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Steve Bannon replaces Joint Chiefs of Staff and DNI in the National Security Council

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I googled that quote and saw it was a real quote. How do evangelicals align with a guy who would say something like that?

"Better than Hillary." is pretty much it. You think they really care?


Unconfirmed Member
How long until swastikas hang from the White House and Capitol building....?

Fuck me....



Hypothetical based on what? Because all the manufacturers have been major so far and not shit and a few part time jobs

Your trash post is as bad as any republican talking point

The "4 part-time jobs" remark was meant to highlight Trump's overstated and misleading statements on his contribution to job growth when considering the relative size and existing YoY growth in the US. Not sure why you took it so literally, so to be clear, I don't actually think it's 4 part time jobs.


Just remember, people, that this is not JUST about Steve Bannon.

And as discussed in the other Russian cybersecurity threads, Steve Bannon is coincidentally enacting the geopolitical strategies of Russian armageddon/Eurasian supremacy fascist and Putin associate Aleksandr Dugin.

Read this:

Russia should use its special forces within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics."

Steve Bannon and Trump are Putin and Dugin's WET DREAM:

Now, it has become a widely're reading a freakishly large influence in the Kremlin.

The newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" identified headed by Dugin Eurasian movement as an "intellectual party of power".

In turn, the other newspaper "Argumienty and facts," she called him simply "ideologue Putin", writing that led by Dugin Center for Eurasian Initiatives Geopolitical in Russia, "the second Ministry of Foreign Affairs," and adding that the CIA set up even a special department, whose staff deal exclusively Dugin and approaches [42] . In a similar vein spoke well-known American political scientist and journalist Charles Clover, who in "Financial Times" wrote that "[...] Russia's President Vladimir Putin has a program for foreign travel, which looks like some of the maps in the book Dugin" [43] .

Indeed, the author of our ostentatiously supported the policy of the former president of the Russian Federation already Vladimir Putin, seeing in it - unlike his French friend Jean Pârvulescu - "man of destiny" for Russia [44] . In an interview for the magazine "Fronde" he said with satisfaction: "S Tawi on Putin. This is the rate of historical, geopolitical and metaphysical. As brokers buy and sell stocks, so for me it can be said that buying shares of Putin " [45] . In another interview for the Polish Press Moscow philosopher he gave the reasons for which "puts on Putin." In his opinion, a halt on the disintegration of Russia in the Caucasus, began to repair the local self-government by the "call to order" governors and oppose separatist tendencies in the autonomous republics, he fused administrative system running the military, raising the level of national security, removed from the life of economic and political oligarchs rozkradających national wealth, lit the "green light" for the integration processes within the CIS, referring to the life of the Eurasian Economic Community, and finally to the concept of security of the Russian Federation introduced the concept of "multi-polar world", which demonstrates the recognition of the doctrine of the Eurasian as "the basis of the international strategy of Russia" [46] .

These moves have the former president of the Russian Federation enough to Dugin concluded that "Putin represents a positive trend in Russian history" and his rule is "[...] a step from darkness to brightness, from weakness to courage." Editor of "Elements" with ceremonial solemnity, "the priest Eurasia" also announced that it is on Putin should "[...] to meet the specific prophecies regarding the fate of Russia and the world" because "[...] it is realized the great Eurasian archetype

Translated from here: https://translate.google.com.au/tra...opolityka.net/pocalunek-mongolskiego-ksiecia/

Also, the Mercer family (especially daughter Rebekah) have been propping up Bannon (and Conway) for years, although I'm not sure they realise what destruction their financial backing is going to have.


Just remember, people, that this is not JUST about Steve Bannon.

And as discussed in the other Russian cybersecurity threads, Steve Bannon is coincidentally enacting the geopolitical strategies of Russian armageddon/Eurasian supremacy fascist and Putin associate Aleksandr Dugin.

Read this:

Steve Bannon and Trump are Putin and Dugin's WET DREAM:

Translated from here: https://translate.google.com.au/tra...opolityka.net/pocalunek-mongolskiego-ksiecia/

Also, the Mercer family (especially daughter Rebekah) have been propping up Bannon (and Conway) for years, although I'm not sure they realise what destruction their financial backing is going to have.


