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Bernie and Jane Sanders, under FBI investigation for bank fraud

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Hillary didn't take him seriously because the DNC hid the primary by appointing very few debates. The few debates that they scheduled were placed at times where they would be watched by as few people as possible.

IMO the DNC did not do a very good job of hiding the primary because there was actually a lot of news coverage about it, literally every single day.

Or how about when the Clinton campaign used Sandy Hook to blame Sanders for his pro-gun voting record in Vermont, was that also kid gloves?

How about her attack ads in Michigan that he didn't want to bailout car industry because he didn't vote for the Wall Street bailout?

These are criticisms of his actual voting record.


Hillary was a kind and annoyingly sweet abuela all throughout the primaries. No clue where this fake news'd Hillary that tried tearing Bernie apart came from. I wish she would have been the cutthroat vicious version of her from 2008. That's how she got so many people passionate about her.


Hillary was a kind and annoyingly sweet abuela all throughout the primaries. No clue where this fake news'd Hillary that tried tearing Bernie apart came from. I wish she would have been the cutthroat vicious version of her from 2008. That's how she got so many people passionate about her.
Passion takes many forms.


IMO the DNC did not do a very good job of hiding the primary because there was actually a lot of news coverage about it, literally every single day.

Trump did most of the work on hiding the primary. Most of the news coverage was about him. Easy to understand why.
i dont think this news even if its all true is going to crater his support.

Query: If committing Bank Fraud isn't enough to crater is support.... how can you also argue that there's no cult of personality around him?

Because a guy who spends a lot of time attacking banks committing bank fraud should hurt his credibility severely.


Hillary didn't take him seriously because the DNC hid the primary by appointing very few debates. The few debates that they scheduled were placed at times where they would be watched by as few people as possible.

Would you say that Clinton getting questions by DNC operatives ahead of debates is "kid gloves".

Same kid gloves that didn't look into the security of the DNC and blamed Bernie's campaign for hacking? Bernie's campaign had alerted the DNC about the vulnerabilities in the DNC database months before the alleged "hack" his campaign has carried out

The kid gloves where there was a narrative of the Bernie Bro, and that Democrats would go on national TV pushing that narrative even calling him "sexist" for a comment at a debate about "shouting"

Or how about when the Clinton campaign used Sandy Hook to blame Sanders for his pro-gun voting record in Vermont, was that also kid gloves?

How about her attack ads in Michigan that he didn't want to bailout car industry because he didn't vote for the Wall Street bailout?

Perhaps the kid gloves where when she tried to attack him for not standing next to her when she was trying to push Hillary Care?

Yes. Those are all examples of kids gloves.

I mean, that you think the debate schedule (that was scheduled a full year before the primaries even started and before Bernie announced his candidacy) was an example of Bernie being "tested", I don't know what to say other than you really don't know how 2016 played out.

Also, yes, voting against the wall street bailout WAS in effect voting against bailing out the auto industry, because the funds to save the auto industry were included in that bill

I mean, none of this is a good example of the Sanders campaign being treated like, well, a threatening campaign.


Water is not wet!
Query: If committing Bank Fraud isn't enough to crater is support.... how can you also argue that there's no cult of personality around him?

Because a guy who spends a lot of time attacking banks committing bank fraud should hurt his credibility severely.
People hate the banks because they crashed our economy while profiting from it then got bailed out by the government.

When Bill Clinton goes "What do you want us to do? Shoot them in a back alley?" i think he would have been surprised at the reaction to his hypothetical.


Query: If committing Bank Fraud isn't enough to crater is support.... how can you also argue that there's no cult of personality around him?

Because a guy who spends a lot of time attacking banks committing bank fraud should hurt his credibility severely.

banks are scum leeches on the back of society


IMO the DNC did not do a very good job of hiding the primary because there was actually a lot of news coverage about it, literally every single day.

