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Strangest thing you've found on the internet.

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Yeah, this is a great thread. I'm incredibly interested in this but way too much of a pussy to go digging. Not because I'm worried about what I will find but more that I'll stumble on something and then have the government knocking on my door. Irrational maybe, but I know it would be in the back of my mind.

It is better to be safe than sorry. However I did some digging through TOR and as long as you are smart and safe there isn't too much to worry about. There are not a ton of sites and if you don't have any access to hidden networks then you run out of things to do quickly unless you are actually going to partake in illegal activity.
Drugs - are not for everyone

Pretty much.

Stuff like this is so exciting to me since I don't know much about it and I've never used TOR. Tell me more about the deep web (except the sick child porn stories).

What do you want to know? I don't know everything about it - far from it - but I've seen enough stuff.

You know, people dressed up as various kinds of dinousaurs while fucking fruits, and then eating them afterwards. You know, usual stuff.



Jacquelyn Stallone's website for Rumpology, where she'll give a psychic reading based on photos of your naked ass.

How bad is /b/, I mean really? I've visited on occasions and nothing stood out to me, just a lot of people talking trash about nothing, the odd bit of porn/strange picture. I hear all these weird stories but can never see them happening.

Case of right place right time?


I love this thread


slightly NSFW, someone posted this on 4chan once I browsed /x/

I.. um.. what?

How bad is /b/, I mean really? I've visited on occasions and nothing stood out to me, just a lot of people talking trash about nothing, the odd bit of porn/strange picture. I hear all these weird stories but can never see them happening.

Case of right place right time?

Sometimes they post weird or even interesting stuff but its mostly shit talk, repetitive threads and all kinds of porn unfortunately.

From what I've heard, there is some very real shit on it.

That can't be real. If it's real why hasn't anyone reported that to the feds?

Anyways, I've been on the Silk Road, it's not hard to get too. Only an idiot buys from there, you either A. get scammed or B. get arrested, and the general community is made up of idiots barely literate teens who think they're "gangster and cool" for being on there.

in HS our local pot dealer was on there, and he would for those in the "know" tell us how to get there and guy the "good stuff" for cheaper. it wasn't cheaper nor was it good, he just wanted to be cool. He ended up getting arrested because he's an idiot.
Yeah, this is a great thread. I'm incredibly interested in this but way too much of a pussy to go digging. Not because I'm worried about what I will find but more that I'll stumble on something and then have the government knocking on my door. Irrational maybe, but I know it would be in the back of my mind.



I love the fact that zombo.com still exists. Somebody has continued to pay for that site to exist for 13 years, just because.
The Silk Road is for real, it's gotten covered by proper journalists. It also seems like a good way to get yourself arrested if you aren't careful about how you get your drugs shipped to you, and I wonder how many transactions on there end up amounting to you paying an exorbitant amount and receiving absolutely nothing in return.

In general I'm surprised by how much drug shipment goes down through standard delivery services. There's a Vice documentary that follows a drug dealer around, and he makes it clear that a part of the price you pay is due to losses when a shipment gets intercepted, but they get enough through that its still a good way to move the product around. Crazy stuff, makes you wonder how many crazy things are sitting around in your neighborhood UPS truck.

First bold: Won't happen, unless you continuously attempt to ship drugs to your address. First few times, nothing will happen (you'll be watched, but no interception). If you live in the US, about third time you'll get a knock on the door/letter through which could be one of 3 things - a harsh warning with a cease and desist command, a harsh warning + fine or a legitimate clearing for someone to come and search your place of residence. This is when you start to wipe your hard drive with 5220-22M standards, overwriting data 7 times, snapping your phone sim in half and chucking your phone. If you have something to hide, of course.
Then you appear in court
Second bold: definitely a concern, from this guy I know he's been scammed a few times - or at least, he's paid only for the package to be intercepted. Pro tip: don't order from the Netherlands.

That can't be real. If it's real why hasn't anyone reported that to the feds?

Anyways, I've been on the Silk Road, it's not hard to get too. Only an idiot buys from there, you either A. get scammed or B. get arrested, and the general community is made up of idiots barely literate teens who think they're "gangster and cool" for being on there.

in HS our local pot dealer was on there, and he would for those in the "know" tell us how to get there and guy the "good stuff" for cheaper. it wasn't cheaper nor was it good, he just wanted to be cool. He ended up getting arrested because he's an idiot.

First bold: Not true, see above.
Second bold: Not true - it's the buyers that fit your description, often.

Let me highlight something I've said throughout the thread so far: Be careful, make sure you KNOW what you're doing (be honest with yourself) and don't do anything illegal.

