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Strangest thing you've found on the internet.

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A.K.A. Exploring the depths of the web.


If, like me, you've often been incredibly bored on those cold grey days on some nameless day in the middle of winter,w ith the only source of interest being your computer you've poked around the darker corners of the web looking for cool/funny/strange/secret stuff to help pass the time a little quicker.

It's amazing what you can find, from the oldest pages of the internet:


To the more weirder/funnier end of the spectrum:


To the stranger, more confusing elements of the web:

Many of which are courtesy of Jodi.


Then there's other parts of the web - the more... worrying? There's the famous convicted sex offender and general pedophile who uploads videos to Youtube on a regular basis:

And other strange Youtube accounts/videos, a clear indication that certain people, given the freedom of anonymity/self expression to a large audience, will upload the most personal parts of their lives with no hindrance.


But, above all the oddities you can find here on the internet, indexed by Google, there's strange places to 'visit' beneath the surface:

With the help of something like TOR



Now be warned, I've been there, and this is where things get VERY weird - Be EXTREMELY CAREFUL if you plan on going there - needless to say, I've not even scratched the surface, and purposely avoided specific links and sites for the sake of legality and sheer human common sense.
But simply put there are links that are advertised to lead you to private, uncontrolled, unregulated and 'closed' sites for anything ranging from anonymous drug market places like SilkRoad to more worrying domains that advertise assassination, hitmen, weird/fucked up pornography, government information, banned images/videos/texts, illegal animal trade, hacking groups, communities and P2P/FTP hubs.

From a certain perspective, this kind of thing fascinates me - the internet is weird - fucking weird - but wonderful in some ways too.
Plus, the idea that lost government articles, papers, strange computer programs/services, weird strings of code, documents, reports and other strange/secretive pieces of information are viewable with a bit of digging excites me - I'm not sure why.
Above all, I always stay safe, being very careful not to break any laws, and steering well clear of of suspicious links/promises, but otherwise I just find it fun to dig from time to time.

So that's my little map of the weirdness of the internet, but what about you GAF? What's the strangest place you've been (keep it clean, and no "neogaf.com" posts y'all).

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Subscribing. Also OP, Edarem is apparently wasting away in prison if I remember correctly.


Russian Helicopter Pirate is one of the weirdest things I have seen lately. But I found it on GAF. :lol
The FYAD board on Something Awful. It makes absolutely no sense at times.

Oh, and I believe it's only SA members (which I am) who can view that board.


A forum where pedophile serial killers post about their latest victims and show off photos and videos. (Note: I haven't seen any of those photos or videos just for the record).


Reddit. Went to the home page and thought "what the hell am I suppose to do now?" And closed it.
There is a lot of child porn in the deep web. I would be careful of what links you click on, I went down there a few times and I didn't want a visit from the fbi.

edit: there is a whole article on how to get to the deep web and what some of the bigger websites are. I'm sure you can google it and find it. Number stations are awesome.


This can't really exist...

It kinda doesn't, it's mostly made up shit. Basement dwellers have very good imaginations. A small percentage is actually legit. You don't wanna know anyway, seriously.

I'd say efukt is probably the strangest thing. Pterodactyl porn and shit.

Subscribing. Also OP, Edarem is apparently wasting away in prison if I remember correctly.

No, he's dead.



From what I've heard, there is some very real shit on it.

Like I said, a small percentage is legit. I'm not saying that there aren't any serial killer pedophiles, I'm saying most of the stuff written on these forums is bullshit.


Really, I...huh. Wow. Did he ever get back out before passing, or did he die in prison?

His wife was trying to get him out, AFAIK. Posted some videos on his YT account to ask for help. He died in prison though. There's a thread about it I think.
This is true, and all sorts of fucked up things pop up on a hidden resource somewhere... But the most famous "deep web" content that nerds talk about is generally child porn or hoaxes. You didn't think those hitman pages were real, did you?

