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August 2008 NPD Results


I'm curious, why is everyone jumping to conclusions on the topic of Madden Wii? We have a single month of data; are you really going to dismiss the various possibilities that might lead to weak first month sales but a strong tail?


Kilrogg said:
Yikes, guess I'm a non-gamer then.

Seriously though, I too think the Wii has the best games out of the three current-gen consoles, but I'm well aware that I'm in the minority on GAF.

Anyway, boring month. Everything's so predictable now :(. A slight lol at the 360 numbers, because of MS's "sales doubled!!" PR comment.

Thats for this month not last...


I guess those Too Human numbers are decent,no?
Still need to get around to playing the demo.
Though I ain't picking it up till much later,too many games to play of late.


Absolutely pathetic part deux
The Too Human sales are shit but really, I sort of expected worse. Will Microsoft allow them to finish the trilogy? I think Shenmue has a better chance of being finished after seeing these numbers.

I am suprised to see the 360 on top over the Ps3 for the month. I think the price cut will push a bunch of consoles this Christmas and dare I say it, there could be a chance that 360s could top the Wii for a month
only because of Wii supply constraints

Reading this thread just reminded me that I still need to buy WiiFit and Mario Kart.


Cheez-It said:
I'm curious, why is everyone jumping to conclusions on the topic of Madden Wii? We have a single month of data; are you really going to dismiss the various possibilities that might lead to weak first month sales but a strong tail?

It's Madden. What you see is what you get.
:lol at people thinkin' Too Human's been abandoned by Microsoft.
They're porobably the only ones playing the game now, or at least that's what they're saying to Dyack when he decides to leave the closet

andydumi said:
Thats a good point. He said it was downloaded over a million times, which means it has a 15-16% conversion rate? That seems quite low.

it's low, but possible, expecially considering that probably 90% of the people downloaded the demo just for curiosity. If the TH thread was to give any indication, these numbers were pretty expected
From the XBOX Price Drop thread:

DeaconKnowledge said:
Can't wait until NPD is in and the 360 is a whopping 20K above PS3.

Well, I was wrong. Good to see that the 360 failed to even get within arms reach of my sarcasm.


indie85 said:
Hmm, can you try better than a lol gif next time?

You sarcastically stated that Next gen dominance continues, ie it isn't and wii is continuing its dominance over next gen, when in fact a more accurate assessment is the fact that Wiis mega numbers are sliding and the gap between next gen and wii is getting smaller, thus it was a dumb comment.

Whoa, get me some of what you are on cuz you are sky high! The Wii isn't closing a gap, it has surpassed ALL next gen systems in sales and continues to dominate not only NPD but nearly every sales chart in every territory by LARGE margins. Seriously, read before you write.
JudgeN said:
People need to realize that HD console hardware isn't going to ever beat the Wii, just enjoy the good games companies keep putting on your consoles.

I think gamers have already accepted that. Sales fanatics, though... well, they have their priorities, we have ours. Right now i'm too busy deciding what to buy and what to trade for in October and November.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Cheez-It said:
I'm curious, why is everyone jumping to conclusions on the topic of Madden Wii? We have a single month of data; are you really going to dismiss the various possibilities that might have lead to weak first month sales but a strong tail?

Because when a single high profile 3rd party game doesn't sell great on Wii, we get 20 pages of posts saying "Wii owners don't buy games LOLZ"

Then these same posters ignore when other 3rd party games actually sell best on Wii.

Fascinating stuff


Nolan. said:
Too human has taken such a fall, it's kind of funny to think a few years back they were ''competing'' with gears, oh that interview.

Yes, I wonder how Dennis's antics affected MS's support for the game. Seems like they have tried to keep TH at a safe distance. Sure they say they are still on board but that could only be to not hurt sales of the current game. Wavering now would only add the list of why people shouldn't buy the game.

Still I have a feeling we'll be seeing a number of "LTTP: Too Human isn't that bad threads" on NeoGaf once people get over all the BS.


Pai Pai Master said:
People are making gifs over a 10k win? :lol

Dude, its over for $ony. PS3 has no games and now it has no salez.

