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Video shows white teens driving over, killing black man, says DA

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Gold Member
Z_Y said:
Prison will be too good for this twat. Drop him off in South Central LA and make him hand out news articles detailing his crime. Film it and put it on PPV. Donate the money to the victim's family.
Why South Central LA?


Junior Member
Satyamdas said:
You're a moron. A state can't be racist any more than a state can be gay or fat. Individuals are racist or gay or fat, and you have to be a complete idiot to suggest that an entire state, millions of people, all share the same ideology, sexual preference, or body type. I will of course acknowledge that racism exists in Mississippi, but I refuse to cast judgment on an entire state's populace because there are racists who reside there. It's lazy and ignorant to do so.

The state is the traditional symbol of racism and bigotry thanks to Mississippi Burning and other little incidents during the civil rights era. I'm sure you can still find bodies of black people in the creeks and rivers throughout the state. The governor of Mississippi said that slavery wasn't a "big deal" last year. A good portion of the state's population feels that interracial marriage should be banned. Now we get this little gem where a group of white teens murder a black guy and get the five star treatment from the Mississippi justice system.

If the state wants to shed it old image as a hotbed of racism and bigotry, it needs to try harder.


Junior Member
Dead Man said:
Since neither of those posts contain any statistics, I will assume you are still constructing your argument.

And since you're playing silly little semantic games, I will assume you are ignoring the argument.
Measley said:
The state is the traditional symbol of racism and bigotry thanks to Mississippi Burning and other little incidents during the civil rights era. I'm sure you can still find bodies of black people in the creeks and rivers throughout the state. The governor of Mississippi said that slavery wasn't a "big deal" last year. A good portion of the state's population feels that interracial marriage should be banned. Now we get this little gem where a group of white teens murder a black guy and get the five star treatment from the Mississippi justice system.

If the state wants to shed it old image as a hotbed of racism and bigotry, it needs to try harder.

Regardless of everything you just said, none of that makes Mississippi a "racist state".

The points made in that previous reply to you still stand. You may choose to label a state racist, but the state does not deserve that tag.


Junior Member
BruiserBear said:
Regardless of everything you just said, none of that makes Mississippi a "racist state".

I love the "regardless" part of your response. Its almost like you're saying "regardless of all the evidence, Mississippi isn't a racist state because I refuse to believe it is."


Dead Man said:
Wow. I think you have failed to follow what people are saying.

Kind of like how you fail to realize that bringing up statistics doesn't require someone to actually post the statistics.

Dead Man

Measley said:
I love the "regardless" part of your response. Its almost like you're saying "regardless of all the evidence, Mississippi isn't a racist state because I refuse to believe it is."


Kind of like how you fail to realize that bringing up statistics doesn't require someone to actually post the statistics.
Kind of like how you ignore the fact that someone can raise the subject as a simple attempt to bring more information to a statement without having an agenda. I am not talking about Captain Futoro here, but the actual posts that discussed the statistics. Not the sideshow of his post. But you carry on there champ.

Angry Fork said:
Haven't read all the pages yet but has a defense force shown up yet for the white guys? lol
Oh fuck off.
Measley said:
I love the "regardless" part of your response. Its almost like you're saying "regardless of all the evidence, Mississippi isn't a racist state because I refuse to believe it is."


So if you bought a case of Coca Cola at the store, and you opened it up at home and 60% of the cans inside were Coca Cola, and the other 40% were Sprite, you'd be cool with that box being labeled "Coca Cola"?
it's odd because people say most people in Miss are racist. Yet, when i go visit my grandmother who lives in a small town on the coast I see whites and blacks fully together. It's always been that way too. Even though blacks and whites had to be separate nobody enforced the rule.
I can't wrap my ahead around what this person did wrong? he was born black? and because of that some middle class teenager hunts him down and kills him?


what a crazy fucking world...

the chris

JetBlackPanda said:
I can't wrap my ahead around what this person did wrong? he was born black? and because of that some middle class teenager hunts him down and kills him?

what a crazy fucking world...
Racism doesn't have to make sense.


