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Anyone else hate Power Rangers?

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I was there when voltron was hot. Then I got older and power rangers came out. I was excited that a live action voltron was on. Then I watched an episode of it. My reaction was the Seinfeldthatsenough.gif

Now that I have a son, he loves power rangers. I guess that's what I get.
I've always hated Power Rangers just for having been on the same time slot as Sonic the Hedgehog back in 1994. Supposedly it couldn't get anywhere near the ratings Power Rangers was pulling, which is why ABC didn't renew it for a third season.
A big part of why Power Rangers rocked back in the day was the Metal Gear Rising-like buttrock. Cheesy, shameless, and totally awesome in battle.


Seriously, it was a genius move to insert background music like that over the original Sentai footage. It completely changed the scenes.

Ron Wasserman was composing the hell out of these songs.

As a kid, you love the action, suspense, and giant robots. As an adult, you notice how cheesy it looks, but sometimes you just don't care, because it's all worth it to see a giant robot slice into a monster and make it explode.

Power Rangers got huge while I was in 2nd grade, so I was super into it. Outgrew it after the first movie came out and have absolutely no nostalgia for it. It's a really bad show in any definition.
Not to mention that my age group also had Batman, Spider-Man and Xmen cartoons to watch around that time.

Ninja Turtles sucks too.


I used to think the show was really stupid and contrived as a kid. It still is of course, but I guess I can appreciate the kitsch factor more now.


I never got into Power Rangers as a kid as I felt that something was off about it, I guess I could sense that the clips were from the sentai version.

I can't really watch Power Rangers after seeing Kamen Rider subtitled. Just leagues apart. Tried Super Sentai to see if the plots were better for those shows before they get reinterpreted in English with new actors plots and scenes. Sentai in general is super cheesey. Loved it as a child, but so far only Go Busters works for me as an adult. I couldn't stand Kyoryuger. Too cheesey. I'll flip around and see if maybe Gokaiger is alright, but even Go Busters gets pretty corny compared to the awesome that is Kamen Rider shows like Gaim, Kabuto, OOO's, W, Blade and Kuuga.

I am the same as well, I prefer Kamen Rider over sentai as while Sentai do have great costume they can get super corny at times, which is why I only been able to stomach a few.

it's funny you say that because Sentai is aimed at like 5 year olds and horny house wives but Power Rangers is aimed at like 8-10 year olds.

Fixed it for you. ;p
I was there when the show was new and by then I thought It looked cheap and bad, just a bunch of teenagers wasting time in the cafeteria and whining till they have to fight a bad dude that you know it will have a second transformation whatever happened.

Ultraman on the other side was badass :)


I was six years old when I watched Ultraman and 14 years old when Power Rangers appeared, so yeah the age is factor.


It's a kids show, and a bad kids show too; it teaches to solve problems with violence (in the guise of teamwork).

And the show is pretty awful most seasons too.

I dislike everything after Power Rangers in Space.

Most of the best stuff in the show comes after In Space though.
nope i have huge respect for the original show as i can still remember this day seeing commercials and watching the series premier of the show as a kid.Then as an adult i fulfilled a childhood dream and bought these a couple years ago.




Thankfully my GF was also a huge PR fan so we both geeked out as each of those came in the mail lol


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I wouldn't go all the way and say hate since I didn't watch it enough to do so, but I never liked them one bit, and never got why people liked Power Rangers. Even back then it looked so bad to me.

The intro is playing in my head right now as if it was yesterday though, the only thing I'd probably say I liked about the shows.


The show has it's ups and downs. From what I've seen of Dino Charge so far, the quality definitely seems to be on its way up right now. Though admittedly, surpassing the disaster that was Megaforce is a pretty low bar.
As a kid, I never really liked the Power Rangers outside of the Super Sentai stock footage that it would use, and the original Mighty Morphin theme song. It wasn;t wasn't Big Bad Beetleborgs or Super Human Samurai Syber-Squad awful, and I didn't like it as much as VR TRoopers.
I liked MMPR and Zeo and it kinda stopped there. And even then Power Rangers are a part of my childhood I don't really look back on fondly or reminisce about.


I was a ninja turtles fan as a kid. Power Rangers came into popularity just as turtles were fading out. So no, I was never a Power Rangers fan.

If you find Ninja Turtles more palatable, try showing him the new Nickelodeon Ninja Turtles show.


I guess that's it. But the effects are just sooo bad. Like there are easily motion fx hobbiest doing better shit on their YouTube channels. And Power Rangers is probably making shit tons of money, just put a little effort into it.

