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Final Fantasy XV |OT2| For Jared!

Having to drive around the map for 15 minutes so that I can enter a dungeon at night is stupid. They should let me just push the time forward.
Costlemark? So, what I did was camp in the nearby spot, drive to the nearest town, accept a night hunt (Necromancers), auto-wait til night, cancel the hunt, and then return to rest point. I think I actually parked at the town a took a chocobo there the first time, so I used return to car.

So at the start of chapter 3 and I tried this level 12 hunt to kill some Garula, thought it'd be easy as I'm level 14.

They destroyed me. Each hit from them would do 200+ damage to my 600 or so HP, and our attacks were taking forever to get anywhere.

I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong though.
Yeah, the hunts are deceiving. Like, the level of the target might not be so high, but the math changes when there are like nine of them mobbing you. Often the hunts with regular enemies as targets have stronger versions of them than the ones you encounter on the map, too.
Regarding waiting for such things as a night-time only dungeon I just checked around for the closest fishing spot and reeled in some fish while the sun went down. Most of the final leveling of the fishing skill came from that.
Regarding waiting for such things as a night-time only dungeon I just checked around for the closest fishing spot and reeled in some fish while the sun went down. Most of the final leveling of the fishing skill came from that.
The fishing spots around that area (and Duscae in general) kind of suck, though. It's all inedible small fry.
The fishing spots around that area (and Duscae in general) kind of suck, though. It's all inedible small fry.

Indeed, location may make it more inviting, such as catching a bunch of Vesper Gars and large Catfish while waiting for
to reopen for some hunts worked nicely. But every little bit adds up.
I want to start off by saying this list is completely subjective and is mainly to open up a broader discussion on the music of FFXV, which I personally consider one of the best in the franchise after listening to the OST several times through and ranking the tracks. (And maybe encourage some of you to vote for it as GAF Soundtrack of the Year ^_^)

I will link a playlist of FFXV music here, but I strongly encourage people to buy the OST. I will only be linking individual tracks for the top 25 tracks only.

I am mainly ranking them by how they make me feel, how well it flows, and the power of the emotion it is trying to convey. This is almost wholly based on the merits of the music and not so much how it's implemented in the game. However, it is difficult to divorce the music from the game and will be used to help explain how I feel about tracks. I will try to give a brief point on what makes the track work/not work for each track. My favorites will obviously have a lot more to them but I will try to evenly give each track their due process. Just...there will be some I will briefly mention a point as this is already a pretty time consuming thing to do. ^_^'

This is a wonderful soundtrack with several different motifs such as Somnus, Dawn, and a number of others that permeates throughout the soundtrack that give each song some familiarity but also a strong sense of thoughtful bonding of the tracks. The entire music team should be very proud of this entire soundtrack. Every video game soundtrack usually has an abundance of duds with the really great tracks shining through, but for this OST, almost every track is done so well and I would listen to a majority of them over and over again. This is unheard of for me where in most other soundtracks there are any a handful of songs I would listen to outside the game.

Most likely there will be spoilers ahead. So, read and look with caution.

List will be in descending order. So, without further ado...

97. Dining Car
In my personal opinion, this is the weakest track of the soundtrack. Some people have said this sounds like a Persona track but I don't see it. There are some interesting motifs and chord progressions here that for some reason I cannot put my finger on. I will come back and edit this if and when I can place it. It is, however, a well made track considering where this song has to be played.

96. Urban Chrome
This one is hard to discribe... It's catchy, but just not my cup of tea and I think fits well where it's placed in the game but tonally so different from the rest of the menu music in the game.

95. Flying R
I really like the use of guitar in this track. They place a few familiar chord progressions throughout the track that one can pick up on to give it a place of belonging in the soundtrack. The track evolves in an interesting way that I think will attract some fans for the track.

94. Don't Panic!
I think this track is interesting in that its a song that gives a sense of urgency, while at the same time, giving a sense of rising and lowering tension. Which is exactly the track that is needed where it is placed. (When Titan Awakens)

93. Listen Up
Interestingly enough, this song is soothing and calming. That's all I really have to say about it.

92. Welcome to the Leville
I think this song is interesting as it is a song that fits well with and flows naturally with Lestellum. The strumming of the strings quiets and winds me down, which I suspect was supposed to be the case as this plays near an inn.

91. Reel Rumble
This track always makes me feel something intense is going on and made fishing more fun than it should be. This FEELS like a Final Fantasy song through and through.