Democrats Are Playing a Dangerous Game With the Debate Schedule

The Democrats, on the other, hand have only six debates scheduled in this period and only one in weekday primetime so far. Two of those are with PBS and Univision, limited television networks with smaller reach. Left unchecked, the superior RNC schedule could easily reach 50 to 100 million more eyeballs than the current Democratic schedule—meaning tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars of lost opportunities to persuade, engage and excite the audiences all Democrats will need to win in 2016. But the cost is so far beyond dollars and minds: the debate schedule could affect who wins the Presidency, the Senate and scores of other races across the country.

When you look at the how the primary schedule is stacking up next year, the current Democratic Party strategy looks even harder to justify. As you can see, after the four early states vote – Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina — 21 more states with more than half of all Democratic primary voters will vote in the 14 days between March 1 and March 15 . The scale and speed of this unprecedented compression of the primary calendar means that the only way most voters in these states are going to be able to touch and feel a candidate will be through paid advertisin g or free debates. Some of these states may not even see a single candidate visit during this short window , and thus are more reliant on debates for getting the information they need to make an informed decision.

Those calling for a better Democratic Party debate schedule are right. The current schedule, while well intentioned, can and should be improved. It will benefit all Democrats up and down the ticket, and ensure that more than a few million people participate meaningfully in picking the Democratic nominee. The compressed primary schedule next year makes the adding of more debates while so many states vote so quickly even more of a imperative.


December 2015 Report by Media Matters - Trump gets 23 times more coverage than Sanders

And, as Media Matters for America has illustrated, there should be a good deal more coverage of Bernie Sanders. ”The network newscasts are wildly overplaying Trump, who regularly attracts between 20-30 percent of primary voter support, while at the same time wildly underplaying Sanders, who regularly attracts between 20-30 percent of primary voter support," observed Media Matters's Eric Boehlert in a report using data from media analyst Andrew Tyndall. ”Obviously, Trump is the GOP front runner and it's reasonable that he would get more attention than Sanders, who's running second for the Democrats. But 234 total network minutes for Trump compared to just 10 network minutes for Sanders, as the Tyndall Report found?"



Water is not wet!
December 2015 Report by Media Matters - Trump gets 23 times more coverage than Sanders



Fuck the mainstream media too.
People hate the banks because they crashed our economy while profiting from it then got bailed out by the government.

When Bill Clinton goes "What do you want us to do? Shoot them in a back alley?" i think he would have been surprised at the reaction to his hypothetical.

banks are scum leeches on the back of society

One of the big things is that Banks were all too happy to give loans to people who really had no ways of paying it back knowing they could profit on them when they default...

If all these allegations were to be true, it would be that Sanders pressured/encouraged a bank to give a loan, some of it funneled to their daughter's woodworking school, that was then used to buy land the school couldn't really afford, thus forcing it to close down.

Like come on.

My post is not even a criticism of Sanders' being hyper-critical of banks, it's highlighting that if all this is true Sanders would be pretty hypocritical about banks.


Water is not wet!
One of the big things is that Banks were all too happy to give loans to people who should have been denied knowing they could profit on them when they default...

If all these allegations were to be true, it would be that Sanders pressured/encouraged a bank to give a loan, some of it funneled to their daughter's woodworking school, that was then used to buy land the school couldn't really afford, thus forcing it to close down.

Like come on.
When Jane Sanders wipes out peoples savings and livelihoods and gets bailed out by the government for almost a trillion dollars PM me.


Well, yes, Trump received a disproportionate amount of coverage, but that doesn't actually contradict my statement.

Yes and by DNC hiding the debates and candidates they ended up helping Trump dominate the news cycle. The DNC didn't want a contest and that ended up costing their nominee.
im talking about people caring about this if the allegations are true.

If all of this is true Sanders would literally become a convicted felon.

I mean you're right many won't care... but I'd say it's because of the cult of personality around him.

