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NVIDIA: PS4 GPU 3x less powerful than Titan, but more powerful than Xbox 720

- Why are the console jumps not perfectly vertical? I didn't know consoles slowly increased in power?
- Why does the PS4 have the same releasedate as Titan? PS4 is not even out yet.
- Why no horizontal lines for the PC-GPU's? It's not like there are GPU's being released every day...

The answer to every single one of your questions is the same. The graph is in years, not days, and they decided to connect the dots. In reality the graph should have points, not lines, but points don't look as cool as lines.

The only aberration is the Microsoft Console's position on the chart being slightly ahead of the PS4, but they've shifted it slightly to make it more visible because the Y positions were so close together that the dots would almost be on top of each other if they didn't.


You think that we are going to have GPU's with 18.4TFLOPS in a year or 2? really?

It won't be 18.4 TFLOPS in under 2 years. Over the last decade the trend of Moore's law (raw performance doubling every 18 months) has generally held true in the GPU market. The current high-end (non-Titan) NVidia card, the GTX 680, puts out about 3.1 TFLOPS and is almost one year old.

We may see 6 TFLOP cards in the $400-500 range by the end of this year, or at least early 2014. Probably at or near 12 TFLOPS (~7x PS4) in mid-range cards by Christmas 2015 or early 2016. That's only two years after the consoles release. Once the power gap gets that large in the mid-range PC parts we start seeing that noticeable image quality gap open up in PC games vs console.


Tier Whore
M°°nblade;52027434 said:
With GPU's costing $1000 Nvidia seems to be pushing a 'ferrari' model for enthousiast gamers.

It's a new segment that didn't exist 8 years ago. I wonder if it's profitable.

Yeah... problem is that Ferrari is slower than current BMW's (690's). I bet this card is going to struggle next year. Already games like Tomb raider are getting 25 fps maxed out at 2560x1600 on it. No bueno for a 999$ card...

30% faster than a 680... that's not much in real world tests! Many are saying that the true 680... the consumer got F in the ass one more time. I'll stick with my 580 until I see some real tech that's worth upgrading to!!! Maybe 790's... which will probably be two Titan chips strapped together or wait for next year's 880 next chips!

Neo C.

True, though I secretly hope that the disparity between consoles and pcs will reach somekind of critical mass and explode into a plethora of "crysis1-esque" pc exclusives that are made from the ground up for very high end hardware.

I don't think the very high end pc market is big enough for your wish. Perhaps some crazy publisher has enough balls to sell $300 games, that way only a fifth of your average AAA game sell-through is needed. :p


I don't think it's particularly fair to use the Titan as a comparison as it is incredibly expensive and aren't they supply constrained? They should measure based on 7970 or 680, standard high end GPUs available to the mass market. Earlier in the graph they stick with single card GPUs not SLI too


I don't think the very high end pc market is big enough for your wish. Perhaps some crazy publisher has enough balls to sell $300 games, that way only a fifth of your average AAA game sell-through is needed. :p

indeed no-chance.pc exclusives were few from smaller publishers this gen,pc wont get exclusives when games have even bigger budgets....


M°°nblade;52027434 said:
With GPU's costing $1000 Nvidia seems to be pushing a new 'ferrari' model for enthousiast gamers with 4k monitors.

It's a price segment that didn't exist 8 years ago. I wonder if it's profitable.

It probably is if it's largely a byproduct of work they need to do anyway to pump out their next generation of silicon -- tap out a few absurdly high-margin chips along the way.

The emergence of this price segment seems to be a by-product of the more general re-emergence of PC gaming over the past few years. The people buying this card might be those who were spending thousands on the first 65"+ plasmas and home theaters back in the day, and now are throwing it at PC hardware as the display tech advancement has started to level out.


I don't think it's particularly fair to use the Titan as a comparison as it is incredibly expensive and aren't they supply constrained? They should measure based on 7970 or 680, standard high end GPUs available to the mass market. Earlier in the graph they stick with single card GPUs not SLI too

if titan is 3x,the card you say are even less so it wouldn't look "cool" in the graph


I can't find a pre-built PC with anything above a 660 for less than like $1700. I'll take a $400 PS4, thanks.

