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Assassin's Creed 2 - Spoiler Thread (Discuss all plot and story here)


jett said:
It is baseless speculation I guess, but the mere idea that these uberhumans could predict any and all future events would utterly bury the franchise's plot for me. I want to believe the memory Desmond was experiencing was altered when Minerva's AI came into the picture. :p

That maybe is a bit extreme and baseless at this point but it's fair to say that templars might reserve surprises. It's unlikely they don't know about this incoming end of the world, and maybe they have different goals from the simple "control human minds with fruits of edens".
Maybe their new world must be created through the death of the current world or something crazy like that.
And of course what happened to these gods it's not clear, humans survived yet they don't exist anymore? These temples were created to protect them so what happened after the first catastrophe?

I hope the story isn't ruined with some dumb, illogic/crazy conclusion. Usually this kind of story is better when there are misteries left because everyone think there is more than the creators actually want to tell :lol When everything is finally explained many are disappointed, it happens with episodic movies, mangas, books and so on.
i just spoke with my friend at ubi and apparently the ac3 has already been in development for 2 years now. some interesting things about ac3 in terms of period.


duckroll said:
There will NEVER be an AC game where you play exclusively as Desmond. Here's why:

The appeal of the series is that it is a historical simulation, allowing you to explore a period era location with awesome architecture and learn about historical structures while being able to climb and examine them in a virtual setting. This cannot change, or the game will bomb. There's no point trying to complete the "story" at the expense of the main selling point of the series. No one really wants that.

From the ending of AC2, it is clear that there's much more they need from Desmond's memory. Minerva talked about the temples that would be needed to save the world from the solar disaster. That's probably what they will need next. Perhaps the next game will have various chapters taking place in different eras and locations instead, each relating to a temple. This would mean instead of 4 cities in the same continent, it would be 4 major cities in different parts of the world set in different time periods. That would be cool.

Obviously the main narrative would still be about Desmond, but aside from missions taking place in-between, like in AC2, I don't see them ever ditching the entire Animus concept. The bleeding effect will certainly be a great excuse to allow the Desmond narrative and the period narratives to "blend" regardless of location or what's happening. It would allow them to not limit themselves to a set location where Desmond is stuck in a machine. But other than that, the overall concept of AC has to remain the same because that's WHY the games are so good. :p

I agree with your post, but I personally wouldn't enjoy time period hopping, and such like that, regardless of how they explain it. I'll have no real feeling for the character I'm playing as for that particular time period (unless each character was fully fleshed out, but then we're talking a 60 to 80 hour game), so I won't have any real motivation to see my character improve.


macfoshizzle said:
i just spoke with my friend at ubi and apparently the ac3 has already been in development for 2 years now. some interesting things about ac3 in terms of period.

So when it's coming out?
21 December 2012? :lol :lol :lol

Probably fall 2011, next year they're probably releasing an other POP game.
Too much to wait :(


Lostconfused said:
Why? Anyone capable of thinking can predict future events and prepare for them. Its pretty easy to come up with an explanation for the message that doesn't involve actually knowing the future. Clearly the ones that came before know how exactly how the human mind works. So they could potentially predict what would happen to the assassin blood line and encode a message in it that would play out to anyone that was observing it as if the message was meant directly for them.

No sorry but that sounds way beyond my personal levels of suspension of disbelief. I mean to know that millions of year into the future the animus machine would be invented and this specific guy named Desmond would use it to access the...no. No.



macfoshizzle said:
i just spoke with my friend at ubi and apparently the ac3 has already been in development for 2 years now. some interesting things about ac3 in terms of period.

I hope you know there are Ubisoft Montreal developers in this forum, so if you're making this up we will know. :p


One interesting thing I noticed during the credits sequence was that Desmond's hidden blade counter kills appeared to be unique to him as opposed to just recycled Ezio animations (Although, I suppose it's been so long since I've played AC1 that they may have just used Altair's animations.). That's a surprising amount of detail for such a short sequence. While I still think we'll primarily be controlling another of Desmond's ancestors, I imagine the developers do intend to substantially increase the amount of time we spend controlling Desmond in AC3.


Gribbix said:
One interesting thing I noticed during the credits sequence was that Desmond's hidden blade counter kills appeared to be unique to him as opposed to just recycled Ezio animations. That's a surprising amount of detail for such a short sequence. While I still think we'll primarily be controlling another of Desmond's ancestors, I imagine the developers do intend to substantially increase the amount of time we spend controlling Desmond in AC3.