Because if he's guilty it means he used his position as a Senator to encourage a bank to give a bad loan (that enriched his daughter) that caused a university to close down, which meant lost jobs and students who lost chances at an education.


Hillary didn't take him seriously because the DNC hid the primary by appointing very few debates. The few debates that they scheduled were placed at times where they would be watched by as few people as possible.

Would you say that Clinton getting questions by DNC operatives ahead of debates is "kid gloves".

Same kid gloves that didn't look into the security of the DNC and blamed Bernie's campaign for hacking? Bernie's campaign had alerted the DNC about the vulnerabilities in the DNC database months before the alleged "hack" his campaign has carried out

The kid gloves where there was a narrative of the Bernie Bro, and that Democrats would go on national TV pushing that narrative even calling him "sexist" for a comment at a debate about "shouting"

Or how about when the Clinton campaign used Sandy Hook to blame Sanders for his pro-gun voting record in Vermont, was that also kid gloves?

How about her attack ads in Michigan that he didn't want to bailout car industry because he didn't vote for the Wall Street bailout?

Perhaps the kid gloves where when she tried to attack him for not standing next to her when she was trying to push Hillary Care?

People only say that he was handled with "kid gloves" (another phrase I hate that was beaten into the ground last year) because he wasn't hated by the rest of the country. No one gets to say how much criticism you must endure before you're "legitimate" (or whatever is being implied).

It just seems to me that misery loves company, and unless you're hated just like they are, people don't really like you....they just don't know you. /s
The job of CNN, Fox, and every other news station is to get ratings. They don't care about anything else. They wouldn't be talking about Russia otherwise.

People only say that he was handled with "kid gloves" (another phrase I hate that was beaten into the ground last year) because he wasn't hated by the rest of the country. No one gets to say how much criticism you must endure before you're "legitimate" (or whatever is being implied).

It just seems to me that misery loves company, and unless you're hated just like they are, people don't really like you....they just don't know you. /s
The GOP actually ran pro-Bernie ads in some states.
If all of this is true Sanders would literally become a convicted felon.

I mean you're right many won't care... but I'd say it's because of the cult of personality around him.

Because if he's guilty it means he used his position as a Senator to encourage a bank to give a bad loan (that enriched his daughter) that caused a university to close down, which meant lost jobs and students who lost chances at an education.

The case against him is non existent, and pushed by a Trumpeter. I am find it delicious though, to see liberals in here typing the exact same stuff I am reading on Fox News comments. #TakeYourMaskOff


Yes and by DNC hiding the debates and candidates they ended up helping Trump dominate the news cycle. The DNC didn't want a contest and that ended up costing their nominee.
You and others seem to be under the illusion that the DNC is and was an independent body and actor in '15/'16. They were not. They're under Obama's control and influence. (And yes, I definitely blame him for a lot of the issues that came up w/ this cycle and how they cleared a path for Hillary behind the scenes that shouldn't have been done.)

But the idea that this was some sort of conspiracy by shadowy insiders is nonsense. He wanted her as his successor. Period.


The case against him is non existent, and pushed by a Trumpeter. I am find it delicious though, to see liberals in here typing the exact same stuff I am reading on Fox News comments. #TakeYourMaskOff

Ummm...this story was floating around last year about Jane Sanders bankrupting a college. The Clinton campaign didn't touch it because the scandal largely centered on Bernie's wife and Hillary was treating them with kids gloves. And the right did nothing with it because they actually wanted Bernie to win.

The only part of this story that's new is the Sanders' lawyering up...which alone should tell you this is more than the rumblings of a Trump supporter.
Ummm...this story was floating around last year about Jane Sanders bankrupting a college. The Clinton campaign didn't touch it because the scandal largely centered on Bernie's wife and Hillary was treating them with kids gloves. And the right did nothing with it because they actually wanted Bernie to win.

The only part of this story that's new is the Sanders' lawyering up...which alone should tell you this is more than the rumblings of a Trump supporter.

