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Cyberpunk 2077 on PC. Safe to get now?


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Safe? Yeah. But as someone who put 50+ hours into it I'd recommended anyone who hasn't played it yet just wait 6-12 months for it to be more of a finished product.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Game feels amazing with custom 3840 x 1620, 21:9 resolution with everything set to max (including RT) and DLSS in Quality mode. Feels almost as good as the taste of salt in your post. :messenger_grinning_sweat:
Nah, they'll tell you DLSS doen't count while they play their 4K (dynamic) games. :lollipop_content:


Runs sweet on my rig, but then it should (5950x/3090). It has some weird bugs and the general city AI is window dressing, but I'm thoroughly enjoying it so far. The UI/Inventory system is very lacking but that's hardly new for CDPR. One thing I have noticed tho, which my or may not be some issue with some services running on my rig, but it just doesn't scale well. I've got around 65-70fps (sometimes dropping to high 50s) with 3840x1600 with everything on (psycho lighting etc), but nothing but the rtx settings makes any difference to the performance. I even switched off gsync, all sync stuff and fps limiters and tested at 720p low settings and the fps seems to cap at 72fps with low utilisation across the board.
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Game feels amazing with custom 3840 x 1620, 21:9 resolution with everything set to max (including RT) and DLSS in Quality mode. Feels almost as good as the taste of salt in your post. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

You surely remember how "you can't tell, which of these was upscaled" ended, don't you. Remember, how it was the blurry one, with loss of details, that was DLSS (of course, my monitor was to blame for figuring that out, chuckle).

That's good and all, as long as you remember that it is 1440 upscaled to 3840, and calling it 4k is akin claiming that 3080 is two times faster than 2080 and citing DF for "proving it".
Although, on the other hand, why not call it Susan, if one feels like it:

within a household.

Why anyone would enable the "it will trounce your fps, while barely changing the visuals" RT in that game in particular, where it arguably makes things look worse I'm not sure, but why the heck not.
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You surely remember how "you can't tell, which of these was upscaled" ended, don't you. Remember, how it was the blurry one, with loss of details, that was DLSS (of course, my monitor was to blame for figuring that out, chuckle).

That's good and all, as long as you remember that it is 1440 upscaled to 3840, and calling it 4k is akin claiming that 3080 is two times faster than 2080 and citing DF for "proving it".
Although, on the other hand, why not call it Susan, if one feels like it:

within a household.

Oh the sweet taste of salt. Never stop my dude, never stop. :messenger_grinning_sweat:


Oh the sweet taste of salt. Never stop my dude, never stop. :messenger_grinning_sweat:
I think I don't anyhow, but appreciate your blessing.

And it must be noted that even though you've failed to admit DLSS fiasco, to your credit, you were the only one that honestly tried to validate it by posting two screenshots.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Current state of the game on PC, is it safe to get and play now, or are we still in a wait and hold pattern till the 1st big January patch?
The PC version was never that bad to start with. The patches have mostly fixed broken quests and that kind of thing rather than the general glitchiness, which is on par with like, a Bethesda game.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
There's nothing nuanced about anything as far as the main quest goes.

98% of your choices have no influence on how things play out:

All the side quests I've come across are basically the cyberphysco stuff (don't kill them but you can't really kill them anyway), and then what essentially amount to a bunch of fetch or rescue quests.

The side content in the Witcher 3 was better thought out and was of a much higher standard, and that's coming from the same studio.

Then there's the fact that there's a bunch of meaningless crappy copy paste side content that's been vomited all over the world map and you can't even filter the icons on the map.