Yes, because obviously a $200 graphics card is obligated to be sold alongside $1500 of other PC components, as it's impossible to put such a card in any other system.

Your logic is impeccable.


indeed no-chance.pc exclusives were few from smaller publishers this gen,pc wont get exclusives when games have even bigger budgets....

Other than first/second-party games, exclusives have been disappearing rapidly. The PS4 will probably be excellent for the ones that it has. For the 95% of games that end up on all modern systems, the PC will probably continue its reign as the choice of core gamers.


I can't find a pre-built PC with anything above a 660 for less than like $1700. I'll take a $400 PS4, thanks.

Well there's your problem. That immediately makes the hobby more expensive. I've had my share of Dell's and Alien-ware. All overpriced, lots of regrets. . .


Other than first/second-party games, exclusives have been disappearing rapidly. The PS4 will probably be excellent for the ones that it has. For the 95% of games that end up on all modern systems, the PC will probably continue its reign as the choice of core gamers.

i am a pc gamer also.i replay baldurs gate now while waiting wasteland2 and i will always have a pc.

but don't expect something like watch dogs being a pc exclusive,console makers will make their own exclusives like halo and uncharted while pc will probably get more "indie" titles.

and if you afford to spend some money (more than the price of a console to be precise) you get better performance....


Next-gen also won't last seven years. I imagine a refresh during the sixth year.

PS5 for 2019 confirmed?

It's not even known what the impact of the shift towards mobile/tablets will ultimately have on the console market. It might end up turning into one where tablets usurp most of the mass market that consoles have dominated (ie the people who buy Madden and Call of Duty and pretty much nothing else) while moving the consoles to x86 just pushes all of the remaining core gamers over to PC and related home systems designed to run the various PC digital download services.
Well there's your problem. That immediately makes the hobby more expensive. I've had my share of Dell's and Alien-ware. All overpriced, lots of regrets. . .

It's just moving the goal posts. You can build an awesome PC with a 670(and overclock to match a 680) + i5 2500k in it for under $1,000? Well... uh... you can't find a PREBUILT one for under $1,700!


i am a pc gamer also.i replay baldurs gate now while waiting wasteland2 and i will always have a pc.

but don't expect something like watch dogs being a pc exclusive,console makers will make their own exclusives like halo and uncharted while pc will probably get more "indie" titles.

and if you afford to spend some money (more than the price of a console to be precise) you get better performance....

Watch Dogs is not an exclusive to anything, as is the case with almost every major game these days. Watch Dogs will be on every current system, next-gen consoles, and PC -- this is already confirmed.

The *best* experience will either be on PS4 or PC (depending on what your PC is like). Most core PC gamers aren't doing it for exclusives, but because it offers the best experience for the many multi-platform games around... And usually with much lower game prices as well.
The interesting thing about this graph that's going to be ignored is the widening gap between PC and consoles at launch. I honestly wonder why/how the 360 and PS3 were on par with the high end GPUs and the PS4/Nextbox aren't.

After the Unreal 4 PS4 demo and the removal of SVOGI to accomodate weaker console specs, this graph proves once again what many people have been saying ever since the PS4 specs first leaked: this generation is much weaker than PCs compared to previous generations. As with the PS4-UE4 situation, or the previous PS4-Nvidia thread, some people may not like it but it's the truth.

Now that that's dealt with, we have the appearance of a different argument: "LOL you are comparing a 1000$ GPU to a $400-500 PS4". This argument shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the PC hardware market by applying the console pricing model to it. GPUs drop in price much faster than consoles do. In practical terms it means that by the time the PS4 ships it will be outclassed by mid-range GPUs.

Again, some people will not like it. They will doubt it, dispute it, attribute it to "salt" or whatever. Their refusal to face reality is understandable but I'm not going to sugarcoat it so that they feel better.
all these 8 gig versus 6 comments seem to ignore that the 6 would likely be on top of another 8-12 ddr for system ram and is a massive amount of vram (overkill right now).. the 8 is for everything.

it really is the new sony fairy dust isn't it.

going to be such a fun gen.
Yes, because obviously a $200 graphics card is obligated to be sold alongside $1500 of other PC components, as it's impossible to put such a card in any other system.