Still the child porn is all levels of fucked up.


Gold Member
This is true, and all sorts of fucked up things pop up on a hidden resource somewhere... But the most famous "deep web" content that nerds talk about is generally child porn or hoaxes. You didn't think those hitman pages were real, did you?

And Im sure some gov. agency set it up to catch people.


Like I said, a small percentage is legit. I'm not saying that there aren't any serial killer pedophiles, I'm saying most of the stuff written on these forums is bullshit.

Probably but there have been a few big pedo rings caught through deep web stuff. Beyond just looking at it. Still it's the strangest thing I've seen. Real or not, it's disturbing.
For people asking, the stuff you hear about? Most of it's on the Deep Web. There's literally everything and anything on there. Some stuff's blatant trolling/some sick fantasy that you hear, but there's a lot to the Dark net and if you search hard enough, you will find it.

BE careful - DON'T go in beyond your depth, and be careful what links you click. It gets very, very dark down there.

*EDIT* Hitmen sites are real, to some extent - things like this are dressed up a lot when people report on them, but it's the forums were a lot of stuff is passed around like this.
Absolutely. You can see the wrong thing just like that on the indexed web, too, though. /b/ being the most famous example. I'm just saying that while there is no denying the fucked up things all over the Internet, and that there are definitely hidden resources with horrible things, a lot of it is just nerds role playing. The stuff on the hidden wiki is basically a collection of hoaxes and scams. It is not what the legend of the deep web claims it is.

Ya but I think the concept of the deep web and dark net is pretty interesting. It makes me curious on how many people use it, from civilians to governments. Its there, its just somewhat hard to navigate through.


I once got linked to a forum where people were trying to find HIV/AIDS carriers to have sex.

Other then that...I guess videos and pics of people living in their own filth is just so bizzare and disturbing.


Probably but there have been a few big pedo rings caught through deep web stuff. Beyond just looking at it. Still it's the strangest thing I've seen. Real or not, it's disturbing.

It is, definitely. I remember reading a story where the poster amputated children and then used them as sex toys. The entire thing was so highly detailed that he explained how he fed them, at what time, what kind of food, how he stopped the bleeding. Pretty insane shit.

People really shouldn't go near this, even if it's mostly bull.
Absolutely. You can see the wrong thing just like that on the indexed web, too, though. /b/ being the most famous example. I'm just saying that while there is no denying the fucked up things all over the Internet, and that there are definitely hidden resources with horrible things, a lot of it is just nerds role playing. The stuff on the hidden wiki is basically a collection of hoaxes and scams. It is not what the legend of the deep web claims it is.

Yeah, this is pretty accurate. The Hidden Wiki is a bit of a cess pit, and really isn't anything to talk about.

You need to actually get out there and take a look around to see for yourself what it's like.

Some of it is borked - there are broken links, false promises, and very low traffic sites - a bit of a wasteland. But every now and then you stumble upon some cool stuff. Just avoid anything with 'chan' in the name, it's likely CP.
There's a surprising amount of legitimate, legal research papers, mathematical articles and science indexes across the Deep Web too. Why it has a place down there I don't know, but it surprised me a little.

It is, definitely. I remember reading a story where the poster amputated children and then used them as sex toys. The entire thing was so highly detailed that he explained how he fed them, at what time, what kind of food, how he stopped the bleeding. Pretty insane shit.

People really shouldn't go near this, even if it's mostly bull.

If you're on about what I think you're on about, this is a fake hoax.

Hidden resources aren't meant to be navigated through. You either know where they are or you don't. That's sort of what I'm getting at. The stuff you CAN just hop on and access by clicking around from hyperlink to hyperlink is probably just asking for someone to trick you into looking at CP or getting into some scam.