Really? I was pulling off the same kills as Ezio.

My god it so fucking sucks that we can't replay any memory, including the ending.
jett said:
No sorry but that sounds way beyond my personal levels of suspension of disbelief. I mean to know that millions of year into the future the animus machine would be invented and this specific guy named Desmond would use it to access the...no. No.



I hope you know there are Ubisoft Montreal developers in this forum, so if you're making this up we will know. :p

yes im perfectly aware


jett said:
Really? I was pulling off the same kills as Ezio.

My god it so fucking sucks that we can't replay any memory, including the ending.

I may very well be mistaken, but I don't recall pulling off the throat-stabbing counterkills in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZcqzY5l_ng. I guess Desmond's comparatively simpler model/outfit may be throwing things off my ability to recognize some of these animations.


jett said:
No sorry but that sounds way beyond my personal levels of suspension of disbelief. I mean to know that millions of year into the future the animus machine would be invented and this specific guy named Desmond would use it to access the...no. No.



Indeed it would have been better if these gods who saw a new catastrophe happening in the future simply tried to let their warning arrive to the future through the fruits of eden without mentioning explicitly Desmond.
But then again why using something like hidden fruits of Eden to tell something to future generations? Even if they were dying they could just tell their vision to other humans who would tell the story to their sons and so on until the time of the prophecy arrived.
Unless they just want to choose a person to know, in this case Desmond, which doesn't make a lot of sense.

Overall I agree with you with the fact that time travels, predestination and future forecasts are only useful to fuck up the sense of a story :lol :lol

I can't replay all the game to watch a single cut scene or listen to a specific dialogue.


Gribbix said:
I may very well be mistaken, but I don't recall pulling off the throat-stabbing counterkills in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZcqzY5l_ng. I guess Desmond's comparatively simpler model/outfit may be throwing things off my ability to recognize some of these animations.

Heh, those are Altair's moves. He has only one hidden blade, you see. :p

Elios83 said:
Indeed it would have been better if these gods who saw a new catastrophe happening in the future simply tried to let their warning arrive to the future through the fruits of eden without mentioning explicitly Desmond.
But then again why using something like hidden fruits of Eden to tell something to future generations? Even if they were dying they could just tell their vision to other humans who would tell the story to their sons and so on until the time of the prophecy arrived.
Unless they just want to choose a person to know, in this case Desmond, which doesn't make a lot of sense.

Overall I agree with you with the fact that time travels, predestination and future forecasts are only useful to fuck up the sense of a story :lol :lol

Fortunately seeing how everything from AC1 fits in perfectly with AC2 it seems like they know what they're doing with the plot. Or at least I hope so. :p


jett said:
Heh, they're Altair's moves. He has only one hidden blade, you see. :p
Ah. I suspected they might have been using Altair's animations but I wasn't sure since it's been 2 years since I've played AC1.
Gribbix said:
Ah. I suspected they might have been using Altair's animations but I wasn't sure since it's been 2 years since I've played AC1.
Well not only that. Ezio has just the 1 hidden blade in the beginning of the game, so he uses those moves as well. But yes those are the animations from the first game.


When playing at the end, you can still pick up weapons. There's no HUD, but it still works the same. Down on D-Pad for fists, etc. Beating dudes to death with the baton was cool.

"and i'm already confused about what happened after Adam and Eve tried to leave "Eden". How Exactly did we go from Eden to the conflict between the Templars and the Assassins?"

At some point Cain killed Abel to posses the apple, and was marked with the Templar insignia. Cain is the first Templar.

It's unclear who the first Assassin is, or exactly when that takes place. I still don't quite get the chronology or a couple details. Adam and Eve flee Eden.

Then the war starts?

Was the war already underway?

Did Cain kill Abel while the war was being waged or after?

After the solar flares some humans help the Ones Who Came Before hide in temples, but the OWCB died anyway?

Why were the humans able to survive but not the OWCB?


Elios83 said:
Btw I think that with the inevitable AC3 they should cover the french revolution and the following napoleonic empire era.

Noooo, that's just more of the same. The far away past is the best, the origin. Greece, mount Olympus, Zeus, Plato, Socrates, and company. Or old Rome.

macfoshizzle said:
i just spoke with my friend at ubi and apparently the ac3 has already been in development for 2 years now. some interesting things about ac3 in terms of period.

Tell your friend he is a liar:p
squicken said:
It's unclear who the first Assassin is, or exactly when that takes place. I still don't quite get the chronology or a couple details. Adam and Eve flee Eden.

