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Kojima is in talks with Xbox to publish his next game

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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Suddenly, Xbox gamers claim they always loved the MGS games and never called them interactive movies before. 😂
Not me. I only played MGSV, but I absolutely hated and didn't finish it. Death Stranding looked like pretentious hot garbage to me.

If Xbox gets an exclusive game from Kojma it will be great PR for Xbox and Game Pass. It will be great for Xbox fans that actually like Kojima movies. I just hope Xbox doesn't waste an inordinate amount of money on him, because I can't stand the pretentious little prick or his overhyped "games".


Not me. I only played MGSV, but I absolutely hated and didn't finish it. Death Stranding looked like pretentious hot garbage to me.

If Xbox gets an exclusive game from Kojma it will be great PR for Xbox and Game Pass. It will be great for Xbox fans that actually like Kojima movies. I just hope Xbox doesn't waste an inordinate amount of money on him, because I can't stand the pretentious little prick or his overhyped "games".
Holy hell what a post


I thought everyone loved the classic MGS titles. MGS2 was one of my favorite games on OG Xbox, even though I liked the tanker portion a bit more than the rest.
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thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Kojima is a transcendent developer who can still create the man have been doing Picasso levels of conditioning greatness Death Stranding showed without metal gear Kojima won’t shrink, Kojima has no weaknesses
Drop The Mic GIF by memecandy


I am curious to see what type of game it will be. If it's like Death Stranding, I might pass but if it is something new or a survival horror type game, I will check it out. Hoping it will be a survival horror though. I haven't finished any of the other 'types' of games he makes; I have tried - I own almost all of them. 😂
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Not me. I only played MGSV, but I absolutely hated and didn't finish it. Death Stranding looked like pretentious hot garbage to me.

If Xbox gets an exclusive game from Kojma it will be great PR for Xbox and Game Pass. It will be great for Xbox fans that actually like Kojima movies. I just hope Xbox doesn't waste an inordinate amount of money on him, because I can't stand the pretentious little prick or his overhyped "games".
MGSV is the most gamey game ive ever played. If anything, i wish it had more cutscenes. He completely gutted the story to focus on gameplay and gameplay only and I think the game suffered for it. But there is no denying that out of all his games, it's the least cinematic.

Death Stranding is also anything but pretentious. It is an extremely earnest game in an era where games are cynical, preachy and pretentious. It might look like a pretentious walking simulator that indie devs shove down our throats, but thats because it IS a walking simulator. It literally simulates walking, climbing, and going from one place to another. But unlike those basic indie games where you just press up to walk through a pretentious two hour campaign, this game adds entire systems around walking. Dozens of upgrades, hundreds of weapons and items that help you navigate this world.

But thats only part of the game. The real game is about rebuilding the world and helping others. Kojima kept that a secret for some reason, but you literally go around building bridges, shelters, highways and my favorite, zip lines which literally lets you fly from one side of this massive open world to the next. I dont know many pretentious walking simulators that let you fly around and drive around in cars, and make it that much fun. And you do all of that no just for yourself but all the other players in that world who see and can use the things you have built and left for them. I once built a bridge across a very steep chasm that allowed everyone else to go over a mountain instead of driving around it saving everyone a lot of time and letting them use their vehicles to cross into the other area instead of walking. It earned me like 250k likes in a week.


Love mgs, love Death Stranding (my goty 2019), so gimme your next game Kojimbo.

And if xbox rumors are true then Philly making all them right moves, making them gains.


Wait did he really say "gay dino vision" ???

I've played through and LOVED MGS1-4, for some reason never played MGS5 though.

Always thought Death Stranding looked boring but never judged people that liked it... i can see entertaining quirky bits in trailers and stuff and it's prob at least worth a playthrough.

Excited to have a Kojima game come to Xbox, whether exclusive or not.. i am so caught up in MP stuff in my old age cause i have less time with kids and a full time job and all that and seem to prefer smaller bite sized stuff. That being said i will probably at least give his new game a spin whether it comes to GP or not, i'll buy to support his studio :)
Death Strading had superb gameplay, but the story was horrible d-list hollywood level, as long as he can be the ideas man and someone else writes the story i will play it.

fart town usa

Gold Member
Good for XBOX and Kojima. It's Sony's generation to lose if Microsoft keeps making serious movies to attract potential buyers.

I never sweat these things cause the only studios I actively care about and follow are Capcom and Insomniac.
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Sony said no, Google said no... yeah I'll wait before I care.
More like Sony couldn't afford or wasn't willing to gamble on another Kojima concept that would only sell a few million copies. Google meanwhile is haphazard and clearly unable to run any type of business that doesn't bring in immediate returns, so their judgement, especially on the gaming front, is not something I would care about.

