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Asking out a female friend... bad news bears or worth the risk?

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How on Earth did I miss this thread!!!! GOOD LAWRD

muttyeah416 said:

so today, the girl i have a crush on comes over to my house to "study". this was a huge thing for me. although i didn't make a move, we talked and laughed and just messed around. we were sitting at my computer listening to music and chatting with people online. she goes to check her email, and someone has sent her pics so she wanted to save them to my computer.

she does 'right click save as' and out pops my last saved folder, MY PORN FOLDER. THE ****! i totally dropped the ball. everything was going great until she found my porn stash. she quickly closed it and there were moments of awkward silence and me blushing.

:lol :lol :lol :lol

Wii said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol


You sound like the biggest nerd and idiot ever. However, I must congratulate you on your victory.

I have to ask, did you seriously bust a nut when she kissed you?


Congats on the date, Yaki!:) Good job. See what can happen if you just relax a little? Apparently she has liked you for a while, and probably just waited for you to make a move 'couse she was too shy to do it herself... My guess is she already think of you as a pre-boyfriend, but for gods sake, don't go around telling people she's your girlfriend just yet. After a couple of more dates it should be obvious if that's what you are. Most probably, since the girl really likes you. Again, congrats and good luck! Remember that we are here to help out with sex-related questions later:D

(Though I must say, as a girl, I thought the notion of ejaculating in your pants 'couse of kissing or such was just humbug... It's really possible?)
Though probably best to avoid the subject altogether, if conversation veers towards pornography and masturbation, don't make up insanely stupid lies about it. :)


Congrats. First dates like that are awesome. Best of luck to the both of you.

Hope it's not heartless to say: Congrats. Will read break-up thread!


Wow, that's awesome Yaki! Good job.

Exclamation-One and Socreges have some good advice though - don't think she's your girl yet, you're still in the trial phase. Don't go nuts trying to win her over; you're auditioning her, just as she is auditioning you. Relationships aren't one-sided - remember that.

Treat her right, and you'll both win.



OMG, this thread totally delivered. I'm happy for you man.

I kinda miss those days of dating. Relish in it man!

I have no jpg for this moment sadly...


GameFan Alumnus
If she ever grabs his dick, Yaki's gonna have a heart attack, and we're never gonna know how the story turns out. :(


Dude, heartfelt congrats. The battle is won but the war is not over. Not until you touch her boobies. Then you can relax and bathe in the comforting glow of boobies.

You almost inspired me to take the plunge myself. Almost, until I remembered my girl already has a boyfriend. Still best of luck mate.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
A strange thing happened to my cold dead heart when I read your story, I actually smiled.

Good job man, I remember my first 'success' and it made me feel like I was the only guy on the planet and that I just pulled of something masterful.

I'm not even going to try and make you nervous about the next bit or anything, WELL DONE SIR. I believe this is the first thread on GAF like this that had a positive result.


Great job man! The toughest part is now over, and things will just get more and more comfortable between the two of you once you spend more time chatting and going out. Here's your gold star.



Ah to be young again and in a first relationship.
Cherish these moments, it's never really the same after your first gf (and love) of your life. :*(


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
YakiSOBA said:



Seriously, what the hell... this doesn't even feel REAL... I don't get it... I don't want to go to sleep because I'm scared I'll wake up and this will all be a friggin' dream!


Casino Royale at 1030pm EST (wow, kick ass movie btw!!)
We're watching it, things are cool... we're sharing a thing of fuzzy peaches.. I don't really how it happened because I was:

a) really nervous during the movie, didn't want to do anything that'd make her think i was a pervert/creep
b) had to force my head to the screen because it kept wanting to look at where her hands were for some reason

but halfway through the movie, we were holding hands and she was leaning in her seat near me... at first i didn't really even notice, but once I did i started feeling really weird

I tried my best to act natural, and as the movie went on that's exactly what it felt like! IT was the most awesome feeling ever haha, don't really know how to explain what I mean :/

After the movie, it was around 1:30am... i had to use the washroom so she waited outside...

im in the washroom, and I start freaking out.. cuz GAF, I had no idea what to do at this point! During the movie, things couldn't have gone any better.. but now, it was a whole different situation... and to make matters worse I rushed myself at the sink and got a bit of water on my pants... but at least it was dark out so whatever

Im heading out towards the entrance, and i see her outside standing there... and i had nothing. I started to think of what I could talk about, but then I remember someone here saying don't come up with any pre-scripted dialogue because it just wont work... so I decided screw it, just gonna walk out there and see what happens..

Her back was facing the doors, so she didnt see me approach.. and I saw another dude around the corner was hugging his girlfriend (im assuming) around the waist from behind, with his head on her shoulders.... it looked kinda comfortable and i got the idea that i could just say i was keeping her warm... that'd count as flirting I guessed..

So i get behind her, and put my arms around her waist.. didnt really put my head on her shoulders though, and just said "wow its cold out"... then the best thing in the world happened.

She put her hands on my hands, and i dunno i probably creamed my pants like 10 times in a row when that happened, but anyways.. we made small talk until our cab arrived, sat together in the back.. and she had her head on my shoulders the whole ride back, and we were holding hands...

got back to dorms, i walked her to her dorm (HOLDING HANDS!!!!) and it was really quiet, but then I remembered GAF saying "have confidence and the moments of silence will feel natural" so I just kept my mouth shut (even though my head was trying to desperately think of things to ask her to keep a conversation)... get to the entrance of her dorm, and she says "you're a good guy, you'll take care of me wont you?" in a joking kind of way..

