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Fuse (Insomniac's Overstrike) Trailer - March 2013 [Update: GTTV Episode]

def sim

The old art style was better, but at least it looks like it'll play very much like an Insomniac game. Weird weapons and all. I hope this turns out alright.


As someone who hasn't played a lot of Insomniac's games and is really getting tired of generic shooters, the main thing that made me interested in this game was the art style and character. Now...basically no interest.

Yep. The last level doesn't change the fact.
Borderlands 1 is still dessert the game. Just because it has a different ending area doesn't change that.

Man, that sounds like a delicious ass game.
Kickstarter for Fuse to revert back to Overstrike's style. I will honestly pledge at least 200 dollars.

I don't have any doubts that insomniac games can craft a quality gaming experience, they are bar none the best weapon creators in the business. But the graphics in this game look horrible. every other generic shooter = Fuse. Please don't misconstrue my opinion as "hating". I just believe that this game has potential. Graphics are not everything very true, but why ditch a unique and fun style? I would not be so vocal about a game I didn't care about. I am sad right now.


Yep. The last level doesn't change the fact.
Borderlands 1 is still dessert the game. Just because it has a different ending area doesn't change that.

Soo...the primarily greenish-blue toned Mississippi river section and STL don't change that? Or running through the train at sunset? Minetown with it's blue hues at night? Even still, why knock a title where the planet is nearly dead for not being lush?


each level has a varying palette to be sure... and again, not a military shooter. It's grounded, but by no means a "realistic" game

Your pattern with this game is to release media then apologize for it, claim it doesn't tell the full story, and promise that the tone reflected in the media is not present in the actual game...

Nobody is forcing you to release what you are releasing. If it's not a military shooter why are you fighting against generic looking military dudes? If it still has a lot of humor why is the tone of the trailer just generic badass without the slightest hint of humor? If each level has a varying palette why does the trailer look so bland and use the same beige - tan - grey color scheme?

Instead of telling people that the game is totally not like it's being portrayed in your own media why not release media that is more representative of the game?

Edit: I guess this is pretty harsh...but this is a trend that has been going on for a while now at a lot of companies and I just don't get it. Clearly people put thought into the trailer and what they wanted it to convey, and that stuff is obviously not a wide color palette, humor and a lack of military setting. If that's what the game is then your trailer is doing a poor job. If that's not what the game is then stop claiming otherwise.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Soo...the primarily greenish-blue toned Mississippi river section and STL don't change that? Or running through the train at sunset? Minetown with it's blue hues at night? Even still, why knock a title where the planet is nearly dead for not being lush?

Why knock the originals for being piss filter when that was the primary theme of the invading force who blotted out the skies with their ships and had their greenish yellow lights constantly shining?


Looks like they desaturated the shit out of Overstrike, pulled out the personality, and stuffed in some shitty music.
I totally understand why they changed it though. There's just no money in the kind of games that Overstrike was aiming for. It probably would have sold a few hundred thousand. The financial landscape of game development has unfortunately changed to such a degree that you need COD esque numbers to make any money, and you're not going to get those numbers with TF2 style graphics and humor. The mass market penetration of consoles and the exponential rise of budgets has changed things forever.

You may hate the marketing, but marketing departments are not stupid. This is the kind of stuff that gets real attention nowadays and stirs up significant interest. It's very easy to live in the GAF bubble and not understand how small of a market share we represent. 10% of the casual playerbase is probably more than 100% of the enthusiast base. And with most people only buying 1-3 games a year, and those being increasingly locked in to the major franchises, there's zero room to maneuver.

Game development is increasingly a money-losing proposition, the only reason I feel like games keep getting made is the lottery ticket like hope that maybe this will be the 1% of new games that become next year's blockbuster franchise.


So this is some sort of Bizarro Borderlands, going from a colorful and fun artstyle to a generic-looking shooter?
What happened to the charm and personality of this game? Fuck you EA and your focus groups :( It looks generic as hell, seriously Insomniac, get back to the old art style, this game is gonna bomb so hard. The casuals don't care about Insomniac Games, and it will look like another CoD clone to them, and the gamers/Insomniac fans will be turned off.

I'm starting to lose all hope with Insomniac, the reason R2 failed is because they changed their game too much to cater to the CoD audience, the gameplay was too altered and lost its personality, CoD fans were still playing CoD, but RFoM fans were fucked. Just make the game YOU as gamers want to play, and then you'll find and audience, stop trying to reach a virtual public that only exists in studies.


Went from interesting to cringe worthy looks just like every other shooter now.
The trailer music didn't help either.


I totally understand why they changed it though. There's just no money in the kind of games that Overstrike was aiming for. It probably would have sold a few hundred thousand. The financial landscape of game development has unfortunately changed to such a degree that you need COD esque numbers to make any money, and you're not going to get those numbers with TF2 style graphics and humor. The mass market penetration of consoles and the exponential rise of budgets has changed things forever.