Then the war starts?

Was the war already underway?

Did Cain kill Abel while the war was being waged or after?

After the solar flares some humans help the Ones Who Came Before hide in temples, but the OWCB died anyway?
There seem to be several different mythologies/religions used as reference here so you cant really get an exact time line. Because besides Cain and Able there is the mention of the Greek myths where gods game down to procreate with humans, there was also mention of sun worship or how it was a central figure in many beliefs.

Although Adam and Eve seem to be the first assassins and they were probably around the time of the war but besides that its rather unclear.
Ether_Snake said:
Noooo, that's just more of the same.
And people like it.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car

What does Subject 16's The Truth video mean?

Strictly speaking, it isn't just a video. It's a memory, as recorded by the Animus. This means that Subject 16 must be a descendent of Adam. Not figuratively, but born of Adam's ancestry. The memory reveals that the story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden is true-in a fashion. It would appear that they disobeyed their masters and strove to rebel by stealing a Piece of Eden, an Apple, presumably to give themselves some kind of defense or power to resist. This could have been the first act of defiance that led to the conflict described by Minerva. The "innocence" of humankind was lost when we realized how much of their superiority lay in their technglogy, and a war between the two species-First Civilization and humans-began.

Is this why "Apples" can be used to control humans?

Subject 16's record also shows that the artifacts-the Staff, the Apple, the Pieces of Eden-were tools that the First Civilization used to wield power over humans. Whether the aritfacts were made to control humans, or humans were made to obey the artifacts, is another mater. Even so, some are immune to their effects.

Morever, the Glyph puzzles give hints to the involvement of Pieces of Eden in world history. Famous figures and crucial events may have been shaped by the influence that the technology can exert.

Are Desmond, Ezio, and Altair somehow descended from the members of the First Civilization? Doe this explain Eagle Vision, ad their resistance to Pieces of Eden?

From Subject 16's The Truth memory, it's also apparent that Adam and Eve demonstrate feats of agility that might ordinarily be scribed to Assassins. Are they humans? What might be interesting is here is to note the text from Subject 16's Glyph Puzzle #14, which reads:

The seeds were planted as two worlds became one. Behold, the Assassins, the children of two worlds!

If we were built in their image, is it too much to suggest that Assassins. with their innate abilities, are a product of the union of human and the First Civilization?

Who is Minerva?

"Minerva was one of the last surviving members of the First Civilization, and so it fell to her to shoulder their duies to prosperity. She is most cetainly long dead, even in Ezio's time, as it is clear that only a holographic simulacrum of her now remains. The Capitoline Triad of Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva was a sub-pantheon of supreme deities worshipped in Rome long before the Holy Roan Empire, prior even to the Republic.

What are the images that appear on the wall as Minerva speaks to Desmond?

"They show vault locations: this is the true "data" of Minerva's fenetic tranmission. For example, you can clearly see the step pyramids, so one can assume that there's a Vault in Mesoamerica or perhaps in a ziggurat of Mesopotamia. But what are the other symbols and images?

Looking back to Assassins Creed , Altair encountered a holo-globe indicating the locations of other Pieces Of Eden. These may well be the same locations as the Vaults that Minverva describes."

What is the link between the First Civilization and the Roman gods?

"In passing, Minerva mentions the Etruscan etymology of her name. With the other names she gives us, the unavoidable implication is that all faiths and mythologies have derived from her people's manipulations of, or interactions with, humans. It also follows that all known 'gods' and 'goddesses' were actually members of the First Civilization, local to regions where respective religions first flourished."

How long have Minerva and her companions in the other sarcophagi been dead?

"It is possible that they lay dead for millennia before they came to be worshipped as gods...

Are Members of the First Civilization human?

"They must be mortal, at least, though little more is known. Perhaps they're just human, but with the ability to tap greater potential only latent in mankind. In any case, the First Civilization is clearly tremendously advanced, with incedible technology, but there is no indication of whetehr they are from another time, or space, or dimenson, or simply the true and original indigenous race of Earth. Minerva says they built humans in their own image, and that theymade them to survive. But it appears they made us too well: not content to exist as slaves and inferiors."

Who won the war between the First Civilization and humans?