90. Relax and Reflect
I think this track is good for what it set out to be. That said this is not my favorite rendition of the song. This song gives a more lighthearted approach comparatively to the more pensive version of the song. Which isn't bad, but once again, like the tracks placed before it, just my particular cup of tea.

89. Cape Caem - Hidden Harbor
This is a pretty simple track all things considered. The way the guitar is used here isn't to my exact liking but I do like what it was going for.

88. Hammerhead - The Last Bastion
Obviously, this track borrows a lot from its sister tack "Hammerhead". It is less lively than the Hammerhead theme which is perfect what it's trying to do in the World of Ruin part of the story. The track imparts a small sense of dread while also somewhat giving another sense of familiarity and safety.

87. What a Hoot
This is just catchy as hell. The harmonica used with the guitar gives some much needed levity to the otherwise epic and somber OST.

86. Impending Peril
Using mostly piano and violins, this helps give a real sense of dread and foreboding. I personally hear a little Kingdom Hearts in this track but nothing that distracts me or makes me think, "this belongs in a KH game, not a FF game."

85. Relax and Reflect - Pensive
I think this is the best version of "Relax and Reflect". It's a much more...well...pensive version of the track and it works well. I think it's not as lively and easygoing as its base version and that helps it with the scenes it is used in.

84. Cartanica
Getting into some of the more interesting tracks. This low somber tone of this track is great and use of strings and piano is done very well. It is a track that I happily listen to over and over again.

83. Creeping Shadows
Immediately as a listener you are thrown in this low bass that gives a proper sense of fear and foreboding. The low strings that come in later into the track helps give a higher sense of that fear and contributes well into the song.

82. A Quick Pit Stop
A very catchy tune. I like it a lot for its composition ans using a harmonica which I don't see too often in video games.

81. Welcome to the Royal Suite
I think the progression in this piece and how it flows well with the other tracks from Altissia help it flow naturally from Altissia themes to this. There's a foreign-esque tone to the song that helps distinguish itself from other inn/hotel themes from other towns.

80. Disquiet
The transitions here are fantastic and I love how the piano is utilized in this piece. There are a few places where it can sound repetitious but it's an otherwise fantastic track.

79. The Hunters
The bass and guitars used in this particular track is done so well for just a track about the hunters.

78. Altissia
I appreciate how experimental they went with this song. It isn't the best theme and much would've preferred "Gratia Mundi" (just for you Falk ;P) to be the song for Altissia. But as I said I also like what they did with this track and while after listening it for so long I can see grate on someone after lengthy sessions of the song, I do think it's catchy and I find myself humming along with the song when it's playing.

77. Day's End Fanfare
The classic. My only wish is that it went into an extended version of victory fanfare only much more subdued. I think that would've done wonders to the menu screens after this plays. Still can't hate on an olde but a goode. :D

Dun dun nun na na dut da da!

76. A World Unwaking
This track gives an air of danger and foreboding and I love playing it when I enter rooms. The orchestra coming in after a few bass drops makes this track and is why it is here.

75. Broken Down
I think this song will be remembered because it set the tone for the rest of the game when played before the vocal theme "Stand By Me". I like to listen to this song and it immediately brings my mood up.

74. An Empire in Ruins
The brass in this is the star in this piece and the screech that is used wonderfully as it makes me tense up when I hear it. It gives the impression of something disastrous happening or that has happened and it's progression throughout the track is done superbly.

73. Blues de Chocobo
Chocobo theme played in the blues. Ummm. Sign me up! The harmonica carries the piece and proves to be the right call in the track.

72. Melancholia
The melancholy nature of this track really makes me personally reflect on the whole of FFXV's experience with extreme fondness. The progression from piano at the forefront to the strings to be center to then have other pieces take their place. Its a wonderful collision of music that really helps this track soar high. Highly recommended listen.

71. Careening Into Danger
Not the best battle theme, but it is an exciting track with a lot of things contribute to the track being a great listen.

70. Fantastica!
Just like the song... short, sweet, and epic all at the same time. Real sense of accomplishment.

69. Horrors of the Night
The second battle theme when fighting daemons. Fast, frantic, and gives a real sense of danger and excitement!

68. Neverending Nightmare
Played in the World of Ruin when fighting daemons, this is the THIRD daemon battle theme. Much like Horrors of the Night, this song gives a real sense of danger and excitement. However, this song barely edges out the previous one basically because of my own bias and how it reminds me of the excellent Chapter 14.

