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Bernie and Jane Sanders, under FBI investigation for bank fraud

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So you have nothing in response to Vermont's rampant incarceration disparity on Bernie's watch, except a wity two-liner? sick.

There needs to be a term for mansplainin' but for people telling minorities what's good for them, because I'm getting tired of people trying (and failing) to tell me how good Bernie is for me.
There needs to be a mansplaining-esque term for Hillary supporters whitewashing and gender-washing Bernie supporters as well.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Problem is some people still need to learn the lesson that there are consequences when seeking purity. So to me best outcome is everyone realizing politicians are liars and work to elect the one most likely to pass some progressive legislation rather than none.
This is where I stand too. Where I've always stood.

People who are more interested in politicians' charisma, personality, purity, etc. than the issues and their real contributions to progress piss me off, tbh. The result of ignoring evidence-based policies.

Whatever its going to take to get the Democrats to move to the left. Otherwise they should perish.

A neoliberal capitalist party that embraces meritocracy thru the lens of education attainment guided by a professional class ideology should be completely disavowed. It is totally alien to the majority of Americans, and indeed the vote for Trump was a rejection of what the Democrats hold so dear.

Time to stop being so complacent when it comes to issues of inequality.

Democrats have helped? Go back to the Clinton years, he blew it on one of the worst trade deals ever with NAFTA and practically ended welfare. He did more damage than Reagan could have ever dreamed of.

And Obama? The man was gifted the biggest opportunity in this century to change the course of this country with what to do with the recovery, and he totally wasted it. He had most of the country on his side to send the banks to the woodshed but he ended up saving them.

Arguably the most disappointing president in my lifetime. Obamacare was shit too. His entire "legacy" is a total joke, look how easy it is for Trump to shit all over it. The man was worthless.
See, this is complete insanity. Denial of facts, denial of reality, just pure ideology for its own sake. Sure, we might want the same things, but you aren't interested in the reality of things and what is necessary to accomplish them. Meh.

She ran a school into the ground and walked away with over $700,000 for herself and her family. People's livelihoods were affected. People lost jobs here and she personally gained from it.
Wait, is this true? Citation needed? From what I gathered, the financial issues were caused by negligence and miscalculations (she was too ambitious in wanting to expand that school and fell short), rather than malicious greed in some weird scheme to enrich herself.

What I am reading though is that the plot of land she bought was sold by a Roman Catholic Diocese who was looking to sell because they needed to cash to make up for the millions of dollars in sexual abuse lawsuits they had been settling. Urgh, everything about this stinks.


Of course there was an above 0 number of Clinton supporters who would have sat out had Sanders won.

But that's by the by. Clinton and her supporters already showed what they would do when they failed to win a primary... and they set a bar that Sanders and his supporters didn't reach.

That's not to say that they didn't do a good job getting behind Clinton, but if we compare Clinton and her supporters getting behind Obama in 2008 and Sanders and his supporters getting behind Clinton in 2016... we all know who did the better job there.

Statistics regarding voting intentions showed that Sanders voters were more likely to vote for Clinton in the 2016 presidential than Clinton voters for Obama back in 2008.

Fuck the mainstream media too.

You mean cable news.

Wapo and NYT didn't cause this shit.
Wait, is this true? Citation needed? From what I gathered, the financial issues were caused by negligence and miscalculations (she was too ambitious in wanting to expand that school and fell short), rather than malicious greed in some weird scheme to enrich herself.

What I am reading though is that the plot of land she bought was sold by a Roman Catholic Diocese who was looking to sell because they needed to cash to make up for the millions of dollars in sexual abuse lawsuits they had been settling. Urgh, everything about this stinks.

She diverted tons of school resources to her daughter's fledgling business.