"All we know is that the First Civilization died, and that humans didn't, so we can assume that the latter (and more specifically, we might guess, proto-templars in heir lust for power) won the war. This would explain why Minerva warns Desmond to"guard against the cross-for there are many who wil lstand in your way."
Black_Ice said:
"All we know is that the First Civilization died, and that humans didn't, so we can assume that the latter (and more specifically, we might guess, proto-templars in heir lust for power) won the war. This would explain why Minerva warns Desmond to"guard against the cross-for there are many who wil lstand in your way."
Well templars are just humans that know the truth or at least know more than the average person.

Edit: I mean conspiracy theorist like to speculate that there is a specific bloodline that runs through the groups like Knights Templar, Skull and Bones, Illuminati and some such. But this game never really hinted at any of that besides the reference to Cain in the puzzle.


squicken said:
When playing at the end, you can still pick up weapons. There's no HUD, but it still works the same. Down on D-Pad for fists, etc. Beating dudes to death with the baton was cool.

"and i'm already confused about what happened after Adam and Eve tried to leave "Eden". How Exactly did we go from Eden to the conflict between the Templars and the Assassins?"

At some point Cain killed Abel to posses the apple, and was marked with the Templar insignia. Cain is the first Templar.

It's unclear who the first Assassin is, or exactly when that takes place. I still don't quite get the chronology or a couple details. Adam and Eve flee Eden.

Then the war starts?

Was the war already underway?

Did Cain kill Abel while the war was being waged or after?

The war started after Adam and Eve stole the fruit of eden. Humans reclaimed freedom from gods and thus the war started, which is basically a pagan way to tell actual bibilical facts.
The first Assassins which in the game represent humans who wants freedom and open minded knowledge and fight for it (even with contradictions) could be Adam or Eve, the game doesn't say it explicitly, as it doesn't say explicitly who is the first templar.
But templars simply represent those who want to control other people and keep the knowledge for themselves, in the game they're just a group of people who want to use the fruits of eden for this purpose, thus betraying the original reason why the Assassins stole the fruits from gods in first place, so the first templar could be Cain because he betrayed Abel which probably was an Assassin.

After the solar flares some humans help the Ones Who Came Before hide in temples, but the OWCB died anyway?

Why were the humans able to survive but not the OWCB?

Those are my doubts with the plot as well ( those and of course the stupid "I can see that Desmond in the future will look at my prophecy through the genetic memories of one ancestor of him").

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
It came from the strategy guide and someone on GameFaqs posted that, I just put it in a post here.

So, if you've beat the game and seen the truth video catch up there.


I am pretty sure that like the "fallen angels" story, we will find out that some of the member of the ancient race had children with humans, which started the lineage of the assassins. It would mean there was a rift among the ancients, which then continued among the assassins and templars.

They could have Sodom and Gomorrah involved in the story, with Noah and all too.

Can't wait to see what happens in future titles:)


Elios83 said:
The war started after Adam and Eve stole the fruit of eden. Humans reclaimed freedom from gods and thus the war started, which is basically a pagan way to tell actual bibilical facts.

Does not compute.


jett said:
Does not compute.

The actual biblical story wants Eve to accept the apple forbidden by god from the snake . Thus humans gained knowledge (for the first time they realized they were naked) but lost innocence and disobeyed god. God punished humans and took paradise away from them.
Well of course a war between god and humans didn't start after that in the bible :lol but I just meant the Adam and Eve part in the game is just a pagan way to tell the actual Adam and Eve story using the simbology of the game ;)


Elios83 said:
The actual biblical story wants Eve to accept the apple forbidden by god from the snake . Thus humans gained knowledge (for the first time they realized they were naked) but lost innocence and disobeyed god. God punished humans and took paradise away from them.
Well of course a war between god and humans didn't start after that in the bible :lol but I just meant the Adam and Eve part in the game is just a pagan way to tell the actual Adam and Eve story using the simbology of the game ;)

I know the Genesis story, I was just, you know...forget it. :p


Wow thanks for that recap. So maybe the humans rebelled, and along with the solar flares won the war. Some surviving humans, started by Cain I guess, decided to use the PEs to control the other humans and started the Templars.

Those that resisted joined with the dying First Civilization, built temples to protect them, and apparently "procreated" with to form the Assassins?

That seems to create a time paradox. Adam and Even were the first to rebel against the First Civilization, but their agility suggests they are also the first Assassins.

The Assassins have their abilities b/c they are a product of a human/First Civilization union. But why don't the Templars have that ability, since all humans would seemingly have Adam and Eve's biology?


squicken said:
Wow thanks for that recap. So maybe the humans rebelled, and along with the solar flares won the war. Some surviving humans, started by Cain I guess, decided to use the PEs to control the other humans and started the Templars.