It's a joke but people see what they want to see because hey, can't let those 7+ years of maximum hype go down the drain.
I'm guessing you're like, 10 hours in or something. Early on you get a lot of straightforward side quests to kind of introduce you to characters and fixers, but as the game goes on and you build your reputation the side content gets a lot more interesting, eventually eclipsing the main play, to be honest.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I finished the game. I played on 3700x and 3080. The game looks gorgeous at times but the city is dead, there is no interaction, no fun, no choices, everything is fake or meaningless.
Some quests had fun story but only that.
The game made me realize that Days gone have much better open world than this. Even fallout 4 world is better.
The game is fine but it's a bad rpg, bad shooter and bad open world. It just looks good and some story bits are cool.
There is no open world gameplay, there is no ai, no police, no dynamic encounters. Just go to quest 1 then got o quest 2, fake choices along the way... stats are broken...
AND THEN all the bugs on top of that which are way worse than any fallout. Fallout 4 might have shit story but open world was super fun to play


Edit: Before You comment on my playtime. I finished a lot of side quests too. If the game is shit by hour 54... it's not gonna get better.

Sounds to me you're describing The Witcher 3 too. That was also a game without open world gameplay. It had great main quests, and tons of side quests that you could stumble upon while exploring the world but apart from the quests there was only Gwent to keep you busy otherwise.
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I think I don't anyhow, but appreciate your blessing.

And it must be noted that even though you've failed to admit DLSS fiasco, to your credit, you were the only one that honestly tried to validate it by posting two screenshots.
DLSS fiasco :messenger_grinning_sweat:

Here, take a look again at how amazing this technology is. I really hope other companies will come up with similar solutions and all Gamers can benefit from AI upscaling. It's a human right.

On the other hand, why do you care so much to constantly engage in conversations about a feature that:

  1. is not available to you and you never used it natively or seen in motion
  2. would make very little difference to you since you are stuck in 1080p?
It's kind sad, don't you think? :messenger_grinning_sweat:




On the other hand, why do you care so much to constantly engage
Because FUD is bad for the market and, respectively, customers.

It is a glorified TAA derivative, it's great at AA, it's not what it is claimed to be, not even remotely and calling it by upscaled resolution is highly misleading.


Sounds to me you're describing The Witcher 3 too. That was also a girl without open world gameplay. The game had great main quests, and tons of side quests that you could stumble upon while exploring the world but apart from the quests there was only Gwent to keep you busy otherwise.
Witcher 3 had better quests and customization though. It was overall a better game.
But true - Witcher 3 was never open world imo. It's more like mass effect or kotor but with bigger areas.


Because FUD is bad for the market and, respectively, customers.

It is a glorified TAA derivative, it's great at AA, it's not what it is claimed to be, not even remotely and calling it by upscaled resolution is highly misleading.
Seriously, cmon. Don't spread Your opinion as a fact. You are the only one who says it's glorified TAA and a known Nvidia hater.
People who don't know better will believe You and have worse time because of that in game

It might depend on game by game basis but I use 4k 27" monitor and 4k with quality dlss (or even balanced in some cases) look less aliased, less pixel crawling and less TAA ghosting.
Even if it would be less sharp than native 4k, it would be worth it thanks to achieved image stability. But usually it's about as sharp or sharper.
Because FUD is bad for the market and, respectively, customers.

It is a glorified TAA derivative, it's great at AA, it's not what it is claimed to be, not even remotely and calling it by upscaled resolution is highly misleading.
Seek help. Or at least seek someone with Nvidia card who can demonstrate DLSS to you on a 4k display of a decent size (~65'').

Customers don't care what this feature is doing in the background. At all. They care that their performance is increased big time with only a minimal clarity loss (if at all in Quality mode).

If it's glorified TAA then why don't other companies implemented it already?

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. You are the only one who says it's glorified TAA
You have been presented with TAA link multiple times.
Don't run away this time please:

"...So for their second stab at AI upscaling, NVIDIA is taking a different tack. Instead of relying on individual, per-game neural networks, NVIDIA has built a single generic neural network that they are optimizing the hell out of. And to make up for the lack of information that comes from per-game networks, the company is making up for it by integrating real-time motion vector information from the game itself, a fundamental aspect of temporal anti-aliasing (TAA) and similar techniques. The net result is that DLSS 2.0 behaves a lot more like a temporal upscaling solution, which makes it dumber in some ways, but also smarter in others...."

Even if it would be less sharp than native 4k
Ok, getting somewhere we are.
I'm, honeslty, too bored with the same shit being repeated again and again and searching for the pics that has been posted at least 5 times by now.