67. Encroaching Fear
You all know this song. This is the song that plays right before you ruin a monsters good day. You monster.

66. Rodeo de Chocobo
What I consider the Chocobo theme of the game. I am an absolute sucker for a little bit of flute (I think I have that right, it's getting late so forgive me for maybe getting some things wrong). That is at the beginning. It then evolves as the song goes on. It is a truly special track. If you listen to this track be sure to listen all the way through it and just watch how it evolves and progresses.

65. Starlit Waltz
I love this song for so many reasons. The progression the song goes through is pretty magical and definitely will be a big track of the OST for some.

64. Lurking Danger
I cannot properly explain to you why I like this one over so many that came before. This track terrifies me and I love it for that.

63. Unsettling Aura
This playing in dungeons would have me on my toes. Once again, violins and the piano do a lot to elevate the song into some unsettling points.

62. Daemons
This is the first and best battle theme for the daemons. It's very exciting and hearing it as it progresses through its composition makes this one to definitely listen to!

61. A Premonition
This track gives proper build up to NOX DIVINA and flows into it so, so well. The motif and composition is also is heavily borrowed from NOX DIVINA which only helps the track naturally flow into what I would consider is its second half.

60. Hammerhead
There is a lot to like about Hammerhead's theme. The way the guitars works with the harmonica in this piece. It gives a real sense of peace and easy-going nature of the Hammerhead area.

59. Horizon
Something about this track is so serene. The build up and payoff is well done in its short play time of just forty seconds.

58. Homecoming
There is a real sense of sorrow in this track even though it's a track about returning home. It's made clear through the progression through the song that intrinsically makes you sorrowful and feel like you've lost something even though what is supposed to be happening is something that should be happy. The slow melody and the strings do a beautiful job of conveying this all the way to the end. This is one that moved around a lot on my list because every time I listened to it I liked it more and more. Every time I listen to it I find something new with it that surprises me and imbues me with a sense of coming home.

57. No Time Left
Not gonna lie, I get a huge Kingdom Hearts vibe from this piece and is probably way I like it so much. It uses some percussion that's not utilized often in the soundtrack and helps make this track stick out and distinguish itself.

56. Safe Heaven
The guitar and piano used in tandem here creates a landscape of safety and serenity. A certain calmness comes over one when listening to the track and perfectly encapsulates how one should be feeling when one is listening to it.

55. Up for the Challenge
Cleigne's battle theme. The variety of great battle tracks is one of FFXV's strong suits. This theme is exciting and intense with it's use of percussion, strings, guitar, and brass. Making it one of the battle theme's in the game that makes it a must listen.

54. Galdin Quay
I think this one I may get flack for placing it so high. This track makes me think the beach and an easy-going mood. I think the way this piece is composed and the pace it goes is perfect and makes the track not only catchy but can put a person at ease.

53. Cape Caem
Ditto with the above. I just think this track is done ever so slightly better and like the use of instruments more and its composition.

52. Crystalline Chill
There are many remnants of Crystal Theme (Prelude) throughout several tracks in the game including "In the Light of the Crystal", "Prelude", and even a bit in "Stand by Me". This is also one of those tracks that uses a bit of that motif and gives a more lighthearted edge to the theme instead of the more sorrowful, melancholy, or epic tracks that the other renditions use. This help differentiate the track and make it its own.

51. Imperial Infiltration
I love this track. It gives off a sense of mysteriousness and darkness. The strings, harp, and drums used help tremendously with the track and help elevate the song. No Latin vocals though. Tsk, tsk.

50. What Lies Within
Another track that gives me strange Kingdom Hearts vibes. The vocals are used sparingly and used more in the background and bringing the organ and strings front and center is a great move that plays well for the track.

49. Altissia - Gondola Ride
I would purposefully ride the gondolas to listen to this track. There is a sweet calm serenity here in this track. The use of every instrument here is done to play off each other and is done so well.

48. End of the Road
The best Game Over music. You don't get to hear it too often, but I can't thick of better music to die to.

47. The Fight is On!
The most recognizable battle theme in the game and one of the songs that re-introduced FFXV in 2014.

46. Cosmogony
I know the beautiful piano playing is the forefront of the song but the strings used in the background with occasional bursts into the forefront makes this entire track a delight to listen to. A little sense of mystery with a sense of calmness.