At least there is enough evidence in this case to put this idiot away for a long time. There are alot of families out there who don't get the satisfaction of putting away the killer of their loved one.

He deserves to go to jail for a long time. No insanity plea. Straight to jail!

Dead Man

Angry Fork said:
=( I didn't imply anyone has already, I was legit wondering if one came out of the woodwork yet because it's always lulz when they do.
Sorry if I missed what you meant. Too much bullshit flying around this thread, I'm going to bed. Have fun kids.


Measley said:
I can't see the forest for the trees.
Yes, racists and idiots exist in Mississippi. They also exist in Ca. and NY and Oregon.

The thing is, someone who would go out and beat and kill a person based on race is something beyond a racist. That person is a homicidal sociopath. You are taking an extremely narrow and ignorant view to suggest racist attitudes in Mississippi is to blame for the actions of a sociopath. What about all the hardcore racists there who don't kill anyone? What about the white homicidal sociopath in Mississippi who kills other white people? Using this story as an excuse to bash an entire state as being racists who are cool with murder is fucking pathetic and low.

Now I definitely agree that the charges he got and the $50K bail are absolutely ridiculous. That pisses me off and would even more so if I lived in the state. It's not a good look. But where you and I differ is that I don't assume every white person in Mississippi is ok with that. I'm not some great saint because I don't judge people based on where they live, I just think doing so is one of the most unintelligent things you can do.


Junior Member
Dead Man said:
Kind of like how you ignore the fact that someone can raise the subject as a simple attempt to bring more information to a statement without having an agenda. I am not talking about Captain Futoro here, but the actual posts that discussed the statistics. Not the sideshow of his post. But you carry on there champ.

We were talking about Futoro's posts this entire time. Next time, read the discussion before you decide to troll.

Satyamdas said:
Yes, racists and idiots exist in Mississippi. They also exist in Ca. and NY and Oregon.

The thing is, someone who would go out and beat and kill a person based on race is something beyond a racist. That person is a homicidal sociopath. You are taking an extremely narrow and ignorant view to suggest racist attitudes in Mississippi is to blame for the actions of a sociopath. What about all the hardcore racists there who don't kill anyone? What about the white homicidal sociopath in Mississippi who kills other white people? Using this story as an excuse to bash an entire state as being racists who are cool with murder is fucking pathetic and low.

Now I definitely agree that the charges he got and the $50K bail are absolutely ridiculous. That pisses me off and would even more so if I lived in the state. It's not a good look. But where you and I differ is that I don't assume every white person in Mississippi is ok with that. I'm not some great saint because I don't judge people based on where they live, I just think doing so is one of the most unintelligent things you can do.

Where did I say that every single white person in Mississippi is a racist? I simply said that the state is clearly a state run by racists, and that tradition stretches back for decades. I'm sure there's some nice people there who despise racists, and fight for tolerance and equality, However, those nice folk should work harder to purge the racists out of their political and judicial system.

BTW, racist attitudes ARE to blame for the actions of a sociopath. Did you even read the article? The teens were driven by racism, which is why they targeted a black guy, and spitted out racial slurs while they beat him and then ran him over like roadkill.

Please don't attribute things to me that I never said. Thanks in advance.


I entered this thread saying that I bet this happened in Mississippi, wow. that is some fucked up stuff.
zmoney said:
I entered this thread saying that I bet this happened in Mississippi, wow. that is some fucked up stuff.
Actually this would fit in well in certain parts of WA or ID, but that doesn't really fit with anyone's narrative.


Lionheart1337 said:
The South.
No. Mississippi, we're not all like that.

macuser1of5 said:
Actually this would fit in well in certain parts of WA or ID, but that doesn't really fit with anyone's narrative.
Really? Never been to either place but is racism that bad there? The only thing I know is that when you go to Mississippi, specifically Jackson, its like you've jumped back in time about 50 or 60 years, culturally speaking.
Satyamdas said:
Yes, racists and idiots exist in Mississippi. They also exist in Ca. and NY and Oregon.

