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Chris Avellone is Fighting Back (Update: won seven figure lawsuit, formal apology/retraction from accusers)

rational people probably care because they are very tired of the 'Submit Or Be Destroyed' attitude so prevalent in parts of their society. it's one thing to have a reasonable disagreement on issues while engaging in respectful discourse, it's another to call for the ruination of an individual and his business/family/friends/et al because they simply disagree with you.
I honestly still dont understand the situation. All I read is he is a drunk. But I just noticed this thread is a year old. Opps. IM out.
Good on Chris for finally striking back.

It's insane that one of the best writers and game developers in the industry is ostracized based on the mere flimsy evidence of a single tweet by a biased and bitter person. Avellone's career was destroyed overnight and the whole gaming media industry took part in the witch hunt, not even bothering to verify the claims.

"Game journalists" like Jason Schreier gleefully reported on the drama because they smelled a big story. Throwing Chris under the bus while at the same time leeching off of his fame for twitter clout:


Talent is hard to come by, we can't allow jealous talentless hacks to keep abusing social media in order to ruin the legacy of those who earned it through hard work and dedication. It is easier to destroy than to create and this crap needs to stop!
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Mister Wolf

Good on Chris for finally striking back.

It's insane that one of the best writers and game developers in the industry is ostracized based on the mere flimsy evidence of a single tweet by a biased and bitter person. Avellone's career was destroyed overnight and the whole gaming media industry took part in the witch hunt, not even bothering to verify the claims.

"Game journalists" like Jason Schreier gleefully reported on the drama because they smelled a big story. Throwing Chris under the bus while at the same time leeching off of his fame for twitter clout:


Talent is hard to come by, we can't allow jealous talentless hacks to keep abusing social media in order to ruin the legacy of those who earned it through hard work and dedication. It is easier to destroy than to create and this crap needs to stop!
"Fed them drinks". Like they are babies and not grown women. No accountability.
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fart town usa

Gold Member
Why is everyone suddenly using the term 'gaslighting?' What does it even mean?
In a sense, to actively push "falsehoods" in an effort to undermine the truth. Make the person who knows the "truth" out to be a crazy person, but on a mass scale. Kind of like someone accusing someone of "pulling the wool" over someone's eyes.

Gaslighting was largely used by Jimmy Dore/TYT during the Obama administration (the term is much older than that, I think Charles Dickens came up with it), but media like the Daily Show, CNN, MSNBC, etc really started pushing it during Trump and that's why so many people say it now.

Gaslighting and Whataboutism are two terms that the hive mind cling to and toss out, usually incorrectly.

Some would say that the people who actively use these words are "projecting".


Moderated wildly
Why would you delete 60 thousand tweets? And who does 60 thousand tweets? Is that number real?

I'm not saying he may not be guilty of something but in the case of this story vs this woman, I hope he takes them to court and the actual law system weighs in on this.
"Fed them drinks". Like they are babies and not grown women. No accountability.

Not even towards the truth, as some of them were obviously lying. Some of these stories are easy to disprove, according to Avellone himself:

None of the press did any such research I’m aware of, even for the easiest confirmations. For example, a woman, Christy Dena, claimed we shared a night together in 2013 when I wasn’t even on the same continent.

Absolutely disgusting how they didn't even bother to factcheck.

fart town usa

Gold Member
The thing that annoys me the most about the current culture is that so many people are just brain dead to the concept that you can be actively be against rape, assault, etc. but also recognize that the truth should be sought out and investigated.

The hive mind is all, "you're either with us 100% or you're complicit in what we're accusing that person of..."

It's all mob justice and really disturbing/disgusting.
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Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Twitter is just part of the problem. Places like Reddit and Era can start the brigading that just spills over to Twitter and then goes out of control.
Cancel culture, intersectional idiocy, racial essentialism, and Black Lives Matter (which are all the same thing by the way) would simply not exist without Twitter. It’s a place where bitter, uneducated morons drop low IQ bombs on the masses. It’s the cesspool of humanity. Twitter has way more influence, power, and reaches far more people than the pathetic little freaks at ResetEra. Reddit contributes, sure, but can’t compare to the public lynchings and social justice tribunals that OCCUR EXCLUSIVELY on Twitter. LIVES ARE RUINED ON TWITTER. Society would be MUCH MUCH better off without it. It’s indefensible at this point.

fart town usa

Gold Member


Gold Member


Twitter "court" cases are only for people that want the other part to be found guilty without having to present any evidence to support their claim.
How it got to the point where social site that allows 280 characters per post is able to convict person and destroy one's career overnight is beyond my comprehension.


A woman that he made out with in the past suggesting that he go for someone else couldn't be anything other than a move. imho: Karissa making him hit on another woman was a shit test but he called her bluff and went for it. She couldn't cope and would eventually meddle in order to get him to stop seeing her, which was successful. Nonetheless, her ego demanded for the tension she felt not to have been her fault so she concocted this whole narrative that paints him as a bad person. Her girlfriend supported her as they are wont to do.


Gold Member
i mean, where were these women when i was young and looking? i had to actually work for their attention, nothing came easy with those ladies. do women nowadays have a few drinks then things turn into a Roman Orgy?

The amount of time I spent, slyly flicking roofies across the table into wine glasses when all I needed to do was stick a nosebag on these broads.

fart town usa

Gold Member
Good on Chris for finally striking back.

