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Chris Avellone is Fighting Back (Update: won seven figure lawsuit, formal apology/retraction from accusers)



(that's regarding another recent case)

But yeah let's just outright trust people because they have a vulva. Is there a manual these people have all read that I'm not aware of? They always use the same language, like good trained droids.

Also "I'm at a loss for words but mine aren't the ones you should be hearing" is corny as fuck. Just don't tweet anything then. Mindless drivel.

it's an attempt ( a futile one) to make complex issues easy.

predatory men exist and it's true that too often rape accusation degenerate in victim blaming or dismissed altogether.

but instead of actively working to make things better, i don't know, like encouraging women to speak immediately instead of years later when there's no chance to actually get any kind of proof or investigation going, or ask people to take allegations seriously, they go for the usual "tip the scale completely the other way" and now we are just supposed to trust each and every allegation is made, because now women are some kind of fairy ethereal beings that will never ever lie or mean harm to someone.

and that's without considering the fact that the presumption of innocence until proven guilty is basically the base of most judicial systems if not all, and i don't see why rape should be considered a different crime compared to the rest. Would we accept to consider someone a murderer or thief just after one accusation without proofs or fair trial?


Here is the synopsis of the events, please let me know if I got anything wrong.
Karrissa went out drinking with Chris and he tried to put the moves on her. They got drunk, she turned him down and escorted her home. Afterwords, he had a short relationship with her friend and she was "hurt" by it ending. She is trying to ruin his life with blatant libel for... reasons? Because she is a vindictive, angry, self-obsessed narcissist? Because she wants attention? Not too sure, but Avellone clearly was in the right here, did everything he should have done in the situation, and is being targeted because of it.

What a fucking world.

If that's all that happened then why the hell is she shrieking about it now? No harassment or assault occurred that would warrant such an outburst.

This is why I think #metoo should end. Too many opportunistic scumbags are using it to ruin people with accusations and not evidence. Bill Burr summed it up well.


Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
If that's all that happened then why the hell is she shrieking about it now? No harassment or assault occurred that would warrant such an outburst.

This is why I think #metoo should end. Too many opportunistic scumbags are using it to ruin people with accusations and not evidence. Bill Burr summed it up well.

I have heard of Bill Burr, but never actually paid him much attention. I think I will need to change that. Dude is like my spirit animal with that video.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
You know, I getting sick of this shit and I wish someone would dig up some dirt on this bitch and start a Twitter cancel war against her.

It should be easy enough to find something at least as egregious as the weak crimes she accuses Avellone of, especially since pretty much anything is either, racist, homophobic, misogynistic or a dog whistle these days.


Faith - Hope - Love
Gaslighting is to trick someone uses -- often over a period of time -- on a naive peson to get them thinking "I'm just imagining it". The goal is not necessarily to get the victim to believe something but moreso to stop believing their own suspicions and thoughts. Then the gaslighter can act as their arbiter of truth and manipulate them further. The behavior is typically associated with overt and covert narcissistic personality disorder.

The gaslighting response to your post would go something like "Gaslighting? They meant to say 'gas fighting', which is about ethics in journalism. No such thing as 'gaslighting' from what I've heard lol"

This is exactly the type of person my roommate and I have been dealing with until just recently- A man with covert narcissistic personality disorder. For me, two years of multiple types of abuse...and now five years for her. It was an absolute nightmare at times.

It's hard to describe how trapped a person can make you feel in life. People with narcissistic personality disorder often latch onto and feed off of people who are altruistic and empathetic until they are nearly a shell of who they used to be. :messenger_pensive:


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X

How does any of this nonsense “almost” happen to someone?

WTF is he even being accused of. here's what she says in her next tweets.

"I was lucky it ended at a brief meeting in an elevator and a few messages I deflected with some weak jokes and a too-nice attitude. But it sounds like others weren't as lucky."


"Even that tiny, seemingly innocuous moment stays with someone. It stayed with me."

Others weren't as lucky??? WTF am I missing here? These people are insane.
WTF is he even being accused of. here's what she says in her next tweets.

"I was lucky it ended at a brief meeting in an elevator and a few messages I deflected with some weak jokes and a too-nice attitude. But it sounds like others weren't as lucky."


"Even that tiny, seemingly innocuous moment stays with someone. It stayed with me."

Others weren't as lucky??? WTF am I missing here? These people are insane.

The fucking responses to that tweet LMAO

She's a victim because he spoke to her on an elevator
This is exactly the type of person my roommate and I have been dealing with until just recently- A man with covert narcissistic personality disorder. For me, two years of multiple types of abuse...and now five years for her. It was an absolute nightmare at times.

It's hard to describe how trapped a person can make you feel in life. People with narcissistic personality disorder often latch onto and feed off of people who are altruistic and empathetic until they are nearly a shell of who they used to be. :messenger_pensive:
Once you're on the other side of a relationship like that, it is hard to believe how badly you'd been treated. Really makes you wonder how bad people can get and how they take it out on others.


Maybe if the modern woman actually settled down and married. She would have a man around to defend her well being.

But why bother when ye can conjure forth Cancel Culture from Social Media.


This is going to end with another suicide, isn't it?

If it does, I'm losing it. Chris did so much with Planescape: Torment and Knights of the Old Republic 2. Everyone's flawed, don't let it get to you.

