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RYSE will be a Xbox One exclusive, more info at E3


Part of the reveal trailer looked ingame to me, at least it had typical "crytek" characters and the lighting seemed really cryengine-ish


Neo Member
My prediction for the other 14 exclusives:

Forza 5
Halo 5 (holiday 2014)
Quantum Break
Rare game #1 (Banjo?)
Rare game #2 (kinect focused title)
Respawn's Titan
Black Tusk's FPS
Fable MMO
Kinect Sports 3
Dance Central 4
Crackdown 4
Kinect family title
Kinect family title

What about Mirrors Edge 2?


It doesn't paint a positive feature of Kinect 2.0 if one of the supposed flagship title was changed to controller mode...
I think it paints a great picture of the shift in thinking in the developer's heads.

Kinect should not be used to replace a gamepad, but rather used to augment the gamepad, much like the touchscreen on a phone augments the phone. You could use the buttons to do everything on a phone if you wanted... but the touchscreen is a welcome addition that makes the experience richer.

Hopefully this is what the developers are thinking, with respect to the Kinect.
I dunno. It's like sixaxis.

Just becuase it's there as standard doesn't mean developers are comfortable using it.

It also doesn't mean gamers are comfortable using it.

Either pull the plaster off and go full on kinect or recognise that the experience doesn't need to be augmented. Especially when it doesn't consistently augment.
2014 will hopefully be halo 2 remake @ 60 fps :p


I've been PC only pretty much forever and only recently got a 360. Yes, I know Halo 2 is on PC but I didn't want to mess with GFWL.


Wonder exactly what the Kinect 'enhancement' is, and if I can just throw tape over the camera and play it that way. Never want to use that piece of shit tech if I can avoid it.

Of course, all this provided Microsoft goes back from the brink on Xbox One and releases a non-abhorrent version of the platform. 'Cause I think Ryse had some nice art
I honestly really hope Ryse is good. I don't think I've ever played a good Roman game in first person.......or a good Roman game........or, uh....a Roman game at all. Hmm. Besides, who doesn't want games to be good?
The first Far Cry (on PC) was amazing.

haha no it wasn't. It was a flawed game. It was good when you were fighting humans on the island, but the trigens appear quickly and the entire game falls apart.

I still remember the last level on that volcano...trigens with rocket launcher arms everywhere...how can anyone call it amazing?

Crytek has fallen pretty bad. Crysis I was a 7/10 game (ruined by the last few levels). Crysis Warhead was awesome, but the developer behind it only released one game and just disappeared. I just hated Crysis 2 and 3...

And worse thing about Crytek is how quickly they abandon their game after release. I think Crysis still has some game breaking bugs to this very day.


Well that's an RTS. Ryse sounds like anything but an RTS (some sort of first or third person Roman brutal action game).

That's true, but he said "a Roman game at all" :)

But the tagline leads me to believe there is more behind it, who knows.
Fight as a Soldier. (the first person part)
Lead as a General. (some kind of territorial control? giving troops orders w Kinect?)
Rise as a Legend.
Total War, dude :)

True. Thing is the only RTS game I've ever been able to get myself to like was Age of Empires (wait a minute...heh. That has Romans in it. :/ ). Still, I'd like to play something a bit for "down to earth" and Ryse sounds really good for that, so I'll wait cautiously I guess. :)


That's true, but he said "a Roman game at all" :)

But the tagline leads me to believe there is more behind it, who knows.
Fight as a Soldier. (the first person part)
Lead as a General. (some kind of territorial control? giving troops orders w Kinect?)
Rise as a Legend.

This was Codename Kingdoms before it was Ryse ... at that stage I was expecting Full Spectrum Warrior with Romans. I hope I plead ... the kinect use is 100% optional.
haha no it wasn't. It was a flawed game. It was good when you were fighting humans on the island, but the trigens appear quickly and the entire game falls apart.

I still remember the last level on that volcano...trigens with rocket launcher arms everywhere...how can anyone call it amazing?

Flawed, yes, but still amazing. That level was indeed bad, but I didn't mind the mutants in general.

Is this still considered one of the new IPs just cause it never released? That would be slightly disappointing.

Why? It's a new IP, and it's going to be released in Xbox One's first year, so it definitely fits. We know practically nothing about it, except that the game seems to take place in ancient Rome.

This was Codename Kingdoms before it was Ryse ... at that stage I was expecting Full Spectrum Warrior with Romans. I hope I plead ... the kinect use is 100% optional.

I hope it's the very opposite. I can't wait for a well made Kinect brawler.
I loved how the Kinect worked for squad based commands in Mass Effect 3. It was probably my favorite use of Kinect ever. If they can even do it that well, I'm cool with this. It does not necessarily mean it's gonna be a good game, and given that it's Crytek, I have a feeling it's not going to be up my alley, but Kinect does not always mean bad is all I'm saying.
I really hope this is like Chivalry Medieval Warfare except set in the Roman Republic/Empire and with better visuals of course.

Crytek can sure make pretty games, but everything they've done since Warhead has been mediocre gameplay wise.
Flawed, yes, but still amazing. That level was indeed bad, but I didn't mind the mutants in general.

