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Baltimore Man robbed/stripped in front of a bunch of people (wsh video careful)

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I can't make it through all of the posts in this thread, they're starting to aggravate me too much to bear. It's bizarre that some of you are making this out like if you're black you won't get robbed if the other guy is black, the fuck? Black on black crime happens from time to time y'know.

seriously. violent crime in general is committed the majority of time by perpetrators on victims of the same race.
Most of them have been banned before for these types of comments.

Racial discourse cannot begin without an acknowledgement of asymmetrical power structure, privilege, and the legacy of prejudiced policy. I'll be glad to discuss race issues with anyone who wants to engage without resorting to incendiary commentary and has a capacity to understand nuance.

Suffice to say, the banned members did neither.

This is so true it hurts.
Most of them have been banned before for these types of comments.

Racial discourse cannot begin without an acknowledgement of asymmetrical power structure, privilege, and the legacy of prejudiced policy. I'll be glad to discuss race issues with anyone who wants to engage without resorting to incendiary commentary and has a capacity to understand nuance.

Suffice to say, the banned members did neither.

Well said.
Most of them have been banned before for these types of comments.

Racial discourse cannot begin without an acknowledgement of asymmetrical power structure, privilege, and the legacy of prejudiced policy. I'll be glad to discuss race issues with anyone who wants to engage without resorting to incendiary commentary and has a capacity to understand nuance.

Suffice to say, the banned members did neither.

Yeah, you are right. I was operating under the idea that you can't convince someone of anything if you ban them from the conversation, but upon closer inspection there was little conversation to begin with.


Aftershock LA
I can't believe I missed this thread.

That shit is fucking disgusting, and I hope those cretins get caught and locked up. Or better yet, put down.

Humans those behave like that. I don't even think animals behave like that. These people are worse than animals.


EDIT: Oh, and "reverse racism" isn't a real term. God damn am I sick of hearing that. There's racism. Only racism. REVERSE racism, would be the exact opposite of racism, which is, um, not racism. So, please, stop using "reverse racism." You only make yourself sound silly when you bring it up.

I can't say that what these guys did was racism, but I certainly wouldn't dismiss the idea. As stated before, I think they would have done it to anybody, but I can imagine that the extent of their actions was certainly fueled all the more because the victim was white.

Dude Abides

On topic, its good to see the shitheels will probably be apprehended. I wonder if it was a concerted plan to have the fat girl distract him or if the punks just saw an opportunity.


On topic, its good to see the shitheels will probably be apprehended. I wonder if it was a concerted plan to have the fat girl distract him or if the punks just saw an opportunity.

seems like an opportunity. why anyone would plan to take a t-shirt I don't know.
Reverse Racism?


How is someone getting robbed a hate crime? Sounds to me like you're looking for an excuse to call a bunch of people racist.

If it were 5 hicks and an asian what would you call it? exactly.

Problem here is that we're all pointing fingers each other instead of the bastards in this video who make my people look like assholes. It's always that 1% that make us all look like shit.




Time Wise critiques it here as well giving examples of reverse racism. Long article so I can't quote it all but I'll share some segments. The bold are mine

That so many people find this kind of argumentation persuasive would be humorous were it not so dangerous, and so indicative of the way in which our nation has yet to come to grips with its racist history. Had we honestly confronted racism as an issue, past and present, it is unlikely that such positions would make sense to anyone. After all, every month has been white history month (this in response to the silly idea that Black History month is discriminatory), even if they weren’t called that. White history has been made the normative history, the default position, and when your narrative is taken as the norm–indeed, when it gets to be viewed as synonymous with American history–the need to racially designate its origins is obviously a less pressing concern. White folks’ contributions have never been ignored, diminished or overlooked. As such, to now demand special time to teach about the people we’ve already learned about from the start seems a bit preposterous.

