that doesn't fit their needs (very portable, long battery life, pick up and play games ones that you can make progress in 5 minutes and put back down). Sony just doesn't develop mobile games, and that's fine, they don't need a portable and people don't need to defend it for them, the anime games will find a new home, the home console games that Sony puts on their portables can just stay on the home consoles, and the Vita will just fade into being the PS4 remote play function.


In consumer electronics, lack of popularity equals misfire.

What? Even if you're looking at it from the manufacturer's business point of view, that isn't true at all. There are plenty of low-volume electronic electronics that only appeal to a small subset of the market. Yet they do generate profit for their respective manufacturers.

Think about high-end audioplayers like Astell and Kern players aimed towards audiophiles for example. Think about Bang & Olufsen's TV and audio set-ups for example. Think about Sony's high-end 4K projectors for example.

In fact most high-end consumer electronic devices are often the least popular (one of the exceptions are Apple devices). Yet they are often the one of the more profitable segments for most manufacturers, because of the big margins.

And that's just from a business point of view.

If I enjoy the PS Vita and the Wii U in their current state and assuming I will continue to do so for a long time, why would a consumer in the same position as me - and therefore likely with similar desires from a handheld or console - ever consider an unpopular electronic device (relatively speaking) like the PS Vita and Wii U as a 'misfire'? I shouldn't consider get my money worth out of it (in terms of enjoyment I get out of it) only because it isn't as popular as some of the alternative, competing devices?

Boss Mog

Indies felt like such a cop-out. I didn't buy a 180€ device to play games I already played months ago on PC with added price and lessened resolution and frame rate. Thank God for Japan third-party, otherwise my Vita wouldn't have gotten much use. The biggest problem Sony made is that they expected Vita to sell with no killer apps available. No MH in Japan, no GTA or GT in west = failed handheld. They should've stuck closer to their PSP strategy of helping major third-parties make high-calibre games for it. But I guess they weren't up to the investment required. Even major brands like AC and CoD had Vita versions some people consider straight up shovelware.

This is kinda true sadly. I mean even Ridge Racer, the game that helped sell the PSP at launch and made people go "wow!", was absolute garbage on Vita. Ridge Racer on PSP is one of the best arcade racers ever made (so much so that RR6 and RR7 were basically clones of it) and at the time was a graphical masterpiece for a handheld system that also ran at a silky smooth 60fps. As soon as the Vita was announced and Namco started talking about Ridge Racer for Vita I was so psyched but then we got a true piece of shit game that felt more like a demo that looked like shit and couldn't even maintain a stable 30fps. I thought to myself man if this is how they're gonna treat the Vita it's never gonna work. But I still had hope with CoD and a Bioshock game being announced but then CoD ended being trash as well and Bioshock was canned and that was pretty much it for 3rd party western AAA games on the Vita.

But seriously Ridge Racer still hurts. On PSP it has a metacritic score of 88, on the Vita a 44, that pretty much says it all. I strongly believe that if the system had launched before Black Friday 2011 in the US and if Ridge Racer had been as good as it was on PSP, the Vita would have had a completely different trajectory. Launching for the holiday shopping season in the US is a HUGE deal, media outlets will talk about it being the hottest gadget for the holiday season and parents will buy the crap out of it. Xmas in Japan just isn't that big so they could've waited to launch it there in February 2012. Plus in February Americans spend no money because they're still broke from Xmas and haven't gotten their tax refund yet. Sony learned from that mistake though since they got the order right for the PS4 launch.


The one thing that concerns me is that when the Vita dies where will the niche games that have found a home on the vita end up? Neptunia at least looks to be continuing on ps4 and compile heart will likely release plenty of content there but things like Demon Gaze and htol;niq, where will they go? The 3DS and its successor?

I'm a Nintendo console fan, but the 3DS left a bad taste in my mouth due to its crappy screens and resolution as well as the usual Nintendo region locking and lack of a unified account. With the vita I have been able to import US LE releases of titles like senran kagura and Ys Celceta and play them on my uk vita. That's one of the things I like about the system. Hopefully the next Nintendo handheld can rectify these things.


I couldn't care less about any renaissance, my catalogue is already limited because of those ridiculous memory cards prices and it won't change until they get cheaper, and if they stay the same forever, welp, such a shame.

I used to think this gif was annoying, then I realized it perfectly encapsulates the only type of game still coming out on Vita.
Ice cold

Boss Mog

I'm a Nintendo console fan, but the 3DS left a bad taste in my mouth due to its crappy screens and resolution as well as the usual Nintendo region locking and lack of a unified account.