I think this track perfectly encapsulates Cindy's character. Inspiration of southern US music with a pop influence gives the song a bubbly personality similar to Cindy. The song does however goes into a brief somber tone around 0:40 and then quickly goes back to the bubbly nature of the track. Giving it a reflection of Cindy's personality. Underneath the kind, bubbly attitude of the character and song lies a sorrowful hurt that the player learns about Cindy buried deep in her. Which is what makes this track so multifaceted and wonderful.

44. Cape Caem - Our New Home
The slow, somber, and almost melancholic feel of the song using the motif of Cape Caem is wonderful and moving at the same time. If you had to listen to only one Cape Caem song, it should be this one.

43. Lestallum
This upbeat track is very much a love it or hate it type song. I fall into the former camp. I adore this song and think it's very catchy. I have not grown tired of this track at all despite all the time I spent in the game in Lestallum. It has incredible staying power.

42. Over the Waves
Using several motifs such as "Sunset Waltz" and "Valse di Fantastica" in the track really elevates this track and gives it a sense of place. The song slowly evolves and builds as it goes on and really makes the track into something special and truly memorable. By the end, it gives you a sense of adventure and epicness that really makes this piece.

41. Bros on the Road
A sense of fun and adventure is what awaits when listening to this track. The electric guitar and drums fills this song with so much joy in it that you can hear it as it imparts the song onto its listener. Just a real fun track to listen to.

(Part 2 Next)
Part 2...

40. Sunset Waltz
The deliberate slow pace of the strings and tempo of this track helps deliver one of the most memorable "Waltz" tracks in the FF series. A short but delightful track to listen to over and over again. Shares the motif with "Valse di Fantastica".

39. Valse di Fantastica
A faster and more fantastical tempo of "Sunset Waltz". The strings and piano working in tandem throughout the track and occasionally playing off each other makes this track another bright spot on the soundtrack.

38. Broken Bonds
A very distressed theme. This song helps build a great atmosphere for the first part of Chapter 10 when the party are on the train. The pauses between the guitar coming in gives the feeling of something lost and gives a real feeling of something broken.

37. Departure
The track builds from quiet rising to ending on a loud and low brass giving a sense of impending tragedy. The way the track moves through the piano to give way to the strings which in turn gives way to the full orchestra makes this track deeply moving and a great start to the entire game. Using the motif from "Dawn" really makes the track powerful in how it all comes together.

36. The Hydraean's Wrath
This powerful track using vocals and the full power of the entire orchestra makes this music truly epic. The way the song evolves from the vocals, strings, and percussion to utilizing the brass and woodwinds at around 55 seconds makes for a powerful transition to then move back to vocals and strings taking the forefront and the song passing back and forth with what takes the forefront and what fades into the background. The song continually evolves throughout and is absolutely to play loudly in my car when I am driving.

35. The Aggressors
The track starts with strings and has a dramitic drop early in the track. From here it builds and builds once the tempo picks up and the song slowly starts introducing new progressions for each of the strings and brings in the brass and woodwind. The track has many builds and drops that work wonderfully together making this track tense and exciting.

The OG track. The powerful strings and vocals open the track and changes tempo several times in the track making it an exciting listen. The back and forth of the vocals, strings, and piano taking the spotlight in the song still makes this song one that will remembered for years.

33. In the Light of the Crystal
A somber tone of the Crystal Theme used with some faint vocals that really adds to the track without really making itself known. Barring the Prelude, this is the quintessential Crystal Theme of the game, and its damn good.

32. Stand Your Ground
It's really quite amazing how a few different changes to a theme can make one theme rise above the others. Stand Your Ground is one of the best battle themes in the game and shares a few cues and motifs with "Careening Into Danger".

31. Love Lost
Contrary to the title, the song feels like a celebration of love. There are some undertones of sorrow imbued into the track but I love how the song proceeds through to the end and gets a little dark in the middle but goes into a more melancholy tone in the beginning and end.

30. Hunt or Be Hunted
A very exciting battle theme that has a great melody and tone. The way it progresses through the theme has it go in unexpected ways that helps elevate it to the excitement it has.

29. The Niflheim Empire
A real treat to listen too. A song that permeates other tracks above and is composed and arranged in a thoughtful manner. I think this particular track really highlights the brass and woodwinds. Another track with very faint vocals in the background that adds a lot to the tone and vibe of the track.

28. Tenebrae
One of the best town themes in the game. It's a very heavy theme where you can hear hear the sorrow and loss pour from the strings. This conveys perfectly what the people of Tenebrae are feeling: loss of Oracle, loss of home, sorrow, and hopelessness. A wonderfully composed track that shouldn't go unheard.

