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Battlestar Galactica Blood and Chrome Leaked Trailer?

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Downward trend series took followed by the failure of Caprica.... they didn't have confidence in this and apparently didn't bother with much of a budget either.

Jane Espenson (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) as showrunner explains a lot about Caprica, I swear to god Universal / SyFy's execs have just gotten more retarded since the initial genius move of finally greenlighting the BSG reimagining...

one thing I think might not be a mistake though is this strategy of rapid online -> TV -> DVD ... online is by far the fastest way to spread something worth spreading, I just hope they actually give it a chance. I can deal with them showing wrestling and shit on their TV network because that's what TV viewers watch, any move that makes it easier for them to provide something for hardcore sci-fi nuts I'm willing to give a chance...

I emplore everyone else to do the same, let's give this a chance. There isn't enough good sci-fi around anymore!


What the fuck is up with all that greenscreen and lenseflare bullshit??

It's like backwards Battlestar Galactica.

Edit: The lenseflare looks a little better in the latest trailer, but it still looks like a J.J. Abrams movie

Hilary Swank?


What the fuck is up with all that greenscreen and lenseflare bullshit??

It's like backwards Battlestar Galactica.

Edit: The lenseflare looks a little better in the latest trailer, but it still looks like a J.J. Abrams movie

I loved how grounded BSG felt. I fear this will flop, hopefully the writing will be there.


The crazy amount of lens flare and bloom, makes it look like every dream sequence used to look in movies and TV.

are they doing this web series as a way to gauge interest and/or secure funding for a proper trlevision series? or is this all we're getting?


The lack of physical sets is glaringly obvious, but the first part wasn't so bad.
Adama = Starbuck I guess at this point.


Thanks for the heads up - in work sadly but only for another hour or so...

I kind of wish I could just watch the 2hr pilot at once... having it broken up like this is a real shame. Hopefully when I watch I won't find it too annoying / jarring.

It had a lot more substance than the previous two web series and seemed to jump into the action faster than Razor Flashbacks did.

The bad part about it is that it ends quickly and given there's going to be an unrated home video release, you get the feeling it was condensed and edited down into the 10 minute segments they are.

The ten minute shows that work on television are Harvey Birdman and Robot Chicken. I mean, given the YouTube distribution they used, it was probably the most economical decision. I'd rather seen SyFy cut a deal with Amazon or Netflix to just release the whole damn thing in its entirety.

Still, when Galactica first shows up, I smiled.


Wow this is great. Is there a full ot for this? It's already a lot better than Caprica.

It has actual Battlestars and Cylons. Enough said.

I got to agree with a lot of other comments though about the CGI. It didn't bother me that much but it was like Michael Bay and J.J. Abrams genetically hybrid spawn child had creative control of this entire project.

Also that European chick is hot. For fucks sake though, did they have to censor her one curse word with that obnoxious bell? It's the internet.


I like it except for the constant lens flare/bloom. I'm guessing they used so much to try to cover up the cheap CG sets.
Still, when Galactica first shows up, I smiled.

Yep, to see The Old Lady again was great. Did Bear McCreary do the soundtrack to this one or are they blending his score with some new work by someone else? I actually liked this more than I thought I would. You can definitely tell when the sets are digital and the CG seemed pretty par for the course of later BSG and Caprica. I did like seeing some of the old era ships and the other ships that were in the Colonial Fleet beyond the few Battlestar variants we saw in the series. Also, they finally showed how they got around the ship so quickly with that quick little scene of Adama and Coker on that tram type platform. I know it was just a little thing, but it was great, and makes me wonder why they never did that in the series.
CGI sets were obvious, but it was still great to see what a fully staffed Galactica looked like. I also liked the nods to Caprica.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Yeah, the CG sets are a fad that's gaining momentum, but they look better than some of the other CG set shows I've seen (Sanctuary! Blah!). Might be because of viewing it on a monitor, that it's not as obvious to me.

But the space battle shots look better than the BSG show, so that's an improvement.


I dunno. It was enjoyable purely on a visual level but the writing's really weak, with all those war-movie cliches out in full force. The actors do their best to sell the material but I prefer my nu-BSG more subtle.

They would have been better off just releasing this in full. The chapter format is never something I've appreciated (either here or in video games) and it cuts off momentum.

Did Bear McCreary do the soundtrack to this one or are they blending his score with some new work by someone else?

McCreary wrote the score for it.


Subete no aware
So weird that this ended up being a youtube series of all things.

But after they did the Halo thing, it makes sense for them to keep doing it with another franchise that's somewhat popular.


CGI sets were obvious, but it was still great to see what a fully staffed Galactica looked like. I also liked the nods to Caprica.
An Adama frakking someone who worked on the Greystone Cylons. This could get interesting. Not recalling anything about Lee or Zach's mother will require a hunt later on.


I dunno. It was enjoyable purely on a visual level but the writing's really weak, with all those war-movie cliches out in full force. The actors do their best to sell the material but I prefer my nu-BSG more subtle.

They would have been better off just releasing this in full. The chapter format is never something I've appreciated (either here or in video games) and it cuts off momentum.

McCreary wrote the score for it.

BSG, subtle. Lulz
So far so good.. looks like it could get interesting! It IS slightly torturous having to watch it in 20min segments like this, and they DID overdo it with the lens flare (its borderline distracting) but the space stuff looks great... watched quite loud with the laptop hooked up to the TV and
the dead body hitting the raptor in episode 2 gave me a little jump!

even as someone who personally gave Caprica a chance until the end, they really didn't need to acknowledge it at all - I'm glad they only did so superficially.

The casting seems good so far.
Wow... these are actually quite awesome. Way too much lens flare, but it is fantastic. I hope SyFy can realize their mistake and make this a TV series again.
So the consensus is: likeable, yet shallow. Lots of shitty CG and DEAR GOD WHY LENS FLARE.

About what I expected. Except for that last part. I hate you JJ Abrams.


Disagree on all accounts. This is like the same shit that is going on with Mass Effect 3. People hated the ending so the rest of the series turns to shit? Give me a break.

He didn't state that the series as a whole was awful. Just that it got worse each season.


So not worth it
The lensflare is there for budgetary reasons. I'd suggest you moved past it. Is it really that much of an issue?
Yeah, the CG sets are a fad that's gaining momentum, but they look better than some of the other CG set shows I've seen (Sanctuary! Blah!). Might be because of viewing it on a monitor, that it's not as obvious to me.

But the space battle shots look better than the BSG show, so that's an improvement.
The CG sets aren't so much a fad as it is a way to keep the budgets really low.


It's a little cheap, but by god, did I feel a thrill watching some new BSG.... I really, really, REALLY hope this is picked up and made into an actual show.

The web format sucks and it breaks up the flow... but I can't wait till February to see the whole thing, so I'll be following it episode by episode.

Cocky Adama is great. It's a great contrast to what he'll eventually become, and I feel it lends the script a bit of fun.


Gold Member
The CG sets aren't so much a fad as it is a way to keep the budgets really low.

There's also that the original sets were torn down, IIRC.

I have to say I got chills when
Archeron's fate was shown. Damn near caught me by surprise when the body hit the cockpit.
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