Far Cry 3 >>>>>>>> Far Cry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Far Cry 2 (never played the console exclusive titles).

Anyway, I loved Crysis and Crysis Warhead. I hope Crytek can return to form now that they have broken the shackles from poor tech and EA.
Spartan: Total Warrior was a pretty good roman-stabbing sim.

Hmm, looks interesting. Thank goodness for BC. I might try it.

Hey, "arena battle" (just from reading Wikipedia) looks like an interesting concept. Horde mode in a hack and slash game in a Roman setting? 0_0


That would be cool if Ryse had something like that. Maybe the ability to do some system link/Xbox Live.


Will be interesting to see how much Kinect... given it is "exclusive", I would say Kinect integration is a mandatory facet of the game. Just how much is enhanced? Head movements? Voice?


Personally, the best way to implement Kinect in this game is by creating "Kinect-only" cut scenes where the player will have to use his whole body. A few good examples of cutscenes can be gladiator duels and chases. Developers can then focus back on the purely controller-based game play for the player...


Wonder exactly what the Kinect 'enhancement' is, and if I can just throw tape over the camera and play it that way. Never want to use that piece of shit tech if I can avoid it.

Of course, all this provided Microsoft goes back from the brink on Xbox One and releases a non-abhorrent version of the platform. 'Cause I think Ryse had some nice art

Just curious on why you would write off the Kinect 2 so easily without knowing what it is fully capable of? What if the tech in Kinect 2 is really good? What if they have some compelling and amazing games that work in conjunction with Kinect 2 and the controller?

It is just funny to read someone say "never want to use that piece of shit tech" without even knowing what it is capable of doing, yet alone even using Kinect 2 for yourself. It just seems you want to hate on it for the sake of doing so. While I don't like certain games and or series, when a new version comes out I give it a chance at least, I don't completely write it off.


Just curious on why you would write off the Kinect 2 so easily without knowing what it is fully capable of? What if the tech in Kinect 2 is really good? What if they have some compelling and amazing games that work in conjunction with Kinect 2 and the controller?

It is just funny to read someone say "never want to use that piece of shit tech" without even knowing what it is capable of doing, yet alone even using Kinect 2 for yourself. It just seems you want to hate on it for the sake of doing so. While I don't like certain games and or series, when a new version comes out I give it a chance at least, I don't completely write it off.

Ami hates Kinect. HATES IT. He's written detailed reasons before, maybe he'll just copy/paste one of those, but the boy can talk about how bad Kinect is all day. At least he's hella consistent.


"Controller based gameplay enhanced by Kinect."

Very interesting. It has potential, but Crytek hasn't exactly hit their last few games out of the park.


Based on my experiences with their games, Crytek are a world class bunch of engineers who wouldn't know how to make a good game if their lives depended on it.

Playing Crysis for the first time was one of my all time biggest gaming disappointments. As balanced a a drunk, leg amputee with an inner ear infection.


Just curious on why you would write off the Kinect 2 so easily without knowing what it is fully capable of? What if the tech in Kinect 2 is really good? What if they have some compelling and amazing games that work in conjunction with Kinect 2 and the controller?

It is just funny to read someone say "never want to use that piece of shit tech" without even knowing what it is capable of doing, yet alone even using Kinect 2 for yourself. It just seems you want to hate on it for the sake of doing so. While I don't like certain games and or series, when a new version comes out I give it a chance at least, I don't completely write it off.

Because the problem with Kinect is not that it cannot detect individual fingers or the beating of your heart. The problem with Kinect is that without tactile feedback, without buttons, the vast majority of all genres are completely fucked on it. What's worse, Kinect-only controls actively DESTROY the quality of most genres, far from just being a forgettable issue. It's simply a dead end technology for virtually all types of games.

We've spent years now with Kinect out there and not a single new idea has come from it, not a single proof that the application will ever elevate beyond dance games and horrendous mini-game compilations. And it never will, because even though things like LAG and mediocre detection AMPLIFIED the problems, the core problem exists even when those are eliminated entirely.

So, after all this time and not a single quality idea from Kinect, I think I've earned the right to push back with my heavy skepticism at the idea that it's capable of doing anything that doesn't feel like getting my testicles dipped in sulfuric acid. Seriously, the heart beat thing has more potential to soup up games than any of the headline features of Kinect, and after that it's all head tracking and voice commands, and one of those could just as easily be handled with a headset that didn't drastically raise the price of the console.

I hope that clarifies things.


Voice commands would be okey dokey with me. Skyrim was implemented with it very well.

Yeah, I'm guessing we see some of that and maybe some raising of your controller to raise your shield type of stuff. Nothing major, but enough to mix it up a bit. I'm guessing that's why they have a (IR I think?) sensor on the controller, so that they can incorporate it easier.


This was an XBox trivia question that was sent to me last Friday:

In the upcoming game Ryse, players control a Roman soldier via
A. Kinect
B. Eye movement
C. Thought
D. Time travel


We all read it. It's vague as hell. The fact they have to hype up controller based gameplay for an exclusive coming from Crytek of all devs shows how fucked this situation is.