Last year, Politico described Burlington College as catering to “nontraditional students, such as veterans and adults. It grew from its original 14 students to about 200 in recent years, finding appeal with its small student-to-faculty ratio and degrees in unusual fields including woodworking.” Yet, when Jane Sanders first arrived at Burlington College in 2004 no degree program in woodworking existed. It isn’t until 2009 that public tax records show Burlington College paying Vermont Woodworking School $56,474 for materials, charges and lease of bench space based on student enrollment reflecting what appears to be the beginning of the College’s woodworking program. The college was forced to report this expenditure as it related to a relationship between an interested party (Jane Sander’s daughter, Carina Driscoll) and Burlington College. Over the next four years, funds to VT Woodworking School increased considerably from this original amount to $133,134 in 2010; $138,571 in 2011; and, $182,741 in 2012 (the last year program expenses are reported in the tax filings).

Despite scattered reporting on this story, Jane Sanders has never been asked to explain why Burlington College suddenly needed to start a woodworking program in 2009 - the very same year the VT Woodworking School expanded to its current site in Fairfax, VT taking on considerable expense of a new building and needing to find students to fill its cavernous 15,000 square-foot space. Nor has anyone asked if the College did what would normally be required in this process by creating a Request For Proposal (RFP) to solicit bids in order to guarantee that the process was fair and open to other entities competing for this business. This appears not to be the case given that the College was also funding another program at the same time (as reported in the College’s tax returns) that directly benefited the children of Jonathan Leopold, a board member.

It's some self-dealing bullshit. Combine the over $500,000 to her daughter with the $200,000 golden parachute she received and Sanders is up almost a quarter mil. The rich get richer and the poor are the ones left holding the bag.

I'm sure Jane Sanders thought she was doing the right thing. I'm sure she thought that bending the rules to start a school was morally justifiable. I'm sure she thought it was fine to help her daughter out. But privilege without self-awareness is dangerous, no matter who is involved. I think Sanders saw herself as the scrappy underdog, not the wealthy person abusing their position to enrich themselves at the cost of others. That's why this galls me so much.
You've missed the point entirely. Hillary's scandals, though largely baseless, elicited criticism from every corner, even from her own party. Conversely, we heard about Bernie's incorruptibility, his unimpeachable character, his freedom from the dirt that plagues those corporatist centrist Democrats. His fans drew a damn socialist halo around his head.

Whether this news results in any legal action matters not. Like Hillary, he now finds himself mired in scandal, but the reaction in some quarters couldn't be more different. Yes, some of us delight in the irony and exposure of hypocrisy. Sue us and have Jane loan you money for the legal fees; just say you got a woodworking project and need some help.

Perhaps the moral of the story should be "don't deify flawed, human politicians with twenty-five years in the establishment despite what they say," not, "those nasty centrists finally showing their true colors."

Bwahahaha. You're going to lecture Berngaf about deifying politicians? In a neogaf politics thread, surrounded shameless Hilgaf members? The same ones spamming "Yasss Queen" throughout the entire election season. People who when told of the potential problems with Hillary made up excuses and cried double standards when those exact problems ended up costing her the election. Who even after two time loser Hillary lost to clown Trump despite having an unheard of amount of advantages in a recent presidential election, are still carrying water for their queen months after just as you are right now. You seem to have as much self-awareness as an inbred puppy barking at a mirror. If anyone is cynical about politicians and politics, it's Bernie voters. If you think we consider Bernie the ideal candidate than you're seriously mistaken.


This news saddens me because I feel this will damage what Bernie has achieved. Say what you will about the man, but he did shed some light on the progressive movement and call out corporate influences in US politics. This is Harvey Dent situation...
Of course there was an above 0 number of Clinton supporters who would have sat out had Sanders won.

But that's by the by. Clinton and her supporters already showed what they would do when they failed to win a primary... and they set a bar that Sanders and his supporters didn't reach.

That's not to say that they didn't do a good job getting behind Clinton, but if we compare Clinton and her supporters getting behind Obama in 2008 and Sanders and his supporters getting behind Clinton in 2016... we all know who did the better job there.