You may hate the marketing, but marketing departments are not stupid. This is the kind of stuff that gets real attention nowadays and stirs up significant interest. It's very easy to live in the GAF bubble and not understand how small of a market share we represent. 10% of the casual playerbase is probably more than 100% of the enthusiast base. And with most people only buying 1-3 games a year, and those being increasingly locked in to the major franchises, there's zero room to maneuver.

Game development is increasingly a money-losing proposition, the only reason I feel like games keep getting made is the lottery ticket like hope that maybe this will be the 1% of games that become next year's blockbuster franchise.

Would this push the "core" gamer away from staples like Gears, COD and Halo? The choice they just made is lose-lose. You lose the original and striking art style and the actual chances of making it "big" are super slim because the "hardcore" label your game as generic. You won't win the "I only buy 3 games a year because I exactly know the experience I want. I don't want anything else" with a coop-shooter.


Redefining Generic One Game At The Time.™

Goodness me, why does every game has to look bloody the same! I'll take a lighthearted stab at the genre over another gritty debauchery any day of the week.


Looks generic as all hell.

Was Sony wise to let Insomniac go?...I think so.

Quality has been slipping as of late, and it's beginning to become a trend.

All 4 One, Full Frontal Assault, and now this. It's sad to see how far they are falling.

This is coming from someone who loves/owns R&C 123, R&C Future 123, and Resistance 123.


Hunky Nostradamus
The game sounds very fun from everything I've read, but it looks so damn generic. Grey industrial/military complex with palm trees in the background and random crates/boxes placed around the map for no other reason than to be used for cover. Bleh.


So... this game does in fact look fairly generic in terms of artstyle and presentation.

On the other hand its main focus is obviously co-op and Insomniac's signature style of weaponry. This could be all the game needs if they do it right. If the co-op can capture the same sense of teamwork that say L4D1/2 can, then they may have something here. Combined with some unique weapons that are fun to use together, it could be great.

But yeah, its weird to see this after recently playing Resistance 3. Such a beautiful game with some real attention to detail, and everything shown in this trailer completely lacks anything that R3 accomplished.


Was Sony wise to let Insomniac go?...I think so.

Quality has been slipping as of late, and it's beginning to become a trend.

All 4 One, Full Frontal Assault, and now this. It's sad to see how far they are falling.

This is coming from someone who loves/owns R&C 123, R&C Future 123, and Resistance 123.

Sony never "had" Insomniac. Insomniac has always been independent.

Also, FFA beta was awesome, what the heck are you talking about? It's basically a 3rd person MOBA with Ratchet weapons and TD elements. Probably their best MP ever.


I totally understand why they changed it though. There's just no money in the kind of games that Overstrike was aiming for. It probably would have sold a few hundred thousand. The financial landscape of game development has unfortunately changed to such a degree that you need COD esque numbers to make any money, and you're not going to get those numbers with TF2 style graphics and humor. The mass market penetration of consoles and the exponential rise of budgets has changed things forever.

You may hate the marketing, but marketing departments are not stupid. This is the kind of stuff that gets real attention nowadays and stirs up significant interest. It's very easy to live in the GAF bubble and not understand how small of a market share we represent. 10% of the casual playerbase is probably more than 100% of the enthusiast base. And with most people only buying 1-3 games a year, and those being increasingly locked in to the major franchises, there's zero room to maneuver.

Game development is increasingly a money-losing proposition, the only reason I feel like games keep getting made is the lottery ticket like hope that maybe this will be the 1% of new games that become next year's blockbuster franchise.

Pretty much. The nail that sticks out gets hammered. (Via focus testing aimed at the "dude" and "bro" demographics.)


Sailor Stevenson
Was Sony wise to let Insomniac go?...I think so.

Quality has been slipping as of late, and it's beginning to become a trend.

All 4 One, Full Frontal Assault, and now this. It's sad to see how far they are falling.

This is coming from someone who loves/owns R&C 123, R&C Future 123, and Resistance 123.

I didn't know Sony had "let us go." - especially when we're still working with them on Ratchet.
I totally understand why they changed it though. There's just no money in the kind of games that Overstrike was aiming for. It probably would have sold a few hundred thousand. The financial landscape of game development has unfortunately changed to such a degree that you need COD esque numbers to make any money, and you're not going to get those numbers with TF2 style graphics and humor. The mass market penetration of consoles and the exponential rise of budgets has changed things forever.

You may hate the marketing, but marketing departments are not stupid. This is the kind of stuff that gets real attention nowadays and stirs up significant interest. It's very easy to live in the GAF bubble and not understand how small of a market share we represent. 10% of the casual playerbase is probably more than 100% of the enthusiast base. And with most people only buying 1-3 games a year, and those being increasingly locked in to the major franchises, there's zero room to maneuver.

Game development is increasingly a money-losing proposition, the only reason I feel like games keep getting made is the lottery ticket like hope that maybe this will be the 1% of new games that become next year's blockbuster franchise.