Those that resisted joined with the dying First Civilization, built temples to protect them, and apparently "procreated" with to form the Assassins?

That seems to create a time paradox. Adam and Even were the first to rebel against the First Civilization, but their agility suggests they are also the first Assassins.

The Assassins have their abilities b/c they are a product of a human/First Civilization union. But why don't the Templars have that ability, since all humans would seemingly have Adam and Eve's biology?

Adam and Eve showed no particular abilities. They were just free to run away. The offsrpings of humans+ancients were probably later, which started the actual assassin lineage.
squicken said:
Wow thanks for that recap. So maybe the humans rebelled, and along with the solar flares won the war. Some surviving humans, started by Cain I guess, decided to use the PEs to control the other humans and started the Templars.

Those that resisted joined with the dying First Civilization, built temples to protect them, and apparently "procreated" with to form the Assassins?

That seems to create a time paradox. Adam and Even were the first to rebel against the First Civilization, but their agility suggests they are also the first Assassins.

The Assassins have their abilities b/c they are a product of a human/First Civilization union. But why don't the Templars have that ability, since all humans would seemingly have Adam and Eve's biology?
Humans were already around when Adam and Eve showed up and they were still alive after the war and the solar flare. Adam and Eve were not the progenitors of humanity.

Edit: There are 3 groups here. The race that came before humans, the assassins and humans them selves. The templars for now are simply a subset of the human race.
Just finished the game.. I feel like I should have paid more attention to certain parts of the game and especially AC1. Guess I'll have to read up on everything during a slow day in the office.

That being said.. one of the most improved sequels that I can think of off the top of my head. Awesome game.


Man I loved the ending. It's so cool how they connected the first game to the sequel. They really did a good job expanding Altair as a character in the Codex pages too. I loved the first AC so it was nice to see Altair so revered in the sequel.

So I guess God never existed and there was an advanced civilization in the past. Works for me :)


just finished the game and rushed to this thread.
someone was talking in the room and i didn't really follow what the woman was saying, not that it would have been any clearer otherwise, probably.

I found the story fascinating.
I never realized you were not just murdering random guys in AC1, as i never really paid attention the story and i never finished it (quit playing very soon in the game actually) but i am considering going back to it since, for once, it seems all the pieces fit together in creating one huge "conspiracy theory" where major events in our history are just the surface to one larger conflict. And the writers did a very good job in putting templars and assassins behind them imo.

It also sounds like everything in this trilogy was carefully planned from the beginning, as opposed to being written on the fly with every sequel (MGS) which is a huge plus for me.

I have one question right now. While solving one of the glyph-puzzles i noticed numbers and pieces of binary code only visible with the magnifying glass on some of the pictures, but didn't bother since i was so close to finishing the game and i didn't want to waste time on it. Did anyone decipher that, and is it worth it ?


eso76 said:
just finished the game and rushed to this thread.
someone was talking in the room and i didn't really follow what the woman was saying, not that it would have been any clearer otherwise, probably.

I found the story fascinating.
I never realized you were not just murdering random guys in AC1, as i never really paid attention the story and i never finished it (quit playing very soon in the game actually) but i am considering going back to it since, for once, it seems all the pieces fit together in creating one huge "conspiracy theory" where major events in our history are just the surface to one larger conflict. And the writers did a very good job in putting templars and assassins behind them imo.

It also sounds like everything in this trilogy was carefully planned from the beginning, as opposed to being written on the fly with every sequel (MGS) which is a huge plus for me.

I have one question right now. While solving one of the glyph-puzzles i noticed numbers and pieces of binary code only visible with the magnifying glass on some of the pictures, but didn't bother since i was so close to finishing the game and i didn't want to waste time on it. Did anyone decipher that, and is it worth it ?

you should use a guide to finish the glyphs. it's worth it.


Just finished the game and loved it. After the Xenosaga and MGS series 'ended' I was wondering what game would try a totally insane plot - thank you Assassin's Creed...

The one thing I really did miss was the longer monologues the assassinated people would have. In the first game it felt like you got to kinda know the person you were killing in the last second. As opposed to AC2 where it's now just Ezio saying something, followed by him saying Rest in Peace. It made most of the game simply feel like a big revenge mission, which it pretty much was I guess.

The words "What the Fuck" have never been used better in a game. After hearing everything she had to say my reaction was pretty much that.