Excuse but no. Clinton supporters in 2008 were way, waaaay worse than Bernie or Busters.

I mean, enlight yourself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_United_Means_Action


Just curious if there's something here you disagree with?

What I remember from the primary is Bernie allowing BLM protesters to literally take the podium from him, and Hillary having a protester escorted out of the room when she was called out for her "superpredator" bullshit.

White washing history again, Jaywalking Mike pushed that bullshit.

Listen to Marissa Jenae Johnson, one of the women that did it.

When they got on stage both times he wondered off.

Putting up a webpage is one thing, actually talking to folks is another.


To be fair this was during the southern part of the primary, the part where Bernie optted out
Just curious if there's something here you disagree with?

What I remember from the primary is Bernie allowing BLM protesters to literally take the podium from him, and Hillary having a protester escorted out of the room when she was called out for her "superpredator" bullshit.
Neogaf and similar places somehow manipulated that to be a negative for Bernie and continued to trumpet it as a reason he was terrible for minorites.
This is where I stand too. Where I've always stood.

People who are more interested in politicians' charisma, personality, purity, etc. than the issues and their real contributions to progress piss me off, tbh. The result of ignoring evidence-based policies.

Yup. Sadly that's the reality in America and really most countries in general. Most voters with relatively nothing to lose in regards to election outcomes only superficially care about policies. Many of them care more about the personality behind the policies. That good ol reactionary approach to shit basically everything instead of being preemptive (shout outs to healthcare, education costs, infrastructure, equal rights). I'm not sure if it's a societal thing or some human condition but shit sucks. It's exactly the reason why we saw many people get excited/sad when Joe Biden said wanted to run but was told not to.

Biden is unarguably to the right of either Bernie or Hillary (and Obama) in pretty much most areas but many people really wanted him cause he was loveable "Uncle Joe!"

But I'm sleep.

Why do people always skip over that?

Not only that, but called them stupid

Bernie and Hillary are way more alike than they are different.
I voted for him and definitely would be disappointed if this ends up going somewhere, but would have no choice but to accept it. This is exactly why I unabashedly voted for Hillary and was saddened by any "Bernie supporter" demonizing her; in the shitshow of politics you have to vote for the potential legislation and not whatever facade each of these people puts up. There's no reason to expect your politician of choice is the angel you want them to be.
We're never gonna stop relitigating the 2016 primary, are we

Nope because folks can't let it go. You can tell for them it's their first "loss" in life in general so they're harboring some pointless animosity. Like yea ya didn't get your hero, suck it up and go at it again next election. Some of us have NEVER gotten a politician who we felt was really for us and our causes but we persist and work with what we got because we know by first hand experience that yes, shit can always be worse.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Looks like this should be the sort of issue that is fairly easy to resolve. There's only so many documents involved in the 2010 application and they either were or weren't misleading. I hope that the just conclusion is reached, and that doing so isn't a tediously drawn out affair.
I always loved the "the south always goes republican" argument for how hypocritical it was

"Black voters voting against their best interest just like white republican voters for the same reasons too!!"

Them dog whistles were pretty loud. The amount of times some variation of that argument was thrown around all I could do was type "please go on" so I didn't catch a ban.


"Black voters voting against their best interest just like white republican voters for the same reasons too!!"

Them dog whistles were pretty loud. The amount of times some variation of that argument was thrown around all I could do was type "please go on" so I didn't catch a ban.

Did they ever realized how much they sounded like Republicans to black people saying shit like that?
Did they ever realized how much they sounded like Republicans to black people saying shit like that?

I'm sure the difference is they REALLY knew what was best for black folks, while Republicans didn't, and if they (black folks) couldn't tell the difference then that's on them for being obtuse.

It's not the message that's wrong, it's the listener that's the issue!


I'm sure the difference is they REALLY knew what was best for black folks, while Republicans didn't, and if they (black folks) couldn't tell the difference then that's on them for being obtuse.

It's not the message that's wrong, it's the listener that's the issue!