Meanwhile, Microsoft has the cash and balls to allow Kojima to make anything he wants as long as it has an Xbox banner on it. Could be a mega hit or a walking-simulator disaster like Death Stranding. Either way, it gives Microsoft more genre diversity and exposure which is never a bad thing.


Reminder: Death Stranding was shit BEFORE this news.
Nah it's a good game and unless his next game is some weird ass shit I'll be pissed he skipped PlayStation where most of his fans are. I loved MGS series too so I'm a big fan.

If Sony refused to fund his game and he was forced to look elsewhere such as Stadia and MS then I'd be pissed at Sony.

Wasn't there rumours his last game wasn't funded? He might have made a pitch to Sony and they said no.


Nah it's a good game and unless his next game is some weird ass shit I'll be pissed he skipped PlayStation where most of his fans are. I loved MGS series too so I'm a big fan.

If Sony refused to fund his game and he was forced to look elsewhere such as Stadia and MS then I'd be pissed at Sony.

Wasn't there rumours his last game wasn't funded? He might have made a pitch to Sony and they said no.

Yeah, if Jim said 'no' to Kojima, he deserves to be roasted over the flames. Especially when he is helping whatever her name is from Canada set up a studio with no track record and no cult following....
I mean, it makes no sense.


Oh now Kojima makes trash?

Uh Huh Reaction GIF

Here I fished out some of my replies on Kojima, I can find stuff that goes back to 2016 if you want 😒 (I replied in a new post because I didn't know how to insert quotes by editing the old one)

So the game basically is taking packages from one point to another? Kojima YOU Genius! /s

On a serious thought, the game is scoring good actually. I just feel like the score is inflated a little by being a "Hideo Kojima game" and I really wish Kojima would make up his mind and choose between the movie industry or the game industry. His obsession with Hollywood is the beginning of his downfall.
There is no point to shoehorn Hollywood stars and inflate your "amazon delivery" game budget unnecessarily just so they can describe you as genius among their Hollywood peers.

Kojima is narcissist who is suffering a midlife crisis. MGS1-3 were great games but they were a cumulation of a great team of devs and designers (Kojima took all the credit for them). After those games Kojima was using games as an end mean to reach Hollywood, he inflated his games budget by - unnecessarily - employing HW starts so they can make grunt noises (Sutherland barely having any script in MGSV)...he is overrated.

Miyazaki in the other hand is laser focused on what he want to achieve as a visionary. He basically created a new genre of gaming. He keeps advancing the medium creating a hit after hit.

Vote goes to Miyazaki.

Mid-life crisis embodied in a human shell, that's how I would describe Kojima.
He is craving that attention from Hollywood so much he lost the plot , and inflated his games budget to astronomical height filling it with Hollywood garbage.

Konami is doing records profits since getting rid of this narcissist.


I don't know if someone of you are slow to see the emerging trend... but Sony has absolutely lost their touch. Spring and summer will come and we will probably see some super bad ass eye blistering trailers for GoW2 and HZD2 and maybe a couple other neat things... but MS is just swinging SO HARD in every direction that it's really obvious how much they mean business this generation. If you aren't a dual console owner this gen and ONLY have a PS5 i feel like you will be missing out on some of the best stuff this gen has to offer. You really need to get off your high horses admit an early defeat and dip your toes into the other camp for once. It is time.


Yeah, if Jim said 'no' to Kojima, he deserves to be roasted over the flames. Especially when he is helping whatever her name is from Canada set up a studio with no track record and no cult following....
I mean, it makes no sense.
He might have pitched the game and Sony offered a budget of 100M for a Ps5 exclusive with a pc release later plus ownership of the IP. They'd need to sell 3M or 4M copies to get a good return which they probably could.

However kojima might have wanted a bigger budget and went to Stadia who said no. But if MS who are super desperate these days offered him 200M it would be hard to refuse.


I don't know if someone of you are slow to see the emerging trend... but Sony has absolutely lost their touch. Spring and summer will come and we will probably see some super bad ass eye blistering trailers for GoW2 and HZD2 and maybe a couple other neat things... but MS is just swinging SO HARD in every direction that it's really obvious how much they mean business this generation. If you aren't a dual console owner this gen and ONLY have a PS5 i feel like you will be missing out on some of the best stuff this gen has to offer. You really need to get off your high horses admit an early defeat and dip your toes into the other camp for once. It is time.
The mass market disagrees. *looks at Spain sales where Ps5 outsells the Series by 20 to 1.


On the one hand we talk about Kojima on Xbox, on the other hand Horizon 2 postponed to 2022.

Jim Ryan, where are you?
Exactly why PlayStation need more studios, not less.

It was so shortsighted to close so many studios and downsize Japan without something to come and replace. In fact they should have grown..... they supposedly won last gen, they made enough this year in PlayStation alone to buy a pretty big publisher but not a penny is reinvested to get a hold of a swath of IP's or to shoot back against MSFT.