27. Main Theme of Final Fantasy
At the moment, I am still debating whether this track or FFXII's Main Theme is the best rendition of the iconic track. Little changes in some of the progression of the track are very nice additions and help elevate the track into the pantheon of the best Main Themes in Final Fantasy.

26. Somnus
I know someone is going to be outraged by me placing this here. I have great nostalgia for this track and I absolutely adore the vocals. But when I sat down and listened to the Somnus songs over and over again, I found myself enjoying the other two renditions of Somnus more. That said, this is the song that started it all and is iconic at this point. Without this, there wouldn't be any renditions. This song is absolutely beautiful and singer Aundréa L. Hopkins deserves much credit for contributing such beautiful vocals to the track.

25. Wanderlust
An absolutely beautiful track while in the world. The flute starts the track of with a soft and beautiful opening that transitions to a faster tempo and adds more as the track progresses, making it an easy track to recommend.

When you think epic for FFXV, you are probably thinking this track. The powerful choir's vocals and the powerful, deliberate music used make this particular track something that everyone should hear.

23. Invidia
Thinking about this, I have a hard time describing this particular track. There are vocals without overpowering the orchestra, which is always a plus for me. There is a bit of creepiness seeped into the track. The constant evolution throughout the track all the way to the end, make it a thrilling track to listen to.

22. Veiled in Black (Arrangement)
A fantastic arrangement to, arguably, the best battle theme in the game "Veiled in Black". This is a heart-pumping track and is a blast to listen to. The evolution of the track through as it progresses is exciting when it gives way to interludes of vocals that fade back into the background after their use continuing to add to the track as it goes.

A fun twist on the track APOCALYPSIS NOCTIS. It is distinct enough to feel fresh when a player is up against Leviathan, but still have that familiarity with the same motifs, progressions, and tempo.

20. Hellfire
This beast of a track clocks in at over six minutes long! In that time it utilizes the entirety of the orchestra and goes through multiple tone shifts, tempo changes, evolution, and progressions. Definitely see this track being in many peoples top ten. Just a wonderful track.

19. Bros on the Road II
A more tranquil and more melancholy version of Bros on the Road and it's wonderful. A track that I think is really underrated. There is a lot of heart and emotion in the track. It's mostly a single guitar playing through the whole track and it makes it all the more sincere when heard. Listen to it make your own decision, but I think this is sorely underrated and should be heard by all.

18. Sorrow Without Solace
Another one that I don't hear people talk enough of. The melody used here is very sorrowful. The vocals in the background help with that feeling. Honestly, one of the more beautiful tracks of the game that has been totally overlooked.

This track plays in multiple parts of the game and has much emotional weight in each note. This sorrow-filled track fills the listener with fear for what's to come and a deep sadness.

16. Labyrinthine
I love the piano in this piece. The way it is played and the composition of the track is perfect. Highly underrated track that more people should check out!

15. Veiled in Black
This is by far the best battle theme in the game. The strings are great and the composition of the track is masterful. The timing of how everything is introduced provides the track to be as good as it is. Masterful work.

I consider this the "first half" of Ardyn's Theme. This shows a more playful on the surface but has some dark undertones and it really shows the duality of Ardyn's character. A "mask" of playfulness and snide, but underneath it all is a dark and twisted creature out to play with its prey.

13. Prayer de LUNA
Obvious Luna motifs are used throughout the track. Yet, as the track develops it really comes into its own and feels almost motivational. It really gives one the impressions of someone desperate to get their will and "prayer" across to the listener. The build up towards the end of the track and the ensuing crescendo help top off the track into one that I can't help but feel something by its end.

12. Magna Insomnia
Much like Hellfire, it utilizes the entirety of the orchestra and goes through multiple tone shifts, tempo changes, and progressions. This track is used through the entirety of the Ardyn fight. The track evolves in such a way that I can't help but be in awe every time it transitions into its next section. This is a lengthy track and a beast in its own right. I do not envy how much work must've went into creating this specific track. It's beautiful and a wonderful song to play for the last fight for Noctis and Ardyn. At the four minute mark the track evolves into one of the most beautiful sections of music I've heard. Bravo!

Apparently the BD2 Theme now. Heh. Every one of you have heard this track. The motifs in this track permeate through other tracks in the soundtrack and are made for the better. What more can I say about the track. Simply breathtaking...