Customers don't care what this feature is doing in the background.
That, actually, is patently false, although not a big problem per se.

The fact someone tries to upsell great AA technique at it's upscaled resolution is the problematic part.
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You have been presented with TAA link multiple times.
Don't run away this time please:

"...So for their second stab at AI upscaling, NVIDIA is taking a different tack. Instead of relying on individual, per-game neural networks, NVIDIA has built a single generic neural network that they are optimizing the hell out of. And to make up for the lack of information that comes from per-game networks, the company is making up for it by integrating real-time motion vector information from the game itself, a fundamental aspect of temporal anti-aliasing (TAA) and similar techniques. The net result is that DLSS 2.0 behaves a lot more like a temporal upscaling solution, which makes it dumber in some ways, but also smarter in others...."

Ok, getting somewhere we are.
I'm, honeslty, too bored with the same shit being repeated again and again and searching for the pics that has been posted at least 5 times by now.
I know it's a cumulative anti aliasing of previous frames. It works like TAA but it's only a part of it as it. It also uses AI upscaled images (I think dlss1 used 16k ground truth renders for Ai to learn) and somehow remvos the shimmering/crawling.
Ran away? in the other thread? I was on the phone, forgot to answer to argue further :p


Ran away?
Whatever the heck it was, I hope later on you won't claim that llien made it up that DLSS 2 is a TAA derivative.

I think dlss1 used 16k ground truth renders for Ai to learn
DLSS 1 was true AI solution.
They were grabbing high resolution assets, rendering frames at datacenters, doing per game training.
It is actually very logical to do it that way, as AI tries to "guess" what could be somewhere, and it depends on a given game's visuals.

I have no doubt this approach would work... say if google did it that way in their datacenters.
People keep saying how great NV is at AI, forgetting to reference a single impressive achievement, and no, rolling out oversized compute crunchers it is not.
Google on the other hand, is one hell of a juggernaut in that field.

In this case, though, I doubt it was particularly challenging AI technology wise, but the fact AI network is supposed to be fairly small and simple, for at least 2 reasons:
1) limited resources for it on GPU itself
2) even long term, it would be idiotic to have upscaling NN consume more resources than the rendering itself

We know AI is fairly capable upscaling (if it helps, you could call it supersampling) from the DirectML demo (which wasn't about supersampling at all).

Anyhow, that approach failed to produce palatable results.
DirectML demo supersampling was great, but too computationally expensive.

So, instead, things went "temporal".
And if you think NV has something unique, what nobody else have done, look what FB researchers did:


Note that they didn't hide any aspect of their work (and rendering was done on Titan V).
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Not sure how this is now an argument about DLSS but I think it is an amazing tech. Maybe once cards are powerful enough to run 8k native you might not need to run TAA or whatever AA solution there is by then (no clue as I've never seen an 8k screen much less gamed on one) but I find I need TAA even at 4k on a 55" screen so the comparison is 4k TAA, which has blur, or DLSS quality which also has blur but also 30% more performance.

In terms of Cyberpunk on PC I've had way fewer issues with it than AC: Valhalla. With Valhalla about 10% of the side quests I've done have bugged out and I can't complete them and I'm constantly getting stuck in stairs or other geometry and having to reload. With Cyberpunk I've been able to complete everything I've tried to and had to reload maybe twice and I've put double the number of hours I have in Valhalla in Cyberpunk. I've still played the hell out of them both so neither are anywhere near unplayable.


There are so many better designed open world games that Cyberpunk 2077. But none of them made be as attached to the world and it's characters as Cyberpunk has.

I've aired my complaints about the game before in the past but truth be told, getting real fucking tired of seeinflg this game get trashed all the time. Yeah it deserves to get trashed for the state it was in at launch, and their management team deserves to be thrown in the dumpster in the back of the studio. There are problems, but there's too much beauty and brilliant moments in the game, that are being overlooked and drowned out by the anger and bug memeing.