It's insane that one of the best writers and game developers in the industry is ostracized based on the mere flimsy evidence of a single tweet by a biased and bitter person. Avellone's career was destroyed overnight and the whole gaming media industry took part in the witch hunt, not even bothering to verify the claims.

"Game journalists" like Jason Schreier gleefully reported on the drama because they smelled a big story. Throwing Chris under the bus while at the same time leeching off of his fame for twitter clout:


Talent is hard to come by, we can't allow jealous talentless hacks to keep abusing social media in order to ruin the legacy of those who earned it through hard work and dedication. It is easier to destroy than to create and this crap needs to stop!

Jason Shreier is a grifting POS. Riding the coattails of twitter mobs to the tune of his own gain. Lowest of the low.


I feel like he waited way too long to defend himself. He didn't want to silence them? F these cunts. They are a menace to society.
It takes a long time to build a defense against false accusations, especially since their reason for making the false accusations has a huge impact on whether it was illegal or not. You gotta wait for the right opening for a knock out punch with this kind of thing.


In a sense, to actively push "falsehoods" in an effort to undermine the truth. Make the person who knows the "truth" out to be a crazy person, but on a mass scale. Kind of like someone accusing someone of "pulling the wool" over someone's eyes.

Gaslighting was largely used by Jimmy Dore/TYT during the Obama administration (the term is much older than that, I think Charles Dickens came up with it), but media like the Daily Show, CNN, MSNBC, etc really started pushing it during Trump and that's why so many people say it now.

Gaslighting and Whataboutism are two terms that the hive mind cling to and toss out, usually incorrectly.

Some would say that the people who actively use these words are "projecting".
Well thank you for answering on the anniversary of my comment.


If i was starting a game co. he would be one of the first i would contact, why? He is top tier talent and 20% of morons represents no-one, nor should you, care about. The market/ consumer dictates easily i will be successful hiring him.


"I was lying naked on a bed with no memories, but I thought it was a good idea to report it to a guy who wrote about videogames instead of calling the police".

Well, you would also expect a journalist to do some background checks and look for evidence before signal boosting it, but nah - that sounds like effort, he pretty much just retweeted an unsubstantiated rape claim for clicks. Classy, one day someone will stand-up to bully Jason Shreier and that day will be glorious.
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Gold Member
Good on Chris for finally striking back.

It's insane that one of the best writers and game developers in the industry is ostracized based on the mere flimsy evidence of a single tweet by a biased and bitter person. Avellone's career was destroyed overnight and the whole gaming media industry took part in the witch hunt, not even bothering to verify the claims.

"Game journalists" like Jason Schreier gleefully reported on the drama because they smelled a big story. Throwing Chris under the bus while at the same time leeching off of his fame for twitter clout:


Talent is hard to come by, we can't allow jealous talentless hacks to keep abusing social media in order to ruin the legacy of those who earned it through hard work and dedication. It is easier to destroy than to create and this crap needs to stop!
Rather sexist statements there, Schreier. They are grown women capable of saying ... wait for it ... NO!

Or are you insinuating they are the fragile and weak of the species, incapable of grown up decisions?
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I feel like he waited way too long to defend himself. He didn't want to silence them? F these cunts. They are a menace to society.
Last year, "believe women" with no exceptions, no "buts" was still very much a thing, even though it had already been abused for more than a year, probably even more. Lockdowns, probably the political climate, people co-opting the nonsense to have some moments of fame or get power over others, I think it reached peak "woke" / toxicity.

In certain spaces you couldn't even argue that maybe we should be cautious of claims via twitter, that social justice had become mob justice really fast, that maybe some people gain by destroying reputations in this manner instead of going through due process -- especially when unearthing really dodgy stories of years long past.

It was an immediate suspend -- maybe a ban at era, but I've never been a member in that piss pool.

I find that that craze has somewhat toned down. Not that you won't get suspended in places, but there's more push back against the lunacy to at least not nod your head to their regressive ideas and twitter screeching.
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The question I have is he didn't wanna file a lawsuit on the women he was actually acquainted with and wanted to let them be heard..but did he file a lawsuit against the chick he claims was on an entirely diff content, he didn't know, and she 100% fabricated them even knowing each other personally? That seems like a slam dunk of a case and would have really bolstered his story involving the other women here. Like why'd that chick get a pass on a lawsuit? Ultimately...why'd anyone get a pass on a lawsuit if they ruined your future livelihood and past legacy? I'm 34 and I've lived in quite a few places around the globe and never met a man or woman who chose to be nice and cordial with people trying to take the shirt off their back and food off their table.


The question I have is he didn't wanna file a lawsuit on the women he was actually acquainted with and wanted to let them be heard..but did he file a lawsuit against the chick he claims was on an entirely diff content, he didn't know, and she 100% fabricated them even knowing each other personally? That seems like a slam dunk of a case and would have really bolstered his story involving the other women here. Like why'd that chick get a pass on a lawsuit? Ultimately...why'd anyone get a pass on a lawsuit if they ruined your future livelihood and past legacy? I'm 34 and I've lived in quite a few places around the globe and never met a man or woman who chose to be nice and cordial with people trying to take the shirt off their back and food off their table.
Maybe the specifics didn't make it easy. Like, did she even give her real name in the accusation? And would it make sense to go after an obviously mentally unwell person (or more) that posted easily disproven lies just to pile on the original tweet?

It seems more worthy to focus on the people who started the mob rally, rather than the nutjobs that thought it was open season to write false metoo stories of their own.

Or, you know, maybe when the big thing is cleared out, he'll sue too.
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