Your logic is impeccable.

Well, I did say pre-built. And I'm pretty sure a 670 is way more than $200. Besides, how many people out there are willing to build their own computers? I read video game forums and play tons of games, and yet I'd never even consider building my own. It's unthinkable. I bought Crysis 3 for my PC, then found out that my GTX 260 couldn't run it, because it wasn't DX 11, or something. I was going to buy a 660, but then I realized that I had no idea if it would even fit in my current computer, and then I realized that my 350 watt power supply wasn't powerful enough to run the 660 even if it did fit. So then I looked for pre-built computers with a 660 and found that they were all around a grand, and anything with a 670 or above was around 17 hundo, and then I said "fuck it, I'm buying a PS4". My point is...I forget.


After the Unreal 4 PS4 demo and the removal of SVOGI to accomodate weaker console specs, this graph proves once again what many people have been saying ever since the PS4 specs first leaked: this generation is much weaker than PCs compared to previous generations. As with the PS4-UE4 situation, or the previous PS4-Nvidia thread, some people may not like it but it's the truth.

Now that that's dealt with, we have the appearance of a different argument: "LOL you are comparing a 1000$ GPU to a $400-500 PS4". This argument shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the PC hardware market by applying the console pricing model to it. GPUs drop in price much faster than consoles do. In practical terms it means that by the time the PS4 ships it will be outclassed by mid-range GPUs.

Again, some people will not like it. They will doubt it, dispute it, attribute it to "salt" or whatever. Their refusal to face reality is understandable but I'm not going to sugarcoat it so that they feel better.

Because past generation runs cryengine in the past kit tool, right. Or metal gear solid 4 was exactly good like the first trailer. I continue to think to use UE4 engine demostration to criticize ps4 hardware it's just premature & quite unfair.
Well there's your problem. That immediately makes the hobby more expensive. I've had my share of Dell's and Alien-ware. All overpriced, lots of regrets. . .

It's just moving the goal posts. You can build an awesome PC with a 670(and overclock to match a 680) + i5 2500k in it for under $1,000? Well... uh... you can't find a PREBUILT one for under $1,700!

I'd never build my own PC under any circumstances. I'd rather die.


After the Unreal 4 PS4 demo and the removal of SVOGI to accomodate weaker console specs, this graph proves once again what many people have been saying ever since the PS4 specs first leaked: this generation is much weaker than PCs compared to previous generations. As with the PS4-UE4 situation, or the previous PS4-Nvidia thread, some people may not like it but it's the truth.

Now that that's dealt with, we have the appearance of a different argument: "LOL you are comparing a 1000$ GPU to a $400-500 PS4". This argument shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the PC hardware market by applying the console pricing model to it. GPUs drop in price much faster than consoles do. In practical terms it means that by the time the PS4 ships it will be outclassed by mid-range GPUs.

Again, some people will not like it. They will doubt it, dispute it, attribute it to "salt" or whatever. Their refusal to face reality is understandable but I'm not going to sugarcoat it so that they feel better.

How is this even a debated issue? The problem is not with console manufacturers, but with GPU evolution. Graphic cards have spiraled out of control in size, heat, power draw, and form factor. The PC's we are comparing the PS4 to are also double or triple it's price.

This generation lasted SEVEN YEARS plus, bankrupted a shit ton of devs, and required the industry to stagnate in order to recooperate it's losses. The PS4 is a very powerful machine, but if PC Gamer's are perturbed because next-gen won't touch their GTX 690 in terms of performance, than hey man, you'll have to live with it.

At the end of the day, what's at stake is a healthy software environment for developers, profitability, and a common sense roadmap to the PS5/Xbox4. I've said this before, but the release window from PS4 to PS5 will be much smaller than PS3 to PS4. I expect nothing more than a six year cycle at best. Long enough for hardware on the PC front to improve to allow bullshot rendering at 1080p.


all these 8 gig versus 6 comments seem to ignore that the 6 would likely be on top of another 8-12 ddr for system ram and is a massive amount of vram (overkill right now).. the 8 is for everything.

it really is the new sony fairy dust isn't it.

going to be such a fun gen.