As for racial slurs, while it is certainly fair to point out that their use is always inappropriate, no matter whom they’re directed against, to think that a term like hillbilly is truly equivalent to those used against people of color, like “nigger,” “spic,” “raghead,” or “chink,” requires one to exhibit a profound ignorance of history. These and other slurs against people of color not only sound more hateful, they have operated in a more hateful manner, by forming the linguistic cornerstone of systematic oppression and institutionalized racial supremacy. Hundreds of thousands were enslaved and millions have died at the hands of those who thought of their victims as “niggers,” “spics,” “ragheads” and “chinks,” and used those terms as they went about their murderous ways.

And the idea that whites working for white empowerment or “white rights” is no different than people of color working for the empowerment of their group (through such mechanisms as the NAACP, or the Congressional Black Caucus, for instance), also makes sense, only if one takes a fundamentally dishonest glimpse at the nation’s past. After all, groups representing persons of color were created to address the unique disempowerment experienced by those groups’ members. Blacks, Latinos, Asians and Native Americans have been systematically denied opportunities in the U.S. solely because of their group membership. Their “race” was the basis for housing discrimination, restrictions on educational opportunities, exclusion from jobs, and other forms of mistreatment. Whites have never been the targets of institutional oppression in the U.S., as whites, such that organizing as whites would have made sense.

To have a White Student Union (in response to the suggestion of black student unions being discriminatory), especially at a college where whites were in the clear majority, would be absurd, for this reason. To have a Congressional White Caucus, given the way in which white elites dominate the government would be even worse. To have a White Entertainment Television would ignore that whites already predominate on most all existing networks, and that shows pegged to people of color are few and far between, and usually limited to a handful of smaller networks and cable outlets.

Though many argue that affirmative action has made whites the victims of massive “reverse discrimination,” and thus necessitated the rise of a white rights movement to secure white collective interests, the evidence simply doesn’t support such a view. Although individual whites have likely experienced instances of discrimination–and anecdotal data suggests this is true, though far, far less often than the occasions when people of color experience it–there is nothing to indicate that such incidents are a widespread social phenomenon, against which whites now require organizations to protect them.

So, for instance, whites hold over ninety percent of all the management level jobs in this country (1), receive about ninety-four percent of government contract dollars (2), and hold ninety percent of tenured faculty positions on college campuses (3). Contrary to popular belief, and in spite of affirmative action programs, whites are more likely than members of any other racial group to be admitted to their college of first choice (4). Furthermore, white men with only a high school diploma are more likely to have a job than black and Latino men with college degrees (5), and even when they have a criminal record, white men are more likely than black men without one to receive a call back for a job interview, even when all their credentials are the same (6). Despite comparable rates of school rule infractions, white students are only half to one-third as likely as blacks and Latino youth to be suspended or expelled (7); and despite higher rates of drug use, white youth are far less likely to be arrested, prosecuted or incarcerated for a drug offense than are youth of color


I would take this post more seriously if you didn't make fun of someone for being Asian and celebrating St. Patrick's Day.


As someone white who's lived in Baltimore at one time, I have ZERO doubt that if that guy was black but in the same condition, he'd be robbed just the same. What matters is if you have money or not, otherwise the criminals won't even waste their time with you. I think over 90% of the murders in that city are black-on-black, I remember looking it up.

Also it's freaking ridiculous that more men with high school diplomas are employed compared to blacks/hispanics with college degrees.


Personally, I don't think race necessarily played a role here. The key was that the group identified him as being different and alone. If he were an out of place looking black guy (e.g. geeky, small, young), I'm very confident the same thing would have occurred. There does seem to be a double standard going on with racism and moderation though. From what I gathered skimming through, a few people (like Sohter.Nura) seemed (maybe posts have been deleted?) to be banned for nothing but stating their opinions--that this is or could be race related. Meanwhile the Zimmerman thread was untouched and filled to the brim with "Fucking Racist!" comments founded on nothing but "black kid killed by white community watch". Similarly the OP here was apparently banned for "race bait" while the (what seems to be largely baseless) "Walt Disney Racist As Fuck" thread remains. If this is accurate, I would appeal to the moderators to try and be consistent with what is or isn't tolerated.