No excitement, Jim Ryan is one limp dick mo fo...... he needs to hit up Pele for some viagra or something. What a boring asshole to run PlayStation.


Exactly why PlayStation need more studios, not less.

It was so shortsighted to close so many studios and downsize Japan without something to come and replace. In fact they should have grown..... they supposedly won last gen, they made enough this year in PlayStation alone to buy a pretty big publisher but not a penny is reinvested to get a hold of a swath of IP's or to shoot back against MSFT.

No excitement, Jim Ryan is one limp dick mo fo...... he needs to hit up Pele for some viagra or something. What a boring asshole to run PlayStation.
I think Sony 2021 is in the same position as MSFT 2014, studios wise.


Here I fished out some of my replies on Kojima, I can find stuff that goes back to 2016 if you want 😒 (I replied in a new post because I didn't know how to insert quotes by editing the old one)

I like DS. It is a creative break from objective shooters/slashers, like how many of them have we seen until they feels coming from the same cut?

I prefer DS anyday with its good control mechanics, nice kojimaism plot, great motion captures, good music, small kojima touches, shinkawa art, great framerates. Crazy efficient team, well, they are super experience. :messenger_peace:

Let see how jade raymond new game will look like.
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The mass market disagrees. *looks at Spain sales where Ps5 outsells the Series by 20 to 1.

Those days are numbered, it's no longer a 3:1 or 4:1 clear advantage in favor of Sony... supply constraints are hitting both camps yet it's still a much closer race than anyone expected. The days of "mass market" being so one sided are most likely coming to an end, and probably sooner than most are expecting. It's really starting to feel like the golden era of OG Xbox all over again which is a GOOD thing for open minded people who are willing to own more than a Playstation console. If MS continues to intelligently throw cash around welcoming innovation and nurturing relationships all over the globe it really is a win-win for everyone.


Not me. I only played MGSV, but I absolutely hated and didn't finish it. Death Stranding looked like pretentious hot garbage to me.

If Xbox gets an exclusive game from Kojma it will be great PR for Xbox and Game Pass. It will be great for Xbox fans that actually like Kojima movies. I just hope Xbox doesn't waste an inordinate amount of money on him, because I can't stand the pretentious little prick or his overhyped "games".

I agree mgsv was too draggy and suffers from bad camera fov gave me motion sickness.

You should try mgs3 and death stranding.
Mgs3 is tighter more old school level design, none of the modern day 'open world' drag
DS is a more refined MGSV, just stick with the main mission and play on easy.

Imo DS is not pretentious, it is pretty much kojimaism, something that existed long before the sjw crap from the likes of neil cuckman.
The trick is to bask in the kojimaism and ride the silliness.

Naked Lunch

As a big Xbox fan - Kojima's games are pretty much the main reason I purchased any Playstation console.
I bought a PS1 for MGS1 and PS2 for MGS2 and Zone of the Enders.
I didnt buy a PS3 for years because there was always that lingering rumor MGS4 was going to xbox as a 5 disc set.

This is huge news.


Gold Member
I don't know if someone of you are slow to see the emerging trend... but Sony has absolutely lost their touch. Spring and summer will come and we will probably see some super bad ass eye blistering trailers for GoW2 and HZD2 and maybe a couple other neat things... but MS is just swinging SO HARD in every direction that it's really obvious how much they mean business this generation. If you aren't a dual console owner this gen and ONLY have a PS5 i feel like you will be missing out on some of the best stuff this gen has to offer. You really need to get off your high horses admit an early defeat and dip your toes into the other camp for once. It is time.
MS may be swinging hard, but there is little physical evidence of any damage caused by this swinging; Sony is still doing well and MS have released nothing great for the series S/X yet. Don’t get me wrong, if some great exclusives are released for the series X, I’ll be getting one no doubt, but at present (other than game pass), there is nothing to attract a gamer to xbox over Sony, or Nintendo, other than rumours and the promise of great things coming at some point in the future. The purchase of Bethesda, MLB being on Game Pass and the possibility of Kojima making an exclusive MS game does not change this.

I honestly don’t understand this constant need to champion one of the richest companies in the world, when they really don’t need any help haha - they’ll never be short of money.

In the long-run, if MS were to dominate the game scene (which I doubt, but you never know) it would mean less quality for us gamers, which is a bad thing. People need to be careful what they wish for.


Not me. I only played MGSV, but I absolutely hated and didn't finish it. Death Stranding looked like pretentious hot garbage to me.

If Xbox gets an exclusive game from Kojma it will be great PR for Xbox and Game Pass. It will be great for Xbox fans that actually like Kojima movies. I just hope Xbox doesn't waste an inordinate amount of money on him, because I can't stand the pretentious little prick or his overhyped "games".
Good to know, can’t say the same for the rest when they inevitably do start treating Kojima like a God because he’s on Xbox now.
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