I just really hope CDPR can turn this game around and improve it over the next couple of years, along with the modding community doing some amazing things.
Very true and they ignore the many flaws with other games they compare it to. I have seen multiple people complaining that it doesn't have the same animations that RDR2 had. Weren't a good portion of gamers trashing RDR2 for having those same animations. I am all for criticizing things that should but show some consistency. Many of the same people giving the thumbs up to those Rockstar is outdated videos are now the same ones trashing this game for not being more like a Rockstar game.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Actually I think it's the opposite. The people defending the "RPG" aspects of this game and are heaping praise on it provably haven't experienced much in the genre outside of the witcher 3 and the modern consolised Bethesda games.

If we are to consider this game an RPG then it fails on many fronts. A far better RPG released earlier this year in Wasteland 3.

I play a ton of RPGs, so that's not fair at all.

What about Wasteland 3 do you think makes it such a "far better RPG?" What do you think makes a good RPG?

Personally, I Kickstarted Wasteland 2, but I could never get into it. Tried a bit of Wasteland 3 on Game Pass and similarly couldn't get into it. It's highly subjective, but it just feels kind of cheap and unengaging to me. I will probably give it a try again eventually because I rather like the setting.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Witcher 3 had better quests and customization though. It was overall a better game.
But true - Witcher 3 was never open world imo. It's more like mass effect or kotor but with bigger areas.

How does The Witcher 3 have more customization, I wonder. I've spent over 150 hours in that game, and maybe I just lack imagination, but I never felt like there were any meaningful "builds" or different ways to play. The combat and limited ability set simply didn't allow for it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I've seen some people here with s lot of playtime, like more than 100 hours. Is there that much to do in the game?

I'm a bit over 80 hours and just hit max level, but there's still a lot of content I haven't touched. Will be wrapping up this playthrough soon, though.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I'm a bit over 80 hours and just hit max level, but there's still a lot of content I haven't touched. Will be wrapping up this playthrough soon, though.
Thanks! Glad to read that. I saw reports of people finishing the game on 20 hours and that got me a bit worried. I guess those people just rushed the main story, which imo is the worst kind of way to enjoy these kind of game.
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Gold Member
On pc the situation was far better than console since launch tbh.

I have 82 hours on the game and i did just fine.

and believe me, my pc is not clean or perfect or optimized.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks! Glad to read that. I saw reports of people finishing the game on 20 hours and that got me a bit worried. I guess those people just rushed the main story, which imo is the worst kind of way to enjoy these kind of game.

Yeah, I think if you critical path just the main story quests, 15 ~ 20 hours is not unrealistic. A lot of the best stuff is in the side jobs, though.
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I've seen some people here with s lot of playtime, like more than 100 hours. Is there that much to do in the game?

I did. I saw 4 endings, did all the side quests, exhausted all the dialogue options, cleared all the blue markers (they do have world details and world building) for loot and combat, never fast traveled or skipped dialogue because I love cruising around and the characters are top notch, read emails and shards (if you're against reading, don't play rpgs lol) and just simply explored. The world is jampacked with hidden loot, details, and world building more than any recent open world game imo.

Side note about the minor job markers on the map known as Gigs. There is much more to them than the monster nests of The Witcher 3. Sometimes, your Street Cred or Lifepath changes how it plays out or you run into characters you've met before. Some are just hitjobs or stealing because you are a gun for hire. And sometimes what you see at the end isn't what you expected. These are all typically open ended tiny sandboxes where you can go guns blazing, stealth it fully or solve it with dialogue. These take less than 5 minutes, maybe more, to complete but I distinctly remember quite a few of them. I'll always take little handcrafted missions like these over playing tennis or drinking a fucking cup of coffee. I prefer quests, dialogue, worldbuilding, combat and roleplaying over something I do or can easily do in real life. That's just me though.

Like all open world games and especially for rpgs, you get what you put into it. If you want to only mainline the story and major side quests, might want to hold off for a sale.
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Thanks! Glad to read that. I saw reports of people finishing the game on 20 hours and that got me a bit worried. I guess those people just rushed the main story, which imo is the worst kind of way to enjoy these kind of game.

