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Video shows white teens driving over, killing black man, says DA

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I am black (my username lol) and live in the south. Honestly if something like this happened to a friend or family member id end up in jail and not give a fuck. At the court hearing it would be incredibly hard for me to not jump over and beat the fuck out of these scum. No joke.

Just typing this post is making me angry, can fill it in my chest.


Smokey said:
I am black (my username lol)
Wait, now I'm racially confused?!

Those guys on Xbox Live were right all along, I'm black. Explains my deep and sensual love for Nina Simone I guess.


SmokyDave said:
Wait, now I'm racially confused?!

Those guys on Xbox Live were right all along, I'm black. Explains my deep and sensual love for Nina Simone I guess.
Lol I always enjoy your posts.

Ranger X

Seriously, this level hate wouldn't even merit a judgement in my world. That guys would be sent straight up to the torture room in wich he would suffer and be kept alive for 60 years or more. Same with rapists and people killing children. Humans really are super kind to themselves really.


I'm completely confused by the facebook page, it's like what happened in the article and what they're talking about doesn't match up. And the black guy that's backing him up on the page is what I find even more odd.


Smokey said:
Lol I always enjoy your posts.
Ah cheers man. Shame it's such a shitty topic :(

Afrocentric-Asian said:
I'm completely confused by the facebook page, it's like what happened in the article and what they're talking about doesn't match up. And the black guy that's backing him up on the page is what I find even more odd.
Don't try and make sense of Facebook, you'll end up suicidal once you realise that some of those people are actually serious.


These fuckers are just pure evil. They should get his blood type of the dude who ran the man over and find matches in the African American community of people who need organs. Then they can set up the surgeries. He would then live the next week or two knowing that his body was going to be harvested to help save the lives of the people he hated so much...


Afrocentric-Asian said:
I'm completely confused by the facebook page, it's like what happened in the article and what they're talking about doesn't match up. And the black guy that's backing him up on the page is what I find even more odd.
Notice the FB page only has 5 members. Everyone left the group, probably after seeing the surveillance footage and subsequent reports. The people defending him throughout the stream left the group as well, which says all that needs to be said.

Last post was from July.


SmokyDave said:
Don't try and make sense of Facebook, you'll end up suicidal once you realise that some of those people are actually serious.

I'm more worried about the comments on the CNN site...

the is no Racism in USA ,if there was , Obama should be the president


saelz8 said:
Notice the FB page only has 5 members. Everyone left the group, probably after seeing the surveillance footage. The people defending him throughout the stream left the group as well, which says all that needs to be said.

Last post was from July.

Good call, didn't match up the FB dates with when the article was posted.


Junior Member
Satyamdas said:
Yes, they were motivated by racism, but to think that is the only thing at work here is a gross oversimplification. Being a homicidal sociopath supersedes being a racist. The vast majority of racists don't ever attack or kill anyone. "Racism" is a convenient and easy thing to blame, but the real blame lies in the complete lack of empathy or regard for human life these teens had, and in their ability to rationalize assault and murder and carry it out. In other words, their sociopathic and homicidal tendencies. What is broken with those teens is something on a far deeper level than their racist attitudes. Which is why if it was up to me they'd be put down like animals. If it wasn't racism it could just as easily be misogyny, homophobia, homeless people, or irrational hate aimed at any number of other groups of people.

The complete lack of empathy or regard for human life can easily spring from racism. Though some racists never act on their racism, there are others that do. Their sociopathic behavior can be reinforced and coddled by racist dogma, websites like Stormfront.org, and a community that ignores racists in their midst. In the end, its pretty easy to murder another human being if you don't view them as a human being in the first place.

I find your search for excuses throughout this thread to be rather pathetic. First you excuse a clearly racist state as not being racist when there's plenty of evidence to the contrary. And now you're trying to psychoanalyze a racist murderer. Pretty sad.

You said the state is racist, and attributed that sentiment to me when I never said it. So spare me the bullshit.

Where did I ever attribute the racist state of Mississippi to YOU?


Junior Member
macuser1of5 said:

So isolated events indicate an area is wholly racist, while distributing white power fliers, housing flagrant separatist groups and building kkk snowmen do not. Gotcha.

If only racist events in Mississippi were isolated....