Please, bro. Don't do it and if it comes to it just leave California or possible the US. There are tons of european studios that would pick you up in a heart-beat.
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Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
If we ever have cons or E3 again, they're going to resemble 1950s Southern Baptist youth group meetings in terms of chasity and sobriety.


Exactly that, he's getting cancelled over a bad relationship and not *good enough* social skills.

Yes, this is a thing now.
If this is the case, then good women need to step up and shut this kind of thing down. Women use reputation destruction since the physical is not an option and social media is an amplifier for it. If they turn out to be fabrications or exaggerations, it damages real victims of abuse. Good women calling it out is the only solution.
This is going to end with another suicide, isn't it?

If it does, I hope someone starts a new counter-movement that opposes the "court of public opinion" and the self-rightousness of the authoritarian left that keeps celebrating censorship and the death of creative freedom. Call it "Intersectional GamerGate" or something.

Ugh, I'm so sick of shit like that. And the self-proclaimed "progressives" feel good about themselves.


There's the morbid curiosity seeing these thin skinned, emotionally driven and very likely mentally unstable people lashing out like vengeful wraiths trying to hold power over other people. All because of this compost called social media. Worst case scenario is enough of them come together and PowerRangerAssemble to end careers and possible lives.


So even if this is true it sounds kind of like the classic "I can fix him" outlook some ladies have. So he's an alcoholic? It's legal to be alcohol dependent though obviously frowned upon. She chose to continue dating him. He's a grown man. She's a grown woman.

This is a non-controversy.

How weird to see this while I watch Leaving Las Vegas in the background where Nic Cage plays a suicidal alcoholic writer based on a book written by a man who committed suicide in part due to alcohol dependency.

Not sure how publicising this helps anyone involved other than her. It's also not really anyone's business if her friend was an adult.
Wait what? What do you have against back lives matter?
Nothing against the phrase, of course they do... but the organization BLM is run by a Marxist. I don't like communism, especially by the backdoor. And the censoring, shaming and cancer culture, with extortion that is going on.
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I have heard of Bill Burr, but never actually paid him much attention. I think I will need to change that. Dude is like my spirit animal with that video.

I envy you bro. Bill Burr is the best.


Gold Member
lmao if thats all thats needed to be canceled in the states i would not even be able to get work as a janitor

Constant vigilance. Gotta be on guard, try and get a good read on people, and take a b-line in the opposite direction if you run into somebody who is evenly slightly like this. Makes you seem paranoid, but better safe than sorry.


Resident Cheap Arse

Remember guys. Just don't say a word to women in an elevator. We need to reassure them we're not there to rape them

So, he made a pass at her, she declined... and that's it? That somehow constitutes her experiencing abuse?

Fuck off, opportunistic attention whore.

A guy that you're not interested in making a pass at you does not constitute sexual abuse, assault, manipulation or a close brush with danger any more than it would have with any of the guys who have propositioned you that you were interested in and did want attention from.

The approaches, interest or even passing looks of guys you aren't attracted to aren't free credit to grab or bolster your victim status at the expense of some poor sod who took a chance at expressing interest in you and didn't know how felt until you told him.

This bitch is why real victims have such a hard time being believed.


So reading her Twitter thread this is my impression:

She got drunk with this dude. They made out. Things went no further because she was on her period.
She remembers all of this. So she said "NO" and he took no for an answer.

Then she saw him have a bunch of relationships or one night stands with other women.
He respected her refusals. No worries.

She thought he was a nice enough guy to basically recommend him to her friend.
Her friend had a relationship with the dude that seems bad.
The stand out event is that he left her alone at a restaurant so she had to make her own way home.
Then the relationship ended.

That's about it?

Feels like one of those situations where you REALLY need to get the FULL story before coming to any conclusions.

Dude, sounds like a drunk and a womanizer but "sexual predator" is a bit much based on that Twitter thread, no?
Now some of these fucktards are going after rpg codex. The one pronoun person on that thread is calling Avellone a Nazi for hanging out on the rpg codex. Apparently she is getting mad that the forum isn't like gen 2 gaf (we are in gen 3 neogaf) or reetardera where overzealous mods silence speech and dissent.
Codex people don't put up with shit, they like their hard old school rpgs and don't put up with the bullshit. They are not Nazis like this b spouts.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
If it does, I hope someone starts a new counter-movement that opposes the "court of public opinion" and the self-rightousness of the authoritarian left that keeps celebrating censorship and the death of creative freedom. Call it "Intersectional GamerGate" or something.

Ugh, I'm so sick of shit like that. And the self-proclaimed "progressives" feel good about themselves.

Actually I think it would be better it this happens BEFORE there is another suicide. Anyone got any suggestions on how to go about it?

Like I said earlier someone needs to dig up dirt on this bitch and plaster it all over twitter. Where's 4Chan with their data-mining skills?

It's time to turn Cancel Culture back on the ones perpetrating it.


women gotta cool it with getting so trigger-happy with this stuff, it’s fucking ridiculous and so deeply offensive to people who genuinely experience sexual abuse and actual abuse.

I’m not saying certain people don’t deserve to get cancelled either, btw but her example of “emotional abuse” where he drunkenly walked away from his girlfriend at the time is so overblown, jesus christ.

by that incredibly sensitive rubric of “cancellation” we all should be cancelled at this point and no one should be allowed to work ever again forever.
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