Yep, this is has been known for awhile. Poligaf never made threads on it just because it would seem extremely petty to attack the wife and not the candidate.

The irony here is so sweet. Bernie going after the banks, now the FBI is after Bernie because he shat on with the banks.

Ok Jan
When Jane Sanders wipes out peoples savings and livelihoods and gets bailed out by the government for almost a trillion dollars PM me.

She ran a school into the ground and walked away with over $700,000 for herself and her family. People's livelihoods were affected. People lost jobs here and she personally gained from it.

The irony here is so sweet. Bernie going after the banks, now the FBI is after Bernie because he shat on with the banks.

Wait, how did he shit on the banks? The banks didn't lose anything here. The banks still got their money, the Sanders clan got their vig and the school and the student were the ones who got shat on.


Neo Member
The irony here is so sweet. Bernie going after the banks, now the FBI is after Bernie because he shat on with the banks.

Lol. After getting owned so many times - when shown you don't know a lot about american politics - again you post something dumb. I feel bad for you. sad.
The irony here is so sweet. Bernie going after the banks, now the FBI is after Bernie because he shat on with the banks.

This whole thing is ironic, but not in the way you said.

More in a "the guy who pretended to be less corrupt than his opponent ended up being investigated for fraud" type irony.


She ran a school into the ground and walked away with over $700,000 for herself and her family. People's livelihoods were affected. People lost jobs here and she personally gained from it.

I mean, did nobody stop ask why Bernie would only produce one part of one year's tax returns?

I guess Jane might still be looking for them.
The case against him is non existent, and pushed by a Trumpeter. I am find it delicious though, to see liberals in here typing the exact same stuff I am reading on Fox News comments. #TakeYourMaskOff


If you followed the chain of conversation you'd note that I'm enraging in an entirely hypothetical conversation about what would happen to Sanders' popularity if all the accusations were true.

And on the off chance you're going to turn around and say oh well I'm not just talking about you, don't quote me to launch your argument.
The case against him is non existent, and pushed by a Trumpeter. I am find it delicious though, to see liberals in here typing the exact same stuff I am reading on Fox News comments. #TakeYourMaskOff

You've missed the point entirely. Hillary's scandals, though largely baseless, elicited criticism from every corner, even from her own party. Conversely, we heard about Bernie's incorruptibility, his unimpeachable character, his freedom from the dirt that plagues those corporatist centrist Democrats. His fans drew a damn socialist halo around his head.

Whether this news results in any legal action matters not. Like Hillary, he now finds himself mired in scandal, but the reaction in some quarters couldn't be more different. Yes, some of us delight in the irony and exposure of hypocrisy. Sue us and have Jane loan you money for the legal fees; just say you got a woodworking project and need some help.

Perhaps the moral of the story should be "don't deify flawed, human politicians with twenty-five years in the establishment despite what they say," not, "those nasty centrists finally showing their true colors."


Junior Member
Bernie: The enemy of minorities
Coming to a gaf-thread near you.
So you have nothing in response to Vermont's rampant incarceration disparity on Bernie's watch, except a wity two-liner? sick.

There needs to be a term for mansplainin' but for people telling minorities what's good for them, because I'm getting tired of people trying (and failing) to tell me how good Bernie is for me.


She ran a school into the ground and walked away with over $700,000 for herself and her family. People's livelihoods were affected. People lost jobs here and she personally gained from it.

Wait, how did he shit on the banks? The banks didn't lose anything here. The banks still got their money, the Sanders clan got their vig and the school and the student were the ones who got shat on.

Lol. After getting owned so many times - when shown you don't know a lot about american politics - again you post something dumb. I feel bad for you. sad.

This whole thing is ironic, but not in the way you said.

More in a "the guy who pretended to be less corrupt than his opponent ended up being investigated for fraud" type irony.

Oh, you guys thought I was defending Bernie here, Im not.