The "second half" of what I consider Ardyn's Theme. This second part now is flipped and shows a darker and more twisted version of ARDYN. It's sudden shifts and deep notes really gets across the dark, twisted, and unpredictable nature of Ardyn and I think the two tracks encapsulate the character perfectly. My favorite villain theme since "One Winged Angel" and perfect fit for Ardyn.

9. Somnus (Instrumental)
Yes. I did place this higher than the OG version with vocals. Why? I am an absolute sucker for strings and their is something more somber, sorrowful, and even tranquil about this version. As if the strings are screaming their feelings onto the listener. While the vocal version will always have a special place in my heart and I'll always have nostalgia for, I cannot deny that I do enjoy this version more.

I don't think I can put it as elegantly as Shimomura did when she was describing the song but here I go. This song fills me personally with hope. That's what it imparts to me. The piano and strings working in tandem is magical and puts me in a sort of calmness and a hope that everything will work out and be okay. There are many emotions this piece tries to convey, but the beautiful thing is that you can take something different away from the song each time you listen to it.

There are...just so many motifs in this track. It is a wonderful composition of music that blends the best of the soundtrack while also feeling wholly unique. It's epic and conveys such a dark tone. The track informs you that you will need to take all your past experience and move past the obstacle in front of you to right a wrong. There isn't a dull moment in this track and is a blast to listen to.

6. Song of the Stars
I like how the vocals are used throughout this song. It is literally chilling. It gives me goosebumps and I love it. It's an incredibly powerful track and extremely moving. Just a wonderful track all around from the strings, bass, vocals, brass, everything. Its so good. Every listen and it just gets higher on my list and it's hard not to think of this as nothing else but one of the best tracks in the game.

The single most powerful character theme of the game. For the character, it's perfect. Divorcing this from the character a bit, the piano and strings are just wonderful. This is one of Shimomura's best tracks she has ever produced. It fills the player with intense emotion of melancholy and sorrow. But also full of hope. It's a wonderfully composed track that makes this stone of heart break down every time it's heard.

4. Prelude
It is an absolute travesty this track isn't in the game somewhere. I am secretly hoping it is added into the DLC or even the free content updates because it is an absolutely beautiful track and the BEST rendition of Prelude (Crystal Theme). The vocals add so much to the track and I am always taken by its beauty. Huge props to Suzuki on this one. Very well done.

3. Dawn
I've been a huge fan of this song since it was debuted. The way the song builds and crescendos into this sweeping track full of brass, string, and woodwinds. It singularly tells the listener how momentous it is and takes my breath away every time it is played. The way this particular track permeates throughout the soundtrack with its various motifs and chord progressions is telling of the power of this track. It's simply beautiful.

2. Dewdrops at Dawn
It's really hard to separate this song from the beautiful after-credits cutscene it plays in. Nevertheless, it is an absolute beautiful song all on it's own. The flute and piano help impart something somber but meaningful. The brass impart a sense of triumph. The strings impart a sense of sorrow. All of it comes together into one of the best tracks in the game.

1. Somnus Ultima
I think this is the quintessential track of Final Fantasy XV. It's perfect. The symbolism in this short track is remarkable. Taking something that was there from the beginning (Somnus) and injecting something new to the track that represents the evolution of the game (Dawn). What you get when you meld the two is this ultimate track that helps it become the symbolical, representational track of the game. The drop at 0:20 sends chills down my spine every time and when the music builds to its crescendo I'm deeply moved. This is undoubtedly to me, the best track in the OST and game. This will be my favorite track in Final Fantasy for years to come.


TL;DR I think this is quite possibly one of the best soundtracks in any Final Fantasy game, and most certainly one of the best soundtracks of this gen so far!

Also, Falk, if you want to correct me on anything, go right ahead. I am not as good at musical analysis as some on this forum might be so your insight would be cool!
You should spoiler tag A LOT of that stuff.

I tagged pictures that could be seen as an issue. (Even though I warn at the very beginning of it)

The text itself is a lot of words (over 5500), So if they skip the warning at the beginning that is bolded and underlined, then its at the readers peril. But I hope you get a chance to check a few of those tracks out!
I tagged pictures that could be seen as an issue. (Even though I warn at the very beginning of it)

The text itself is a lot of words (over 5500), So if they skip the warning at the beginning that is bolded and underlined, then its at the readers peril. But I hope you get a chance to check a few of those tracks out!