Also, It seems as though most people are conveniently ignoring that a significant portion of the PS4's RAM is there to run the OS and especially the recording function.

It's not confirmed how much exactly, but they're probably siphoning multiple gigs of the GDDR5 along with the ARM SoC they have on board just for the background recording feature.

I would bet a very large amount of money that the amount that games can use falls in the 4-6GB range (probably towards the lower end). And that's still a lot, which is great for everyone -- we'll probably see much more VRAM becoming commonplace in all of the cards that NVidia and AMD release over the next few years because finally we'll have games that will use it.


Well, I did say pre-built. And I'm pretty sure a 670 is way more than $200. Besides, how many people out there are willing to build their own computers? I read video game forums and play tons of games, and yet I'd never even consider building my own. It's unthinkable. I bought Crysis 3 for my PC, then found out that my GTX 260 couldn't run it, because it wasn't DX 11, or something. I was going to buy a 660, but then I realized that I had no idea if it would even fit in my current computer, and then I realized that my 350 watt power supply wasn't powerful enough to run the 660 even if it did fit. So then I looked for pre-built computers with a 660 and found that they were all around a grand, and anything with a 670 or above was around 17 hundo, and then I said "fuck it, I'm buying a PS4". My point is...I forget.
You could just buy a cheap pre-built PC with a beefy Power supply, and put a 670 in yourself. Done.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Yes, GPU Flops in fact. You know, as they labeled the Y axis in their chart. You can debate the meaningfulness of that number (though I believe that has been done to death on GAF, so forgive me if I do not partake), but you can't say that they're not being clear about their claims.

Nah. Consoles will likely be 1080p with some post-AA, that stuff still has plenty of distracting artifacts.

As for your predictions about the popularity of VR, we will see.

Coming back to an earlier post here, it is quite intriguing seeing PS3 GPU rated below Xbox 360's one and much lower than what nVidia was selling on PC at the time. Wether Sony asked for a budget CPU or nVidia took advantage of Sony as they were in a hurry to change GPU supplier... it does not change the fact that nVidia gave them quite a raw deal... I seem to recall that RSX's royalty payments were not low at all for SCE either.
Well, I did say pre-built. And I'm pretty sure a 670 is way more than $200. Besides, how many people out there are willing to build their own computers? I read video game forums and play tons of games, and yet I'd never even consider building my own. It's unthinkable. I bought Crysis 3 for my PC, then found out that my GTX 260 couldn't run it, because it wasn't DX 11, or something. I was going to buy a 660, but then I realized that I had no idea if it would even fit in my current computer, and then I realized that my 350 watt power supply wasn't powerful enough to run the 660 even if it did fit. So then I looked for pre-built computers with a 660 and found that they were all around a grand, and anything with a 670 or above was around 17 hundo, and then I said "fuck it, I'm buying a PS4". My point is...I forget.

You have no point.

I don't think I have anyone on my steam list who has some shitty dell or HP prebuilt pc.

Mindblowing tip for those with two left hands and a fear of legos : any pc shop will build your pc for you, for a nominal fee (30-50 bucks depending on where).
My local pc shop did it for free when I ordered the parts there.

Keep your fingers in your ears and keep yelling lalalalalala I cant hear you though.
It won't be 18.4 TFLOPS in under 2 years. Over the last decade the trend of Moore's law (raw performance doubling every 18 months) has generally held true in the GPU market. The current high-end (non-Titan) NVidia card, the GTX 680, puts out about 3.1 TFLOPS and is almost one year old.

We may see 6 TFLOP cards in the $400-500 range by the end of this year, or at least early 2014. Probably at or near 12 TFLOPS (~7x PS4) in mid-range cards by Christmas 2015 or early 2016. That's only two years after the consoles release. Once the power gap gets that large in the mid-range PC parts we start seeing that noticeable image quality gap open up in PC games vs console.

The tflops rise in single gpu cards has been in small increments, there is no way we'll see 12tflop single gpu cards in the next 2 years.

GTX285 1062gflop

GTX480 1.3 tflop

GTX580 1.50 tflop

GTX680 3.1 tflop

AMD cards, nevermind 8970 prediction:



I just wanted to point out, some of you are posting nonsense. The number one developer request feature was 8 GB of RAM. If you folks can't understand why, than it's probably best you quit making asinine comments.