First, people were complaining about all-Kinect games.

Now, people are saying Kinect is a failure because there are games which are controller and Kinect....

The situation isn't fucked up, the people incessantly complaining are.
Wonder exactly what the Kinect 'enhancement' is, and if I can just throw tape over the camera and play it that way. Never want to use that piece of shit tech if I can avoid it.

Of course, all this provided Microsoft goes back from the brink on Xbox One and releases a non-abhorrent version of the platform. 'Cause I think Ryse had some nice art

I don't understand this attitude on Kinect. If it has potential and developers manage to do something genuinely good or possibly even amazing with it, then what's your beef with the tech simply existing?

As we've always known, when something becomes a standard, guaranteed part of a console's experience that 100% of users can take advantage of, it significantly increases the chance that developers will end up doing something worthwhile with the available tech. But being completely honest, I don't expect Crytek of all developers to have the level of creativity, skill or competence to pull off anything remotely good with Kinect, but I'm still hopeful that they can manage to surprise me. My faith for impressive Kinect integration in hardcore titles rests mostly in the Japanese development community, but of course that would first have to mean Microsoft is even interested in having any significant Japanese exclusive releases. Also, perhaps Rare can manage to do something interesting.

Either way, I think there will be a much increased respect for Kinect after this upcoming gen, because I expect a lot of really strong, yet more subtle implementations of the tech in games.

Because the problem with Kinect is not that it cannot detect individual fingers or the beating of your heart. The problem with Kinect is that without tactile feedback, without buttons, the vast majority of all genres are completely fucked on it. What's worse, Kinect-only controls actively DESTROY the quality of most genres, far from just being a forgettable issue. It's simply a dead end technology for virtually all types of games.

We've spent years now with Kinect out there and not a single new idea has come from it, not a single proof that the application will ever elevate beyond dance games and horrendous mini-game compilations. And it never will, because even though things like LAG and mediocre detection AMPLIFIED the problems, the core problem exists even when those are eliminated entirely.

So, after all this time and not a single quality idea from Kinect, I think I've earned the right to push back with my heavy skepticism at the idea that it's capable of doing anything that doesn't feel like getting my testicles dipped in sulfuric acid. Seriously, the heart beat thing has more potential to soup up games than any of the headline features of Kinect, and after that it's all head tracking and voice commands, and one of those could just as easily be handled with a headset that didn't drastically raise the price of the console.

I hope that clarifies things.

The first Kinect honestly never had a chance without being standard. Developers had no reason to do anything worthwhile for it. It was also much too big of a drain on the resources of the 360 to be useful in serious games. That's much less of an issue on the Xbox One. Kinect's true potential has always been in cooperation with a controller where it's used to enhance or add subtle enhancements to the core controller experience. Kinect by itself is indeed a dead end.

I do have a much better understanding of where you're coming from now, though, after this post. I think the Xbox One is the real test for Kinect. The Xbox 360 Kinect integration was a silly experiment that got somewhat lucky. I think there's tons of potential for it, but you have to look at it the right way. Developers, if they are creative enough, can make it work rather easily, even completely getting around the latency or lag related concerns with a simple, yet effective application of good game mechanics.


i dont care if Kinect 2.0 is revolutionary in voice and face recognition... i dont WANT those features in my games

you could argue that the multitouch and nice capacitive screens on the iphone really pushed forward the idea of playing games on a touchscreen device

but i still wont touch (no pun intended) with a 10 foot pole

its not just vitriol, its complete lack of interest in using a product like that

Ive been using standard analog and button inputs for the last 15+ years and i have no desire or need to change that

luckily PS4 seems right up my alley

Touchscreen control is one of the worst controllers by far. Even games specifically made for it do not control all that well. Your finger is in the way, you lose accuracy over time due to it getting hot/fogged up, etc.

And, as I've said before, Kinect will probably continue to be a gimmick until they manage to dynamically/procedurally translate movements to a game, so that whatever you do, the character does -- as in, it's not limited to a set range of animations or triggers. This would let the developers make truly unique and compelling games for the Kinect (With a lot of freedom.), but it wouldn't, or shouldn't replace controller based games, since it'd be a different experience and type of game.

The gameworld would also have to be completely dynamic for this to properly work though, but it would probably be awesome. Like, you'd be able to take anything in the gameworld and create anything of your choosing; make a guitar, or a car; and the different components won't magically be combined together, you'd *manually* make the stuff with your character.

Or you could dance, and the character would respond 1:1 to your moves.

At the moment, it doesn't do anything that you can't do with a controller, so it's essentially just a convoluted controller for every single game. It's even severely limited at that in some ways, since it doesn't let you freely move a character around.

There's probably some potential in the other features, though.


Imagine using the controller as a shield by raising it up just as a soldier hits you.

To me this sounds like a suggested use of the Kinect that is forced, instead of a use of the Kinect that enables the game to do something new that it was unable to do before.

Blocking could be done, better, on the controller using a button.
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