I almost choked when I blurted out "haha of course"... then she kissed me ON THE LIPS, it happened so fast I had no clue what the hell was going on.. all I know was that I wouldn't be wearing those pair of underwear again...

me after my first kiss:

so i tell her "gnite" and that i had a great time, and i wanted to say like 10 other things but I knew i should probably shut up... so i just left it at that.. she says she'll call me tomorrow (TODAY)


ahem... anyways, that's my update and I dont know what else to say... except that most of you (99%) were right, and that it def. wasnt as hard as I thought it'd be! when i go in without all the prescripted scenarios ive run in my head 99999x times, everything just falls into place and it works!

I hope anyone who ever falls in the same situation as me takes this advice... its ALL OR NOTHING BABY!!! Now I got a raging boner and probably won't be able to sleep until she calls me... O SNAP!



Congrats sir, but successful first date != girlfriend

Chairman Yang said:
GAF curse broken?

Boogie, I now demand results from you (and post about it).

ElyrionX said:
I think it is! So who's up next? Boogie? demon?

dudes, it's not like he's totally put me to shame with this success. I have kissed a girl before, myself. :-/


Boogie said:
Congrats sir, but successful first date != girlfriend

dudes, it's not like he's totally put me to shame with this success. I have kissed a girl before, myself. :-/

I do vaguely recall you nearly hooking up with this other girl but apparently that fell through. Anyway, when is the next kiss coming?
So where are the updates? Is he too preoccupied perhaps?

I bet he's having hot chocolate buttsecks this very moment.

demon said:

I still don't understand why you don't have a girlfriend... I think you should start a thread. I mean do you even WANT a girlfriend? You're good looking, funny, you definately seem confident. If some dork like the threadstarter can get a girlfriend, so can you.


negitoro7 said:
Ah to be young again and in a first relationship.
Cherish these moments, it's never really the same after your first gf (and love) of your life. :*(

This man speaks the truth. First love was freaking magical...not so much after that first heartbreak. Disillusionment ftw!


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Alucard said:
Phase 2: learning to kiss
Phase 3: "OMG boobies are soft".
Phase 4: "She's touching my pe-"
Phase 5: SPLOOGE

fixed. :p

Seriously thought Yaki, I took a break from Zelda to find out what happened to you last night. :lol :lol


GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Well, this thread failed to deliver..

j/k, congrats on the girl dude

BTW, which university do you go to?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Mr. TV Goggles said:

I still don't understand why you don't have a girlfriend... I think you should start a thread. I mean do you even WANT a girlfriend? You're good looking, funny, you definately seem confident. If some dork like the threadstarter can get a girlfriend, so can you.
confidence is definitely not one of my strong suits. sometimes i'm blown away at how much confidence some ugly geeks have compared to me, but it's not some switch I can just flip on. I don't think most people understand how truly debilitating it is.

but whatever, this thread isn't about me. it's about Yaki creaming himself after holding hands with a girl. Congratulations! I hope you've stocked up on underpants.


Just read about your date. Congrats. Those moments ("is this real? we're holding hands?!?") are so wonderful. I'm happy for you. :)


Congratulations Yaki. I envy you as hell but am also happy for you!! (I wish I'd had the balls to make a move like that on my 4 years in college...now it's too late as I graduate this december :S)...


haha, thanks guys.. but i should be the one doing the thanking!

we had lunch today, held hands for the most part... walked around campus, generally just doing nothing productive.. the strangest feeling is having all of this feel "normal". I suppose after the movie on saturday, all the butterflies are gone!

she's at the library with a study group for a midterm this week, so here i am.. she said she'd call me later tonight when they're done so im gonna go meet her at the library later...

all is well! ALL IS WELL!

GAF <3 <3 <3


haha and no, I didn't actually splooge myself when we kissed, but i did have a raging boner as I said for a long time after that!! :D


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
YakiSOBA said:
she's at the library with a study group for a midterm this week
She says "study group", but it's really a gangbang. Sorry bro. :(


Tagged as I see fit
Wow - congrats Yaki. Reading this was like watching a soap opera. So awesome. Boogie and demon, you guys are next.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
YakiSOBA said:
haha, thanks guys.. but i should be the one doing the thanking!

we had lunch today, held hands for the most part... walked around campus, generally just doing nothing productive.. the strangest feeling is having all of this feel "normal". I suppose after the movie on saturday, all the butterflies are gone!

she's at the library with a study group for a midterm this week, so here i am.. she said she'd call me later tonight when they're done so im gonna go meet her at the library later...

all is well! ALL IS WELL!

GAF <3 <3 <3


haha and no, I didn't actually splooge myself when we kissed, but i did have a raging boner as I said for a long time after that!! :D

Has the kissing continued? If she enjoys kissing you, you're so ****ing money it's not even funny.
Good job man. Your recap of the whole "date" did put a smile on my face, congrats. Quick question though, how old are you? (sorry if its been answered, 9 pages is long and I just tried to stick the thread author's posts)
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