Watch Dogs is not an exclusive to anything, as is the case with almost every major game these days. Watch Dogs will be on every current system, next-gen consoles, and PC -- this is already confirmed.

The *best* experience will either be on PS4 or PC (depending on what your PC is like). Most core PC gamers aren't doing it for exclusives, but because it offers the best experience for the many multi-platform games around... And usually with much lower game prices as well.

i agree thats why i have a gaming pc.but also like to start a console with a fighting/sport game etc or a godofwar.but im more on pc now.

with watch dogs i meant that while ms/sony will make exclusives like halo/uncharted etc,i dont think anyone will make such big budget games for pc.big budget games on pc are multiplatfrom and indeed limited by console technology.


all these 8 gig versus 6 comments seem to ignore that the 6 would likely be on top of another 8-12 ddr for system ram and is a massive amount of vram (overkill right now).. the 8 is for everything.

it really is the new sony fairy dust isn't it.

going to be such a fun gen.

Also, It seems as though most people are conveniently ignoring that a significant portion of the PS4's RAM is there to run the OS and especially the recording function.

It's not confirmed how much exactly, but they're probably siphoning multiple gigs of the GDDR5 along with the ARM SoC they have on board just for the background recording feature.

I would bet a very large amount of money that the amount that games can use falls in the 4-6GB range (probably towards the lower end). And that's still a lot, which is great for everyone -- we'll probably see much more VRAM becoming commonplace in all of the cards that NVidia and AMD release over the next few years because finally we'll have games that will use it.


The streaming won't need tons of ram. Youd record to the HDD directly like any DVR Sith live pause does 24/7. it also doesn't need a lot of power. PS3 can already do it in japan and europe with an add-on tuner.

The PS4 was planned for 4GB ram and the bump was at the last minute. The only rumour we have is 512MB for the OS.

As for the 8GB, of course it isn't a cure-all, but you can't just add in OC system ram like that. The bus from system ram to the GPU is much much slower than the VRAM, so you want to avoid using that if possible.

You'd need to assign a fair chunk of memory on PS4 for caching areas you aren't immediately drawing but can't stream in quickly enough from disk, and maybe you could use PC system ram for that. But I do think a 4GB card will be needed once console games get up to speed - eg by fall 2014. And if you want to run games at higher framerates, higher resolutions or with more AA as you are now used to, you'll need that extra power


The problem is not with console manufacturers, but with GPU evolution. Graphic cards have spiraled out of control in size, heat, power draw, and form factor.

Ummmm, what?!? Graphics cards are much more power efficient, generate much less heat, and even draw less power than their predecessors from a few years ago.

They're about the same size that they've been for a while, but that's because it's usually much more cost effective to just use a dual-slot heat sink and cooler design, because then you can use a quieter fan. Did I mention that most graphics cards also are much quieter than they were a few years ago?

Seriously, just look at some of the reviews of recent cards vs their equivalents from year's past. Smaller process = less heat, lower power consumption.


True, though I secretly hope that the disparity between consoles and pcs will reach somekind of critical mass and explode into a plethora of "crysis1-esque" pc exclusives that are made from the ground up for very high end hardware.

I have no doubt PCs are going to make next gen consoles eat dirt quickly (if not from the get go) but I doubt we are getting Crysis 1 like games exclusive to the PC anymore frankly.


Ummmm, what?!? Graphics cards are much more power efficient, generate much less heat, and even draw less power than their predecessors from a few years ago.

They're about the same size that they've been for a while, but that's because it's usually much more cost effective to just use a dual-slot heat sink and cooler design, because then you can use a quieter fan. Did I mention that most graphics cards also are much quieter than they were a few years ago?

Seriously, just look at some of the reviews of recent cards vs their equivalents from year's past. Smaller process = less heat, lower power consumption.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Nvidia and AMD decided instead of improving and iterating on a form factor and power draw- to increase size, and that is why we are where we are today.
Meanwhile, the rest of us are worried about the health of the industry, and how developers stay in business. PC gamer, console fanboy, or mobile gamer- without the developer's you are all fucked. PS4 was a smart decision for the industry.