Black people just need to get off the plantation
Black people just need to get off the plantation

Yup, gotta stop waiting for something to happen and get out there and vote for things to happen. MLK, Rosa, Tubman!

Times like this I our country's approach was more like Australia instead of this FPTP shit. We could have our different liberal factions who focus on different things and they all get governmental representation. We could have our "purity" liberals, our "there is no racism, it's classism" liberal, and our "let's make minorities/PoC issues our main focus" liberals.

But alas, we don't. So we're stuck with this umbrella nonsense in which the most marginalized groups are expected to do the most work and get the most blame when things go wrong, which I guess you can argue is a tradition that's as old as the country itself really.
"Black voters voting against their best interest just like white republican voters for the same reasons too!!"

Them dog whistles were pretty loud. The amount of times some variation of that argument was thrown around all I could do was type "please go on" so I didn't catch a ban.
Why does this have to be a dog-whistle?
Plenty of predominantly black communities I frequent across the web and black speakers across the web and fellow black people I know were saying similar things and actual articles/videos I watched throughout the election showed similar phenomenon, just like Bernie had an excess of ignorant and low- information white and non-white voters latching onto him because of non-policy specific reasons (which people on this site had no problem railing against), black-gaf doesn't represent the full black experience across the election, a lot of this supposedly sole white rhetoric or "dog whistles" I didn't see as that until I started frequenting discussions here to see the other perspective.

And I know damn well that I didn't see the Hillary-dems as being anymore race concious or sensitive than the race-ignorant Bernie Sanders supporters I had to set straight or dealt with, despite this sites attempts to paint their side as the clearly intersectional/accepting group.

Hell I remember the vitrolic rhetoric this site and other places threw at any minority Bernie Sanders surrogates from Nina Turner to Killer Mike and how they essentially tried to paint them as "token puppets" or whatever while fawning over Hill's.

It certainly wasn't perfect.
She diverted tons of school resources to her daughter's fledgling business.

It's some self-dealing bullshit. Combine the over $500,000 to her daughter with the $200,000 golden parachute she received and Sanders is up almost a quarter mil. The rich get richer and the poor are the ones left holding the bag.

I'm sure Jane Sanders thought she was doing the right thing. I'm sure she thought that bending the rules to start a school was morally justifiable. I'm sure she thought it was fine to help her daughter out. But privilege without self-awareness is dangerous, no matter who is involved. I think Sanders saw herself as the scrappy underdog, not the wealthy person abusing their position to enrich themselves at the cost of others. That's why this galls me so much.
Gross. Influence peddling, self dealing, greedy hypocrites


Why does this have to be a dog-whistle?
Plenty of predominantly black communities I frequent across the web and black speakers across the web and fellow black people I know were saying similar things and actual articles/videos I watched throughout the election showed similar phenomenon, just like Bernie had an excess of ignorant and low- information white and non-white voters latching onto him because of non-policy specific reasons (which people on this site had no problem railing against), black-gaf doesn't represent the full black experience across the election, a lot of this supposedly sole white rhetoric or "dog whistles" I didn't see as that until I started frequenting discussions here to see the other perspective.

And I know damn well that I didn't see the Hillary-dems as being anymore race concious or sensitive than the race-ignorant Bernie Sanders supporters I had to set straight or dealt with, despite this sites attempts to paint their side as the clearly intersectional/accepting group.

Hell I remember the vitrolic rhetoric this site and other places threw at any minority Bernie Sanders surrogates from Nina Turner to Killer Mike and how they essentially tried to paint them as "token puppets" or whatever while fawning over Hill's.

It certainly wasn't perfect.

Is Umar Johnson and Yada some of them?
White washing history again, Jaywalking Mike pushed that bullshit.

Listen to Marissa Jenae Johnson, one of the women that did it.

When they got on stage both times he wondered off.

Why would anyone need to watch that video when there is video of the event on youtube of him standing there while they're speaking?

