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[Up] James Gunn fired for racism, jokes about rape and pedophilia


So what if he mentions Disney as a shield to his real intent. Disney is not going to fire itself.

If he wanted to just make a dig at Disney, there was no need to mention an opposing political ideology actor. But anyways, this is some juvenile shit any way you slice it.

Well, I look at it as him saying "hey, I did bad shit too, you should fire me too, but before you do that, take a look at James Woods, there's some shit too, why not go ahead and go after others too, but before you do that, take a look at yourselves actually having a connection to actual crimes."

You know, Disney isn't one entity. There are individual people working for it. They are afraid of their individual asses getting targeted if they don't act in a way the current social climate expects them to act.


Why aren't MORE people offended at how terrible these jokes are. They are so bad that it makes me feel like he was just trying to get attention to seem "EDGY"

I guess there is some edginess of its own in saying in a situation where a man is fired from his job because of decade old jokes that "hey, the jokes were terrible."


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I am blaming Disney for not having a logical standard and I think we somewhat agree. They knew about the tweets long before this. The only difference between Gunn having a job and Gunn not having a job is how loud social media got. I am not really blaming the twitter mob, because in a world of 6+ billion people and billions with social media access, you can always find enough people to form a social media mob. It is a fact of life. Companies, government, etc. need to ignore what morons on the internet want to happen when it doesn't affect their bottom line. And no, this wouldn't have affected the performance of a Gunn led GotG3.

BOOM! We do agree. I wished more people would truly understand what I bolded from your post. Both movies made around $800 Million a piece, so clearly this 3rd one would succeed too as long as it was good. The vocal minority wouldn't have stopped that train.


Gold Member
BOOM! We do agree. I wished more people would truly understand what I bolded from your post. Both movies made around $800 Million a piece, so clearly this 3rd one would succeed too as long as it was good. The vocal minority wouldn't have stopped that train.

I think it was more about the image the company tries to maintain, more so than the fear of revenue/profit loss. If this keeps getting pumped through the darkside of social media, where the vocal minority are the loudest since they seem to have the most time on their hands, they probably felt they needed to nip that at the source. Sucks all around, honestly.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I think it was more about the image the company tries to maintain, more so than the fear of revenue/profit loss. If this keeps getting pumped through the darkside of social media, where the vocal minority are the loudest since they seem to have the most time on their hands, they probably felt they needed to nip that at the source. Sucks all around, honestly.

Probably. Marvel must have a strong belief that they can almost throw any Director at a movie and it'll be good to some degree. It's starting to make me wonder how much control they give their Directors when they do MCU movies. I know the Russo brothers and Ryan Coogler had alot of room to work on Black Panther and Avengers 3. But they also co-wrote the whole script so that's different.

I don't think James Gunn does any writing for the Marvel movies does he?


Gold Member
Probably. Marvel must have a strong belief that they can almost throw any Director at a movie and it'll be good to some degree. It's starting to make me wonder how much control they give their Directors when they do MCU movies. I know the Russo brothers and Ryan Coogler had alot of room to work on Black Panther and Avengers 3. But they also co-wrote the whole script so that's different.

I don't think James Gunn does any writing for the Marvel movies does he?

He co-wrote both Guardians films I believe.


Gold Member
WHOA! You are right. Thanks for blowing up my theory. lol

I have no clue what's going on with Disney on this one.

I think it was more so the jokes about children resurfaced, and being a company that heavily markets towards children, and the family friendly image, they probably did not want to deal with the damage control. Not in today's climate. 6+ years ago was totally different than today with how vicious and petty social media is.

Facebook for example, they have been banning people recently over the use of certain .gifs as replies... gifs. Gifs they provide themselves on their platform. Where as last year and prior they would not. Things are getting more and more authoritarian from all sides.


I feel like America is on the edge of our own chinese style “cultural revolution”

Thankfully its only targeted firing rather then murder, but given the current climate i feel like it could easily slip from one to the other if the party in power decided to support the violence.


People are claiming Rian Johnson just deleted around twenty thousand old tweets. Seems to me likely a (wise) precaution in light of the James Gunn incident rather than an attempt to cover for any specific misdeeds.

And I bet we see more of it going forward.


Gold Member
People are claiming Rian Johnson just deleted around twenty thousand old tweets. Seems to me likely a (wise) precaution in light of the James Gunn incident rather than an attempt to cover for any specific misdeeds.

And I bet we see more of it going forward.

Welcoming in our new authoritarian overlords. The Corporations.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
People are claiming Rian Johnson just deleted around twenty thousand old tweets. Seems to me likely a (wise) precaution in light of the James Gunn incident rather than an attempt to cover for any specific misdeeds.

And I bet we see more of it going forward.

20,000 tweets? They have evidence of that?


Gold Member
Bit flimsy so far. Screenshots can be faked, but...

Well, his page only has 1,126 tweets and I know darn well there was way more than that before when I was following during TLJ filming. Seems they only go back to Jan 24th, lol.