I mean, I could finish Fallout: New Vegas in 10 hours probably if I wanted to. Especially if you're willing to sneak past deathclaws and cazadors to get right to the strip. With Cyberpunk 2077 if you ignore side content the main story isn't terribly long but ignoring the side content also dwindles your options for endings.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I did. I saw 4 endings, did all the side quests, exhausted all the dialogue options, cleared all the blue markers (they do have world details and world building) for loot and combat, never fast traveled or skipped dialogue because I love cruising around and the characters are top notch, read emails and shards (if you're against reading, don't play rpgs lol) and just simply explored. The world is jampacked with hidden loot, details, and world building more than any recent open world game imo.

Side note about the minor job markers on the map known as Gigs. There is much more to them than the monster nests of The Witcher 3. Sometimes, your Street Cred or Lifepath changes how it plays out or you run into characters you've met before. Some are just hitjobs or stealing because you are a gun for hire. And sometimes what you see at the end isn't what you expected. These are all typically open ended tiny sandboxes where you can go guns blazing, stealth it fully or solve it with dialogue. These take less than 5 minutes, maybe more, to complete but I distinctly remember quite a few of them. I'll always take little handcrafted missions like these over playing tennis or drinking a fucking cup of coffee. I prefer quests, dialogue, worldbuilding, combat and roleplaying over something I do or can easily do in real life. That's just me though.

Like all open world games and especially for rpgs, you get what you put into it. If you want to only mainline the story and major side quests, might want to hold off for a sale.
Let's say I loved Fallout 4, but not for his main story (lol) or sidequests, but for the exploration and all the world building and little stories (sometimes told via emails or that kind of stuff) that you could find spread around the world, and reading your post reminded me of that, and it sounds awesome.

Also some of those gigs are like little Deus Ex missions? It sounds like that.

Btw sorry to ask so many questions, but I'm trying to stay still in media blackout. I only saw some of the early leaks which showed pretty bad bugs and such, but if that has been fixed man... I'm starting to feel the hype. (A bit late I know :goog_relieved: )
Let's say I loved Fallout 4, but not for his main story (lol) or sidequests, but for the exploration and all the world building and little stories (sometimes told via emails or that kind of stuff) that you could find spread around the world, and reading your post reminded me of that, and it sounds awesome.

Also some of those gigs are like little Deus Ex missions? It sounds like that.

Btw sorry to ask so many questions, but I'm trying to stay still in media blackout. I only saw some of the early leaks which showed pretty bad bugs and such, but if that has been fixed man... I'm starting to feel the hype. (A bit late I know :goog_relieved: )

There's lots of mini-deus ex style missions in the game, yeah, the side content many people don't bother with when rushing through can sometimes involve multi-level buildings with a target you need to kill or something you need to steal and how you enter the building and accomplish your job is up to you. Sometimes doing a piece of side content can just mean you go down an alleyway with a bunch of thugs to shoot but other times it's more complex, if the shooting weren't so fun I might have just tried to focus on the more substantial stuff but I was fine with doing everything, tbh.


Series X version is in good shape right now. Game looks great in both the Quality and Performance mode. Since the 1.04 update I have a hard time telling the two modes apart. In quality mode on Series X you do get higher density of pedestrians and AI cars driving around. But outside of that, I would need DF or NXGamer to say what differences there are between the two modes visually speaking. Quality is locked to 30fps, while Performance targets 60fps. I go back and forth...at times Quality seems to look better...but the visual impact and smoothness of 60fps is really good as well.

Regardless of which version, the game still has lot's of bugs. I also have a 208ti/i9-9900k PC and while it looks incredible on there, it shares the same bugs that i see on the console version.....it basically just look better while having the same bugs etc. The Series X version has yet to crash on me with about 30 hours...while the PC version I get a crash at least for every session.
Series X version? Lol you mean Xbone version?