Again, spot on - some things aren't advertised, don't exist to the naked eye, aren't linked to per se. You have to know where to go to find them, and it's just one solitary, hidden door.
Hidden resources aren't meant to be navigated through. You either know where they are or you don't. That's sort of what I'm getting at. The stuff you CAN just hop on and access by clicking around from hyperlink to hyperlink is probably just asking for someone to trick you into looking at CP or getting into some scam.

Sorry I should amend what I said, I know they can't be navigated to but they exist out there.
We don't know what they're for exactly. And some of them make pretty creepy noises. And then there's stuff like how some of them have suddenly changed after years of consistency. It's an odd thing that's just out there. It gets the imagination going.

I thought it was confirmed for at least some of them that they were government run? I thought one was tracked down to the middle of Moscow.
Maybe I'm missing something, but what's so interesting/creepy about number stations?

Government broadcasted/controlled short wave radio stations that still exist from Cold War era time, that broadcast encrypted messages from weird locations to unidentifiable people, but can be heard throughout the world, on continuous loop, in some cases, without pause.

What are they saying? Why are they on 24/7, and what are they talking about that's so important but so readily discoverable? Some of them change for no apparent reason for short amounts of time, and others have strange human voices in the background. See:
Look at the Activity part.
I don't know a ton about them, I used to have a shortwave radio when I was a kid, other than that I don't know much about that whole scene. From Wikipedia, it seems like most people think they're government run and for communication of some sort?

I'm pretty sure most people during the cold war were worried about russian sleeper agents here in america who got their instructions via number stations since shortwave can travel an incredible distance. A lot of those same stations back then are still up now. I know number stations are used by governments in the south pole and other places to transfer information about current temperature and all from a buoy to the mainland.
I thought it was confirmed for at least some of them that they were government run? I thought one was tracked down to the middle of Moscow.

Some have been tracked. One to a US base somewhere pretty built up, another to a strange, isolated Russian town, another to Moscow Oblast, later moved to Zelenograd.

UVB-76 has had a lot of activity in 2012 in particular...


Water is not wet!
One of the creepiest is this one where this guy found an old picture hidden in his room. It was from the 60s or 70s and showed a boy dressed in womens clothes looking scared. i think it was from a poster on GAF. IIRC, the story that the poster dug up was that a neighbors kid went missing years ago. Its probably still in the Creepy Story thread but i dont have time to search for it right now.
This is a report of the activity of UVB-76 in 2012. Interesting stuff, especially the translations and the spectogram images.