The thing is, someone who would go out and beat and kill a person based on race is something beyond a racist. That person is a homicidal sociopath. You are taking an extremely narrow and ignorant view to suggest racist attitudes in Mississippi is to blame for the actions of a sociopath. What about all the hardcore racists there who don't kill anyone? What about the white homicidal sociopath in Mississippi who kills other white people? Using this story as an excuse to bash an entire state as being racists who are cool with murder is fucking pathetic and low.

Now I definitely agree that the charges he got and the $50K bail are absolutely ridiculous. That pisses me off and would even more so if I lived in the state. It's not a good look. But where you and I differ is that I don't assume every white person in Mississippi is ok with that. I'm not some great saint because I don't judge people based on where they live, I just think doing so is one of the most unintelligent things you can do.

If the state isn't cool with murder maybe they shouldn't set bail at 50K.


That in and of itself speaks VOLUMES to how that State regards this crime.

Obviously not every white person in Mississippi is like that. That's ridiculous. But at the end of the day, the state isn't taking this crime as seriously as it should.

I wonder why....
I'm sure those who protest southern states being labeled racist have never painted, say, California with a broad brush either. It's too bad that hundreds of years of slavery and many decades of segregation and racial intolerance have tarred your region with a hateful label, but until stories like this become a rarity instead of almost commonplace, I guess you're stuck with it.
AlimNassor said:
it's odd because people say most people in Miss are racist. Yet, when i go visit my grandmother who lives in a small town on the coast I see whites and blacks fully together. It's always been that way too. Even though blacks and whites had to be separate nobody enforced the rule.

Always? Obviously not everyone in the state is a cross-burning hate-monger, but you should know your own state's history.


TIME said:
"There were lynchings in the Midwestern and Western states, mostly of Asians, Mexicans, Native Americans and even whites. But it was in the South that lynching evolved into a semiofficial institution of racial terror against blacks. All across the former Confederacy, blacks who were suspected of crimes against whites—or even "offenses" no greater than failing to step aside for a white man's car or protesting a lynching—were tortured, hanged and burned to death by the thousands. In a prefatory essay in Without Sanctuary, historian Leon F. Litwack writes that between 1882 and 1968, at least 4,742 African Americans were murdered that way.

The last major reported lynching in Miss. was 1964, but my parents were already in middle school by then. I'm sure your grandmother had to have lived through that.
Jea Song said:
why is it always the whites doing these types of hate crimes? Why don't you ever hear in the news about black men, or hispanic men, or asian men, beating the crap out of white people, or killing them based on their race? And exclaiming (insert color here) Power?!
Haha, really? We've had three rather big events happen in the last year or so.


I'm still surprised that none of these events we've had in SE Wisconsin have made national news yet. (I don't think they did, I kept my eye out and didn't see anything, but maybe they did).
adamsappel said:
I'm sure those who protest southern states being labeled racist have never painted, say, California with a broad brush either. It's too bad that hundreds of years of slavery and many decades of segregation and racial intolerance have tarred your region with a hateful label, but until stories like this become a rarity instead of almost commonplace, I guess you're stuck with it.

I've lived in Illinois my entire life.

Dude Abides

BruiserBear said:
How else do you think they're going to stir up emotions and racial division in this country? It was the only option they had.

Yeah, CNN is like the black panthers, trying to start a race war. We should just ignore these problems and hope they go away.
any one else find it hilarious that the guards walking them at the beginning were black.

so damn sad. a man's dead for no reason other then hate. I just don't get it. In 60 years there will still be shit like this.
zmoney said:
No. Mississippi, we're not all like that.

