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Best movie ending?

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Out of the past couple years it has to be Whiplash.


I totally didn't see your post earlier and coincidentally posted the exact same gif. Well, not coincidentally, because that shot is fucking fantastic in the context of the film -- Whiplash son, best ending, hands down.


Rarely have a left a movie theater so angry than at the ending of Inception. I went in dreading that Nolan would pull one of, it was all a dream! or, is it a dream or not? Both are easy, lazy writing tropes when dealing with the subject of dreams. Naturally, he went with one of them. And yes I know about the ring. It didn't salvage it.

This really isn't valid criticism when the subject of the movie itself is about dreams and the nature of reality. Besides, the end of the movie is quite obviously real, it's just that Cobb doesn't care anymore. He's back with his kids, whether it's an illusion or not it doesn't matter. He's happy either way.


The Truman Show's ending is so damn good.

It's a nice ending but it left me with question that are unanswered like how does Truman deal with the outside world or the fact he is a big time celebrity.

Would have been an nice angle to explore.

What? No, that ending was a shipwreck. Rose let Jack die by being a completely selfish bitch, despite there being room for two on that door, and having just claimed she will never let Jack go. Then, to top it off, she pretty much voids all of Brock's research and work by throwing 'The Heart of the Ocean' over the side of the ship, losing it to the depths of the sea forever. Complete and utter bitch.

Agreed, Rose is a spoilt bitch how no-one saw this is beyond me.


I am Wayne Brady.
the whiplash ending is exhilarating and really does leave you wanting more but not in a cheap stay tuned for the next episode cliffhanger way.
It certainly is not the best but Wolf of Wall Street has been floating around my head for the past few days.

They arrest Leo and he gets sent to jail. The FBI agent is sitting on a train back home with everyone else then it cuts to Leo going, oh by the way I'm rich! And he is playing tennis in jail. That ending is just too good.
Even though the FBI agent won in the end what does it matter? What did the last 3 hours matter? Absolutely nothing because Leo is rich.
They may not be the best, but I enjoyed Beauty and the Beast and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. For Beauty and the Beast, it isn't the dance scene, but the big damn kiss with the fireworks
even though the human form of Beast was disappointing
. For ESoSM, it gave hope for the romantic in me.


Most of my favorites have already been mentioned (Shawshank Redemption, 12 Monkeys, se7en, Unforgiven, The Graduate, Blade Runner).

Trainspotting was great too.
Out of the past couple years it has to be Whiplash.


I absolutely adored Whiplash. That ending was 100% raw energy. I haven't been captivated by an ending like that before.

Someone else mentioned There Will Be Blood in the thread, I'll have to +1 that one. One of my favorite endings to a film. DDL knocked it out of the park and so did Paul Dano.
High and Low

Kingo Gondo confronting the kidnapper in jail. In the final frame he sees his own reflection.



In a moment of brutal introspection , Leonard decides to lie to himself to give a meaning to his life continuing his cycle-quest for his wife murderer.
I have to believe in a world outside my own mind.
I have to believe that my actions still have meaning.
Even if I can't remember them.
I have to believe that when my eyes are closed, the world's still here.
Do I believe the world's still here?
Is it still out there?
We all need memories to remind ourselves who we are.
I'm no different.

Now, where was I?
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