Typing that gave me a headache. That being said, Sales-age deserves to have some sort of Lombardi Trophy. We could add a pic of the console that "wins" every month to it like they do with names of winners of the Stanley cup. :lol
Kilrogg said:
Yikes, guess I'm a non-gamer then.

Seriously though, I too think the Wii has the best games out of the three current-gen consoles, but I'm well aware that I'm in the minority on GAF.

Anyway, boring month. Everything's so predictable now :(. A slight lol at the 360 numbers, because of MS's "sales doubled!!" PR comment.

I have 3 games for my Wii, I find it very hard to justify buying any more when I prefer playing even average games on my 360. My fave Wii game is Galaxy but even that would not make my top 5 games of this gen.


The term 'bombed' sure has been watered down over the years. Too Human was a disappointment, not a bomb. A bomb suggests that a product is selling below expectations and at quite a large loss. Okami for the Playstation 2 was a bomb, Brute Force for the Xbox was a bomb, etc.


Cheez-It said:
I'm curious, why is everyone jumping to conclusions on the topic of Madden Wii? We have a single month of data; are you really going to dismiss the various possibilities that might lead to weak first month sales but a strong tail?
Madden doesn't lend itself to long-tail and the 0% growth over last year doesn't help.


sonycowboy said:
360 TOO HUMAN MICROSOFT Aug-08 8 168.2K

Oh boy. What's gonna to happen to St Catherines now?

Don't take cialis if you take nitrate for chest pains.


No Means Nomad said:
Blu Ray has gone further than HD-DVD, but it still hasn't reached the finish line.

Errr... not to derail the thread but who else is Blu Ray racing against? At this point it's only a matter of time.

The only thing I can think you're maybe talking about is that online HD distribution will reach the mass market before Blu Ray does. I suppose that is possible, but Blu Ray already seems to have a strong hold on the shelves of my local Best Buy. I might have a skewed view on the strength of online distribution though since I'm Canadian and a huge amount of the online options available in the USA are not available in Canada.


Y2Kev said:
Why do you people think MS didn't support TH (and continues to not support TH)?

1) It's not that great
2) Dyack is a possible legal liability
3) SK eats money
4) Working with Dyack has soured the Epic-MGS relationship
5) Blame Canada

pick 3
Captain Smoker said:
Only first month numbers:

Madden NFL 08:
360 MADDEN NFL 08 896.600
PS2 MADDEN NFL 08 643.600
PS3 MADDEN NFL 08 336.200
WII MADDEN NFL 08 115.600

Madden NFL 09:
360 MADDEN NFL 09 1.000.000
PS3 MADDEN NFL 09 643.000
PS2 MADDEN NFL 09 424.500
WII MADDEN NFL 09 115.800

Thanks, so I take it only 360 and PS2 broke the million mark in the '08 (or did the PS3 and Wii have the legs to do that also)? In '09 we can expect 360, PS3 and PS2 to go Platinum, don't know about the Wii though....


DeaconKnowledge said:
From the XBOX Price Drop thread:

Well, I was wrong. Good to see that the 360 failed to even get within arms reach of my sarcasm.

Uh, you were referring to September NPD in that post. How does it relate to August NPD?
can we officially declare the ps3 this gen's gamecube?

- hardware performance is less than that of the xbox competition, despite what screenshot "experts" claim
- has occasional minor sales spikes above the xbox competition but ultimately lags behind in sales overall
- uninspired first-party offerings, by and large
- confused marketing strategy
- has a legion of retardedly loyal nippon-phile fans obsessed with mascots and japanese franchises that are "supposed to be on [their] system!" and who whine and prognosticate endless
- has at least ONE standout manchild fanboy (see: kittonwy)

get on the xboat and don that frat uniform!
Jokeropia said:
Wii Sports, Tiger Woods, PES Wii.

Heaven forbid people have different opinions. :lol I like my favorite Wii games (Galaxy, TP, Prime 3, RE4 Wii, NMH) more than my favorite 360 games (Oblivion, Bioshock, Orange Box), yes. Not all of them (I'd say Oblivion is better than NMH and about as good as Prime and RE4), but as a whole. And then Galaxy is of course outstanding.
I suppose, but that's not why I prefer it.