The PS4's power has nothing to do with the health of the industry. Developers went out of business because most of them took part in the HD console gold rush and tried to jump on the COD bandwagon, alienating every other customer in the process. "People like shooters, let's make everything a shooter!"

Regardless of console specs, the industry is fucked if it continues down the same path. The PS4 is revealed and what do we see first? The same old tired gameplay tropes. You really think a relatively weak PS4 is going to save the industry?


It's just moving the goal posts. You can build an awesome PC with a 670(and overclock to match a 680) + i5 2500k in it for under $1,000? Well... uh... you can't find a PREBUILT one for under $1,700!

I build my own PC but its a hobby... I would never expect the masses to build their own PC, which is why I agree with the people saying "Ill take a 400$ PS4 over a 1700$ PC"....

The people who build their own PC dont really have an argument here. You cant say "You should just spend 1300$ on a PC and learn to build it yourself without any prior knowledge". You are being unreasonable in your argument. Those people are better off with a PS4, and the graphics will be on par with current high-end PCs. You dont have to believe me, I dont reall care... but you PC elite will be getting next gen console ports just like you are now. Your games will look exactly the same aside from resolution and MAYBE a few bells and whistles.

You have to understand that (jokes aside) 8GB GDDR5 will allow consoles to have the exact same texture resolution as PC games. If my 670 GTX can run MALDO for Crysis 2, having only 2GB of GDDR5... why in fuck could next gen consoles not run those textures?

I myself will be buying a PS4, an Xbox Durango, and rebuilding my PC after the consoles launch (knowing that Titan was going to be the 780, but Nvidia has no competition so they can charge a grand for a card.. they have no need to push price/performance until next year)

Also, under a grand is bullshit if your buying actual decent parts... If your gonna throw in a shitty motherboard, POS power supply and low lat ram.. then yea, you can for MAYBE 1000. But cmon you cant assume its a better deal if your going to "DELL" your gaming rig.

I really do think most of you will be eating your words once the consoles launch and you see the games running. Im willing to bet that if the crysis 3 game on PS3 were to have its resolution increased to 1080p, include better AA, and max textures (all done with RAM) most of you wouldnt be able to tell the damn difference from that game or the PC counter-part.


I build my own PC but its a hobby... I would never expect the masses to build their own PC, which is why I agree with the people saying "Ill take a 400$ PS4 over a 1700$ PC"....

The people who build their own PC dont really have an argument here. You cant say "You should just spend 1300$ on a PC and learn to build it yourself without any prior knowledge". You are being unreasonable in your argument. Those people are better off with a PS4, and the graphics will be on par with current high-end PCs. You dont have to believe me, I dont reall care... but you PC elite will be getting next gen console ports just like you are now. Your games will look exactly the same aside from resolution and MAYBE a few bells and whistles.

You have to understand that (jokes aside) 8GB GDDR5 will allow consoles to have the exact same texture resolution as PC games. If my 670 GTX can run MALDO for Crysis 2, having only 2GB of GDDR5... why in fuck could next gen consoles not run those textures?

I myself will be buying a PS4, an Xbox Durango, and rebuilding my PC after the consoles launch (knowing that Titan was going to be the 780, but Nvidia has no competition so they can charge a grand for a card.. they have no need to push price/performance until next year)

Also, under a grand is bullshit if your buying actual decent parts... If your gonna throw in a shitty motherboard, POS power supply and low lat ram.. then yea, you can for MAYBE 1000. But cmon you cant assume its a better deal if your going to "DELL" your gaming rig.

I really do think most of you will be eating your words once the consoles launch and you see the games running. Im willing to bet that if the crysis 3 game on PS3 were to have its resolution increased to 1080p, include better AA, and max textures (all done with RAM) most of you wouldnt be able to tell the damn difference from that game or the PC counter-part.

This is a great post.

Concerning your Crysis 3 argument I really believe the PS4 and Durango will eventually have games similar graphically to Crysis 3 on PC on highest settings (not at launch unfortunately).

Obviously by the time consoles get there PC games will be at a even higher standard.
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