I know it is pointless to say on GAF, but it's not as racists as people make it out to be. Most folks aren't racists in MS, and it's not like, "I have black friends", it's more like half of everybody they know and interact with is black, and for black people, half the people they know and interact with are white, and most people most of the time love each other and get along perfectly well with family bonds that carry on through generations. I've never witnessed a KKK or panther rally or overt racists propaganda being handed out. The city is not as corrupt with white rulers as people like to say. Almost all the city officials are not white and are democrats, including the mayor, the police chief, and many of the judges. You see more fellowship across races in MS than in states where the entire black demographic falls into the "1% other" category. There are plenty of racists and examples of racism, no doubt, but that is because unlike many states, they all actually live together and interact with each other all the time. If either one was virtually non-existent like many other states, then they could sit high and mighty and, being sanctioned by the forum, unfairly generalize you. Fuck these kids. The white racists who would allow them to go free do not represent the majority of white people, and they will not let them have their way.


adamsappel said:
I'm sure those who protest southern states being labeled racist have never painted, say, California with a broad brush either. It's too bad that hundreds of years of slavery and many decades of segregation and racial intolerance have tarred your region with a hateful label, but until stories like this become a rarity instead of almost commonplace, I guess you're stuck with it.

Painting people, places, whatever with a broad brush is exactly what encourages the type of bigotry that could possibly lead to extreme events like in the OP.

So because southern states have a history of racism it's perfectly valid to devolve the conversation to making fun of the south, label the entire south as racist or making statements like "lol the south"?

So you'd be fine with someone posting "lol blacks" if there were a news story about inner city violence posted? Because, as you said, there is a history there and until it becomes a rarity instead of common place I guess we're stuck with it?


Measley said:
I find your search for excuses throughout this thread to be rather pathetic. First you excuse a clearly racist state as not being racist when there's plenty of evidence to the contrary. And now you're trying to psychoanalyze a racist murderer. Pretty sad.
You're a joke. I never made one excuse for racism or for murder. The fucks that did this are racist and should be dead already. I'm just not going to condemn an entire region or state for the actions of a few.

Measley said:
BTW, I'm glad you agree that Mississippi is a racist state.
Me said:
Calling a state racist is moronic. Individuals are racist.
Measley said:
Please don't attribute things to me that I never said. Thanks in advance.
Me said:
You said the state is racist, and attributed that sentiment to me when I never said it. So spare me the bullshit.
Measley said:
Where did I ever attribute the racist state of Mississippi to YOU?
Measley said:
BTW, I'm glad you agree that Mississippi is a racist state.
You're either trolling or unable to follow your own conversation. Either way, I'm done.


Junior Member
Interfectum said:
Painting people, places, whatever with a broad brush is exactly what encourages the type of bigotry that could possibly lead to extreme events like in the OP.

So because southern states have a history of racism it's perfectly valid to devolve the conversation to making fun of the south, label the entire south as racist or making statements like "lol the south"?

So you'd be fine with someone posting "lol blacks" if there were a news story about inner city violence posted? Because, as you said, there is a history there and until it becomes a rarity instead of common place I guess we're stuck with it?

No, because not all blacks are in the inner city, and not all blacks live in America. With Mississippi, we're talking about a political entity with a history of past and present racism. So much so, that there's been a pattern of racism and bigotry as long as anyone can remember. Again, if Mississippians want that stain erased from their state, it is up to them to change it.


Measley said:
No, because not all blacks in in the inner city, and not all blacks live in America. With Mississippi, we're talking about a political entity with a history of past and present racism. So much so, that there's been a pattern of racism and bigotry as long as anyone can remember. Again, if Mississippians want that stain erased from their state, it is up to them to change it.

Okay so it'd be okay to say "lol inner city blacks" then? OR would it be better to have a discussion that reaches beyond the low hanging fruit of name calling and painting with a board brush?


Junior Member
Interfectum said:
Okay so it'd be okay to say "lol inner city blacks" then?

Sure, if you're talking about inner city black crime and issues.

Spat_triate said:
Is it usual for a perpetrator of brutal premeditated murderer to be released on a $50,000 bond? What the fuck?

It's Mississippi.


Tenck said:
It's from security cameras. That footage helped capture that little prick.

Haha you're the 4th or 5th person who comments on my avatar from Gaf. They all liked it too :)

Still shouldn't be shown outside of court!


Measley said:
I wasn't aware that Louisville Kentucky was a suburb in Mississippi.
It isn't, but seeing as how Mississippi is the mecca of racism for the whole world and they are totally cool with murdering blacks, I'd think that a white defendant should be able to at least match that black guy's $10K bond, or get one even lower than that, wouldn't you?


Measley said:
I wasn't aware that Louisville Kentucky was a suburb in Mississippi.

Something tells me that had the murder in the OP occurred in Kentucky, your attitude and conduct in this thread wouldn't have been a whole hell of a lot different.