Was anyone else kinda creeped out when Minera turned and started speaking directly to the camera? It's rare that a character does that in a videogame.

It'll be interesting to see what they do with AC3. Part of me hopes it'll be just another animus trip while finding another temple, another part hopes it'll be several smaller animus trips to all the different temples.


LiK said:
you should use a guide to finish the glyphs. it's worth it.

oh, i'm going to (and i won't be using a guide !).
what i meant is, i noticed there's *more* hidden codes to be found in those pictures you have to examine *besides* the symbols you're required to spot to solve the glyphs.
Like, while looking for the hidden 'apple' in one pic, i found a sequence of numbers.
Now, i don't want to know how to read those (i'll have fun trying to figure it out myself) just wondering if it's worth it, since it looks like it could be tricky.
Do they provide further informations besides the pieces of "the truth" movie you get for normally solving the glyphs ?


one of the few games where i have actually collected things....picked up all the glyphs and codex items before i finished the story

after thinking about it, i kind of understand it but the only thing i dont get (and i might be wrong) is why do Enzio and the other assassins wait 10+ years to bring the Apple of Eden and the Codex wall together so they can discover the location of the vault? I might have the dates wrong but the final fight in Venice takes place in 1488 or 1489 while Rome part is in 1499. Unless its because of the memory malfunction?

also, is the Apple just another piece of eden like the Papal Staff, Holy Lance etc or is it something different?


jey_16 said:
one of the few games where i have actually collected things....picked up all the glyphs and codex items before i finished the story

after thinking about it, i kind of understand it but the only thing i dont get (and i might be wrong) is why do Enzio and the other assassins wait 10+ years to bring the Apple of Eden and the Codex wall together so they can discover the location of the vault? I might have the dates wrong but the final fight in Venice takes place in 1488 or 1489 while Rome part is in 1499. Unless its because of the memory malfunction?

also, is the Apple just another piece of eden like the Papal Staff, Holy Lance etc or is it something different?

I think what is interesting is that not all memories might be in "order" so to speak. They did a really terrible job of conveying the passage of time in the narrative, so it is no surprise that it feels weird and out of place at the end too. My understanding is simply that the codex pages Ezio collected were collected over all 20 years of his journey. But seeing has how Desmond can explore the memories at his own pace, certain things such as that could be completed much earlier than in the actual memory.

Also, after he gets initiated as an assassin, we can assume that many other events happened over the years which kept them occupied. Using the apple and the codex might not have been of the upmost importance just yet, especially seeing has how Ezio didn't even really believe it that immediately.


What happens if you collect all 100 feathers? I get the sense your Mom starts talking, but I don't care enough to go looking for all the feathers.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
squicken said:
What happens if you collect all 100 feathers? I get the sense your Mom starts talking, but I don't care enough to go looking for all the feathers.
apparently one sentence, and then back to the bedside.

they really dropped the ball on that one.


That's lame. I guess you get the cape, but tracking down all those feathers isn't something I want to do.

Found a youtube of scene with Ezio's Mother. Such a lame payoff. I thought you would get to see whatever the little brother was working on or something. Or is the cape made of feathers?



Yea the payoff for the 100 feathers is pretty lame. Pretty much did it for the two achievements, but yea I mean you do not really get to see what he was working on at all.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
squicken said:
That's lame. I guess you get the cape, but tracking down all those feathers isn't something I want to do.

Found a youtube of scene with Ezio's Mother. Such a lame payoff. I thought you would get to see whatever the little brother was working on or something. Or is the cape made of feathers?

yeah, exactly!


On Easter Sunday, April 26, 1478, in an incident called the Pazzi Conspiracy, a group including members of the Pazzi family, backed by the Archbishop of Pisa and his patron Pope Sixtus IV, attacked Lorenzo and his brother and co-ruler Giuliano in the Cathedral of Florence. Lorenzo was stabbed but escaped due to the fact that he was helped by a assassin belonging to the Auditore family; however the attackers managed to kill Giuliano.


i didn't actually think that was true.....was there actually an Auditore family?


jey_16 said:

i didn't actually think that was true.....was there actually an Auditore family?

I didn't know about the Auditore assassin(seems that page has been the subject of vandalism...maybe ubisoft edited that in :p), but everything else is true.

It'd be nice if AC2 had stuck closer to the facts. Jacopo dei Pazzi(one of your targets in the game) was actually thrown out a window and lynched to death by a mob, afterwards his body was dragged naked through the city.

Harsh times. :p
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