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
There's lots of mini-deus ex style missions in the game, yeah, the side content many people don't bother with when rushing through can sometimes involve multi-level buildings with a target you need to kill or something you need to steal and how you enter the building and accomplish your job is up to you. Sometimes doing a piece of side content can just mean you go down an alleyway with a bunch of thugs to shoot but other times it's more complex, if the shooting weren't so fun I might have just tried to focus on the more substantial stuff but I was fine with doing everything, tbh.
Just what I wanted to read, thanks dude!

Can't wait to try this game once my new gpu arrives, although I still don't know if waiting a bit more might be a good idea.

Hell, today I read that all the sequences and voice acting to romance Judy as a male V are already in the game. Maybe they turn her into a bi in the DLC? :messenger_tears_of_joy:


I have about 90 hours and did almost everything. I would run into weird bugs and issues after extended play sessions but usually quitting the game and coming back in would resolve them.

Notable bugs after 40-50 hours. (post latest patch)

All of the sudden people stopped talking and music was gone (quitting game and reloading fixed)
Cyberpsycho quests gave me no option to reply with text message (quitting game fixed but issue persisted with each phase of questline)
Random UI elements would just stay stuck on the screen (quitting fixed)
Could not disassemble a legendary item (not Johnny's items)
Accidentally threw a grenade in the arena of the last beat on the brat quest and completed it somehow without winning. (not the final fight but final quantifying fight)
Achievement popped for all Gigs and Scanner Hustle when I still had Gigs left
Undiscovered quests that could not be tracked or done anything with
Fell through the road once
About to fight guys and aim down the sights of my pistol only to have it not fire....super irritating (happened multiple times. hip fire was fine though)
Clear headshots not registering when looking down sights. This got so bad I started using hipfire more often. (I mainly used pistols too)
Spare tires and other moveable junk launching me through the level.
Don't Walk/Walk signs not loading frequently.
Not able to pickup some items or loot robots
A whole area was randomly hostile towards me and made it very difficult to get to the area I needed too (I play on very hard too)

Nothing game breaking at all. Some things are funny, some annoying but the game is very much playable.
Let's say I loved Fallout 4, but not for his main story (lol) or sidequests, but for the exploration and all the world building and little stories (sometimes told via emails or that kind of stuff) that you could find spread around the world, and reading your post reminded me of that, and it sounds awesome.

Also some of those gigs are like little Deus Ex missions? It sounds like that.

Btw sorry to ask so many questions, but I'm trying to stay still in media blackout. I only saw some of the early leaks which showed pretty bad bugs and such, but if that has been fixed man... I'm starting to feel the hype. (A bit late I know :goog_relieved: )

There's lots of that here. Some of the blue markers are essentially where a crime happened and there will be a shard to read and graphical details that show some shit went down here and lead you to some loot. It's not relevant to the main story but it adds so much for me. Sometimes, through emails you get tidbits and background info about major and minor characters you have met or will meet. Not sure how often this occurs, will keep this as spoiler free as possible, but I killed a gang leader before and later could use that info in a dialogue with another character I needed to press for information. I live for this stuff in games. It's small but for me it adds so much.

There is a pretty big Deus Ex open gameplay influence all over the game, minus the vents lol. A generic example: I have a gig to steal some data. I can just shoot everyone easy peasy and walk out with the data. Or I could hack cameras from my car on the street to scout and even take down all enemies lethally or non-lethally via combat quick hacks. Or I can double jump on the roof, go in a back window (sometimes requires a skill check), knock out the guard, throw him in a dumpster/closet and steal the data clean. They're pretty much all open ended and sometimes you get a small bonus for stealthing it.

I'll answer any questions you have as this is the best game I've played in a long time. I'm a huge CDPR fan since The Witcher 1 so I might be biased! I play on PC and the bugs have been small annoying things typical of open world games at launch but were fixed by reloading or restaring the game. Stuff like my weapon not being able to shoot with a recently equipped silencer or once or twice my hud getting frozen thus unable to draw weapons. Annoying but fixed in less than 30 seconds with a reload. Also seen some brief naked T-posing flickers on my motorcycle in certain heavily congested parts of downtown areas or a random car or two falling out of the sky but I laugh at that stuff. The most distracting have been a few character eyebrows loading slow but that could also be my system.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
There's lots of that here. Some of the blue markers are essentially where a crime happened and there will be a shard to read and graphical details that show some shit went down here and lead you to some loot. It's not relevant to the main story but it adds so much for me. Sometimes, through emails you get tidbits and background info about major and minor characters you have met or will meet. Not sure how often this occurs, will keep this as spoiler free as possible, but I killed a gang leader before and later could use that info in a dialogue with another character I needed to press for information. I live for this stuff in games. It's small but for me it adds so much.