What I meant was, he's a scumbag here, if this is true.

Btw, Ive never gotten owned here, not that of what I remember.


Fail out bailed
he Democrats, on the other, hand have only six debates scheduled in this period and only one in weekday primetime so far. Two of those are with PBS and Univision, limited television networks with smaller reach. Left unchecked, the superior RNC schedule could easily reach 50 to 100 million more eyeballs than the current Democratic schedule

Kind of a side note, but I don't know what the bolded sentence is trying to say. I mean, PBS is free and almost everyone has it. Univision factors in pretty heavily with a voting block that mattered a lot this cycle.

If you wanna argue that the primaries were poorly planned as a strategy against the GOP that feels different than saying they were hidden. Public television is the opposite of hidden and it feels a little... let's say misguided... to call Univision hidden.


Eh, until there is actually a verdict I will treat this as seriously as "Benghazi" and "eamilsz!!!111" level of stupidity and tribalism.

It is funny however to see Clinton supporters espouse the same attitudes that was not so long ago launched against their candidate :)
You've missed the point entirely. Hillary's scandals, though largely baseless, elicited criticism from every corner, even from her own party. Conversely, we heard about Bernie's incorruptibility, his unimpeachable character, his freedom from the dirt that plagues those corporatist centrist Democrats. His fans drew a damn socialist halo around his head.

Whether this news results in any legal action matters not. Like Hillary, he now finds himself mired in scandal, but the reaction in some quarters couldn't be more different. Yes, some of us delight in the irony and exposure of hypocrisy. Sue us and have Jane loan you money for the legal fees; just say you got a woodworking project and need some help.

Perhaps the moral of the story should be "don't deify flawed, human politicians with twenty-five years in the establishment despite what they say," not, "those nasty centrists finally showing their true colors."

Thank you.

And if I could pass on some sage advice to all an everyone.

Don't believe a politician if they claim they aren't really a politician.


Fail out bailed
Eh, until there is actually a verdict I will treat this as seriously as "Benghazi" and "eamilsz!!!111" level of stupidity and tribalism.

It is funny however to see Clinton supporters espouse the same attitude that was not so long ago launched against their candidate :)
Eh, I don't think it tracks. There are like 0 Clinton supporters who wouldn't have voted for Sanders if he had won the primary. They don't "have a candidate" the way Sanders supporters do.

This is just internet snark cuz we put Bernie on a pedestal.
This is just internet snark cuz we put Bernie on a pedestal.

It's exactly that. Through the entire primary, he tried making himself out as being more honest and not corrupt and Hillary was both of those things and he's clean and great and whatever.

So I'm just finding this entire thing hilarious, because from the beginning I knew Sanders had some kind of history he was hiding. Especially when he got super defensive about his tax returns.
Eh, I don't think it tracks. There are like 0 Clinton supporters who wouldn't have voted for Sanders if he had won the primary. They don't "have a candidate" the way Sanders supporters do.

This is just internet snark.

Of course there was an above 0 number of Clinton supporters who would have sat out had Sanders won.

But that's by the by. Clinton and her supporters already showed what they would do when they failed to win a primary... and they set a bar that Sanders and his supporters didn't reach.

That's not to say that they didn't do a good job getting behind Clinton, but if we compare Clinton and her supporters getting behind Obama in 2008 and Sanders and his supporters getting behind Clinton in 2016... we all know who did the better job there.


Pizza, Bourbon, and Thanos
Of course there was an above 0 number of Clinton supporters who would have sat out had Sanders won.

But that's by the by. Clinton and her supporters already showed what they would do when they failed to win a primary... and they set a bar that Sanders and his supporters didn't reach.

That's not to say that they didn't do a good job getting behind Clinton, but if we compare Clinton and her supporters getting behind Obama in 2008 and Sanders and his supporters getting behind Clinton in 2016... we all know who did the better job there.

Sure, yeah... but... I mean, it was Obama...
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