Just look at the likes in contrast.
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Iced Arcade

He got tossed because he was hard core at calling out trump daily on Twitter.

God damn Americans are intense with politics.
I didn't support these witch-hunts when they were targeting people on a partisan basis, I don't support them now. It just makes things more stifling for all of us. Everybody will be walking on egg-shells if this continues.

As for the characters in question, no sympathy there. They literally got what they were giving others.
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WHOA! You are right. Thanks for blowing up my theory. lol

I have no clue what's going on with Disney on this one.
Really, you have no clue?

Disney makes kids movies. Guardians is a kids movie. Disney is a child's brand. They don't want their brand associated with raping children in any context.

This is not difficult. People are acting dumb to feign ignorance on how the real world operates


Really, you have no clue?

Disney makes kids movies. Guardians is a kids movie. Disney is a child's brand. They don't want their brand associated with raping children in any context.

This is not difficult. People are acting dumb to feign ignorance on how the real world operates

I don't know why you would consider the GOTG films as children's entertainment. They are films for everyone just like all the MCU films.

I see media outlets saying the jokes were disgusting and distasteful, I see two young guys on IGN say the same thing. I see this as putting on a fake mask and it disgusts me. Anyone in the media with half a brain could have done research to see what movies and humour Gunn previously presented and that he has grown as a person. These are the facts that need to be presented.

Everyone on this planet has made or laughed at jokes of the controversial kind. Rascist, sexist, blonde, trans, gay, pedo, necro disabled, the list goes on. I myself am disabled, I have heard hundreds of jokes about my disability and laugh along with it. I don't laugh at Gunns jokes from 2009/2012, not because I'm offended but because they just don't work in today's social climate. I can see my 10 year younger self laughing at them though.

The media outlets need to stop pretending this isn't reality and be honest with themselves.


I don't know why you would consider the GOTG films as children's entertainment. They are films for everyone just like all the MCU films.

I see media outlets saying the jokes were disgusting and distasteful, I see two young guys on IGN say the same thing. I see this as putting on a fake mask and it disgusts me. Anyone in the media with half a brain could have done research to see what movies and humour Gunn previously presented and that he has grown as a person. These are the facts that need to be presented.

Everyone on this planet has made or laughed at jokes of the controversial kind. Rascist, sexist, blonde, trans, gay, pedo, necro disabled, the list goes on. I myself am disabled, I have heard hundreds of jokes about my disability and laugh along with it. I don't laugh at Gunns jokes from 2009/2012, not because I'm offended but because they just don't work in today's social climate. I can see my 10 year younger self laughing at them though.

The media outlets need to stop pretending this isn't reality and be honest with themselves.

Why would you let today's "social climate" dictate what you think is funny. I can't wrap my head around changing my mentality on comedy because others have dictated that it's not acceptable.


Why would you let today's "social climate" dictate what you think is funny. I can't wrap my head around changing my mentality on comedy because others have dictated that it's not acceptable.

The world today is different from 10 years ago in regards to online and social media. The world today is very different from when I was a teenager 20 years ago.

Your sense of humour changes as you grow. Things you used to find funny may not be funny any more because you have heard similar jokes a thousand times. Movies you used to find hilarious age poorly and are no longer funny. I don't mean society dictates what I find funny, more so that my life experience has changed my perspective.

I don't know if that makes sense.
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I am just here because there is nothing like watching militant hypocrites getting their comeuppance. This is why you should be careful what you wish for.


TL;DR - If you're defending Gunn and trashed Roseanne, just know there's a word for that.

The line of argument I've seen is that Roseanne actually believes her racist remarks, while Gunn was "just joking". I understand the difference, but I think this is fair game.

I see a lot of lefties complaining that this was simply a bunch of 4chan/alt-righters drumming up shit from the past to cause trouble - which isn't really inaccurate, but at the same time, they weren't the ones who fired Gunn. They simply showed Disney who they were dealing with, and let Disney signal their virtue. YOU ARE NOT FREE FROM THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR IRONIC JOKES LEFTIES 😂😂😂😂😂


The line of argument I've seen is that Roseanne actually believes her racist remarks, while Gunn was "just joking". I understand the difference, but I think this is fair game.

I see a lot of lefties complaining that this was simply a bunch of 4chan/alt-righters drumming up shit from the past to cause trouble - which isn't really inaccurate, but at the same time, they weren't the ones who fired Gunn. They simply showed Disney who they were dealing with, and let Disney signal their virtue. YOU ARE NOT FREE FROM THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR IRONIC JOKES LEFTIES 😂😂😂😂😂
If believe Rosanne it was because she was drugged on some shit as well. And let us be honest here. Every right wing politicians , comedian etc would have gotten the same backlash James gunn did get. Probably even more since I feel the racical left is way more vicious these days. Look how Lexi Alexander had to delete her twitter account since she was harassed by the left since she believed he should have been fired.
Not really willing to give Gunn the benefit of the doubt anymore after seeing a lot of creepy shit and a credible source reporting on him. It's good he got fired!