Yeah it was mainly the pictures I was worried about, didn't want folks to scroll through and see stuff if they didn't finish the game

Finished listening to the whole soundtrack today actually. A ton of great tracks on it. Some of Shimomura's best work yet. I think I added 22 songs to my phone's playlist from it.
Yeah it was mainly the pictures I was worried about, didn't want folks to scroll through and see stuff if they didn't finish the game

Finished listening to the whole soundtrack today actually. A ton of great tracks on it. Some of Shimomura's best work yet. I think I added 22 songs to my phone's playlist from it.

Well, I wanted this list to open up discussion about the soundtrack, (and get people to vote for it as GAF's Best Soundtrack.) so what are your favorite tracks and why are they your favorite?

Edit: Hmmm... Should I have made this its own thread?
Well, I wanted this list to open up discussion about the soundtrack, (and get people to vote for it as GAF's Best Soundtrack.) so what are your favorite tracks and why are they your favorite?

Edit: Hmmm... Should I have made this its own thread?

I locked in my votes for best soundtrack awhile back, didn't play FFXV at the time, and didn't think it would be fair to change my votes, but it's really good. Here's my top 3

1. Somnus- I've been in love with this song for 10 years, since the original Versus XIII trailer. Loved seeing it show up in Theatrhythm. Was waiting for it all game, and the part where they use it is perfect.

2. Hellfire- a bunch of stages, has variations of other themes in the game (Cosmogony and Apocalypsis), the section in the game where the last part plays is probably my favorite moment in the whole game.

3. Apocalypsis Aquarius- Fantastic variation of Apocalypsis Noctis, making a great song better.


Junior Member
Those pictures should definitely be taken out of the post. Even if you skim by there's some really big spoilers there.
I locked in my votes for best soundtrack awhile back, didn't play FFXV at the time, and didn't think it would be fair to change my votes, but it's really good. Here's my top 3

1. Somnus- I've been in love with this song for 10 years, since the original Versus XIII trailer. Loved seeing it show up in Theatrhythm. Was waiting for it all game, and the part where they use it is perfect.

2. Hellfire- a bunch of stages, has variations of other themes in the game (Cosmogony and Apocalypsis), the section in the game where the last part plays is probably my favorite moment in the whole game.

3. Apocalypsis Aquarius- Fantastic variation of Apocalypsis Noctis, making a great song better.

That quite an interesting list. I had to give it to APOCALYPSIS NOCTIS over AQUARIUS, because even though the later is a fantastic track, I like the former more and AQUARIUS retreads a lot of APOCALYPSIS NOCTIS. But both are so great! Hellfire is amazing. While I LOVE Somnus, I had to give it to Somnus Ultima for blending both Somnus and Dawn together so perfectly and a perfect metaphor of the game.

Also, you are totally allowed to change your votes... I believe...

Those pictures should definitely be taken out of the post. Even if you skim by there's some really big spoilers there.

The Spoiler ones are in spoiler tags.
pls read TOS

I was kidding, but this did make me read the TOS again. So, there's that.

Also I updated the pictures guys. Most are from trailers/promotional material or are from the first several minutes of FFXV that it would be hard to call them spoilers.


Gold Member
So yesterday I started the dreaded Chapter 13, and so far I have to say I haven't found it annoying at all, I'm not sure how much into it I'm, since I stopped at the point where
Noctis gets Regis sword back
, and I'm particularly digging the atmosphere and
the constant taunting and harassing from Ardyn, the guy is a tough bastard


Hi folks, having a weird issue here, hoping you can help. I beat the game and when I try to play new game+, it won't let me pick a slot? Before you ask, I deleted the game and installed it again, same issue. Anyone heard of this? Thank you!
too late. ass.

Calm down there buddy. Fixed long before your post was made. All pictures are from trailers already released and you can't make out what is going on in most of them without context. And when they were "spoiler" pictures they were spoiler tagged. Someone pointed out that mobile for some reason doesn't spoiler tag pictures and I changed them.

Edit: Can we talk about the music now instead of the non-spoiler pictures? That's why I made the post. :/


Finished Dave's quest line last night. The final part had the kind of context that the previous parts could really have benefitted from, and elevated the activity above just going to find crap. The quest line could have done with dropping two of the middle quests as well.

It's only a minor complaint since I actually enjoy mindless busywork quests when there's an end in sight, and I like most of the quest-giving NPCs. But a small amount of polish and editing would have gone a long way to improve the side quests IMO. Holly's and Navyth's quest lines were short and sweet.