That's exactly why I didn't get a 3DS. I just can't reward that behavior anymore even if the software is good. I really hope the next Nintendo handheld ends up being at least as good as the Vita but I don't really have high hopes.



The Vita is dead man, when first party really drops support, it's over... last Vita game I bought that wasn't PS+ monthly games... Tearaway, it's just not coming back, Sony doesn't understand mobile games or the consumers, and consumers don't want a product that doesn't fit their needs (very portable, long battery life, pick up and play games ones that you can make progress in 5 minutes and put back down). Sony just doesn't develop mobile games, and that's fine, they don't need a portable and people don't need to defend it for them, the anime games will find a new home, the home console games that Sony puts on their portables can just stay on the home consoles, and the Vita will just fade into being the PS4 remote play function.

It's dead. The memory cards are still expensive as crap, there are no third party alternatives, Sony quit making games for it, and those who may have bought it if piracy were widely available won't even do that now.

Monster Hunter is gone, Metal Gear isn't coming back, and all that's left are the niche Japanese games and indies it seems.

Each month there are a good amount of games being released for this device. It's a device enjoyed by millions over the world. It has a catalog of over 500 games. It has hundreds of compatible PSP and PS1 games.

But yep, it's totally dead.

Honestly, I think many people are just applying a good dose of self-delusion, straw man and cognitive dissonance to their arguments in this thread. And not to mention, argumentum ad populum ("it isn't as popular as PS4 or 3DS so it sucks!").

Honestly the term "dead" for a consumer electronic device is meaningless as well. The term should be "economically not viable" for publishers or something. But determining the value of a consumer electronic device is something personal and subjective, from the perspective of one consumer.


well it's not fair to compare the vita to the wii u, since the later got great first party support, while the vita got a mediocre support.
I mean great games like GR2, KZ:M, and whatever Sony's efforts was, do not move hardware. U need the Gran turismo, Uncharted, God of War to sell hardware, and with that, third parties would invest too.
Sony has long dropped the Vita and it's a shame focussing only on the PS4. I mean RAD would better have developed a GoW spinoff for the Vita than the order 1886.

Kings fan

Most indie titles are irrelevant whici is why the Vita can never dream of reaching 3DS on quality.

Compared to first party Nintendo games and other big budget games like monster hunter, it's no contest at all.

At least the Vita has some upcoming ports of Japanese games, but besides that it is slim pickings quality on quality.


I'm a Nintendo console fan, but the 3DS left a bad taste in my mouth due to its crappy screens and resolution as well as the usual Nintendo region locking and lack of a unified account. With the vita I have been able to import US LE releases of titles like senran kagura and Ys Celceta and play them on my uk vita. That's one of the things I like about the system. Hopefully the next Nintendo handheld can rectify these things.

Exactly. I consider myself a fan of Nintendo games as well and I'm more or less in the same position. Quite frankly from a present-day perspective the 3DS is an extremely poor value proposition to me. A portable electronic device for €150-200 price where the screen has a resolution of 400x240 (for a device where the screen is of big importance). Not only the resolution is bad, but it's just an awful display as a whole with bad colour balances and colour reproduction, bad viewing angles and a not-so-high brightness. Ergonomically it's poorly designed as well. And one of my biggest gripes with Nintendo handhelds is that the games are overpriced imo. People say the PS Vita memory cards are expensive, but I'd still spend less on the PS Vita as a whole for gaming because the games are way less expensive. On 3DS, games stick constantly in €30-40 range. Which is the biggest expense.


well it's not fair to compare the vita to the wii u, since the later got great first party support, while the vita got a mediocre support.
I mean great games like GR2, KZ:M, and whatever Sony's efforts was, do not move hardware. U need the Gran turismo, Uncharted, God of War to sell hardware, and with that, third parties would invest too.
Sony has long dropped the Vita and it's a shame focussing only on the PS4. I mean RAD would better have developed a GoW spinoff for the Vita than the order 1886.

Those games wouldn't sell the PS Vita to the mainstream market. Those games are associated primarily with console gaming. I believe there was simply no chance of the PS Vita moving hardware to the same degree as PS4's popularity. The mainstream market's interest in dedicated handhelds had just declined and a big portion of that market is likely satisfied with mobile games on smartphones/tablets.

The PSP's decline in popularity 2010/2011 was already a sign of this, with the mobile phone/tablet market growing exponentially in comparison.

I think the PSP was mainly succesful because of the brand. It was released around the peak of the PS2 popularity, where the PlayStation brand was ubiquitous and therefore very strong. I don't think it was succesful of God of War, Gran Turismo.