Here is why there should be no sympathy for him TWEETS ARE ABLE TO BE DELETED. If you have a job that is going to pay you millions and put you in the lime light you take the time to delete your teenage angst tweets.
I'd have more sympathy for him if they were in fact teenage angst tweets. But he was a grown man in his 40s at the time of all those tweets. I can't spare any sympathy for him.

I wonder if the people defending him actually read all the tweets. Some are pretty heinous. Goes well beyond your typical "locker room talk". And he did this publicly. As a dude in his 40s. Not just 'some dumb kid'. Not smart.
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i still dont care about the contents of his tweets but ever since it came out that he is in fact a supporter of the whole twitter justice getting fired for saying stupid shit camp i have zero sympathy for him now.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
I'd have more sympathy for him if they were in fact teenage angst tweets. But he was a grown man in his 40s at the time of all those tweets. I can't spare any sympathy for him.

I wonder if the people defending him actually read all the tweets. Some are pretty heinous. Goes well beyond your typical "locker room talk". And he did this publicly. As a dude in his 40s. Not just 'some dumb kid'. Not smart.

I am one of those that have defended the tweets. I do find them offensive, disgusting, and as stated "heinous" - but I still realize that they are edgy jokes made by someone who used to work for the king of edgy/gross jokes: Troma. However, I do find a slight amount of perverse humor in the irony of his *other* tweets in regards to social justice and what had transpired.
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Why don't we just deem everyone a horrible person for saying ANYTHING offensive in their life.

I swear the #metoo campaign just spawned into a political correctness witch hunt.

First, we expose people of their sexually harrasment, then it turns into a bandwagon guilty until anyone cares if you're innocent. Now it's digging up years old posts to get offended and deem the person bad and that they have not progressed as a person.


Why don't we just deem everyone a horrible person for saying ANYTHING offensive in their life.

I swear the #metoo campaign just spawned into a political correctness witch hunt.

First, we expose people of their sexually harrasment, then it turns into a bandwagon guilty until anyone cares if you're innocent. Now it's digging up years old posts to get offended and deem the person bad and that they have not progressed as a person.
I don't disagree. But as stated above I have a hard time feeling much sympathy for Gunn since he was a grown adult in his 40s when he said all this stupid shit. The best part of this is the irony. Apparently now it's just the right that digs up old shit and bludgeons people... no... NO... the left would NEVER do that type of stuff. EVER. -_-


I don't understand people going nuts on Cernovich here? Like a lot of Polygon commenters are saying "Disney getting played by RAPIST CERNOVICH". Played? How?

Why aren't they strictly calling out Disney here for this decision? It's hardly Mike's problem, he was just pointing fingers. I understand why people don't like him, but this is 100% Disney's call to cut Gunn loose.
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I don't understand people going nuts on Cernovich here? Like a lot of Polygon commenters are saying "Disney getting played by RAPIST CERNOVICH". Played? How?

Why aren't they strictly calling out Disney here for this decision? It's hardly Mike's problem, he was just pointing fingers. I understand why people don't like him, but this is 100% Disney's call to cut Gunn loose.
I think you understand why. Recent history, remember Jessica Price? There was that segment that gave no fucks about her horrendous behavior, and was only interested in playing up the gamergate angle. Same dynamic at play here.
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Why don't we just deem everyone a horrible person for saying ANYTHING offensive in their life.

I swear the #metoo campaign just spawned into a political correctness witch hunt.

First, we expose people of their sexually harrasment, then it turns into a bandwagon guilty until anyone cares if you're innocent. Now it's digging up years old posts to get offended and deem the person bad and that they have not progressed as a person.

Lots of standards being thrown around lately. For the left, it seems to be racism is the bridge that can't be crossed. But for some weird reason they seem to think pedophilia can be redeemed or forgiven. As long as the left is the one setting the standards I think they will have an upper hand in this war.


I think you understand why. Recent history, remember Jessica Price? There was that segment that gave no fucks about her horrendous behavior, and was only interested in playing up the gamergate angle. Same dynamic at play here.

I don't lol. I said I understand why people don't like him, but this is like people blaming Gamergater's for the ArenaNet firing, when it's ultimately the company's fault, not anyone who pointed their fingers.

I'm not familiar with this Jessica Price story you mentioned.

Edit: lol is JP the ArenaNet chick? I'm bad with names lol. I get what you're saying now 👍
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Golden Boy
People are now getting fired for old stupid comments that no one cared about for so many years? Sad.
Dude has a trilogy slated... so I do not blame him, lol.
Many star wars fans are pretty angry at the moment, if there is anything too offensive there and it is backed anywhere they now have been given a spotlight on where to aim.

Hopefully there isn't anything, but if there is, hope the company stands by him and defends free speech if anything offensive comes out.
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