The buzzer changed to a higher pitched buzz on Aug 30, 2012[21], and 2 voice messages were heard on Sept 3, 2012 between 0459-0517 UTC.[citation needed]
A recording of voice messages from September 3, 2012. [1]
After a few days the buzzer changed again to its original pitch.[citation needed]
On the night of September 28th, 2012, (GMT), around 3:46 (AM), several Morse code transmissions could be heard on the station. The buzzer however kept its normal pitch.
On the night of October 2nd, 2012. (GMT), Around 22:45 a Morse signal was transmitted alongside the buzzer for several hours. Buzzer kept normal pitch. [2][citation needed]
October 3rd, 2012. (GMT), Around 21:00, The Morse signal starts transmitting again alongside the buzzer. Morse code repeats every minute.
October 4th, 2012. (GMT), Around 22:00, the Morse signal starts transmitting once more accompanied by a noise similar to a Fax Machine in the background. Snippets of conversation can be heard occasionally in the background as well as what sounds like a German radio show.
October 6th, 2012. (GMT), Around 04:15 Voices can be heard with the buzzer appearing to keep its normal pitch. Voices were fairly clear at points and there were small snippets of some kind of music.
October 6th, 2012. (GMT) The Buzzer is silent for an unknown amount of time, before retuning after a series of strange pops and beeps.
October 8th, 2012. (GMT), Around 11:24, a Russian voice can be heard saying some names and other things in Russian. The Russian voice can be heard for around 2 minutes before the buzzer recommences.
October 8th, 2012. (GMT), Around 18.50 A Russian radio station could faintly be heard. Snippets of music could also be heard.
October 8th, 2012. (GMT), At 20.47 the buzzer switched to a loud and continuous buzzing noise which stopped at 20.53 and changed back into the normal buzzing tone only with stronger static.
October 11th, 2012: Morse code / static is being transmitted, buzzing returned. Signals are weakened. More voices at 7:15 PST
October 12th, 2012: Static / Weak Signal is being transmitted throughout most of the day, crackling sounds often heard. At 21:33 GMT the buzzing stopped and was replaced by a minute of static, the buzzing came back and within two minutes returned to complete static, then a beeping sound played (Separate From The Buzzing). More noises heard. Voices heard. Beeping is heard every minute.
October 13th, 2012: Static Is No Longer Heard, the signal is now completely defunct as of 00:43 GMT, however, it is now (As of 00:48) operational - albeit static - Crackling sounds are often heard. Beeping cycle still continues. Noises heard. Signals appear on spectrograms. As of 18:24 GMT, the signal is dead again.
October 14th, 2012: Buzzing resumed, but fluctuates heavily in volume. Beeping cycle continues still.
October 17th, 2012: Buzzing stopped, static is no longer heard, beeping cycle continues still. A man and woman's voice could be heard in the background, possibly using Russian language. Once voices stopped the buzzing continued.
October 19th, 2012: A noise blends in with the buzzer.
October 20th, 2012: Russian voices blend in with the buzzer. The buzzer's volume varies from soft to loud. Morse code can be heard along with the buzzer.
October 21st, 2012: 0840 (GMT) Message МДЖБ 06 855 РАСПИРАНИЕ 71 77 91 11 ВАСОВИТЫЙ 26 57 48 86
 Translation: Distension MDZHB 06,855 71 77 91 11 26 57 VASOVITY 48 86
October 22nd, 2012: Music heard on the background, loud and clear.
October 23rd, 2012: Voices talking in the background, in Russian. Morse code heard both in absence and alongside the buzzer at around 18:46 GMT.
October 23rd, 2012: 1747 (GMT) CW Signal heard.
October 23rd, 2012: Morse code and noises similar to that of a fax machine were again heard at 21.23 (GMT). Occasional conversation can be heard in the background, conducted in Russian. 23:32 (UTC) the buzzing has been altered and sounds like a phone ringing.

Not the strangest, some of the stuff I've found is just.... yeah... it would get me banned.

But this is a favourite!
Bananas Exploding On Face

You don't have to post the actual material, you can just explain it... I'm intrigued.


I love this thread, thanks OP.

I once got linked to a forum where people were trying to find HIV/AIDS carriers to have sex.

Other then that...I guess videos and pics of people living in their own filth is just so bizzare and disturbing.

I remember this. And some of em were asking for tips on how to infect others and some weird shit.


One of the creepiest is this one where this guy found an old picture hidden in his room. It was from the 60s or 70s and showed a boy dressed in womens clothes looking scared. i think it was from a poster on GAF. IIRC, the story that the poster dug up was that a neighbors kid went missing years ago. Its probably still in the Creepy Story thread but i dont have time to search for it right now.

oh yeah! i remember that. that picture was incredibly disturbing


Stuff like this is so exciting to me since I don't know much about it and I've never used TOR. Tell me more about the deep web (except the sick child porn stories).


Short bus special
You don't have to post the actual material, you can just explain it... I'm intrigued.

You know, people dressed up as various kinds of dinousaurs while fucking fruits, and then eating them afterwards. You know, usual stuff.


Stuff like this is so exciting to me since I don't know much about it and I've never used TOR. Tell me more about the deep web (except the sick child porn stories).

Yeah, this is a great thread. I'm incredibly interested in this but way too much of a pussy to go digging. Not because I'm worried about what I will find but more that I'll stumble on something and then have the government knocking on my door. Irrational maybe, but I know it would be in the back of my mind.
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