Personally, I don't think race necessarily played a role here. The key was that the group identified him as being different and alone. If he were an out of place looking black guy (e.g. geeky, small, young).
WTF is this?
The words you're looking for are "vulnerable", "intoxicated", and "not poor".


WTF is this?
The words you're looking for are "vulnerable", "intoxicated", and "not poor".

Not really. Vulnerable would be apt as it's basically a synonymous catch all. Intoxicated I'm not so sure of. If the guy had appeared to be tough, weathered, and street smart, the odds of this happening would have been much lower IMO. The video suggests they were going to rob him before noticing the watch, so I'm not sure what could have clued them in to "not poor" with just a T-shirt and jeans to go on.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
If it were 5 hicks and an asian what would you call it? exactly.

Problem here is that we're all pointing fingers each other instead of the bastards in this video who make my people look like assholes. It's always that 1% that make us all look like shit.
The thing is that he wasn't targeted for being white or targeted because they were racist against whites.

If a group of whites known to be racist (against Asians) targeted an Asian person for being Asian and then robbed and assaulted that person, then it would be a hate crime.


He could easily have wound up dead or with permanent brain damage from that fall. What in the world was that guy doing there in the first place, though? There are places where you do not want to be the only pale face in the crowd...he wasn't asking for it, because nobody does, but that outcome was entirely too predictable.

For the doubters, try it for yourself. There are places you do not go if you're black; there are places you do not go if you're white. Sucks, but that's the reality in which we live.
Yeah, you are right. I was operating under the idea that you can't convince someone of anything if you ban them from the conversation, but upon closer inspection there was little conversation to begin with.

I can't help but laugh at you missing the point entirely and subsequently getting banned.

So I will

Thugs deserve a beatdown and jail time. Also, fuck WSHH.

Wait. Wait. I absolutely love posts like this. Why do you pity me? Just because I decided I don't want to be that white guy in the video? I'd like to watch my back. I've seen enough people through my experience in Toronto; especially in the ghetto black neighborhoods where many different people of different races get constantly mugged, beaten or some form of violent behavior. Why do you think black people have such a bad perception upon them from the general population? People are not willing to admit it because people might get labelled racist; even though they are not (and this is a whole other topic, because racist is used so lightly nowdays).

Don't come in here telling me you feel pity for me. I was brought up in the most culturally diversed cities in NA.

Please shut the fuck up. I absolutely explained why I feel that way. I wouldn't mind venturing into a "good" black neighborhood, not at all. Just not the ghetto, scary stuff. It's the equivalent of trailer park neighborhoods for whites.

But I would personally never live in a dominant black neighborhood after the video that I saw. Its not like this happen once or twice, it constantly happens too. Constant.

What in the fuck is this?

you've been banned, but you're the type of guy who'd regard me with suspicion if I was walking around your neighbourhood. I know your type. I used to live in an upper middle class building next to the Ryerson dorms, just off Gerrard and Church (seeing as you're from Toronto, you know exactly which area I'm talking about) and every now and then some asshole would give me that extra long and hard stare as I entered the building or took the elevator up to my place, like I might be a trespasser up to no good. (No, I wasnt dressed like a hoodlum, I looked like any other university kid in downtown Toronto)
You are SO one of those assholes. Most definitely.

BHZ Mayor

The best thing about the term "reverse racism" is the irony that the term in and of itself acknowledges an imbalance/inequality in racial structure, all while trying to deny the imbalance.
The best thing about the term "reverse racism" is the irony that the term in and of itself acknowledges an imbalance/inequality in racial structure, all while trying to deny the imbalance.

I agree. It applies that by default white people are the source of all racism.
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