I love the fact that zombo.com still exists. Somebody has continued to pay for that site to exist for 13 years, just because.

Fucking great isn't it? :D

Oh, and also there some some pretty creepy sub-reddits.


It's exactly what is sounds like.

I refuse to click! Hahaha.
The deep web and everything that surrounds this thread is incredibly interesting in me, especially private networks and all. It just can be hard to get more information because either there is no information, or your gonna poke to far and see things you wish you'd never see. I guess this is moving into more of a security or network field (which I wouldn't mind getting a job in the future(which is why I'm going to school)) but I always find it fascinating when people use what is given to them, make something work, and skirt around the edges of government control.



I was going to say popping, but you know, I can see how some people would be enthralled with that.

How is that strange? Also, Mens Rights is pretty tame. Men Going their own way is pretty terrible. MGTOW is anti-women, anti-homosexuality , etc. Pretty much defend beating women and keeping them as subservient. But nobody takes them seriously.

Why, a few of our very own gaffers are all about men's rights! I don't even want to search for the thread, it had me fairly depressed when I read through it.

Yes being for Mens Rights is terrible. We're certainly all woman hating wife beaters always angry, grr, grr!
I love the fact that zombo.com still exists. Somebody has continued to pay for that site to exist for 13 years, just because.

The deep web and everything that surrounds this thread is incredibly interesting in me, especially private networks and all. It just can be hard to get more information because either there is no information, or your gonna poke to far and see things you wish you'd never see. I guess this is moving into more of a security or network field (which I wouldn't mind getting a job in the future(which is why I'm going to school)) but I always find it fascinating when people use what is given to them, make something work, and skirt around the edges of government control.

Yeah, it's the more secretive, elusive aspects that excite me - the idea that there are lots of isolated, private networks sharing secret information about everything and anything. If you manage to scratch deep enough (though no-one here on GAF has the ability, I'd imagine), I've heard there's some very... particular data. We're talking government led schemes, info on undocumented technology and reports on people that don't exist.

Don't be fooled though - this image has been floating around for a while, and the bit below 'Level 4' is bullshit, though some of level 4 is is also made up:


Great info, Ubermatik. ...are you our resident drug dealer? :p

It's good to know that getting drugs shipped to your address isn't enough to directly incriminate you, it would certainly suck to catch some problems over someone using your house as a drop point or something.

No, not me - I've just done my research. And no, it isn't - that would be grossly unfair - people have been known to use an alternate address to collect packages to save incriminating themselves, though with mixed effectiveness. I've always been told it's best to us another address, but make it someone you know and who is willing to comply, or use a second address of your own etc.
I've heard some people have even ordered to their fucking business address, which I think is too far to be honest.

Kids, I've heard it's simply more effort than it's worth sometimes - so just stay safe, I'd say.
The reason people use things like SR is down to availability, choice and anonymity. It's discrete and covert, so some favour it. I can't comment on price.


I don't know about the strangest, but a few years ago I stumbled across Ninja Turtle animated porn. Of course the question there is, why was I looking for such a thing?

I actually found it on some TMNT fan website when I was looking for the anime series. I wish I had kept it somewhere because it was one of the funniest god damn things I've ever seen. To think that someone would spend time animating it and voicing it is incredible to me.

Edit: I found it on video search, lol, was surprisingly (sadly) very easy.


This thread reminds me of that creepy story that was posted here on GAF a while back with the guy who found some hidden network or something like that.
What even is some of this stuff? Hardcandy? Orion IB? "Line of Blood" Locations? Most of that closed shell level?

Any one know what these things are?

Made up shit - like I said, the image is a poor attempt at trolling. Made by some kid fantasising about the deep web, but has never actually been there.

He could make a legitimate list of the 'level's and it'd actually be more exciting/interesting than this piece of crap.

This thread reminds me of that creepy story that was posted here on GAF a while back with the guy who found some hidden network or something like that.

Pray tell? Sounds interesting.
This thread reminds me of that creepy story that was posted here on GAF a while back with the guy who found some hidden network or something like that.

I remember that. I believe it was a private network in the South somewhere that was filled with old guys posting CP if I can remember right.
Threads like this make me think the world would be a better place if the internet was shut down.

This stuff has always existed, its just now people that are into it can talk to people across the world about it instead of trying to find people locally to share their dark hobbies with. I agree though there have been some profound negatives that have come with the internet.


This stuff has always existed, its just now people that are into it can talk to people across the world about it instead of trying to find people locally to share their dark hobbies with. I agree though there have been some profound negatives that have come with the internet.

Ignorance is bliss, I suppose. :(
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