To the 'robots being cool' argument. There were shows like; Gundam, Exo Squad etc. that have done it way better.
The fights were better in previous seasons where they relied on the actors knowing martial arts for the most part. Now that they abuse the horrible lightening CGI it looks really bad....but I still enjoy it.


Power Rangers is one of those kid franchises that doesn't have any appeal to an adult audience. It's not like Batman where you can tow the line between entertainment for kids and adult drama. Power Rangers are just "LET'S FIGHT A MONSTER." Maybe the Super Sentai shows in Japan have more depth or at least comedy, but the OG Power Rangers show is basically only interesting today due to nostalgia.


Power Rangers is one of those kid franchises that doesn't have any appeal to an adult audience. It's not like Batman where you can tow the line between entertainment for kids and adult drama. Power Rangers are just "LET'S FIGHT A MONSTER." Maybe the Super Sentai shows in Japan have more depth or at least comedy, but the OG Power Rangers show is basically only interesting today due to nostalgia.

Power Rangers really improves a bunch in later seasons. While there are definitely some duds in its 20+ seasons, there are definitely some standout ones, such as In Space, Time Force, and RPM.
I absolutely love Power Rangers, and I also love Sentai.

But, I'm a weirdo in that I hate RPM, I loved ToQger, and thought TimeRanger/TimeForce was shit. I adore Kakuranger and Gokaiger as well. (I also like OhRanger....)

I'm also rewatching every season on Netflix, as well as watching Dinocharge which is really pretty good, all things considered.


I think Time Force was the last season I actually watched in full.

Every other season beyond that I'm only familiar with through Linkara's History of Power Rangers.
(It's amazing how awful Megaforce was though...oof.)
I think Time Force was the last season I actually watched in full.

Every other season beyond that I'm only familiar with through Linkara's History of Power Rangers.
(It's amazing how awful Megaforce was though...oof.)

I could stand the first half of Megaforce.

What they did with Super Megaforce was a disgrace. To destroy Gokaiger like they did...ugh.
I didn't care too much for the season but I did like the intro to SPD.

I remember when Fox Kids came to my hometown and I got the signature of one of the ladies who was some kind of host or something for the network. I believe she had curly, tall hair but I can't remember her name.

Those were some good days.


Gold Member
I remember I was at my now deceased uncle's house the day they aired the very first episode of MMPR. I sat down and watched the entire show. I fell in love with them. Years later I had my mom take me to see the live action film. I owned a few zords and the SNES self titled game. I always loved the Green ranger.

Sadly, I had two upper middle class friends (twins) who sorta influenced me to give my zords and toys away. There were these two kids who had a CD-i and we all felt bad for them. I got talked into giving them everything. I still sorta regret that because the twins weren't really into that sorta thing. It was difficult talking about games with them when I got older. We all went our own way, but I think back on how their stupid influence made me give away my zords.

I guess I changed tastes over the years. There seems to be a much more mature foundation overseas. In the US we get the kid friendly versions and it's not that interesting for western audiences. I was exposed to other forms of entertainment and I never got back into the cast after everyone left the show.


I began to hate it when they brought back Tommy as the White Ranger and proceeded to make him the focus of the show and most of the subsequent series. To this day I kind of still hate the franchise because of that character and his actor.

Do newer/recent series even reference the original at all or is it a separate universe/timeline now?


I can never hate Power Rangers. I stopped watching sometime after SPD. When Dino Thunder teamed up (that was rad).

But as someone who was born in '94, the series has always been around. I don't know what it was like when it was first introduced but it was a great way to kill a half hour on Saturday mornings.

Where's my Lightspeed Rescue love btw? That one always sticks with me the most besides Time Force.

Yu-Gi-Oh! is the cheesiest show of all time.
Oh God. We just had a thread on that, too.


I can never hate Power Rangers. I stopped watching sometime after SPD. When Dino Thunder teamed up (that was rad).

But as someone who was born in '94, the series has always been around. I don't know what it was like when it was first introduced but it was a great way to kill a half hour on Saturday mornings.

Where's my Lightspeed Rescue love btw? That one always sticks with me the most besides Time Force.

Oh God. We just had a thread on that, too.

Carter Grayson is one of the best Red Rangers. Also the Supertrain Megazord was amazing <3


I haven't been into Power Rangers for a very long time but every time I see Dino Charge on TV i somehow end up watching the entire episode lol
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