Deku Tree

Crummy that you have to do the whole Chocobo Post side quest quest line in order to unlock
the Chocobo food that makes it possible for you to beat Iris
in the Chocobo races


Crummy that you have to do the whole Chocobo Post side quest quest line in order to unlock
the Chocobo food that makes it possible for you to beat Iris
in the Chocobo races
available even after you've completed the game?

I missed out on fighting with her, and with riding around on Chocobos :'( The guys told me to call a Chocobo for her to try at one point but I didn't have one available :/


Calm down there buddy. Fixed long before your post was made. All pictures are from trailers already released and you can't make out what is going on in most of them without context. And when they were "spoiler" pictures they were spoiler tagged. Someone pointed out that mobile for some reason doesn't spoiler tag pictures and I changed them.

Edit: Can we talk about the music now instead of the non-spoiler pictures? That's why I made the post. :/
I saw your original post on mobile long before replying, buddy.

The music is fantastic, my ost of the year. Could have done without your essay.

Deku Tree

I never use the
flying car.
Too many annoying game over screens.

Id rather just fast travel or do it the normal way and browse GAF while waiting.
I never use the
flying car.
Too many annoying game over screens.

Id rather just fast travel or do it the normal way and browse GAF while waiting.

I eventually got better at it. I think the best thing to do is to adjust to the road before actually beginning the car transformation, unless you're trying to land near
which has a tiny window to land.
Can Ignis auto-

Finished Dave's quest line last night. The final part had the kind of context that the previous parts could really have benefitted from, and elevated the activity above just going to find crap. The quest line could have done with dropping two of the middle quests as well.

It's only a minor complaint since I actually enjoy mindless busywork quests when there's an end in sight, and I like most of the quest-giving NPCs. But a small amount of polish and editing would have gone a long way to improve the side quests IMO. Holly's and Navyth's quest lines were short and sweet.
I think the only quests I really don't like are the random broken down cars and people in trouble. Do those end?

I also don't like Sania because she has the worst voice acting ever.


Can Ignis auto-

I think the only quests I really don't like are the random broken down cars and people in trouble. Do those end?

I also don't like Sania because she has the worst voice acting ever.
I'm not sure about those ones...I've only run into about five or six in my whole playthrough. It seems like they could repeat indefinitely, but since they don't show up on the quest log until you're in the area I don't mind them. They're pretty unnecessary though.

And yes, Sania and her quests are annoying. I had no qualms using a guide to finish that up quickly for the reward. Most of the NPCs I enjoy feeling like I'm helping out, but not Sania :V
I enjoy using the
Regalia Type F
, haven't
crashed hard
except when deliberately taking a chance.
Always some scratched up bodywork or windows for Cindy to repair, but then like Prompto it gives me an excuse to stop by and say hi to her lol.

Also got a good laugh when Ignis does a mild "oof" yet
the car has burst into flames drifting down the road
. Just remember not to take advantage of the function without a recent save if nervous about it.
I enjoy using the
Regalia Type F
, haven't
crashed hard
except when deliberately taking a chance.
Always some scratched up bodywork or windows for Cindy to repair, but then like Prompto it gives me an excuse to stop by and say hi to her lol.

Also got a good laugh when Ignis does a mild "oof" yet
the car has burst into flames drifting down the road
. Just remember not to take advantage of the function without a recent save if nervous about it.

I just got my second game over
because I doubletapped circle while looking at the map. The car started to transform and crashed into the rail. The car crash went perfectly with Waltz for the Moon, and Noctis went "This is awesome!" while the car flew into the sky while on fire, cutting to the game over screen.

Lost like 30 minutes, but I was laughing so hard I didn't mind. This game's a gem.


Finally, the limited edition Blu-ray OST arrived.

Listening it with my HD800S + HDVD800 combo. Loving what I'm hearing so far.


Man the Cid weapon upgrade stuff sucks. I wish it would let me know when I have the thing I need. And that they weren't weirldy listed as side-quests.


Hmm, I've just gone through a fairly lengthy play session without ever seeing a single monster or enemy in the open world, even in places the enemies always spawn. Weird.
I feel like I'm missing something.

Just went back to Galdin Quay to take a photo for a quest, and decided to do some hunts while here. Level 11 hunt to kill 3 crabs should be easy at level 23 right?
Fucking hell they kill me in 3 hits. I warp strike them and am immediately attacked, haven't even finished my attack animation to be able to dodge.

Feel like I'm just spamming potions on myself as I constantly hit danger status while my teammates fight for me.
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