J-Rod said:
I know it is pointless to say on GAF, but it's not as racists as people make it out to be. Most folks aren't racists in MS, and it's not like, "I have black friends", it's more like half of everybody they know and interact with is black, and for black people, half the people they know and interact with are white, and most people most of the time love each other and get along perfectly well with family bonds that carry on through generations. I've never witnessed a KKK or panther rally or overt racists propaganda being handed out. The city is not as corrupt with white rulers as people like to say. Almost all the city officials are not white and are democrats, including the mayor, the police chief, and many of the judges. You see more fellowship across races in MS than in states where the entire black demographic falls into the "1% other" category. There are plenty of racists and examples of racism, no doubt, but that is because unlike many states, they all actually live together and interact with each other all the time. If either one was virtually non-existent like many other states, then they could sit high and mighty and, being sanctioned by the forum, unfairly generalize you. Fuck these kids. The white racists who would allow them to go free do not represent the majority of white people, and they will not let them have their way.

This post makes too much fucking sense to be on GAF.


In the video, the kid is being led into lock up by a black guard with a blank look on his face. That guy has to have the most unbelievable self control. I'd be out for blood.


Mr. Patch said:
Is the victim black? That would partially be an issue as well.
I don't think the color of the victim matters. The prevailing thought is that the teen in the OP got a low bond of $50K because the state doesn't care about black people and wants to coddle its white murderers. And that had he killed another white person, he'd probably have a much higher bond because the state values whites lives more. I don't buy that. It is up to the discretion of the judge to set the amount for bond, so it is likely that had this kid got another judge his bond would have been more appropriately placed at something like $500K. Is it likely that the judge set a low bond due to the race of the accused? Sure, I can buy that. It rubs me the wrong way, regardless of race or the judge's reasoning, I can tell you that. I see no reason he should be allowed to set the bond for someone accused of murder so low.

If you are saying that the state of Kentucky *also* doesn't care about blacks, and that is why the bond was only $10K, and that had the black guy killed a white person he might have gotten a much higher bond, I'd disagree for the same reason. He got "lucky" to get such a stupid and lenient judge. Now I don't know enough about jurisprudence to know why there aren't mandatory minimums for bond for crimes like murder, but cases like these 2 really make me wonder why that isn't the case. It is absurdly low in both cases.
Horrible. I wish I could get my hands on that Dedmon kid.

Being 18 also, I wouldn't feel any remorse in beating the living shit out of him for that.


Why did a racial discussion have to break out here? It's a pretty clear cut case of some teens being scum, which caused them to murder an innocent and helpless man in cold blood. I think we should be all agreeing that every one of them should be charged with the fullest extent of the law.

Forget the fighting about whether or not Mississippi is a racist state or whether or not the murderer's bond is appropriately high. All that does is aggravate people on both sides and detracts from what we should all be upset about.


Gold Member
Mr. Patch said:
Is the victim black? That would partially be an issue as well.

Anyway, this is sickening. Very sickening... I just don't get what makes someone say "I'm gonna go kill me a [insert racial slur] today!"
In that case I believe that the victim was also black.

It's frustrating when people come into a topic like this and say that it happens just as often the other way around. What does that have to do with anything?

Dude Abides

Jeff-DSA said:
Why did a racial discussion have to break out here? It's a pretty clear cut case of some teens being scum, which caused them to murder an innocent and helpless man in cold blood. I think we should be all agreeing that every one of them should be charged with the fullest extent of the law.

The honuh of the great state of Mississippi was impugned by assorted Yankees and scalawags, good suh. That will not stand.


Dude Abides said:
The honuh I say the honuh of the great state of Mississippi was impugned by assorted Yankees and scalawags, good suh. Now lookee here son that will not I say that will not stand.


Jeff-DSA said:
Why did a racial discussion have to break out here? It's a pretty clear cut case of some teens being scum, which caused them to murder an innocent and helpless man in cold blood. I think we should be all agreeing that every one of them should be charged with the fullest extent of the law.

Forget the fighting about whether or not Mississippi is a racist state or whether or not the murderer's bond is appropriately high. All that does is aggravate people on both sides and detracts from what we should all be upset about.

Isn't that the nature of the case?
Of all the things these kids could have done they decided to attack and kill a black man. No sports? No video games? No board games? No, they decided to take someone's life for the fuck of it. This pisses me off so much that I can't even think straight right now....


I would think a story like this would get more media attention in light of past biased attacks but haven't even seen it on my local news. Terrible. You know racism is not dead but you would think it slowly being washed away from our society then a story like this just halts that presumption.


aka andydumi
harSon said:
Isn't that the nature of the case?

I think there are several cases being discussed. The OP one appears racially motivated, so then a race discussion makes sense. However some of the other cases discussed don't appeal racially motivated. Maybe he was confused among them?


Xenon said:
These fuckers are just pure evil. They should get his blood type of the dude who ran the man over and find matches in the African American community of people who need organs. Then they can set up the surgeries. He would then live the next week or two knowing that his body was going to be harvested to help save the lives of the people he hated so much...
Not too far off, donating a kidney in exchange for parole. In Mississippi no less.
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