Well OK. That's your view, but, really, in the eyes of gamers, the majority believe the HD consoles to have better games than the Wii.
I have like 10 Wii games. 3 are ports (Zelda, RE4, MK Wii). 2 are mini game collections(Wii Sports and Wii Play). 1 I played for no more than 2 hours (Wario Ware). 1 I haven't even touched yet (Zack and Wiki). Metroid Prime 3 is a good sequel. Only Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros are two truly great original games I own. Well SSBB is a sequel as well so. I would also include NMH but I need to buy that. Once I do, i will pretty much have all the best games on the Wii. Which accounts to like, 4.

Compared to my 360 collection, well since most of them are on the PS3 anyway, all those games are far better than the Wii selection. (Crackdown, GoW, DMC4, GTA4, TOB, NG2, MGS4, SC4, COD4)
I'm still missing loads I want.


andydumi said:
Even if the cards were everywhere like Live cards, they still would not sell well. Firstly, there are no subscription cards (free) and secondly, a large portion of people would rather use a credit card than go out and buy a PSN card. So the numbers would be greatly skewed even if they did register.

I would buy PSN games, but I won't use a credit card on a game system that has no security. Until thier is a PSN card I won't buy a game from the PSN network. I will buy the games on xbox live, becuase Microsoft has a POINT CARD!


Junior Member
Drinky Crow said:
can we officially declare the ps3 this gen's gamecube?

- hardware performance is less than that of the xbox competition, despite what screenshot "experts" claim
- has occasional minor sales spikes above the xbox competition but ultimately lags behind in sales overall
- uninspired first-party offerings, by and large
- confused marketing strategy
- has a legion of retardedly loyal nippon-phile fans obsessed with mascots and japanese franchises that are "supposed to be on [their] system!" and who whine and prognosticate endless
- has at least ONE standout manchild fanboy (see: kittonwy)

get on the xboat and don that frat uniform!

that was a quick ban, good jon mods.


Jumpman23 said:
Whoa, get me some of what you are on cuz you are sky high! The Wii isn't closing a gap, it has surpassed ALL next gen systems in sales and continues to dominate not only NPD but nearly every sales chart in every territory by LARGE margins. Seriously, read before you write.
So thats why its dominance earlier in the year was in the order of 200-300k and yet in two of the last 3 months has come back down to 50-60k, it is certainly leading but its dominance isnt omg wowsers as it has been.


harSon said:
The term 'bombed' sure has been watered down over the years. Too Human was a disappointment, not a bomb. A bomb suggests that a product is selling below expectations and at quite a large loss. Okami for the Playstation 2 was a bomb, Brute Force for the Xbox was a bomb, etc.

Ok, replace Too Human with the words Duke Nukem Forever... would you feel those same numbers were a bomb then, because its not far off to say that.

Too Human was an incredible money suck, regardless of how you want to view the quality of the game.


schuelma said:
Because when a single high profile 3rd party game doesn't sell great on Wii, we get 20 pages of posts saying "Wii owners don't buy games LOLZ"

Then these same posters ignore when other 3rd party games actually sell best on Wii.

Fascinating stuff
Maybe it wouldn't happen if Ninfans didn't put up the worst arguments possible. A game bombing and a game selling best on one console or another are not mutually exclusive concepts, yet boy howdy do I see giant posts trotting out the latter factoid as if it means anything, and then crying like babiez when companies don't give them the high-cost titles they think they're entitled to.
Y2Kev said:
Why do you people think MS didn't support TH (and continues to not support TH)?
Since E3 they've been entirely about expanding the audience. Perhaps they see that this game was going to perform roughly the same irrespective of marketing budget with Dyack's hype machine. I'll be interested to see what they do with Banjo and Viva this year after the latter got lost last year.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
MCD said:

that was a quick ban, good jon mods.

:lol :lol :lol

It was so fast, it's almost like he was banned right when he posted
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