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Ratchet & Clank |OT| The Game based on the Movie based on the Game

Nice OT

Never played the original R&C, but I loved ACiT (the only one I've played) and for $32 after Prime discount I can't go wrong.


That is amazing...but do the facial expressions seem rather...muted, compared to the PS2 version (or, perhaps, just my memory of the original).

....my god, that is the most pretentious thing I've ever posted on GAF.



Hmm my preload is still not working. Hopefully fixed by tomorrow :|
Mine is borked, too. I've downloaded the preorder theme 15 times trying to get it to work yesterday and today.

I had to stop watching the streams. This game looks so good I can't bear to spoil any more of it for myself.


Mine is borked, too. I've downloaded the preorder theme 15 times trying to get it to work yesterday and today.

I had to stop watching the streams. This game looks so good I can't bear to spoil any more of it for myself.

Yeah, I'm glad this franchise is still around. One of the few PS2-era mascot series to survive to this day.
That is amazing...but do the facial expressions seem rather...muted, compared to the PS2 version (or, perhaps, just my memory of the original).

....my god, that is the most pretentious thing I've ever posted on GAF.

He's right if he's comparing the pre rendered cutscenes of the PS2 games to some of the in game cutscenes of this game. (The ones that don't use complex scripted animations). The PS2 games didn't use in game cutscenes, so all of them were very expressive.

Of course that's not an even comparison, just pointing out that that was probably what he was noticing.


Just played for a good four hours without even realizing it. Game is way too much fun.

Hope it gets the recognition it deserves.


How's the motion blur? Some people were complaining about it.

It hasn't bothered me at all, to be honest. The only times it stood out were when I had to spin the camera longer than usual.

Are you at the end of the game? ;)

lol GG. If it's really supposed to be 5-6 hours, I'd be somewhat disappointed. I'm usually OK with a game of that length, but I'm genuinely having a lot of fun with this one.


Looking forward to this, I love me some Ratchet and Clank. If you haven't played it, I highly recommend going back and playing Into The Nexus. A lot of people seemed to overlook that one but it's pretty fantastic.

That was from early promos of the game. So probably an early boss.

If the structure hasn't changed too much, it's kinda middle-ish.


Sailor Stevenson
For the love of God, if you read or post on NeoGAF, play he game on hard.

I'm also the type that never uses weapons after they are maxed and tries not to abuse the groovitron, though the late bosses on hard will test that.

Challenge mode is in of course.


For the love of God, if you read or post on NeoGAF, play he game on hard.

I'm also the type that never uses weapons after they are maxed and tries not to abuse the groovitron, though the late bosses on hard will test that.

Challenge mode is in of course.

Could you change difficulty anytime?


I really have no interest in a 'challenging' Ratchet and Clank experience to be honest. I'm buying Dark Soul 3 for that, R&C is gonna be my reprieve. Probably will just play normal.


I swear if Amazon doesn't have this game on my doorstep by the time I get home from work on Tuesday, I'm gonna rage*.

They can take more time with Dark Souls 3 tho, who cares about that? =D

*Actually cry profusely

For the love of God, if you read or post on NeoGAF, play he game on hard.

I'm also the type that never uses weapons after they are maxed and tries not to abuse the groovitron, though the late bosses on hard will test that.

Challenge mode is in of course.

Good to know.


For the love of God, if you read or post on NeoGAF, play he game on hard.

I'm also the type that never uses weapons after they are maxed and tries not to abuse the groovitron, though the late bosses on hard will test that.

Challenge mode is in of course.

Listen to the man. Any experienced Ratchet player will play on hard.


Challenge mode is generally harder if you play on normal but will challenge mode be even harder if you played the base game on hard or is challenge mode a set difficulty? If you understand what I mean.
This is the one franchise aside from Mario that's seemingly beat the odds and stuck around. For the love of all platforming fans, buy this game on ps4. I've got mine payed off and ready for pick up.


I really have no interest in a 'challenging' Ratchet and Clank experience to be honest. I'm buying Dark Soul 3 for that, R&C is gonna be my reprieve. Probably will just play normal.

Ya dude. Play it on whatever you want.


Man, I wish it wasn't coming out the same time DS3 is because I really want to play it but I also really want to play DS3 a bit more. So I'll have to hold off, game looks gorgeous though. I can't wait so I'll probably check it out a bit at some point this week.


I hate this... I hated it also when Frank o Connor insisted that Heroic "is the way Halo is meant to be played".

Just make Heroic the default difficulty then.

Blame focus testing for the way difficulties are laid out.

People will very quickly drop a game if they find it too hard.
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