There is a pretty big Deus Ex open gameplay influence all over the game, minus the vents lol. A generic example: I have a gig to steal some data. I can just shoot everyone easy peasy and walk out with the data. Or I could hack cameras from my car on the street to scout and even take down all enemies lethally or non-lethally via combat quick hacks. Or I can double jump on the roof, go in a back window (sometimes requires a skill check), knock out the guard, throw him in a dumpster/closet and steal the data clean. They're pretty much all open ended and sometimes you get a small bonus for stealthing it.

I'll answer any questions you have as this is the best game I've played in a long time. I'm a huge CDPR fan since The Witcher 1 so I might be biased! I play on PC and the bugs have been small annoying things typical of open world games at launch but were fixed by reloading or restaring the game. Stuff like my weapon not being able to shoot with a recently equipped silencer or once or twice my hud getting frozen thus unable to draw weapons. Annoying but fixed in less than 30 seconds with a reload. Also seen some brief naked T-posing flickers on my motorcycle in certain heavily congested parts of downtown areas or a random car or two falling out of the sky but I laugh at that stuff. The most distracting have been a few character eyebrows loading slow but that could also be my system.
Man, many thanks for such detailed answer. Don't worry, I already have the game because of a gift, but now I'm more than hyped to play it.

I love the little details too, I think most of the immersion in a game come from those and I'm glad there seems to be a lot of that here. Also glad to read that no everything is shooty shooty, as I like games like Dishonored or Deus Ex where you are granted with several ways of reaching your goals.

All in all it sounds like a great game. I'll probably play it around February or even March if I'm strong enough to wait for those patches but man... Posts like yours aren't making it easier. :goog_relieved:


Jesus Christ what a ridiculous take. No one is lying about enjoying the game, what would be the point? We're not making money off Youtube clicks like the guy you're praising.

What a dump.., I feel sorry for your asshole.
Of course not, I just said that it's what it "feels" like after watching such video, I didn't say it was an actual fact. But the game seems to have a lot of incomprehensible issues that shouldn't be a thing. I don't think people are voluntarily "lying" about the game, but maybe some people really want to like the game because of waiting for it for so long, so they try as much as possible to look beyond the problems and maybe ignoring them.
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Of course not, I just said that it's what it "feels" like after watching such video, I didn't say it was an actual fact. But the game seems to have a lot of incomprehensible issues that shouldn't be a thing. I don't think people are voluntarily "lying" about the game, but maybe some people really want to like the game because of waiting for it for so long, so they try as much as possible to look beyond the problems and maybe ignoring them.

His video is disingenuous and doesn't represent your experience, he goes out of his way to use other people's footage for things he himself didn't actually encounter. Personally I wasn't part of the hype train for this game, check my post history... I thought Witcher 3 was overrated and didn't have grand expectations of this game because CDPR were never anything too special to me. The game blows me away... it also has unforgivable problems, it's a bit of a conundrum.


It is never safe to get a game like Cyberpunk. Here let me give you an analogy. It is like going to the beach and going for a nice swim in the water. Is it ever safe? No
Well there you go.


I finished the game. I played on 3700x and 3080. The game looks gorgeous at times but the city is dead, there is no interaction, no fun, no choices, everything is fake or meaningless.
Some quests had fun story but only that.
The game made me realize that Days gone have much better open world than this. Even fallout 4 world is better.

Edit: Before You comment on my playtime. I finished a lot of side quests too. If the game is shit by hour 54... it's not gonna get better.