Putting up a webpage is one thing, actually talking to folks is another.


There are pictures of a politician with people who like her? What a rare moment caught on camera? How lucky is that photographer?

To be fair this was during the southern part of the primary, the part where Bernie optted out

Oh this tired old canard again. Yawn. Keep lying and stay mad.
Is Umar Johnson and Yada some of them?
I have a strong dislike for Umar Johnson and similar types so no, though yes I'd say "hoteps" were far more open to Bernie largely.
Just general black perspectives from relatively normal folks just like people here.


Why would anyone need to watch that video when there is video of the event on youtube of him standing there while they're speaking?

There are pictures of a politician with people who like her? What a rare moment caught on camera? How lucky is that photographer?

Oh this tired old canard again. Yawn. Keep lying and stay mad.

You seem like the angry one, and the fact you don't know who those women are shows your ignorance on black issues. Bernie that you?
You seem like the angry one, and the fact you don't know who those women are shows your ignorance on black issues. Bernie that you?

My ignorance, huh? You mean when I quoted your post and read the image link the description was wrong?


How do you even know I don't know them? Assuming much? You seem to do that a lot.

If someone didn't recognize them it doesn't mean someone is ignorant on black issues. What a ridiculous conclusion. So if I showed you faces of everyone important in the Civil Rights movement you would recognize them all and tell me their names? I seriously doubt that. And if you can't are you ignorant on black issues?
Hillary didn't take him seriously because the DNC hid the primary by appointing very few debates. The few debates that they scheduled were placed at times where they would be watched by as few people as possible.

Would you say that Clinton getting questions by DNC operatives ahead of debates is "kid gloves".

Same kid gloves that didn't look into the security of the DNC and blamed Bernie's campaign for hacking? Bernie's campaign had alerted the DNC about the vulnerabilities in the DNC database months before the alleged "hack" his campaign has carried out

The kid gloves where there was a narrative of the Bernie Bro, and that Democrats would go on national TV pushing that narrative even calling him "sexist" for a comment at a debate about "shouting"

Or how about when the Clinton campaign used Sandy Hook to blame Sanders for his pro-gun voting record in Vermont, was that also kid gloves?

How about her attack ads in Michigan that he didn't want to bailout car industry because he didn't vote for the Wall Street bailout?

Perhaps the kid gloves where when she tried to attack him for not standing next to her when she was trying to push Hillary Care?
Perhaps the kid gloves were when Clinton mouthpieces Delores Heurta and David Brock were all over CNN saying outright lies like Bernie Sanders lead an "English only" chant during the Nevada Primary, and that Bernie supporters "Threatened people with chairs and guns during the Nevada Primary. "

Kids gloves. If I recall, Heurta was promoted after her lie tour on CNN by the Clinton campaign. Probably because of it.


My ignorance, huh? You mean when I quoted your post and read the image link the description was wrong?

How do you even know I don't know them? Assuming much? You seem to do that a lot.

If someone didn't recognize them it doesn't mean someone is ignorant on black issues. What a ridiculous conclusion. So if I showed you faces of everyone important in the Civil Rights movement you would recognize them all and tell me their names? I seriously doubt that. And if you can't are you ignorant on black issues?

There are pictures of a politician with people who like her? What a rare moment caught on camera? How lucky is that photographer?

Either you don't know or you were just downplaying who and what they are. I decided to err on the side of ignorance instead of maliciousness. Was i wrong?
Why does this have to be a dog-whistle?
Plenty of predominantly black communities I frequent across the web and black speakers across the web and fellow black people I know were saying similar things and actual articles/videos I watched throughout the election showed similar phenomenon, just like Bernie had an excess of ignorant and low- information white and non-white voters latching onto him because of non-policy specific reasons (which people on this site had no problem railing against), black-gaf doesn't represent the full black experience across the election, a lot of this supposedly sole white rhetoric or "dog whistles" I didn't see as that until I started frequenting discussions here to see the other perspective.