Really? Never been to either place but is racism that bad there? The only thing I know is that when you go to Mississippi, specifically Jackson, its like you've jumped back in time about 50 or 60 years, culturally speaking.
WA is pretty awful once you leave metro areas (mostly Lewis County and the eastern side of the state in a few places), but northern Idaho is fucking terrifying, as in don't stop for gas terrifying. I did that once and saw some nice pamphlets on the ground. There are a lot of remote/pocketed areas in both states which I'm sure is a contributing factor.
50k bond, that's it? The kid is over 16, he should be charged like anyone else. And how come everyone else only gets charged with assault? Parents are obviously very well connected.


macuser1of5 said:
WA is pretty awful once you leave metro areas (mostly Lewis County and the eastern side of the state in a few places), but northern Idaho is fucking terrifying, as in don't stop for gas terrifying. I did that once and saw some nice pamphlets on the ground. There are a lot of remote/pocketed areas in both states which I'm sure is a contributing factor.
Northern Idaho is terrifying in a racist way or in a "i'll make you squeal like a piggy" deliverance sort of way?


Junior Member
macuser1of5 said:
Actually this would fit in well in certain parts of WA or ID, but that doesn't really fit with anyone's narrative.

When this kind of thing happens in WA and ID, make sure to make a thread.
zmoney said:
Northern Idaho is terrifying in a racist way or in a "i'll make you squeal like a piggy" deliverance sort of way?

Measley said:
When this kind of thing happens in WA and ID, make sure to make a thread.
So isolated events indicate an area is wholly racist, while distributing white power fliers, housing flagrant separatist groups and building kkk snowmen do not. Gotcha.
ssolitare said:
50k bond, that's it? The kid is over 16, he should be charged like anyone else. And how come everyone else only gets charged with assault? Parents are obviously very well connected.

The other males in the video had already left the scene (where the victim was bloodied, but still clearly conscious and alive) in the first truck before the accused ran him over.

The girls in his car could easily claim they were just along for the ride, and the guys in the other car can easily claim he decided to murder the victim independent of their violent drunken revelry. They didn't even know about the murder (allegedly) until he revealed it to them at the diner afterwards. So they definitely can't be accused of murder 1, or even conspiracy, since all the evidence is against the one guy (Dedmon).


Measley said:
BTW, racist attitudes ARE to blame for the actions of a sociopath. Did you even read the article? The teens were driven by racism, which is why they targeted a black guy, and spitted out racial slurs while they beat him and then ran him over like roadkill.
Yes, they were motivated by racism, but to think that is the only thing at work here is a gross oversimplification. Being a homicidal sociopath supersedes being a racist. The vast majority of racists don't ever attack or kill anyone. "Racism" is a convenient and easy thing to blame, but the real blame lies in the complete lack of empathy or regard for human life these teens had, and in their ability to rationalize assault and murder and carry it out. In other words, their sociopathic and homicidal tendencies. What is broken with those teens is something on a far deeper level than their racist attitudes. Which is why if it was up to me they'd be put down like animals. If it wasn't racism it could just as easily be misogyny, homophobia, homeless people, or irrational hate aimed at any number of other groups of people.

Measley said:
Please don't attribute things to me that I never said. Thanks in advance.
You said the state is racist, and attributed that sentiment to me when I never said it. So spare me the bullshit.

It's like if someone in your family got busted for child molestation, and I said "Man that whole family is nothing but a bunch of pedos and child molesters."
Satyamdas said:
It's like if someone in your family got busted for child molestation, and I said "Man that whole family is nothing but a bunch of pedos and child molesters."
I don't know. I think if that family had hundreds of years of raising child molesters and encouraging child molestation, you might be allowed.

Do you understand yet?
Am I the only one who noticed that the video said a hotel security guy heard them scream "white power?" Was he aware that there was a man being beat in the parking lot? Why didn't he do anything?

RS4- said:
I can't believe they let him post bond and that the other scum pieces of shit in the car weren't charged with anything.

This is Jackson, Mississippi we are talking about.


adamsappel said:
I don't know. I think if that family had hundreds of years of raising child molesters and encouraging child molestation, you might be allowed.

Do you understand yet?
Nope, sorry, you're gonna need to break it down a little more for me.
adamsappel said:
I don't know. I think if that family had hundreds of years of raising child molesters and encouraging child molestation, you might be allowed.

Do you understand yet?
What if those people move somewhere else? Is that area now tainted?
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