I don't believe that, isn't TF2 a big success even before it gone free to play?

also, in any other medium, cartoony and humorous still sell a lot, regardless of quality, look at shrek and various other cg movie even not made by pixar. that shows the artstyle is not that alienating to mass market, if someone made a genuinely good game even with cartoony artstyle, with the right marketing it should be able to sell.

the current trend of 'gritty'shooter is probably more risky than ever now since it's hard to distinguish yourselves from many other game with similar looks. also, what recent gritty game that is not a big name like CoD/Gears to actually sell well? does inversion or spec ops sell well?

Cake Boss

I totally understand why they changed it though. There's just no money in the kind of games that Overstrike was aiming for. It probably would have sold a few hundred thousand. The financial landscape of game development has unfortunately changed to such a degree that you need COD esque numbers to make any money, and you're not going to get those numbers with TF2 style graphics and humor. The mass market penetration of consoles and the exponential rise of budgets has changed things forever.

You may hate the marketing, but marketing departments are not stupid. This is the kind of stuff that gets real attention nowadays and stirs up significant interest. It's very easy to live in the GAF bubble and not understand how small of a market share we represent. 10% of the casual playerbase is probably more than 100% of the enthusiast base. And with most people only buying 1-3 games a year, and those being increasingly locked in to the major franchises, there's zero room to maneuver.

Game development is increasingly a money-losing proposition, the only reason I feel like games keep getting made is the lottery ticket like hope that maybe this will be the 1% of new games that become next year's blockbuster franchise.

I only read the first sentance and couldnt anymore because there is a sequel coming to game that sold millions and its called Boarderlands.
Would this push the "core" gamer away from staples like Gears, COD and Halo? The choice they just made is lose-lose. You lose the original and striking art style and the actual chances of making it "big" are super slim because the "hardcore" label your game as generic. You won't win the "I only buy 3 games a year because I exactly know the experience I want. I don't want anything else" with a coop-shooter.

The difference is, with the original style they know they're going to fail and lose huge sums of money. With the new style, there's a tiny chance that maybe it becomes widely successful. A non-zero chance is always better than zero. It's the same strategy Hollywood uses with blockbuster movies. They make 10 movies with 200 million plus budgets. 8 of those 10 bomb horrifically, 1 breaks even, and the last one becomes a billion dollar franchise that recoups all the losses from the other films and results in a net profit.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I've never seen a trailer backfire, but here we are. Every single thing about this trailer is so anti-Insomniac that it trips me out. The generic look, the generic action, the complete lack of character, the shitty ass music...everything.
Please, tell us more with your awesome crystal ball.

They just skip out on any animation budget and pour it all into writing and art.



The difference is, with the original style they know they're going to fail and lose huge sums of money. With the new style, there's a tiny chance that maybe it becomes widely successful.

There is no way to predict to that degree what might catch lightning in a bottle and blow up huge. I mean, would you say that a game like Minecraft had a non-zero chance of becoming a huge hit?

Borderlands is looking to be a big hit. TF2 is a big hit. It's not like it's completely unprecedented. The idea that the game was 100% sure to bomb with the old style just doesn't make sense.


Has no PEINS
No no, you must have misheard me, I said I wanted to see more *OverStrike*

Best of luck with this, guys, but I'm checked out


The difference is, with the original style they know they're going to fail and lose huge sums of money. With the new style, there's a tiny chance that maybe it becomes widely successful. A non-zero chance is always better than zero. It's the same strategy Hollywood uses with blockbuster movies. They make 10 movies with 200 million plus budgets. 8 of those 10 bomb horrifically, 1 breaks even, and the last one becomes a billion dollar franchise that recoups all the losses from the other films and results in a net profit.

I guess I just don't think that having a unique art style automatically creates a zero chance of success. In fact, I don't understand that reasoning at all. If it ends being the same core game mechanics with a "gray-brown" art-style over it, what kind of difference is that going to make? Are we saying that the "core-bro" audience is automatically put off by colors and pixar-esque designs?

Ugh, freeze me up and let me wake up in 50 years when the industry has changed.



Hilarious meltdowns,killzone trailer levels. I thought it looked fine.

I feel this is more in line with the "What did you *DO* to that thing we all liked?" reactions to SSX when all we knew about it was Deadly Descents.

Granted, we could be looking at a similar scenario with this game, but my hopes are not high right now.


I didn't know Sony had "let us go." - especially when we're still working with them on Ratchet.

I meant to say Insomniac have let themselves go.
So tired of the excuses. I remember being told All 4 One was going to be a AAA effort...yeah right. Full Frontal Assault is going to be just as terrible. And can't the company see the backlash from this trailer, fans aren't happy with what they're seeing. Get back to what worked for you guys, fresh ideas. Quit trying to mimic all the generic crap that's out there and stay original.
I guess I just don't think that having a unique art style automatically creates a zero chance of success. In fact, I don't understand that reasoning at all. If it ends being the same core game mechanics with a "gray-brown" art-style over it, what kind of difference is that going to make?

Ugh, freeze me up and let me wake up in 50 years when the industry has changed.


if you ask me, the industry has changed, it's just that the publishers that are blind and keep chasing that crowd. seriously, how many recent shooter with this generic gritty artstyle actually sell? most of the time we heard news of bomba, you'd think those would serve as a warning sign for publishers to change things up.
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