And I know damn well that I didn't see the Hillary-dems as being anymore race concious or sensitive than the race-ignorant Bernie Sanders supporters I had to set straight or dealt with, despite this sites attempts to paint their side as the clearly intersectional/accepting group.

Hell I remember the vitrolic rhetoric this site and other places threw at any minority Bernie Sanders surrogates from Nina Turner to Killer Mike and how they essentially tried to paint them as "token puppets" or whatever while fawning over Hill's.

It certainly wasn't perfect.

Because black voters don't make votes based on fucking over white folks. We quite literally don't give a fuck about white folks especially not enough to vote to systematically destroy them. We don't give a fuck about them to destroy what little of what we have just to "stick it to them" White America quite literally isn't in our purview when we vote. We vote for at the very least to prevent things from getting worse for us, and with the hope that shit will get better for not just us but our kids. The irrational hatred of black folks on the other hand are the reason for many white republicans voting patterns (study after fucking study, after fucking study show this but America keeps denying it).

People roasted Killer Mike because he was trying to convince black folks that fixing economic issues would fix racial issues. People started roasting Killer Mike because we were tired of him being summoned much like MLK as a pokemon to beat black folks over the head. Killer Mike don't represent black people anymore than Justin Bieber represents white folks, but time and time again. Every time white folks get even one black person who agrees with them that person is suddenly President of Negroes and his voice is our will and he/she is trumpeted out at every opportunity.

Hillary took a different approach, she got celebrities sure but she didn't get them specifically to speak to black folks. She brought out Lebron to a damn white Ohio crowd. She brought out Jay Z to a predominately white crowd. When she wanted to speak with black folks, she held smaller venues and had people from the communities speak out. When she decided to speak on policy brutality you know who she brought to let them speak? Mothers of men/women/children who were killed by police. Not a rapper, or black actor. Actual people in the community who were directly affected.

When you compare and contrast yes Killer Mike looks like a prop, an item on a checkbox. Imagine if a politician was talking to you about heroin issues affecting your community and they brought out Katy Perry to speak to those affected because hey she's white, you're white, she's well known by people who share the same skintone, good enough!

Bernie should have completely stole Hillary's entire approach and amplified it to make Hillary look like she didn't give a single fuck. It also helped that the people in charge of Hillary's outreach to the black community were black women not single woman, black women. Who better to do that? You know who made the Killer Mike decision? A white guy, I'm sure he means well but at the end of the day his intimacy with the black community can be narrowed down to watching "12 Years A Slave" a handful of times, reading a few snippets of some MLK speeches, and hanging out with some black dudes in college.

Bernie also should have taken his ass to the South, as others have pointed out he made the EXACT same mistake as Hillary did in the midwest, much like everyone loves say when it comes to the midwest "why should they vote for her when she didn't even take the time to go there." The same question should be asked about Bernie. When in the fuck should the black community vote for Bernie when he couldn't even be assed to show up versus Hillary who not only showed up but went directly to the black community and asked and listened to their issues directly not via some rich proxy?

Honestly the shit ain't hard, you want people to believe you're for them? Show up and prove to them you are. Having some celebrity who shares their skintone and having marched with MLK in the 60s isn't enough. You gotta grind for that shit, it ain't gonna be handed to you. If you face an opponent with and advantage you don't go "whelp fuck'em" you grind even harder.

Black people in this country don't owe a single white person breathing or otherwise a damn thing. Bernie wasn't owed their vote because he had some black celebrities. For as trash as I think Hillary is, I'm definitely not going to sit here and suggest that Bernie should have gotten the black vote over her when she did WAY more work for the black vote, doubly so given her super predator/crime bill bullshit. And on that subject at least she apologized for that shit. Bernie cosigned on that same damn bill then fucking double downed on it on some "single voter issue" type shit. Like "sure it fucked over millions of black folks, but that assault ban tho!"

So no, black voters and white republican voters aren't anything alike.
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