To the OP ; no, its not fixed. They've only released two (three?) patches. The AI is still brain dead and the world is life less (There is no indication this will actually be fixed yet). If you can live with these, jump on in if you have a good rig. If not, wait it out.

Here's a crazy idaea that some people just dont grasp ; play a different game.


To the OP ; no, its not fixed. They've only released two (three?) patches. The AI is still brain dead and the world is life less (There is no indication this will actually be fixed yet). If you can live with these, jump on in if you have a good rig. If not, wait it out.

Here's a crazy idaea that some people just dont grasp ; play a different game.

the ai is as brain dead as the ai in the witcher 3.

Here's a crazy idea that some people just dont grasp ; most people don't care about random npcs on the street in narrative driven games
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Gold Member
I don't think people are voluntarily "lying" about the game, but maybe some people really want to like the game because of waiting for it for so long

If you've played the game and didn't like it, then I have no problem with that. But if you come here like a condescending cunt insinuating that people who like something you don't are man-child-bots without the ability to think for themselves then I'm going to call you out on it.
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Of course not, I just said that it's what it "feels" like after watching such video, I didn't say it was an actual fact. But the game seems to have a lot of incomprehensible issues that shouldn't be a thing. I don't think people are voluntarily "lying" about the game, but maybe some people really want to like the game because of waiting for it for so long, so they try as much as possible to look beyond the problems and maybe ignoring them.

Every game has things that shouldn't be a thing. I look beyond the problems of every game because every game has problems. I looked beyond a sandbox game failing a mission in GTA or Red Dead because I went 100 meters to the right (most immersive games ever!), the most successful single player game studio in history somehow unable to deliver PC version day and date with consoles, shooting regressing from Max Payne 3's bullet symphony to PS2 levels, the guns sounding like waterguns and a stone cold killer who aims like a diabetic with low blood sugar and can't run for 30 seconds without huffing and puffing, I looked beyond Ghost of Tsushima's lack of yoga, tennis, and sake drinking whenever I please, I looked beyond The Last of Us's stealth playing worse than a game from 1998 and I looked beyond Valhalla (and Odyssey and Origins...wtf Ubisoft?! Get a better audio mixer) sounding like it was mixed by a deaf person.

No one has said this game is a flawless masterpiece. But it is pretty goddamn arrogant to say people are faking their high opinion of the game or implying that they're tricking themselves into liking it.

This game is made for people like me who love ambitious games that usually come in hot...The Witcher games, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Deus Ex, etc. We don't get games like this often these days. RPG, skill trees, loot, quests with multiple resolution choices (yes, they do have that), quests that involve no combat at all, well written story, fully developed and compelling characters, action, quiet moments with major characters, excellent music, loads of worldbuilding and details all over, great combat that has more player options than any other recent critical darling, and combat areas with multiple points of entry and options. And it looks spectacular as I bathe in Raytraced lighting.

To gloss over all of this because NPCs and cops are poorly implemented and physics are wonky is some weak shit. Roast 'em for the base console launch but don't act like nearly all open world games Cyberpunk 2077 has been compared to didn't have equal or worse problems yet still received next to no backlash So much of what was allegedly "promised" was announced as cut, not happening or never existed at all. Hate trains are profitable these days unfortunately.


How, no? There's certainly a lot more room to "role play." Definitely fewer dialogue sequences, but other than that, I'd say they are pretty comparable with Cyberpunk offering a decent degree more freedom in how you play the game.

Don't bother with this idiots. Most of them haven't even played the game. Witcher 3 maybe the overall better and polished game, but in no way is it more 'RPG' then cyberpunk.
I'm just 10 hours in, but can confidently say that Cyberpunk allows for much more variations in different playstyles. Something which wasn't present in Witcher 3 at all. People confuse narrative choices for 'RPG' - nonsense.
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Rodent Whores
calling it 4k is akin claiming that 3080 is two times faster than 2080 and citing DF for "proving it".
You keep bringing up that dishonest strawman argument about Digital Foundry and their performance numbers. It doesn't help your case. DF's video didn't "prove" 2X and neither did they claim it.
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