God of War: Ghost of Sparta sold significantly less than God of War: Chains of Olympus.

The PS Vita had a great game from a well-known IP as a launch game. It had a larger first-party launch line-up than the Wii U, 3DS, PS4 and Xbox One. It was very well received as well and had high satisfaction rate.

So it's safe to say that if it wasn't a big success at that point, that there probably just isn't that much demand for such a device from the mainstream market. Maybe it could have been a bit more popular with a more optimized, fine-tuned advertising strategy and games release schedule. But it was definitely never going to be a PS4- or 3DS-tier success. The market for it just not there. And that's fine. People who like playing games on handhelds are grateful for it. It can still cover that niche and ultimately satisfy its audience. Maybe not so good for SCE (business point of view). But for me, it's almost like a fan service kind of device.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
The Vita is dead.

I wish people in general and its fans in particular can accept that fact and move on already.

Love the little bugger though. Probably even more so than 3DS. If we can have 3DS games in Vita, that's pretty much my dream scenario.


The Vita is dead.

I wish people in general and its fans in particular can accept that fact and move on already.

Love the little bugger though. Probably even more so than 3DS. If we can have 3DS games in Vita, that's pretty much my dream scenario.

I don't think there are many people that don't realize that is not economically viable for most publishers and that its popularity will likely never significantly expand (if that's what you mean with the less appropriate term, 'dead'). So I'm not sure whom you're referring to.
The Vita is dead.

I wish people in general and its fans in particular can accept that fact and move on already.

Love the little bugger though. Probably even more so than 3DS. If we can have 3DS games in Vita, that's pretty much my dream scenario.

Why would I move on when there are still games coming out that I want to play? There are five retail games still coming out this year that I'm 100% bought into, and a whole catalog of games I didn't or won't purchase day one that I'll probably tap into when sales happen. Plus my backlog from PS+ and previous sales.

On the other hand, 3DS is seeing less and less purchases from me these days (though I did get in on the recent Renegade Kid sale and Majora's Mask). There are around 3 games this year that I'm considering, but those plans are sort of taking a back seat.


Why would I move on when there are still games coming out that I want to play? There are five retail games still coming out this year that I'm 100% bought into, and a whole catalog of games I didn't or won't purchase day one that I'll probably tap into when sales happen. Plus my backlog from PS+ and previous sales.

On the other hand, 3DS is seeing less and less purchases from me these days (though I did get in on the recent Renegade Kid sale and Majora's Mask). There are around 3 games this year that I'm considering, but those plans are sort of taking a back seat.

I think it's the herd behaviour that some people strongly show. It's the argumentum ad populum fallacy essentially (i.e. something like PS Vita or Wii U allegedly not worth your time just because it isn't as popular as PS4) that is very present in this thread as well.

Though he was presumably talking about people needing to move on with thinking that the PS Vita will ever reach big mainstream success.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Why would I move on when there are still games coming out that I want to play? There are five retail games still coming out this year that I'm 100% bought into, and a whole catalog of games I didn't or won't purchase day one that I'll probably tap into when sales happen. Plus my backlog from PS+ and previous sales.

On the other hand, 3DS is seeing less and less purchases from me these days (though I did get in on the recent Renegade Kid sale and Majora's Mask). There are around 3 games this year that I'm considering, but those plans are sort of taking a back seat.

Not "move on" in terms of "not playing any games in it whatsoever ever again" since even I still have many things on it that I have yet or wanna play, but "move on" in terms of accepting that ah... Vita is never gonna make a comeback or renaissance of any kind. Short of a Monster Hunter-kind of miracle on the PSP, which I don't think will ever happen, this is as good as it gets for Vita.


The way I see it, Vita has less competition now as Nintendo making mobile games instead of 3DS games. So that's good news to Vita I think.
Not "move on" in terms of "not playing any games in it whatsoever ever again" since even I still have many things on it that I have yet or wanna play, but "move on" in terms of accepting that ah... Vita is never gonna make a comeback or renaissance of any kind. Short of a Monster Hunter-kind of miracle on the PSP, which I don't think will ever happen, this is as good as it gets for Vita.

Sure, and I'm personally fine with things continuing as they are. But my point is that the Vita is far from dead.
The way I see it, Vita has less competition now as Nintendo making mobile games instead of 3DS games. So that's good news to Vita I think.

Nintendo making mobile games instead of 3DS games? what.

The Vita is dead everywhere except Japan, there's no way around it and nothing will change that.
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