I know everything I wrote just sounds like a crazy harebrained conspiracy theory lol.

Remember, I'm not necessarily accusing of Bannon being behind a conspiracy, so I hope I don't get banned for discussing these links between Trump's admin and Russian supremacy.

But... for all intents and purposes, he's behind it.


I know everything I wrote just sounds like a crazy harebrained conspiracy theory lol.

Remember, I'm not necessarily accusing of Bannon being behind a conspiracy, so I hope I don't get banned for discussing these links between Trump's admin and Russian supremacy.

But... for all intents and purposes, he's behind it.
I never said that I don't believe you.


I never said that I don't believe you.
I know, but I know others won't. Heck, I'm not even sure I believe it. I mean, whether or not there are any concrete links, Trump and Bannon are perpetrating something Putin and Dugin have been plotting for decades.


I know, but I know others won't. Heck, I'm not even sure I believe it. I mean, whether or not there are any concrete links, Trump and Bannon are perpetrating something Putin and Dugin have been plotting for decades.
If it were 100% a coincidence, it would still be a mortal danger for American democracy. It is worth noting the similarity even if a causal link is not there.


If it were 100% a coincidence, it would still be a mortal danger for American democracy. It is worth noting the similarity even if a causal link is not there.

But it gives us a good starting point in trying to predict Putin's/Trump's/Bannon's next moves.


So are Rick and Rebecca Mercer Putin-ites too?
Very little is known about them. They completely eschew the public spotlight.

From what I can gather, the Mercers simply want to upend the conservative establishment to help foster libertarian ideals (read the article I posted). They funded Citizens United and Cambridge Analytica so they've helped Trump rise to the top and Steve under his wing.

Everything else is just conjecture. Is Bannon conning the Mercers? Vice versa? That's when it becomes conspiracy talk.
So are Rick and Rebecca Mercer Putin-ites too?


In the topsy-turvy world of Trump’s G.O.P., Rebekah Mercer, the daughter of hedge-fund manager Robert Mercer and heir to his billion-dollar fortune, has emerged as the new center of the conservative universe, Politico reports, pouring millions into a sustained effort to bolster the Republican nominee’s campaign and remake the party in his image. “They see the establishment as a very real threat to freedom in America, and they see the need to defeat it,” Brent Bozell, the president of the Media Research Center, told Politico. “They want to blow things up and start from scratch,” another Republican operator remarked.

After weeks of bad press surrounding Paul Manafort’s questionable business ties in Russia and Ukraine, and following reports that the campaign manager’s efforts to rein to run a tighter ship had rankled Trump, it was reportedly Rebekah who convinced the New York billionaire to replace Manafort with G.O.P. pollster Kellyanne Conway and to appoint Stephen Bannon as campaign C.E.O.

The Mercers—who are also investors in the data firm Cambridge Analytica, which the Trump campaign uses—have abiding ties to both Bannon and Conway. In 2011, the family invested $10 million in Breitbart News

These are your evil emperors. Beyond Bannon.


Wonder if Bannon sees himself running in 2020/4.
Bannon would never be elected into office. Even with the right-wing media empire under his firm grasp.
I think he enjoys his role as Shadow President much more than he would actually leading as a dictator himself.
Bannon and Flynn are threats to international security. Flynn and Trump are documented conspiracy theories with an active disdain for facts that undermine their worldview. Bannon is a dangerous ideologue with a total lack of morality and ethics.
These are perilous times.


What "shitty factory" are you referring to?
Eh, I wouldn't call Carrier not shitty. They're getting huge tax breaks, the government is 10% of their revenue and faster than they backed out of mexico they've announced that they're looking to cut as many jobs as possible with automation.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk

These are your evil emperors. Beyond Bannon.
Reading up on the Mercers now. I hadn't heard of them before.




The foundation has donated to organizations and institutions including the Heritage Foundation, Illinois Policy Institute, Heartland Institute

Funding climate change deniers, tobacco industry (denying the link with cancer), etc. Of-fucking-course.

Fucking scumbags.
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